Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: 12-pin star palace lotus stand

Li Changsheng didn't waste any time. After confirming that the secret realm would not be negatively affected, he directly summoned the two-legged golden crow and the four-clawed yellow dragon, took out the lava source and the heavy water source that had not been covered in his hands, and gave them to absorb.

When the two demon pets were absorbed, Li Changsheng was not idle either. With a thought, the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness and fell in front of Li Changsheng.

To upgrade to the twelfth-rank star palace lotus platform, twenty world powers, high-grade star cores, and innate five elements are needed.

Although there are more than twenty world powers, in this period of time, the gate of light and darkness has long been purifying enough world power.

Li Changsheng took out five bottles, which contained the gas of Innate Gengjin, the gas of Yimu, the gas of Binghuo, the gas of sunflower water, and the gas of innate Wutu. They are also the main advanced resources of Xinggong lotus platform.

In addition, there is a high-grade star core.

It was late at night, and Li Changsheng stretched out his hand a little, and the lotus platform of the 11th-Rank Star Palace suddenly began to spin.

The next moment, the ancient stars of Zhou Tian in the night sky flickered slightly, resonating with the lotus platform of the eleventh-grade star palace, and 365 pillars of starlight fell and landed on the corresponding petals.

In an instant, the originally closed buds of the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform began to bloom, and the volume became even larger to the extreme, turning into a huge lotus platform with a radius of one thousand meters.

When the flower bud bloomed completely, under the control of Li Changsheng, 20 world powers and the top-grade star core accurately fell into the flower bud.

When the buds closed, Li Changsheng opened five bottles.

Under the control of his mind, the air of Innate Yimu fell on the east of the lotus platform, the air of Innate Binghuo fell on the south of the lotus platform, the air of Innate Gengjin fell on the west of the lotus, and the air of innate sunflower water fell on the north of the lotus platform. The air of the earth falls on the buds.

When the innate energy of the five elements merged into the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform, five light clusters of different colors were surging in the five directions of the lotus platform.

Suddenly, the five light groups burst open, and the Azure Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu and Qilin appeared one after another.

For a while, some ancient stars in the sky flickered more and more intensely.

In the next moment, the five starlight pillars that matched the five spirits fell and were instantly swallowed by the five spirits.

In the blink of an eye, the five spirits skyrocketed at a rather exaggerated speed, and finally shot out a brilliance from their bodies. Using the principle of the five elements' mutual generation, the five spirits were completely connected together. The power skyrocketed, and immediately fell together, and instantly merged into the eleven. Pinxing Palace Lotus Terrace.

With the return of the five spirits, the brilliance of the lotus platform of the eleventh star palace skyrocketed, releasing strong starlight, and different star images appeared on the translucent lotus petals.

During this process, the flower buds begin to shrink one by one, like a beating heart, each time they expand and contract, their volume will increase by one point.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng threw out 365 star pans from the star emperor, which landed in different directions, and instantly resonated with the 365 star palaces in the star palace.

In addition, there are also the sun, moon and stars map and the central token of the star palace.

Under the combined force of the three, within a few breaths, 365 points of light floated down from the star palace, and landed on each petal of the star palace lotus platform, making the patterns on the petals come alive, as if from The petals jump out in general.

Until this time, all preparations have been completed, and the next step is the process of waiting.

This time, Li Changsheng didn't break any treasures containing the power of starlight. He used Zhoutian stars to ban the formation, and naturally he did not lack the power of starlight.

As for why the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Ban Array was used, it was mainly to improve the quality of the Star Palace Lotus Platform after the advancement.

Well, these are hints from the inheritance of the star emperor.

Li Changsheng's mental power has always been locked in to the changes in the Lotus Terrace of the Star Palace. Judging from the feedback of the mental power, the energy fluctuations representing the Lotus Terrace of the Star Palace have been rising rapidly.

Soon, some petals of the lotus flower stand began to spontaneously expand outward, making the whole lotus stand bigger and bigger.

In this process, the energy fluctuations of the Lotus Terrace of the Star Palace smoothly crossed the middle rank Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, entered the high rank Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, and continued to climb.

After more than half an hour passed, the Xinggong lotus platform finally stopped changing and successfully advanced to the twelfth-rank Xinggong lotus platform. Its energy fluctuation was still at the high-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, but it was not far from the highest-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure.

Compared with before, the connection between the Lotus Terrace of the Twelfth-Rank Star Palace and the ancient stars is not to mention the protection ability, and the image of the five spirits is added on it.

After the lotus platform of the 12th-Rank Star Palace ceased to change, purple gas suddenly appeared from the horizon, continuously integrated into the lotus platform of the 12th-Rank Star Palace, and disappeared.

During the process of the purple qi blending, the energy fluctuations of the 12th-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform did not change, the only change was more mysterious than before.

Twelfth-Rank Star Palace Lotus Terrace: The highest-grade Langhuan treasure, the most defensive treasure, has the ability to imprison the star palace and return the five spirits.

Li Changsheng tried the ability of the five spirits to return, and found that all the five spirits were summoned in energy form. Naturally, their strength could not be compared with the real five spirits, but they could temporarily seal strong enemies. The effect is better if it is performed on a starry night.

From the point of view of defensive power, even though the rank of the Lotus Stage of the 12th-Rank Star Palace is inferior to the Hetu Luoshu and the Sun Moon Star Chart, its protective ability is actually stronger by three points.

After the test, the lotus platform of the 12th-Rank Star Palace turned into a brilliance, and the Yintang acupoint shot into Li Changsheng disappeared.

At this time, Li Changsheng looked at the two-legged golden crow and the four-clawed yellow dragon.

The two demon pets have naturally digested They have successfully reached the half-step legendary quality, and their strength is much stronger than before.

Li Changsheng felt the entire secret realm again. In a short period of time, the area of ​​the secret realm was expanded by half, and the effect was quite amazing. Perhaps when the change is over, his secret realm may reach a radius of 100,000 miles.

In the process of waiting, Li Changsheng used the top grade Jiuqiao Miluo Stone to easily advance to the Jiuqiao Ding Yuanzhu, and successfully reached the Zifu rare treasure level.

Li Changsheng tried it for a while, and the capacity of the Jiuqiao Ding Yuanzhu of the Purple Mansion's Treasure Grade was several times that of before, and the effect was amazing.

With Li Changsheng's current mental power, it would take at least two or three times to completely fill the Jiuqiao Ding Yuanzhu, which means that the Jiuqiao Ding Yuanzhu can restore Li Changsheng's mental power at one time, and more than once.

To put it simply, possessing the top-grade nine-aperture Ding Yuanzhu, to a certain extent, the total amount of spiritual power of Li Changsheng is probably not inferior to the emperor, and it is also a bit inferior in quality.

Sitting on the ground, Li Changsheng began to digest the Star Emperor's inheritance, and followed him to find the Star Emperor's secret realm coordinates and even the demon pet's whereabouts.

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