Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1484: You're done

That is to say, Li Changsheng has special abilities, otherwise he might be induced by the water blue cat.

At Li Changsheng's current level, his special ability covers the entire wild forest not to mention, but a small half is still okay.

As mythical beasts, the spots of light representing the ten gray cats are very strong, and the worst is also epic quality, and many of them have reached the half-step legend quality, which is just like the fireflies in the dark night, so dazzling.

Judging from the mental power feedback, the other nine grey cats are still in the mental power feedback range of Li Changsheng, which is why Li Changsheng can immediately notice.

The location of the nine grey cats is not the same as the direction of the water blue grey cats. Obviously, the purpose of the water blue grey cats is to let the overlord of the wild forest deal with Li Changsheng. It can also escape by taking advantage of the chaos, and even unite with others. Partner, assist the overlord of the wild forest to deal with Li Changsheng together.

After hearing Li Changsheng's words, the aqua blue cat was visibly startled, and then the soft flesh on the back of its neck was lifted up. It resisted, but could not break free.

At this time, Li Changsheng transformed into a long rainbow, dashing across the wild forest, rushing towards the direction where the other nine grey cats were.

Before the trees along the way touched Li Changsheng, they were burned out by the overbearing real fire of the sun, directly burning a road of ashes, and their power was momentarily invincible.

"Meow ~ not good, he is here."

A wood grey cat can make contact with nearby vegetation, so it was the first to perceive Li Changsheng's movements.

"Xunfeng, you are the fastest, now immediately go to the overlord of the wild forest."


Under the order of the Guangmao, the pale blue Sundanese cat seemed to turn into a breeze, and disappeared in an instant.

Among the ten gray cats, the bright gray cat has the highest prestige and strength, and it is a demon emperor grade gray cat with half-step legendary quality.

"Let's avoid the edge for the time being, and aim at the depths of the wild forest."

Following the order of the bright cat, the remaining eight cats agreed and rushed to the depths of the wild forest.

The closer they are to the core area of ​​the wild forest, the greater their chances, and the easier it is to be known by the overlord of the wild forest.

The eight grey cats act together, and the speed depends on the slowest moving grey cat, and the gap with Li Changsheng is quite obvious.

As soon as they entered the depths of the wild forest, Li Changsheng finally caught up with them from behind.

"Everyone try to hold him first!"

The bright grey cat stopped immediately, and the other seven grey cats had to stop following them, launching offensives from all directions.

They have lived together for a thousand years, and the cooperation can be said to be quite tacit.

Suddenly, the offensive was raining, and he was about to hit Li Changsheng.

The eight gray cats are three demon emperor level and five demon saint level respectively. Due to the relationship between the gray cats belonging to the upper divine beasts, coupled with the tacit cooperation, their strength is probably comparable to the previous Wudi.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng is no longer what it used to be. According to his estimation, it is roughly equivalent to two Emperor Wu. This is because Emperor Wu has a pseudo-monarch-level demon pet, otherwise the gap will be even greater.

Suddenly, the 12-Rank Star Palace Lotus Terrace appeared on Li Changsheng's head, and the strong starlight film rippled layer upon layer, giving people a frightening feeling, and it seemed that it might be broken at any time.

The 12-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform is the defensive treasure in the end. In the end, all the offensives were resolved, but the intensity of the starlight film was reduced a lot, leaving only a thin layer.


During the day and night, they immediately rushed out of Li Changsheng's shoulders, and their target was two Demon Emperor-class grey cats.

At the same time, the secret realm channel opened, and the fast monster pets such as Ashe, Kailan, the eight-clawed golden dragon, the four-clawed silver dragon, and the four-clawed yellow dragon rushed out, and rushed towards their respective targets under Li Changsheng’s signal. .

Suddenly, Li Changsheng changed his body again, instantly transforming into a five-color peacock, facing the only demon saint-level Gengjin Cang Cat that had no opponents, it was a five-color light.


Gengjin Cangmao didn't know the power of the five-color divine light. After realizing that it could not be avoided, he hurriedly condensed a golden giant sword and slashed straight towards the five-color divine light.


However, what made Gengjin Cangmao horrified was that as soon as the golden giant sword touched the five-color divine light, it disappeared instantly, adding to a certain extent the power of the five-color divine light.


Without giving the Gengjin Cangmao a chance, the five-color divine light hit it instantly, and the Gengjin Cangmao seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, where there was still its figure.

On Li Changsheng's changed five-color peacock tail feathers, the brilliance in the golden tail feathers directly suppressed the Gengjin Cangmao.

As for the Kwaishui Grey Cat that was just caught, it is being grandly "entered" by other demon pets in the secret realm. I believe it will feel very happy.

It was also at this time that Ashe, the Eight-Clawed Golden Dragon and the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon took down their opponents.

The demon saint gray cat is more powerful than the ordinary demon emperor-level demon pet. In the eyes of Aixi and other demon pets, it is not much different from the one who sells the first bid, and is defeated in three or two strokes.

"Meow, the opponent is too strong, the wind is screaming!"

Seeing that the situation is grim, five partners have been captured, Guangming Cangmao immediately felt bad, and subconsciously wanted to escape.

It's a pity that the bright grey cat was entangled in the daytime, and not only didn't even have a chance to escape, it was beaten to the left and right, and fell completely into the disadvantage.

The bright grey cat is like this, not to mention the other three grey cats.


In the blink of an eye, the last demon saint gray cat was defeated by the four-clawed yellow dragon.

The remaining three Demon Emperor-class Grey Cats desperately resisted and wanted to escape, but they had no hope. No matter the speed of Ashe, day or night, they surpassed them.

The room leak happened in the night rain. After the eight-clawed golden dragon and other demon pets solved their opponents, they did not do anything, but blocked the back of the remaining three demon emperor-level gray cats.

Under the rat trap, the three demon emperor-class gray cats subconsciously focused part of their attention on the eight-clawed golden dragon and other demon pets, for fear that they would join the battlefield.

This also affected the combat power of the three Demon Emperor Grade Gray Cats. They were already at a disadvantage, unable to concentrate, and were defeated faster.

In less than a minute, the three Demon Emperor-class Grey Cats were defeated and became prisoners of Li Changsheng.

In this way, Li Changsheng captured nine grey cats, and only one Sundanese grey cat was left.


Li Changsheng glanced at the direction where the Sunda Wind Cat was leaving. He did not pursue it, nor did he have the idea of ​​starting a dispute with the overlord of the wild forest.

The wild forest is obviously stronger than the monopoly mountain range. The key position is between the three major regions, which can be said to be the buffer zone of the three major regions. If Li Changsheng deals with the wild forest, it will be difficult to defeat the opponent in a short time. And it is easy to be taken advantage of by other forces.

The most important thing is that his goal has been achieved. Collecting ten gray cats can't summon the dragon to make a wish. There is no need to gather together, and he is not the kind of person who likes to be horny.

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