Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1590: 8 times delay

Li Changsheng looked up and found that it was a light blue ‘sun’ that had changed its nature. Needless to say, it was Kunpeng.

At this time, there are still six demon pets that have not broken through, namely the eight-clawed golden dragon, the five-color dragon god, the purple unicorn, the four-clawed yellow dragon, the Vientiane Spirit Eater, and the Chongming Bird.

Li Changsheng was a little dissatisfied, and continued to look up at the sky with anticipation.

Until ten minutes passed, the nature of the six'suns' did not change. The only surprise was that the phoenix almost pressed time to remove the pseudo-characters, and became a true demon king-level demon pet.

[Fairy name]: Phoenix (growth period. Comprehend the inextinguishable fire, double the probability of burning by the fire skill of the demon pet, greatly increase the burning time of the flame, and cause secondary damage to the enemy. Comprehend that the inexhaustible wood is indestructible and burned by the rainstorm The true meaning of immortality, greatly increases the resistance of its own flame to water, and increases the flame burning time. Absorbs the elite of the fire class, enhances the power of the fire system skills, increases the burning probability, and automatically understands the fire **** thunder. Absorbs the five colors of the mysterious sky Liuliguo, greatly strengthens the foundation of the five-element demon pet, and comprehensively improves the physical fitness of the demon pet by 20%. Comprehend the origin of the avenue, and its power soars; Guardian of the avenue: exempts part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: Top Mythical Beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Phoenix (Consummation), Suzaku (Dacheng)

[Fairy Attributes]: Fire

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

As Phoenix was promoted to the Demon Sovereign level, Li Changsheng received feedback from Phoenix.

From a sensation point of view, he ‘rised’ again, his head began to be level with the heavenly path, but under his head he was still below the heavenly path.

In Li Changsheng's view, if you want to transcend the Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that the whole body must be level with or surpass the Heavenly Dao, but I don't know what kind of scenery will be on it.

The Emperor didn't know this, because since ancient times, no one has reached such a level, and Li Changsheng needs to explore it himself.

In short, Li Changsheng thinks that stability is still the main thing, first becoming the master of the Three Realms, and then, as long as he holds the power of the Three Realms, he can almost be invincible.

After ten minutes passed, the demon pets who had not yet completed the breakthrough stopped one after another, showing disappointed eyes.

It's a pity that the eight-clawed golden dragon, the five-color dragon god, the Zixiao Qilin, and the four-clawed yellow dragon have not yet understood the power of the Great Dao, but compared with the harvest, it is not a pity.

As the price of failure to break through, the probability of the next breakthrough must be greatly reduced. This is the consequence of the failure of attempting to break through the Demon Emperor, and it is also the main reason why the Demon Emperor is so scarce.

Of course, the effect of auxiliary treasures will not be weakened.

As for the fact that the emperor has so many legendary quality demon pets, why there are only two demon emperor level demon pets, this is an unsolved mystery to Li Changsheng.

It may be bad luck, or heavy karma, and it may also be related to his plan.

As a result, a total of ten demon pets have been promoted to the Demon Emperor or Pseudo Demon Emperor. Such an exaggerated luck is really the first time for him.

This may have something to do with his rule over the heavens and the world, which made his fortune flourish. In terms of fortune, he is definitely the first person in the Three Realms, even surpassing the Emperor of Heaven in the ancient times.

Of course, it may also be related to the destiny and merit, which made his luck reach the maximum.

In short, this is undoubtedly a good thing for him.

In this way, Li Changsheng has a total of seven Demon Emperor-level demon pets and three pseudo-demon Emperor-level demon pets, and his strength has more than doubled. I am afraid that the blood emperor will see this scene, and I am afraid that he will directly play gg in despair.

Li Changsheng first comforted the demon pet who had failed to break through, and then began to experiment with Dumb and the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon.

Dui also absorbed the top-grade Cha Ma Zhi, giving it the ability to soar through the clouds and ride the fog, and the effect must far exceed the flying effect of the colorful beads.

Sure enough, Duan's flight speed and flexibility in the air have been greatly improved, and it is compatible with wind and thunder wings. If it is matched with wind thunder wings, it can erupt with terrifying speed and explosive power. The only drawback is that it is not durable enough.

As for the four-clawed silver dragon, Li Changsheng naturally wanted to test its ability to control time, mainly by increasing the time delay ban.

"Four-clawed silver dragon, five times!"

Under Li Changsheng's order, the four-clawed silver dragon instantly activated the time delay forbidden formation and opened five times the time delay.

For the original four-clawed silver dragon, five times the delay would be more laborious and difficult to last, but for the current Demon Emperor-class four-clawed silver dragon, it is not difficult for it.

Li Changsheng communicated with the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon, and found that the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon still had room to spare, he began to gradually increase the delay multiple.

Until the time delay multiplier reached nine times, the four-clawed silver dragon finally felt strenuous, and it was difficult to maintain this multiplied time delay forbidden array for a long time.

This also means that the four-clawed silver dragon has maintained a multiplier of eight times over the long term, which can be said to have been greatly improved from before the breakthrough.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, once the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon reaches the 9th level of the Demon Emperor, there should be some progress, perhaps ten times the long-term delay.

After the experiment, Li Changsheng chose to leave.

Ning Bizhen hurriedly greeted him and asked concerned: "How's it going?"

Li Changsheng told the harvest this time, Ning Bizhen looked a little bit from ear to ear, and his eyes were full of shock.

No matter who looked at it, obtaining seven Demon Emperor Grade and three Pseudo Demon Emperor Grade demon pets at one time was the equivalent of reaching the sky in one step.

With Li Changsheng’s current strength, the human emperor, the blood emperor, and the thunder emperor can not only defeat even if you add the fallen Xuan emperor, the phoenix emperor, the decadent emperor, the sad emperor, the spirit emperor, and the sealed ones. Emperor Yuan couldn't take it down at all.

The hearts of the people are uneven, and even if the nine emperors are Qizhi, Li Changsheng can't help it. Moreover, there are already five emperors occupied by Li Changsheng's side, and one is still sealed by him.

This also means that Li Changsheng is already a symbol of invincibility in the fairy world. I am afraid that only the self-destruction of Zufeng and the suspension of the candle dragon can pose a certain threat to him.

Li Changsheng possesses many superb Langhuan treasures, and Zufeng's self-destruction will not pose too much threat to him.

As for the time stop of the Candle Dragon, the presence of the Demon Emperor Grade Four-Clawed Silver Dragon will greatly reduce the threat, but the Candle Dragon is relatively free and will not be trapped in the eyes of the world. There is no targeted means, so he is not much sure. Kill each other.

"By the way, the patriarch and elders of the Feng clan have always wanted to see you!"

"It seems it's time to go to the undead volcano!"

Li Changsheng smiled. As long as the Feng Clan and Zhulong surrendered, he could completely rule the world.

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