Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1591: Undead volcano

Lingxiao Palace!

Li Changsheng sat on the seat of the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Wu, Emperor Wen, Emperor Qing, and Emperor Yan brought a team of righteous gods and Xingjun congratulations.

In the past, Li Changsheng was still the King of Double Characters after all. Although he was the number one in the heavenly court, there was always a feeling that the naming was not right. That is to say, the Emperor Wen and others have a deep relationship with Li Changsheng. Otherwise, the following crimes may occur. case.

Well now, Li Chang has become the emperor, and occupy the first of the nine emperors in the Hall of Kings. Although his specific strength is not clear, it is certain that he must have exceeded the peak period.

No way, Li Changsheng, who has not yet been promoted to the throne, can compete with the emperor, and even have a slight advantage, let alone him after promotion.

At this time, the Heavenly Court can be described as an iron plate. Anyone who has careful thoughts can only eliminate or hide these careful thoughts.

Soon, Zuo Qiulin brought the patriarch and elder of the Feng clan to an audience.

"Meet His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"

The patriarch and elders of the Feng clan did not dare to ask for a big deal, and saluted them respectfully.

They already knew the news of Li Changsheng's promotion to the throne, which naturally disrupted the Feng Clan's deployment. As a result, before they could get in touch with Zu Feng, Zuo Qiulin took them to the High Heaven Palace.

This is the Heavenly Court. For some unknown reasons, the connection between them and Zu Feng has become dispensable.

"Isn't the two of you wanting to invite me to the Feng Clan as a guest?"

Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​going around with them. He believed that in the face of absolute strength, planning was meaningless.

The patriarch of the Feng clan hurriedly said: "First of all, the concubine expresses the most sincere respect to you on behalf of the Feng clan. Second, as your majesty said, our ancestors hope that your majesty can visit the undead volcano as a guest."

"Okay, this seat will take you to the undead volcano!"

This time, Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​delaying time. This time is different from the past, and there is no need for that.

Even if the Feng Clan is an enemy of him, even if the Human Emperor, the Blood Emperor, the Thunder Emperor and even the Candle Dragon are added, what about it?

Of course, he felt that the Feng Clan could not be so stupid.

If he was so stupid, he wouldn't mind letting the Feng Clan become the Qilin Clan now, a vassal of the Heavenly Court.

The patriarch of the Feng clan was a little surprised, but he hurriedly responded.

Soon, Li Changsheng dismissed the patriarch and elder of the Feng clan.

As an old yin bi, cough cough, as a stable emperor, even if his strength is rapidly expanding, Li Changsheng has no support at all.

After discussing with Wenhuang and others for a while, a decision was quickly made.

The next moment, Li Changsheng flicked his sleeves. The Dragon King of the Seas did not resist. Their size quickly shrank, and he put them in their sleeves.

This is the universe in the sleeves of the great supernatural power, which can collect people and objects, and the key is very concealed, and can be used as a surprise weapon.

"Everyone, Heaven will ask you!"

After speaking, Li Changsheng left the Lingxiao Hall in a long and sturdy way, and went to the undead volcano with the patriarch and elder of the Feng clan.

The immortal volcano is located between the southern region, the southwest region and the central region. The area is very large, half the size of an area.

There are dense volcanoes here, and more than half of the world's volcanoes are gathered here, including the largest undead volcano. People have to feel the magic of the Creator.

Among these thousands of volcanoes, the immortal volcano is very special. It is not only the largest volcano in the fairy world, but it can also greatly affect the nearby volcanoes. Therefore, every eruption of the immortal volcano will cause damage to the fairy world. Small harm.

For ordinary creatures, this area is simply a restricted area of ​​life, but for the Phoenix family, especially the fire phoenix, it is the best habitat.

As a result, it became the stronghold of the Feng Clan. Due to the suppression of this volcanic group, the harm of the undead volcano was weakened, and a lot of merit was gained unknowingly.

