Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 888: Green until you panic

Before the red dragon approached the battlefield of the demon saint golden dragon, Kailan, who turned into a green streamer, blocked the red dragon's path first.

   On the ground below them, like bamboo shoots springing up after a rain, a large number of buds emerged from the stone slab.

   This palace is also peculiar. It is difficult to damage a single bit during the battle, but when Kailan activates the wooden world's arrival feature, it becomes fragile again, and it feels like this palace is conscious.

   In the blink of an eye, some young shoots turned into huge trees tens of meters high, and a magnificent grove quickly took shape.

   Because of the crystallization of the blood sunflower, the red dragon only felt that his body was full of power, which made the red dragon, who was already known for its arrogance, become more and more proud.

After discovering that the opponent was just a Demon King-level demon pet, his eyes inevitably showed contempt. Now it is a Demon Saint-level demon pet. Even if it is only a temporarily elevated Demon Saint-level demon pet, it is far from ordinary. Demon King class demon pet can be compared.

   In this situation, the red dragon could not help but underestimate Kailan's three-pointer, spouting a fiery flame dragon breath, and continued to fly towards the demon saint-level golden dragon.

   Out of caution, Red Dragon still unavoidably focused part of his mind on Kailan.

   When the flame dragon breath rushed, Kailan's figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had already appeared above the red dragon's head.

  Using the flashing skills and the underestimate of the red dragon, Kailan approached the red dragon lightly and easily and performed a thunderous blow.

   Kailan was holding a dark green lightsaber that was long in length, holding the hilt in both hands, with the tip of the sword facing down, and stabs the Red Dragon's neck fiercely.

   Feeling the movement above, the red dragon was obviously taken aback. Its response was not unpleasant, and it hurriedly shook its head, trying to fly Kailan away.

  At the same time, the red dragon's body showed a strong flame streamer. Just give it a little time to form a flame barrier.

   In the violent shaking, Kailan was a little unstable, but still pierced the dark green lightsaber into the red dragon's neck, but the strength inevitably dropped by three points.

  The unformed flame barrier was easily pierced by the dark green lightsaber, and then when it pierced into the Upanishad Guardian, the strength dropped again by a few points before colliding with the dragon scales on the red dragon's neck.

   Although the red dragon was temporarily promoted to the Demon Saint level due to the crystalization of the blood sunflower, only its measurements were promoted, and it did not include the uprising source increase and the protection of the Demon Saint level's unique source.

   Well, it's about the same as the pseudo-demon Saint-level demon pet.

   But with the blessing of the mighty power of heaven and earth, the red dragon's combat power is roughly the same as that of the fearful beast Bregas.

   It's a pity that the Red Dragon underestimated Kailan and let it lose the opportunity.


The dark green lightsaber first collided with the dragon scales on the red dragon's head. After a short pause, it pierced the fire red dragon scales, and then penetrated through the thick dragon skin, before piercing the red dragon's flesh and blood, but the sword All the fronts went through, leaving only the hilt.


   The red dragon let out a painful dragon roar, and the thick and long tail of the dragon let out an ear-piercing crackling sound, and swept straight towards Kailan.

   Fortunately, the size of the red dragon is large enough, and its neck is only a few meters thick, so that Kailan's sword did not cause much damage to it.

   However, Kailan had an early draft, and while pulling away to avoid the dragon's tail, he quickly communicated with the dark green lightsaber.

   The next moment, the dark green lightsaber exudes a dazzling brilliance, and the natural energy that makes up the dark green lightsaber instantly rages and explodes.

   The red dragon was startled, and hurriedly gathered energy to weaken the power of the dark green lightsaber to explode as much as possible.


   accompanied by the explosion sound, accompanied by the red dragon's extremely painful dragon roar, a blood flower exploded on its neck, like a spring, a large amount of hot dragon blood was thrown out from the neck.

"How can it be!"

   Yan Wanling's expression changed drastically. Just now, her attention was mainly focused on the demon saint-level golden dragon and treasures, and did not pay much attention to the red dragon. After all, the opponent of the red dragon was only a demon king-level demon pet.

   In Yan Wanling's opinion, the red dragon can easily deal with each other. Unexpectedly, such a turning point will happen, but it is useless to regret it at this time.


   The red dragon glide down from the air like a wrecked plane, and slammed it heavily on the hard floor, causing it secondary damage.

   The red dragon paid a heavy price for its pride. If it weren't for the crystalized blood sunflower to forcibly raise its realm, Kailan's blow would definitely kill it.

   Even so, this blow almost severely damaged the Red Dragon.

   Tree people mode!

   Also at this time, Kailan moved both hands, and under the invisible force, these trees flew towards Kailan.

   Click~ Click~

   The sound of countless broken trees sounded, just like building blocks. These trees were combined together at an extremely fast speed, and finally formed a treant nearly 100 meters high.

   Since Kailan's elemental power has been further improved, the tree people formed by the tree people pattern have also risen.


  Under Kailan's control, the Treant stepped forward. Its footsteps were not fast, but due to the huge pace, it more or less made up for the disadvantage of speed.

   Also at this time, the red dragon got up from the ground, and Nuo Da's eyes were full of suffocation and anger.

Seeing the Treant approaching quickly, the red dragon roared angrily. Before thinking about it, he opened his mouth and spewed out a flaming dragon breath that was more than ten meters thick, instantly submerging a small part of the Treant’s just The tree man is not a living body, and naturally does not feel pain. In the process of being burned by the flame of the dragon's breath, the tree man continued to take firm steps.

   In the blink of an eye, the tree man appeared in front of the red dragon.

   At this moment, the red dragon was filled with scorching flames, using the burst of flames to greatly increase the impact, and hitting the tree man heavily.

   The fiery flame erupted and swept away suddenly and completely enveloped the tree man in the flame.

   Under the frenzied burning of the flames, the tree made a crackle all over, and some parts quickly turned into coke.

   Just at this moment, the green light spread throughout the tree.

   At the same time, the tree man opened his arms and hugged the red dragon tightly.

   The red dragon felt bad at once, and struggled desperately, trying to break free of the tree man's embrace.

   Suddenly, a green streamer came out of the Treant’s head, enduring the burning of the flame, and quickly moved away from the red dragon and Treant. This is naturally Kailan.


   Along with Kailan's soft voice, the green treeman exploded.


   Countless green lights centered on the tree man, suddenly exploded towards the surroundings, a semi-circular green energy sphere instantly formed, and exploded towards the surroundings in a frantic manner.

  In the center of the explosion, the red dragon had only time to condense a layer of red light curtain, and then it was completely submerged by green light.

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