Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: Grey cat

"Reckless forest!"

Li Changsheng stared for a long while, and finally determined the approximate position of the cat.

As for the specific position, when you enter the wild forest, you can use the water blue cat consciousness to guide you.

Reckless Forest is also a big power. There are two monster emperor level monsters and more than ten monster emperor level monsters. Except for the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe, they can definitely be ranked in the forefront of the wild power.

Geographically, the wild forest is located at the junction of the western region, the central region and the southwest region.

Among them, the area in the western region is the largest, and the other two regions can't add up.

In terms of area. The wild forest is not inferior to the monopoly mountains, but the resources are more abundant.

It is such a force that no one can despise.

This time, Li Changsheng didn't notify anyone. After all, his goal was not the wild forest, but the ten gray cats. It was troublesome if there were too many people.

The most important thing is that even if he is accidentally discovered by the Lord of the Wild Forest, he has enough confidence to face it.

Taking advantage of the teleportation array, Li Changsheng, who changed his outfit, instantly came to a border city in the southwest region, which was also the city closest to the wild forest.

Before the guards guarding the teleportation formation could react, Li Changsheng's figure suddenly disappeared. He appeared outside the city for an instant, and then turned into a rainbow from the fire, flying towards the wild forest at an astonishing speed.

Even if he didn't transform into the Three-legged Golden Crow, Li Changsheng could still use Lihuo Changhong, but his speed was not as good as the Three-legged Golden Crow, but it was also very fast.

Time waits for no one. The sixth sense of Cangmao is too amazing. At this time, he may already feel bad, maybe he is preparing to move.

Just as Li Changsheng guessed, as Li Changsheng quickly approached, the ten grey cats became more and more disturbed.

"Meow, this premonition of anxiety is getting stronger and stronger. There must be an extremely dangerous existence that has locked us in."

In the unknown underground lair, Guangming Cangmao's eyes fell on Li Changsheng's approximate position, and his powerful sixth sense gave it the ability to perceive the enemy's position.

"I feel a bad feeling!"

The aqua blue cat frowned, and its reaction was much stronger than the other nine cats. It could feel that the strand of consciousness it had lost before was approaching here at an extremely fast speed.

I'm afraid it won't take long before they reach their lair.

"There is another spoiler who wants to kill a cat, orange cat, why are you lying on your stomach."

The Thunder Goblin has a violent temper. When he sees the Earth Goblin lying lazily on the ground, he can't wait to give him a thunderbolt.

Earth Cangmao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Thunder Cangmao, deliberately stretched his waist, and said, "No way, this is underground. You can't escape as fast as I am. If you want to catch you, you must first catch you."

Thunder Cangmao's mouth moved, unable to find any rebuttal.

From the point of view of speed, the thunder cat is faster than the earth cat, but in the underground environment, no one can compare to the earth cat with earth walk and earth escape.

In this kind of environment, the advantages of the gray cat can be said to be magnified to the extreme.

"It's getting closer, and it's expected to arrive in a minute or two."

"No matter, let's go!"

The ten grey cats immediately left the underground nest and arrived on the ground almost in the blink of an eye.

However, at this moment, the aqua blue cat's expression changed, and he exclaimed: "No, his speed is much faster!"

On the other side, as soon as Li Changsheng entered the outskirts of the wild forest, Hetu Luoshu relied on the consciousness of the water blue cats and immediately pointed to the direction where the ten cats were.

Li Changsheng immediately turned into a three-legged golden crow, almost doubled the speed of leaving the fire and rainbow state, even if the wild forest was large, it was enough to arrive in one minute.

Judging from the area where the ten grey cats are located, they are located deep in the outskirts of the wild forest, already close to the central area.

"He holds a trace of my consciousness in his hand. I'm afraid I can't escape. Brothers, I will lead him away. You leave as soon as possible."

The blue cat's eyes were full of horror, but he remained calm and made the best choice.

"Come on, let's go!"

"We will never forget you!"

"Your share is ours."


Listening to the answers from the partners, the aqua-blue gray cat couldn't help being hit, which was completely different from what it expected.

In the aqua-blue cat's expectation, its partners should be moved by its spirit of sacrifice, and in the end they all stayed to help it share the pressure, and it is best to regain the lost consciousness.

The result was completely different from what the aquatic gray cat thought. The other nine gray cats left unscrupulously, leaving only the aquatic gray cat messy in the wind.

"Meow, you are too loyal."

"Can Yiqi be eaten? No!"

After speaking, the nine grey cats immediately left together.

Although I felt that the partners were not loyal enough, the aqua blue cat flew in the opposite direction to the partners, trying to lure Li Changsheng away.

The aquatic blue cat was fast, rushing towards the nearest river.

As long as it gets there, it can start the water escape, and then it will not be easy to be spotted.

Unfortunately, before the water blue cat approached the river, Li Changsheng, who was transformed into a three-legged golden crow, finally caught up from behind.

Although the gray cat is fast, it still pales in comparison with the three-legged golden crow. The key water blue gray cat is only the demon saint level, so how can it be compared to the three-footed golden crow.

In less than a minute, Li Changsheng succeeded in catching Since he only had the water-blue cat consciousness in his hand, Li Changsheng could not perceive the whereabouts of the other nine cats.

"Cyan cat, catch it with your hands!"

Li Changsheng stopped the way of the blue cat, and summoned it out day and night.


After seeing the aquatic blue cat in the day and night, he greeted it immediately.

Seeing these two cats, the aqua-blue gray cat shivered and panicked more and more.

"Grab it!"

Following Li Changsheng's order, the two cats pounced towards the water-blue grey cat from two directions.


The aqua blue cat wanted to avoid it, but it was of no avail. Due to the difference in realm and quality, it could only see a few traces of the two cats, and could not avoid it.

In an instant, the aqua blue cat was hit and flew, slammed **** a big tree, directly smashed the big tree, immediately hit the next big tree, and broke again.

When it hit the third big tree, the aqua blue cat finally stopped. Even if the two cats had been merciful, they still lost their fighting ability, and could only watch Li Changsheng weakly get closer.

The aqua-blue cat showed horrified eyes, and shouted after discussing: "Human, my meat is very ugly, it is ugly. If you want to eat it, go to Cangmu, Earth or Light. Their meat is definitely better I'm much better."

"The problem is that I can't find them!"

"But I can take you to find them."

The aqua blue cat shivered and appeared very stand-off.

"Okay, lead the way!"

Li Changsheng nodded in agreement, and the aqua blue cat reluctantly got up and flew tremblingly toward the depths of the wild forest.

"Cang Mao, the direction is wrong, your purpose is to cause trouble!"

Seeing the flying direction of the aqua-blue cat, Li Changsheng couldn't help shook his head.

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