Until the time of the Three Clan Wars in the ancient times, the Feng clan was entangled in karma, but due to the perennial suppression of the undead volcanoes, the karma was offset a lot. This was also the main reason why Zufeng survived the catastrophe.

As a price, Zu Feng can only swear to the heavens and suppress the undead volcano all the year round.

With Zufeng’s full suppression, the undead volcano’s connection with other volcanoes has been greatly weakened. After tens of thousands of years, it has never erupted again. This not only eliminated karma for the Feng clan, but also accumulated a lot of merit. Therefore, Phoenix will become auspicious.

It didn't take much time. Using the teleportation array, Li Changsheng quickly came to the edge of the volcano group.

In the next moment, Li Changsheng did not transform, but turned into a rainbow from the fire, rushing towards the location of the undead volcano.

The patriarch and the elder of the Feng clan looked at each other, hurriedly followed, and barely hung behind. It felt like Li Changsheng was the master and they were the guests.

Soon, the undead volcano was in sight.

As the largest volcano in the fairy world, the undead volcano occupies more than 100,000 square kilometers, with countless crimson lava churning and emitting a lot of black smoke.

This is still the result of being suppressed by Zufeng and many phoenixes, otherwise the undead volcano would not be so ‘gentle’.

When Li Changsheng appeared in the undead volcanic crater, suddenly, the magma seemed to boil, and a five-color phoenix with a bare wingspan of more than one thousand meters flew out of the magma.

Such a huge phoenix, who else could it be without the ancestor phoenix.

With Zufeng's size, Li Changsheng's Demon Emperor Phoenix was in front of her, which was the difference between an adult and a child.

Zu Feng quickly turned into a human body, but she was a beautiful woman in colorful neon clothes. Her expression was gentle, and her every move was full of dignity.

For the first time, Li Changsheng had scanned Zu Feng's information.

[Fairy name]: Zufeng (mature stage. Comprehend the inextinguishable fire...the flame of destruction...the sacred flame...the true meaning of the immortality of rainstorm and the unburntness of the fire...absorb the elite of the flames...absorb the five colors of the mysterious sky Liuliguo... absorbs the origin of the hibiscus tree, greatly enhances the power of fire skills, and obtains the effect of suppressing and dissolving the fire vein. Comprehend the origin of the avenue, its power increases sharply; the guardian of the avenue: exempts some damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: The only monster

[Leprechaun Quality]: Myth

[Fairy Bloodline]: Zu Feng (Perfect)

[Fairy Attributes]: Fire

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

"It's mythical quality again!"

Seeing Zufeng's quality, Li Changsheng frowned slightly.

From this point of view, the unique beast seems to be a template of mythological quality.

But this is not absolute. After all, the hundred dragons are mythical qualities that only become golden apples, and Zu Feng doesn't know it.

However, judging from Zufeng's information, he thinks that this may be related to the origin of the hibiscus tree. After all, the hibiscus tree is the top spiritual root of the fire system, and it is consistent with the attributes of the Then, Li Changsheng had some ideas, but he was reluctant to experiment with the top-level spiritual roots.

Li Changsheng dispelled this thought and began to analyze Zu Feng's general strength.

Both are unique beasts, but they also have superior and inferior points.

Among the unique beasts, the ancestor phoenix who can compete with the ancestor dragon is definitely the best, and it is likely to be above the hundred dragons in its heyday.

Even so, Li Changsheng didn't worry much.

At this time, the patriarch and elder of the Feng clan finally followed.

The patriarch of the Feng clan hurriedly introduced the two parties, even if the two parties already knew their identities.

"My concubine has seen His Majesty the Emperor!"

Zu Feng gave a graceful gift, and then, without waiting for Li Changsheng to return the gift, he said, "However, this time the concubine only invited your Majesty as a guest, and did not invite the Dragon Clan as a guest."

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