Release That Demonic Pet

: 1485 Huang Wuding

Since there is no obsessive-compulsive disorder and the goal has been achieved, Li Changsheng naturally did not spend time with the entire wild forest to avoid the possibility of being profited by people and fishermen.

If the wild forest only monopolizes the mountains, Li Changsheng is sure to defeat the opponent in a short time.

It is a pity that the overall strength of the reckless forest is almost twice that of the Monopoly Mountain Range. With Li Changsheng’s current strength, it is not a short-term victory at all, not to mention that he has to suppress the nine gray cats, and his strength is bound to suffer. limit.


Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance. Looking into the distance, Li Changsheng saw an amazing ape.

It was not the four monkeys of the mixed world, but a giant mountain ape of the Demon Emperor,

In addition to the legendary Chaos Demon Ape, the mountain giant ape can be said to be the largest existence in the ape-like fairy.

From the name, you can tell how big it is. The key is that the demon is an emperor-level mountain great ape, not to mention it.

On the shoulder of the mountain great ape, there is a big bird with a double pupil.

These are the two masters of the wild forest, and they are all demon emperor-level beasts. If you add up to two-digit demon emperor level goblins, the overall strength is definitely not inferior to the emperor.

In addition, there is a pale blue cat near the Chongming Bird, which is the Sundanese cat.

Even at a distance of hundreds of miles, when Li Changsheng looked at the mountain giant ape and the heavy bird, they also found Li Changsheng.

"Bye bye you!"

Li Changsheng waved at them, then changed the shape of the three-legged golden crow, turned into a lihuo changhong, and disappeared from their eyes in a blink of an eye.


The mountain giant ape roared in anger, but if you listen carefully, you will notice a sense of boldness in the voice.

Such a big ape seems a little imaginary.

Xunfeng Cangmao was a little anxious, and hurriedly asked: "Two masters, why don't you chase?"

"The King of Halloween is too fast to catch up!"

The Demon Emperor-class Chongming Bird explained that, in fact, it was just like a mountain giant ape, and it mainly recognized Li Changsheng.

As the masters of the wild forests, Chongming Bird and Mountain Great Ape have recently stopped more stories about Li Changsheng, and they are naturally extremely jealous. They have discussed with each other that they must avoid making enemies with Li Changsheng.

If you are an enemy, then kill the opponent at all costs.

There is no other reason. In addition to Li Changsheng's strength being strong enough, it is also related to the seemingly endless growth of his strength. No one can judge his upper limit, but it is certain that it will definitely not be inferior to the predecessors.

"Halloween King is the human who took my companion?"

Unlike the two masters of the wild forest, the ten grey cats have never actively paid attention to the outside world and have been living in their small world.

In fact, the two masters of the wild forest have long known the existence of ten gray cats, but they have never driven them away, and have always allowed them to be free.

This is mainly because the ten gray cats are not weak and have no desires. They will not compete for the autonomy of the wild forest. The relationship between the two parties is more like a symbiotic relationship.

"Yes, he is the King of All Saints, a very powerful human being."

The sound of the urn sound of the mountain giant ape urn sounded, although its size is a bit huge, its brain is quite soul.

"Then what about my nine brothers?"

The Xunfeng grey cat felt very panicked. What should it do without the other nine grey cats? Can't join the wild forest.

"It's useless if you ask us, anyway, you won't be able to chase them back. But judging from the fact that the King of Halloween did not kill, your nine brothers should not die."


Without spending much time, Li Changsheng returned to the imperial capital of the Heavenly Spirit Empire.

In the secret realm, Li Changsheng looked at the nine grey cats in front of him.

Nine grey cats looked at him pitifully, with tears in their big eyes.

The nine grey cats were not restrained, but under the gazes of many demon pets, they had no idea of ​​resistance.

At this time, Li Changsheng grabbed the back of Guangming Cangmao's neck and lifted it up.

"Meow, what are you doing, let me down quickly!"

Li Changsheng shook violently, ignoring the resistance of Guangming Cangmao.


A petite bell was shaken out and fell to the ground with a clear and sweet sound.

Li Changsheng shook again, a spar fell off, and then the Guangming Cat was released.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, Guangming Cangmao also carried these two items lazily.

In addition, none of the nine grey cats opened up the internal space. Li Changsheng could feel it, and he didn't know whether it was incapable or lazy.

In the following process, Li Changsheng did the same, and swept all the treasures carried by the nine gray cats.

Gray cat likes to play around, usually likes to stay together, his personality is still very lazy, and there is no habit of actively collecting treasures, so there are not many treasures.

But in the end it was a sacred animal, and the gray cat still had the eyes. Almost all of the items that were shaken off were exquisite pieces, including two treasures used by Li Changsheng.

The first is the jade fragment of seeking Taoism, but it is not big and slightly smaller than the palm of an adult.

The second company is an earthy yellow small tripod with two crooked ancient characters "Huangwu" engraved on the tripod but it is Huangwuding in Jiuding.

Among the nine tripods, Huang Wuding can be said to be the strongest defensive existence. In terms of defensive ability, it is even comparable to the ordinary low-grade Langhuan.

In this way, Li Changsheng collected seven of the nine tripods, and he was only two to complete.

Li Changsheng collected the two treasures and set his eyes on the nine gray cats again.

The nine grey cats were like criminals waiting for trial, and they didn't dare to show up, they could only continue to look at Li Changsheng with eyesight.

As for how to deal with the nine gray cats, Li Changsheng would naturally not let them go. No matter how they were, these were also nine outstanding thugs. With sufficient deterrence, it would be helpful.

It's just that the Demon Saint-level Gray Cat can make a temporary contract, and there is nothing left of the three Demon Emperor-level Gray Cats, but it is not difficult to make them obedient.

If it is a beast with a high temperament, it is naturally extremely difficult to tame it, but the grey cat is totally unsatisfied. Instead, it is equivalent to lack of quality, laziness, and playfulness. The will is notoriously weak, and the possibility of resisting with death is very slim.

Sure enough, Li Changsheng easily persuaded the nine gray cats and temporarily contracted six demon saint-level gray cats.

The next moment, Li Changsheng began to draw the blood of the cat.

During this process, Li Changsheng checked their status bar at all times, and stopped at the critical point of health each time.

Soon, the nine cats were drawn, and they took the elixir to quickly restore the blood mark.

"Guangming Cangmao, it is up to you to persuade the Xunfeng Cangmao, I hope you don't make mistakes!"

Li Changsheng thought for a while. In the spirit of humanitarianism, he felt that the family should be neat and tidy, and that the Xunfeng gray cat could no longer live alone, so he sent the Guangming gray cat out.

Of course, some necessary measures are still there.

With enough blood from the cat, Li Changsheng naturally couldn't wait to refine the blood.

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