Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 889: Slash the Red Dragon Without Damage

How could there be such a powerful demon king class demon pet! "

   Seeing such a scene, Yan Wanling's nails were deeply pinched into the flesh, with a little golden blood flowing from the wound.

The pseudo-kings temper jade bones, while the kings forge golden bodies, commonly known as golden jade bones. As the number of demon saint-level demon pets increases, more and more blood will be converted into gold, which also represents gold. The body becomes more and more indestructible.

   When the blood turns to gold, the basic requirements for promotion to the Double Character King are met.

   Before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, Kailan once again condensed a large amount of wood energy, completely not giving the red dragon a way out.

   At a critical juncture, Yan Wanling had to direct the fastest Demon King Golden Eyed Roc Bird to rush up, trying to trap Kailan.

   This golden-eyed roc bird is also Yan Wanling's only demon king-level demon pet who is not a giant dragon.

   Only this way, Yan Wanling has only two Demon King-level demon pets and a few Lord-level demon pets restricted treasures. If more power is drawn out, this treasure may break free.

   The golden-eyed Dapeng bird turned into a golden streamer, its speed is not ordinary fast, in this respect it is hardly slower than Kailan.

   In a matter of seconds, the Golden Eyed Roc Bird flew in front of Kailan, with its sharp beak shining with a sharp cyan brilliance, and pecked towards Kailan.

   With Kailan's agility, she naturally avoided it, but she did not evade and continued to condense the wood energy.

Just when the golden-eyed roc bird’s beak was three feet away from Kailan, the green lotus mark on Kailan’s forehead flickered, and then the innate Qi Xuancha Miao Zhenqinglian appeared at Kailan’s feet, and transformed A cyan light curtain wrapped Kailan in all directions.


   The beak of the Golden-eyed Roc bird pecked on the cyan light curtain, causing a lot of ripples. The cyan light curtain quickly became weak, but it never broke.

   Also at this time, Kailan condensed enough wood energy, she still ignored the Golden Eyed Roc Bird, and threw countless green'seeds' into the air.

   Under the agglomeration of a large amount of wood energy, these'seeds' instantly completed the process of growth, turning into illusory trees, covering the center of the explosion.

  At this moment, the dust in the center of the explosion began to settle, revealing the miserable appearance of the red dragon.

   In the successive explosions, the red dragon was exploded and its skin sprouted. A large number of dragon scales fell off. The thick dragon skin was cut into deep marks, and the hot dragon blood continuously spewed out from the wound.

   Thanks to the huge vitality, the red dragon has not died, or even lost its fighting ability.

   Unfortunately, Kailan did not give it a chance.

   Under the desperate gaze of the red dragon, countless illusory trees fell crazily, submerging the huge red dragon again.

   In the blink of an eye, a stream of light flew out from where the red dragon was originally lying, and instantly fell into Yan Wanling's Yintang acupoint.

  Although the Red Dragon will be resurrected by the Heavenly Dao, it also means that Yan Wanling’s bamboo basket is completely empty, and the crystalized blood sunflower used to save his life was wasted.

   At this time, the Golden Eyed Roc Bird continued to attack Kailan.

   After solving the Red Dragon, Kailan started to deal with the Golden Eyed Roc Bird.

   Golden Eyed Roc Bird is not bad in strength. According to Li Changsheng's assessment, it is in the ranks of excellent Demon King-level demon pets. If coupled with the Secret Realm's blessings, it can be said to be quite close to the top Demon King-level demon pets.

   Even so, there is still a big gap between the Golden Eyed Dapeng Bird and Kailan. They are completely crushed and defeated. It can be said that the defeat will happen sooner or later.

   Not far away, after the big sun fire crow and the long-eared cold jade rabbit joined, the demon saint-level golden dragon can be said to be dangerous.

   However, its threat is still extremely high, as long as it is hit by its attack, it will suffer severe damage if it does not die.

   If the fear of the beast Bregas is used as a measure of strength, then the demon saint-level golden dragon that has been blessed by the power of heaven and earth can play two to three Bregas.

If the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon is still in its heyday, there is still hope of victory, but it was first hit by the burning body of the crowned Sun Luan, and then the left side dragon wing was torn apart by the dumb, making the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon's The speed of flight has been greatly reduced.

  In this way, Ashe and Dasun fire crow have the advantage in speed. The long-eared Hanyu rabbit sits on Dasun fire crow as a fort, and they play the harassment tactics to the fullest.

   In such a situation, he was the only one who suffered a lot and served as the target of the demon saint golden dragon.

   was on the verge of heavy damage, but was knocked to the ground by the demon saint-level golden dragon in three or two. After stepping into the footsteps of dumb, he lay limp on the ground.

   Seeing this situation, the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon was stunned for a moment, watching the Chuan Chuan who was quickly recovering from his injuries, even the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

   Obediently burrows into the hole, and encounters two opponents who are almost undead. Does it mean that other opponents also have the ability to be undead?

   If so, how can you fight this?

   Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon stunned, Ashe, Big Sun Fire Crow and Long-eared Hanyu Rabbit launched a fierce offensive, adding some scars to the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon.

   Not far away, the Demon King Blue Dragon hit the ground heavily, turning into a stream of light that poured into Yan Wanling's Yintang acupoint.

   After taking a look, the secondary ancestor black dragon immediately went to support Shir Asuna.

Xier Asuna is being suppressed by the Demon King Silver Dragon. From the perspective of individual strength, the two are not much different, but the Demon King Silver Dragon has the blessing of heaven and earth, which makes the latter stronger~ This suppressed Shir Asuna.

   However, after receiving the support of the black dragon of the lower ancestor, the demon king silver dragon is doomed.

  A few miles away, day and night, he controlled a white and black flaming giant sword, slashing fiercely on the spherical treasure.


   Under the strong fluctuations, the power of the heavenly path was finally annihilated, revealing the specific appearance of the spherical treasure, allowing Li Changsheng to successfully collect the treasure.

   Li Changsheng did not look at this treasure, nor did he besiege the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, but instead rushed towards Yan Wanling with a few demon pets.

   The reason is simple, Yan Wanling is about to come to an end.

   The power of the heavens attached to the green ball of light has dimmed to the extreme, as long as Yan Wanling is given a little more time, this treasure will definitely be taken away.

   Li Changsheng must rush to take away this treasure before Yan Wanling.

   Seeing Li Changsheng rushing over with a few demon pets, Yan Wanling's expression was abnormal.

At this time, Yan Wanling couldn't take care of it anymore, and had to revoke the power of heaven and earth on the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, Demon King-level Silver Dragon, and Golden Eye Dapeng Bird. Break the power of heaven and take away treasures.

   At that time, Yan Wanling still retains the hope of competing for the only spot, even if it is only a theoretical hope, she will not give up easily.

   Take a step back and say, even if you fail in the end, you can win one more treasure.

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