Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 997: Devil Buster

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PS: The previous chapter has been revised. The Zixiao Leopard Lin Beast is no longer a demigod, but also absorbed the Zixiao Demon Exterminating Xuansha Orb.

The God Thunder of Xuancha Demon Demon Slayer looks similar to the name of the Zixiao Demon Demon God Thunder Orb, but it is the inheritance skill of the Zixiao Qilin.

In this way, Xuancha Demon Demon God Thunder + Zixiao Demon Demon God Demon Thunder + Zixiao Demon Demon God Thunder Orb + comprehend the true meaning of evil spirit God Thunder, enough to cause great damage to the dark species, the effect is probably beyond the description of the group.

If a dark species of the same realm stabs Zixiao Qilin with a mysterious thunder that will destroy the demon god, there is a high probability that it will fall directly.

Even the leader of the demon who is comparable to the top Demon Saint-level demon pet, I am afraid that he will have to suffer a lot of damage, which will greatly increase Li Changsheng's itinerary in the near future.

This is simply the devil nemesis!

Although the Zixiao Leopard Beast is not the strongest demon pet in Li Changsheng's hands, it is definitely the most threatening to the treacherous and cunning demon leader.

After the Zixiao Leopard Beast transformed, Li Changsheng immediately began to absorb the blood of Dijiang.

With his current physical strength, he can absorb a whole pot of Dijiang Essence Blood at one time, let alone feel any pain.

It took more than an hour before Li Changsheng completed the absorption, and there was a crackling sound all over his body.

Absorbing a pot of Dijiang Essence Blood made his physical strength rise again a bit, although not a lot, it is also precious.

Among them, Li Changsheng also gained the ability to control the space. It seems that he can break through the space and move it with a single thought.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng's body shape suddenly changed, turning into a yellow sac, red like a pill fire, six legs and four wings, and a faceless Emperor Jiang.

To be honest, the image of Dijiang is scary, but its control of space is definitely one of the best among the many sacred beasts, even the ancestor dragon is inferior in this respect.

Because of only absorbing a pot of blood, Li Changsheng can only play the level of Demon King-level Dijiang at best. This also means that when Li Changsheng is promoted to the Double Character King, the power of Dijiang will still stagnate in the Demon King. Level realm.

This is also the upper limit of a pot of Dijiang Essence Blood. If you want to increase the upper limit significantly, you have to absorb three more cans of Essence Blood like a giant with a hundred arms.

However, even the Demon King-level Emperor Jiang is comparable to an ordinary Demon Saint-level demon pet, especially the Space Element ability is beyond defense.

Just like a fish swimming in the water, with a thought, Li Changsheng, who was incarnate in Dijiang, easily broke through the secret space and suddenly appeared in the boundary 10,000 meters away.

Such a long movement distance is not the limit of the Demon King-level Dijiang, but the length of the movement distance, the more mental power is consumed. If you want to reduce the loss of mental power, it is best to move in a short space.

In addition to space movement, there are naturally many space-related abilities such as space knives, space cages, space storms, and disturbing space.

Among them, the loss of space storm is the greatest, and it is also the most powerful magical power of the Demon King Rank Dijiang.

After experimenting with these abilities, Li Changsheng can be said to be quite satisfied, even if he can't beat the Night King now, it is difficult for the opponent to catch up with him.

If you want to compete with the Dark Night King, you must have a few Demon Saint-level demon pets. After all, the Dark Night King has the existence of the Demon Emperor-level demon pets.

Even if Ashe and Kailan can leapfrog and fight, it is impossible for them to leapfrog the two levels. Faced with the attack of the monster emperor level monster pet, even if they touch each other, they will be severely injured, and they are likely to be killed directly.

Therefore, before the arrival of the March period, Li Changsheng needs to do two things, one is to join the human palace, and the other is to cultivate a few demon saint-level demon pets as soon as possible, so as to compete with the night king.

Among Li Changsheng's many demon pets, ashe and Kailan, the highest-ranking ones, are still only at the level 6 and 7 of the Demon King level, and they are still some distance away from breaking through the Demon Saint level.

However, with their potential, they can definitely reach the breaking point within a month or two.

In addition to them, Li Changsheng's focus is on day and night.

His light and dark gate can slightly increase the combat power of the light and dark elements, enough to increase the combat power of day and night by half a notch. If the two cats all break through the demon saint level, with their tacit cooperation ability, It might not be able to compete with the ordinary demon emperor class demon pet.

Of course, these are the most ideal conditions. If the luck is too bad, I am afraid that when the March period is over, Li Changsheng may not even have a demon saint-level demon pet.

If the worst happens, Li Changsheng can only continue to stick around until he has enough strength.

At this time, Li Changsheng's heart moved, but he sensed the existence of Ning Bizhen.

Obviously, Ning Bizhen has completed the secret realm.

With a thought, Li Changsheng's figure disappeared again and appeared in front of Ning Bizhen.

Looking at the abrupt appearance of Dijiang, Ning Bizhen subconsciously wanted the long-eared cold jade rabbit in his arms to do it, but after sensing the breath of Li Changsheng, he quickly stopped the long-eared cold jade rabbit ready to go. .

Li Changsheng rolled in the void and transformed into a human form again, but the clothes on his body had already burst open, but he was wrapped in the ancestral dragon scale armor and was not exposed.

This is also the bad part of transforming. Every time you transform, you have to explode your clothes, giving Li Changsheng a feeling of crazy clothes. Fortunately, the ancestral dragon scale armor he refined has a zoom function, otherwise it will become very troublesome. .

"Bi Zhen, how is it?"

Li Changsheng naturally asked about Ning Bizhen's secret realm, and he also hoped that Ning Bizhen would have a good harvest.

"You'll know after reading it."

As Ning Bizhen's thoughts surged, a three- to four-meter-high spatial portal appeared in front of the two of them.

The two of them stepped into the space portal together, and appeared in Ning Bizhen's secret realm.

This can be said to be a water world, with only a small island of dozens of square meters, and the air is filled with the smell of salty water.

Without hesitation, Ning Bizhen directly gave Li Changsheng the greatest authority.

Although it is impossible to be as fully aware as Ning Bizhen, Li Changsheng can also easily sense the virtual reality of this secret This secret realm is about half the size of Li Changsheng’s secret realm. No way, there is only one plant of water. The shadow-splitting tree, unlike Li Changsheng, has the tree of life, the big Zhoutian star fruit tree, and the five-color glazed fruit tree of Xuanqiong, not to mention the tree of life is still a top-grade spiritual plant.

Some people might say, let Li Changsheng gather all the spiritual plants in one secret realm, and then move the spiritual plants to the secret realm of Ning Bizhen, so as to maximize efficiency.

This kind of thing has been done before, but it didn't get good results, but it led to the collapse of the secret realm.

This is also impossible. The top-level spiritual plant can make the secret realm more stable and at the same time expand the area of ​​the secret realm. However, when the top-level spiritual vegetation is transplanted, the stability of the secret realm will drop to the initial level and cannot maintain such a large area. , It will cause the entire secret realm to completely collapse.

This is like the foundation of a high-rise building. If you remove all the foundations, the consequences will naturally be serious.

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