Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: Star Emperor Secret Realm

Note: Thanks to the book friend for your correction. I forgot to modify the information of the four-clawed yellow dragon in the document. In view of this, the protagonist gave the source of water and the six moon soul star-recovering pills to the four-clawed yellow dragon for absorption, so that the four-clawed yellow dragon can successfully reach the legend. Quality, by the way, get rid of pseudo-characters, and become a real monster emperor class monster pet.

The inheritance of the Star Emperor is not unabundant, and the various top-level knowledge can be described as everything, even if all the inheritances such as the Yum King and the King of Universe obtained by Li Changsheng are added together, it is less than half of the Star Emperor.

As long as he thoroughly digests the inheritance of the star emperor, Li Changsheng will no longer have defects in the foundation, and will surpass the ordinary emperors.

However, if you want to digest it completely, I am afraid that it will take a while. The most urgent task is to find the Star Emperor secret realm and his demon pet's whereabouts as the most important thing.

Soon, Li Changsheng opened his eyes, and he found what he needed.

In that backstab, the Star Emperor was not only on the verge of death, but the secret realm was also affected, and was torn apart.

However, the best part is still kept.

After leaving the inheritance, the Star Emperor used the secret method to hide the secret realm in a different space. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and I don't know whether it will be ascended first.

As for the whereabouts of the star emperor’s demon pets, the star emperor’s demon pets are on the verge of falling. There are very few demon pets left. After so many years, the demon pets that have not reached the level of the demon emperor will definitely end their lives, just like the human emperor. Emperor-level demon pet.

The Demon Emperor-level demon pets are different. The Demon Emperor-level demon pets that master the power of the great path can be said to be the darlings of heaven and earth. They can live the same life as the heavens and the earth. Spotlight.

It is a pity that one of the demon emperor-level demon pets of the star emperor is the natal demon pet, and with the fall of the star emperor, it may be difficult to escape the fate of falling.

But the other Demon Emperor-level demon pet was put into the lower realm by the star emperor before he died and was missing.

After Li Changsheng learned that this was a Demon Emperor-level Kui Niu, his heart moved, because in today's world of fairies, there happened to be a Demon Emperor-level Kui Niu.

Kui Niu, also known as Lei Beast, is shaped like an ox, one foot, no horns on its head, blue and blue, and there must be wind and rain when entering the water, and the roar is like thunder, accompanied by the sun and moon.

If feasible, Li Changsheng may be able to persuade Kuiniu to use it for himself.

After leaving the secret realm, Li Changsheng transformed into the body of the emperor river, broke through the space, shuttled through the radiant dimensional space, and rushed towards the coordinates of the star emperor secret realm.

There are many crises in the dimension space, and ordinary kings and even double-word kings will be extremely vigilant, but for Li Changsheng, this is not a matter.


Suddenly, a star-like beast roared like a mountain. It spotted Li Changsheng. Following its instinct, it raised a huge slap and was about to wave towards Li Changsheng.


However, at this moment, a larger beast appeared in front of the star beast, completely ignoring the attack of the star beast, and the hideous giant claws grabbed the star beast's chest.


The movement of the star beast stopped instantly, looking at the giant claws piercing its chest in disbelief.

Ah Dui drew its giant claws, grabbed a beating heart, threw it into his mouth and bit it, blood spattered, chewed and swallowed it at random, it licked the corner of its mouth, revealing bloodthirsty eyes.


This is the true thought in Dumb's heart.

Li Changsheng took back Ah Du, and continued to shuttle quickly in the dimension space.

Not long after, Li Changsheng stopped. He looked ahead. There was nothing in front of him, but he seemed to be looking at something.


Hetu Luoshu appeared above Li Changsheng's head, turned into a slowly rotating gossip figure, and fell into the void not far away.


The void trembled, and waves of ripples spread rapidly in the void, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed that something had been broken.

In an instant, the emptiness was flourishing, and a continent suddenly appeared.

This is the secret realm hidden by the star emperor in the dimensional space, but the area is not very large, and it has not reached the level of the cave at all.

In addition to the serious damage to the secret realm that year, it is also related to the fact that it has not been taken care of for so many years, causing the secret realm to shrink continuously until it shrinks to the point where it can be maintained.

In terms of area, the Star Emperor Secret Realm still has a radius of more than 30,000 miles.

Li Changsheng broke through the secret barrier easily, his eyes were filled with strange light, overlooking the secret realm below.

Li Changsheng looked at it for a while, then flew towards the first target.

After a few breaths, Li Changsheng was suspended above a mountain.

He pointed at it casually, a wave of ripples spread wildly, countless dust drifted in all directions, and the ‘big mountain’ in front of him shrank rapidly.

When the dust dissipated, the mountains in front of him had disappeared, revealing a corpse.

There are a total of four corpses, three large and one small, three of which are the demon pets that the Star Emperor survived that year, and the last one is the natal demon pet.

Thousands of years have passed, and these three surviving Demon Emperor-level demon pets have spent the rest of their lives in the secret realm, and finally died.

The demon pets of the Star Emperor are basically all sacred beasts, and the three surviving ones are Tianma, Ancestral Silver Dragon and Six-eared Macaque.

Needless to say, the natal demon pet can only be buried when the star emperor falls.

However, as a demon king-level demon pet, even after so many years, its body is still well preserved, and it looks like it has just died.

This is a white tiger lying on the ground. The tiger's eyes are angrily open, and the look is abnormal, just looking up at the sky.

That's right, the star emperor's natal demon pet is exactly a white tiger.

I have to say, this is a coincidence.

But with this complete white tiger corpse, Ashe's white tiger bloodline can go further.

In addition to the four corpses, there are naturally treasures they carry.

Among them, there are two artifacts, and the rest are all top Wood artifacts, increase the power of wood skills by ten percent, and activate the natural domain after wearing them, and greatly improve Healing, entanglement and restraint effects.

Jinyao Cloud Pattern Sword: A gold artifact that increases the power of gold skills by ten percent. After wearing it, it can activate the Jinyao domain and greatly improve the effect of breaking defense, penetration and sharpness.

Among them, Li Changsheng handed the Cuiyun Peak to Kailan to carry, and the Jinyao Cloud Pattern Sword was finally given to Ashe to increase its lethality, but the speed was inevitably weakened.

This is nothing but a matter of choice. Originally, Li Changsheng wanted to give it to Duan. However, the defensive, penetrating and sharp effects of the Jinyao Cloud Pattern Sword were of little use to Duan, and the effect was not even as good as having him wear a suitable half. Artifact.

There were six top semi-artifacts left, all of which reached a 90% increase. Li Changsheng replaced two of them, and all the others were given to Ning Bizhen.

Soon, Li Changsheng collected the four corpses and prepared to refine them after returning.

Waiting for the next moment, Li Changsheng appeared in front of the second target, a giant tree thousands of meters high in front of him.

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