Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1588: The first demon king class demon pet

In the sky of the secret realm, there are more than ten'suns' hanging in total, all of which are condensed by the energy of demon pets. It feels like ten golden crows raging in the ancient times. There are more than a dozen suns, exuding them. Seize the power.

As a price, the energy density of the secret realm became much thinner, and many top spirit roots began to frantically swallow the energy that escaped from the nearby void, and the energy pool was also running, quickly extracting energy from the major energy planes.

With the assistance of the top spirit roots and energy pools, I believe that it will not take long for the energy concentration in the secret realm to be fully restored.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng's expression changed, and he looked up at the sky and fell on a dark green ‘sun’.

The dark green ‘sun’ represents nature Kailan. Unlike other ‘suns’, the dark green ‘sun’ seems to be transformed into substance, giving people a glass-like texture.

If other'suns' are equivalent to liquids, then the dark green'suns' are solid and cannot be generalized.

Li Changsheng was not surprised and rejoiced, he knew that this represented Kailan's smooth understanding of the power of the Great Dao.

At this moment, in Kailan's sea of ​​consciousness, a mysterious and mysterious aura appeared on the crystal of rules, which was more pure and powerful than the power of rules.

At this time, the Upanishad Ocean became turbulent, exuding dazzling brilliance, the waves were turbulent, and dark green light dots floated out, like a breast swallow throwing into the forest, rushing toward the crystal of rules.

As these dark green light spots merge into the regular crystals, the power of the swift road begins to grow rapidly.

Suddenly, the regular crystal swelled fiercely, and then contracted suddenly, like a beating heart.

If you look closely, you will find that the density, hardness, and texture of the regular crystals are rising rapidly.

As long as enough Dao power is transformed, the rule crystallization will be transformed into Dao crystallization. At that time, it also means that Kailan has successfully promoted to the Demon Sovereign level.

If it fails, add a dummy word.

However, in terms of time, Kailan has a high probability of becoming a demon king-level demon pet.

Li Changsheng waited patiently. In less than a minute, his gaze turned to the milky white "sun" in the sky, which is the "sun" that represents the daytime.

Like Kailan, she also successfully comprehended the power of the Great Dao during the day, but this didn't really surprise Li Changsheng.

With the understanding of the power of the avenue during the day, it also means that the two cats are stable.

However, just after taking a look at the day, there was another change in the ‘sun’.

This time it was a silver ball of light, representing a four-clawed silver dragon.

The only genuine water avenue crystal, coupled with the quality of the four-clawed silver dragon, the probability of breakthrough is also very high.

Coincidentally, the ‘sun’ representing Ashe has changed.

Ashe took the Rank Nine Golden Pill, the probability of breakthrough was no less than that of the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon.

In less than two minutes, there were five demon pets stable.

Li Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't feel much surprised, just because of the five demon pets, four of them had a high probability of breaking through. Only Kailan could barely count as a surprise.

The Essence of Innate Yimu can slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon Emperor, but the elemental power can increase the probability more or less. Coupled with the quality of Kailan, the probability is actually not small, but not as high as the other four.

Soon, another minute passed.

In this minute, there was no demon pet comprehending the power of the Great Dao, on the contrary, Kailan, who was the first to comprehend the power of the Great Dao, entered the final stage.

After devouring countless dark green light spots, the regular crystallization finally reached a critical point.


Like the Big Bang, the power of the great avenue spreads rapidly, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness is transparently reflected.

Kailan only felt that his head was empty, and when he regained consciousness, an extremely dazzling crystal was suspended, like the most beautiful gem in the world, making people involuntarily cast their eyes on it.

Not only that, the crystal wall of the Sea of ​​Consciousness has also changed, and it is more textured and obviously stronger than before.

After Kailan successfully broke through the Demon Emperor Rank, Li Changsheng's whole body was slightly shaken. In the spiritual passage connecting the two, a great power poured into his body, quickly circulating in his limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

Li Changsheng could clearly feel that his body had been strengthened, and there was also a mysterious feeling, as if he had drawn a certain distance from the heavenly path in the dark.

From the perspective of the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance, when you have a sufficient number of Demon Emperor-level demon pets and a realm's sovereign handle, you can blend in with your body.

However, like the Emperor of Heaven, Li Changsheng has no interest in Rongdao.

Rong Dao has many benefits. It can live the same life as heaven and earth. You don't have to worry about the five decay of heaven and man. Unless heaven and earth are destroyed, you will not fall, and you have partial authority of heaven and earth.

Although there are many benefits, there are also many restrictions and responsibilities.

After the fusion, his behavior was severely restricted, and he could not leave the world of the fairies, which was equivalent to losing his freedom. Secondly, the way of heaven is the most common. After the way of integration, you can no longer manage the heaven and earth with your thinking as the leading factor.

Sanlai and heaven and earth are completely tied together, every one is prosperous, and every one is damaged.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor of heaven will abandon the road of conformity with the body and resolutely embark on the road of hegemony.

It's a pity that the Emperor of Heaven, who held Wang Zhan in one hand, froze in the end.

Like the Emperor of Heaven, Li Changsheng is more inclined to dominate the Three Realms. Now, as long as he persuades the Feng Clan and the Dragon Clan at the sight of the four seas, he can completely rule the heavens and the earth, and the final underworld can be handed over to Ning Bizhen.

To say that the difference between the ruler of the Three Realms and the harmony of the body is more like the difference between the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the saint in the prehistoric novels.

At this time, Li Changsheng began to check Kailan's surprise.

[Fairy Name]: Queen of Nature Elves (growth period, Congenital Jiamu/Yimu Miaozhen Qinglian: Automatically absorb the surrounding wood energy, quickly restore the defense of the lotus platform, and can increase the power of wood skills by 70%, which can be offset once Or multiple damages of the same tier, depending on the attack intensity. While absorbing the Yimu elite and enhancing the damage of the wood type skills, it automatically pulls the nearby wood type energy, greatly accelerating the recovery of injuries and physical strength, and automatically understands the Yimu **** thunder. The sacred fruit of thorns, greatly enhances the power of wood skills, strengthens the restraint ability, and slightly improves the recovery ability. Comprehend the origin of the avenue, the power increases sharply; the guardian of the avenue: exempts part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: Top Mythical Beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Elemental Power (Perfect), Elf King (Dacheng)

[Fairy Attributes]: Wood

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

From the data point of view ~ ~ After the power of the elements reached the perfect stage, Kailan's race officially reached the category of top beasts.

In addition, Kailan's Congenital Jiamu Miaozhen Qinglian has become Congenital Jiamu/Yimu Miaozhen Qinglian, and the increase in the wood system has changed from 50% to 70%, and other aspects have also been strengthened.

In addition, as the power of the elements reached the perfect stage, the spot of light representing Kailan also rose slightly.

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