Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1512: 1 pile of mysterious essence

Such a cruel picture, even if the Dragon King of the Four Seas is rarely seen, the key is the Phoenix Emperor at the top of the pyramid. There has never been an emperor who died in such a terrible state in history.

The most important thing is that Emperor Feng is an ally of the Emperor, and the Emperor has succeeded, but the murder is nothing but heady. The Emperor Feng was obviously tortured to death by the Emperor.

This is too cruel to treat allies, even if Emperor Feng is different, he will not be treated like this, not to mention that Emperor Feng may not have done anything to be sorry to the Emperor.

At this time, Emperor Wen showed the sad eyes of the rabbit dead and the fox, and immediately said: "The Emperor did this, I am afraid that he wants to maximize the negative emotions of the Emperor Feng. This may be helpful to the lifting of the ban on the heavens."

At the same time, Emperor Wen breathed a sigh of relief. If it were not for Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu to rescue him, I am afraid that the sacrifice would no longer be Emperor Feng, but him.

Of course, it may also be the three-minute emperor-Ai Di.

Not far away, Luo Yuanjun also breathed a sigh of relief, happy for his foresight, if he continued to follow the Emperor, he might be the next victim.

The Emperor of Humanity didn't even let the Emperor Feng, his most important ally, let alone King Qingmu.

Li Changsheng nodded and nodded, agreeing with Emperor Wen's opinion.

After confirming that the altar was not in danger, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and Emperor Feng's body fell lightly from the altar.

Even if Emperor Feng is his enemy, he is also an emperor after all, and he is always trying to maintain the face of the emperor.

"Sure enough, Emperor Feng's soul is gone!"

Li Changsheng frowned. Obviously, after torturing Emperor Feng to death, the Emperor Human used Emperor Feng's soul, blood, negative emotions, and the entire emperor's life as sacrifices, and perhaps other things were used to break the heavenly entrance.

The next moment, a golden flame ignited, and Emperor Feng's corpse was finally turned into fly ashes, placed in the exquisite gods, and finally buried underground.

After handling the remains of Emperor Feng, Li Changsheng, Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and the Dragon King of Four Seas flew up, broke through the wind layer, and turned their sights to the end.

A huge semicircular barrier stands at the end of the sky, filled with endless star power, which looks like a sea of ​​stars.

This is the celestial entrance, which is a bit beyond their expectations, the human emperor has not completely destroyed the celestial entrance.

Everyone tried to attack, but even if they gathered their power, they could only make ripples, and they were repaired in an instant.

The energy of the Celestial Profound Gate is too abundant, unless it is broken at once, there is almost no possibility of breaking it. This is no wonder the reason why the heavenly entrance has never disappeared for so many years.

"It is very possible that Human Sovereign only broke a corner, and then the Heaven Realm Entrance is automatically repaired, but in such a short time, it is likely that it has not been completely repaired here, and it is still a weak point for the time being. The difficulty of breaking is definitely much easier than in other directions."

"But even if it is a weak point, you have just seen that with our strength, it is difficult to break the heavenly profound gate."

"Only to concentrate more power." Li Changsheng pondered for a moment, and continued: "Why don't you send more powerful men? In addition, the powerful men under the Emperor Xuan and Emperor Feng will also win over. At that time, we will use Zhou Tian Xing Dou to try it out."

Zhou Tianxing banned the formation, and the more powerful people gathered together, the stronger the power and the longer lasting.

In addition, it is closer to the star palaces, and you can use the power of 365 star palaces to increase the power of the forbidden array.

If the strongest players on the scene work together again, there will always be some assurance.

"The Dragon King of Four Seas recovers as soon as possible. In addition, King Aomu is here to try to break through the emperor. We will protect you personally. I believe there will be no Xiaoxiao to stop it!"

Li Changsheng came together one by one, striving to improve his own strength in a short time.

"The power of the Emperor Xuanhuang's will be handed over to me!"

The Emperor Wu was eager to try, and immediately put his consciousness into the Hall of Kings and contacted the strong under the Emperor Xuanhuang.

"Then I will fight for the strong under Emperor Feng."

Unwilling to be left behind, Emperor Wen also invested his consciousness in the Hall of Kings.

Ever since Emperor Xuan and Emperor Feng fell behind, the powerhouses under their banner have become apprehensive. With the exception of a few, most powerhouses have the idea of ​​relying on other forces.

"Then everything is up to you!"

Luo Yuanjun gave a big gift to Li Changsheng and the others, and he fell on the ruins of the Mu Cang Empire's capital and began to try to break through the emperor.

With a wave of Li Changsheng's hand, 365 star pans were scattered on all sides, forming a Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, and the sun, moon and stars map suppressed the forbidden formation, greatly increasing the power of the forbidden formation.

In this way, even the Human Emperor and the Blood Emperor cannot forcefully break through the forbidden formation in an instant. Coupled with the protection of the powerful, even if the Human Emperor, the Blood Emperor and others join forces, it is impossible to threaten Luo Yuan in a short time. Jun.

In other words, this place has temporarily become the most tightly protected place in the whole world of fairies.

The next moment, a general trend converged in the forbidden formation, and the sky changed, as if it turned into a funnel.

At this time, the huge Eye of Heaven appeared in the sky, just turning around for a while, without any emotion, just glanced at Luo Yuanjun through the forbidden formation, and then disappeared.

However, during this process, Li Changsheng always felt that something inexplicable matter fell from the sky and merged into Luo Yuanjun's body, causing Luo Yuanjun to crackle all over his body, and his physique was rapidly becoming stronger.

When Luo Yuanjun tried to break through, Li Changsheng sorted out the spoils by the way.

The most precious trophies are naturally the Glory Nest and the Refining Demon Pot. The former is complete, and is the real best Langhuan treasure; the latter is incomplete, missing two orbs, and still reaches the ranks of the upper Langhuan treasure.

Of course can’t forget the shards of jade seeking jade from Mo Qilin. With the size of this piece, jade seeking jade is likely to be one step closer, and I don’t know how many more complete roads there will be this time. .

In addition to these, it mainly focuses on the collections of Emperor Xuanhuang and Mo Qilin.

In addition, there are many corpses of fairies and sacred beasts, and there are no less than ten corpses of sacred beasts, especially the corpses of Mo Qilin, Zixiao Qilin, and Wutu Qilin.

For Li Changsheng, the corpses such as Zixiao Qilin, Chongming Bird, and Ancestral Red Dragon are the most useful, and can continue to improve the strength of him and Ning Bizhen.

What I have to say here is that these monster pets and sacred beasts all carry top treasures, of which there are four or five light artifacts. Li Changsheng is full of sights, because this can continue to improve their strength.

What surprised Li Changsheng most was a jade box full of bucket size. This jade box came from the space ring of the Emperor Xuan, and there were nearly twenty mysterious essences in it, which was very surprising.

Note: The second inspection.

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