Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1589: 0 distance from heaven

After the elemental power reached the perfect stage, Kailan's characteristics also changed to a certain extent.

The characteristics of Jiamu Divine Light have been changed to Miaomu Divine Light, and the effect is slightly increased, which can greatly increase the healing effect and improve Kailan's ability to recover from injuries. The latter's resilience is probably comparable to the regeneration of a severed finger.

In addition, there are some more skills, so I won't describe them one by one.

At this time, another demon pet succeeded in breaking through the Demon Emperor level, but this time it was daytime.

With the breakthrough of the Demon Emperor during the day, and under the perverted effect of the twin symbiosis of light and darkness, the night also broke through the Demon Emperor in an instant, becoming Li Changsheng's second and third demon emperor pet.

Almost at the same time, two more powerful forces of different attributes poured into Li Changsheng's body, making Li Changsheng's body strengthened again.

Of course, the'distance' between Li Changsheng and Tiandao is also rapidly shortening.

Thanks to the effect of Huang Zhongli, the two cats have become more intelligent, and their eyes have become more agile.

Li Changsheng decided to let them practice the Great Avenue of Light and Great Darkness, that is, the Great Light Art and the Great Dark Art. It just so happens that there are these two Great Ways in the Jade Jue.

Before the fourth Demon King-level demon pet appeared, suddenly, another ‘sun’ changed, this time it was an earth-yellow ‘sun’.

Well, this time it's Dumb's turn.

This time, A Duan took the essence of Xiantian Wutu and the high-grade Chamazhi, coupled with its own legendary qualities, unless the luck is extremely bad, otherwise it is a bit unreasonable not to understand the power of the Dao.

By this time, four minutes had passed.

Soon, Ashe and the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon completed their breakthroughs almost at the same time, and they were successfully promoted to the Demon Sovereign level.

In this way, Li Changsheng also had five demon king class demon pets.

Li Changsheng's body was shocked, he did not feel the increase in physical strength, because he once again pulled in the ‘distance’ from Heaven and became within reach.

This also means that Li Changsheng has initially met the requirements of Hedao.'Looking at the Eye of Heaven, Li Changsheng always feels full of temptation. It seems that Tiandao is trying to'seduce' him and bind him to this world completely. ,never separate.

Time passed slowly, and soon six minutes passed.

In these two minutes, there was no demon pet comprehending the power of the Great Dao, and Dumb was still gathering more power of the Great Dao.

However, at this moment, another'sun' changed in nature.

When Li Changsheng glanced at it, he couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, the person who understood the power of the Great Dao this time was Phoenix, who had no resources to assist him, and it was definitely a surprise to him.

Soon, Ah Dui also successfully broke through the Demon Emperor level and fell to the ground from the air.

This time, with the power of the Great Dao, Li Changsheng felt that he was almost close to the Dao of Heaven, um, his head was close.

He could clearly feel that Heavenly Dao was ‘seduce’ him, showing him more temptations.

Therefore, Li Changsheng directly turned off this induction, he would not be so short-sighted, and he did not have the idea of ​​becoming a spokesperson for the Way of Heaven.

It’s better to be called the Spokesperson of the Way of Heaven, and the ugly point is the Puppet of the Way of Heaven.

Li Changsheng flew up, landed on the more generous shoulders of A'Dai, and began to check the information of A'Dai.

[Fairy name]: Silver Bimeng (growth period, absorb life essence and life jade...; absorb colorful beads...; absorb five-color glazed fruit in the mysterious sky...; absorb the elite of Wutu...; absorb the elite of Gengjin...; Take Fenglei Xianxing, master the wind and thunder wings, greatly increase the speed and explosive power. Absorb the essence of the congenital earth, the energy becomes more pure, and understand the nature change of the earth system-gravity. Comprehend the origin of the avenue, and its power soars; the avenue Guardian: save part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: High-ranking beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Golden Bimeng (Dacheng), Houtu (Dacheng)

[Fairy attributes]: soil + gold

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

Ah Du's bloodline of Houtu had already entered the stage of great success some time ago. This is the benefit of unifying the heavens and the world, and has a large number of subordinates to help collect it.

After being promoted to the Demon Sovereign rank, Dumb's combat power is undoubtedly much stronger.

Surprisingly, after absorbing the essence of Congenital Wutu, Ah-Dai managed to comprehend the change in the nature of the earth system-gravity.

Without affecting the breakthrough of other monster pets, Li Changsheng hurriedly asked Ah Dai to try.

Without any warning, the gravity within a hundred meters around Ah-Dai increased several times and was still growing rapidly.

Li Changsheng, sitting on Dumb's shoulders, could feel this change. Although the impact on him was minimal, his physical body was so strong, not to mention that as long as there was a slight impact, it was still useful.

If you are facing an enemy that is not known for your physical body, this level of gravity can definitely hit the opponent by surprise, and Dumb can take the opportunity to kill the opponent with its invincible characteristics.

Li Changsheng can conclude that gravity has completely become dumb's instinct, and it can be released without accumulating energy and preparation.

Before Li Changsheng closed the panel of Dumb, suddenly another ‘sun’ changed in nature, this time it was an ice blue ‘sun’.


Li Changsheng also didn't expect that Yuankunkun would actually understand the power of the Great Dao, which was really a little unexpected.

Although Rumbling is assisted by the secondary ice avenue crystals, its willpower and self-control are at the bottom of the demon pets, and the invisibly breakthrough probability is actually not as good as other demon pets that also take the secondary avenue crystals.

However, this is undoubtedly a good thing for Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng turned his gaze to the remaining "suns" again, hoping that the demon pet would have the power to comprehend the great path.

In an instant, his eyes flashed One of the "suns" changed, this time it was the "sun" representing a hundred dragons.

The Hundred Dragons did not get any auxiliary breakthrough resources, but after all, it was a pseudo-unique beast, possessing nearly half of its heavenly status.

The unique beast is born at the Demon Emperor level, but even if it is less than half discount, the probability of a hundred dragons breaking through the Demon Emperor level is always higher than other demon pets, and it is naturally easier to understand the power of the Dao.

But no matter what, this is a surprise.

Time continued to flow, and soon it was the ninth minute.

The longer the breakthrough time, the lower the probability, and it can only last for ten minutes at most, after which there will be no effect.

As for why and what, it can only be said that this is the rule of the fairy world, and it is also related to the ocean of meaning in the sea of ​​consciousness. After all, it is not a perpetual motion machine. How can it be possible that there will be no loss when trying to break through.

As the time was getting closer and closer to ten minutes, just when Li Changsheng felt that there would be no more power to comprehend the Great Way, another'sun' suddenly changed in nature.

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