Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1511: Gains and losses

"Damn it, how could it be so strong, he is just a double word king!"

Seeing that the situation became more unfavorable to his side, the blood emperor's face became more and more tarnished, even if he overestimated Li Changsheng's strength, only to find that Li Changsheng's strength was far above his estimation.

If it continues, it will be failure to greet him.

Li Changsheng didn't push too much either. The strengths of the two were relatively similar. Once the Blood Emperor desperately, he would also take a huge risk. The best way was to force the Blood Emperor away.

However, at this moment, the blood emperor pointed at the two swords of the blood slaughter and the prison, and suddenly countless black and red sword qi flew, bursting in all directions with the momentum of returning ten thousand swords to the sect.

Even with the help of Hetuluoshu, the Biluohuangquan swords are still full of gaps in the size of soybeans, and I am afraid that they will be scrapped after a long time.

Under this circumstance, Li Changsheng pointed at the Hetu Luoshu again, the gossip phantom became more solid, and it spun at an extremely fast speed, a huge suction force emerged, swallowing a large amount of black and red sword energy, and disappeared.

Suddenly, the two swords of the Blood Slaughter Prison suddenly disappeared, replacing the position with the special ability of the opposite **** and one of the black and red sword qi, less than a hundred meters away from the demon refining pot.

This point of distance was almost instant for the two swords of the blood slaughter and the prison. They appeared in front of the demon refining pot instantly, and they had to be swept away forcibly.

At the critical moment, the Octopus Golden Dragon ignored its opponents, forcibly shuttled through the space, and smashed the sword light with one claw, but the dragon's claws were also cut by the sharp sword light with deep bone scars.

The blood flow of the Blood Slaughter Prison Double Swords is more than activated and the blinding effect is activated, but this has little effect on the eight-clawed golden dragon, and it still uses the induction to grasp the demon refining pot.

In fact, Li Changsheng hadn't thought about using the eight-claw golden dragon to seize the demon refining pot before, but the blood emperor also had a space-type demon pet, which resulted in failure every time.

As before, when the eight-clawed golden dragon grabbed the demon refining pot, a red-like pill fire, unrecognizable, four-legged, four-winged strange bird also broke through the space and directly knocked the eight-clawed golden dragon back.

This is a divine beast named Dihuan, with the bloodline of Emperor Jiang in the Dacheng stage, belonging to the middle divine beast, and one of the two demon emperor ranks of the blood emperor.

The next moment, the Octopus Golden Dragon and Di Huan were entangled again, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

At this time, the sun, moon and stars flew over lightly, and the gossip phantom formed by Hetu Luoshu also fell from the other side, aiming to refine the demon pot.

In this case, the blood emperor made a decisive decision. Since the demon refining pot could not be obtained, it was difficult to completely destroy it, so he chose to split it.

Ding Ding~

In an instant, the two swords of the blood slaughter and the prison stab, and in an instant, the two orbs inlaid on the surface of the demon refining pot are pried apart. Before the two orbs are swept away, the double swords slam the demon refining pot against the Feng Clan. The location of the battle against the dragon.

Li Changsheng chose the latter in the choice of intercepting the two swords of the blood slaughter prison and the demon refining pot, which can be regarded as a step for both sides, otherwise the two sides may not be pleased if they continue.

Like the imitation demon refining pot, the demon refining pot is inlaid with five orbs. Even if two orbs are lost, it does not mean that the demon refining pot cannot be used. Perhaps it can be implemented in an alternative way.

Of course, if you do this, the effect of the demon refining pot will definitely be discounted. What is certain is that the effect is definitely better than the imitation demon refining pot.

On the trembling battlefield of the Dragon and Phoenix tribes, they were also watching the situation. Seeing the demon refining pot flying, the leaders of the two tribes all had some heartbeats, but they immediately hid them.


The patriarch of the Feng clan changed his expression, he had no idea of ​​fighting for the demon pot, and immediately led the two elders to escape.

The Four Seas Dragon King did not stop, not because they didn't want to stop, but because of their state. Once the Feng Clan was forced into anxiousness, the opponent was afraid that they would burn their bodies and explode. At that time, it would very likely be a situation where both sides would suffer.

Similarly, the Four Seas Dragon King did not have the idea of ​​snatching the Demon Refining Pot, allowing Li Changsheng to take it away.

The Blood Slaughter Prison Double Swords flew back with two precious orbs, and the Blood Sovereign took them away without even looking, and immediately flew towards the Thunder Emperor.

Under the pressure of Emperor Wen, Ning Bizhen, and Luo Yuanjun, Lei Di was very embarrassed, and even lost three demon pets, which could not last long.

Seeing the Blood Emperor personally support Lei Di, Emperor Wen immediately took Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun back for a certain distance, allowing Lei Di to leave.

On the other side, Emperor Yuan also got away. Although he could not defeat Emperor Wu, his demon pet was not attenuated, and the situation was much better than that of Lei Di.

"let's go!"

After reuniting with Lei Di and Yuan Di, the blood emperor never missed it anymore and resolutely chose to leave.

Li Changsheng and the others didn't pursue it. For them, this time was a big success, and they almost wiped out all the treasures and heritage left by Emperor Xuan.


At this time, a roar sounded, and the mountain giant ape fell to the ground. There were two huge penetrating wounds on the chest and abdomen, but they were pierced by the sharp ivory of the dragon elephant.

The strength of the dragon elephant and the mountain giant ape is not much different, but after the ten gray cats killed the heavy bird, they turned to help the dragon elephant to deal with the mountain giant ape, which directly caused the mountain giant ape to lose and die in a short time.

When there are no foreign enemies, the distribution link is naturally behind.

"Each person makes a copy of the Xuan Emperor inheritance. In addition, the damaged demon refining pot belongs to me, and the rest are distributed according to work."

Even if it was a demon refining pot with two orbs missing, the energy fluctuations it radiated still reached the upper Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

As for the remaining treasures, it is easy to distribute. Although it seems that there are more monks and less meat, the Four Seas Dragon Kings can be regarded as a whole.

As a result, the top-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure-level boots became the trophy of the Four Seas Dragon King.

As for the remaining crowns and necklaces, they were taken away by Emperor Wen and Lei Di.

Of course, Emperor Wen and Lei Di also have to compensate Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun. Ning Bizhen got a lava origin, and Luo Yuanjun is a secondary rule crystallization, and everyone is happy.

As for the ten grey cats and dragon elephants, they were naturally rewarded by Li Changsheng, but they were easy to It didn't take long for the Xuan Emperor inheritance to be copied, and each dragon received a copy.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and put the'Xingjun' into the secret realm, and then went to the Mu Cang Empire with Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu and Sihailong King.

As for those dragon sons and grandsons, they were all sent back by the Sihai Dragon King, because that was not something they could participate in.

Soon, Li Changsheng and others appeared on the ruins of the Mu Cang Empire's imperial capital.

This place has changed greatly. The original prosperous imperial capital has been razed to the ground, leaving only a huge pool of blood, with an altar floating in the middle.

On the altar, Emperor Feng was tied to a pillar. Her eyes had been dug away, leaving only hollow eyes, her nose was cut, her tongue was cut, and a sharp metal stick penetrated her. In the body, all blood was lost, and it looked like a mummy, and the image was quite scary.

Even the well-informed Sihailong clan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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