Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 998: Xumilu

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Not only the top-level Lingzhi has no loopholes to exploit, but even the loopholes of quasi-gods, demi-gods, and beasts cannot be exploited. Naturally, the king has tried this.

Because as long as they take root in one of the secret realms, they will have a very long cooling time, otherwise, even if they move to other people's secret realms, they will not have any effect on the enlightened things that will be bred.

This cool down period lasted for fifty years, unless Ning Bizhen delayed to open up the secret realm for fifty years, don't expect it.

In fact, if these loopholes really exist, then the number of Zifu's rare-class enlightened things will probably be many times, and it won't be as precious as it is now.

At this time, Ning Bizhen took out a gleaming pocket fishing net and said, "This is my enlightened thing-the Xumiluo net!"

Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, the Xumiluo net has reached the top middle-grade world wonders level, and it is only one step away from the Zifu treasure.

This did not surprise Li Changsheng, because when the two were separated, Li Changsheng gave Ning Bizhen a pot of chaotic blood, plus the water shadow splitter tree and Ning Bizhen’s demon pets, her enlightenment Things can almost lock into the category of wonders in the middle-class world, and if you are lucky enough to go against the sky, you can even get enlightened things of the Zifu rare class.

This time, Ning Bizhen's luck is not against the sky, but it is quite good to be able to obtain top-notch mid-range world wonders. If there is enough chance in the future, maybe he can go further.

Xumiluo Net: A mid-level wonder of the world, with the function of blocking the world, including the space within the range, a Xumi Orb is born every three years.

The effect of the Xumiluo net seems to be single, but the more a single treasure, the effect is often stronger than that of the multifunctional treasures of the same level. Moreover, the Xumiluo net can also block the space. With this Xumiluo net, you can do your best To prevent the opponent from escaping.

As for the Xumi Orb, a by-product of the Xumiluo net, it is a kind of treasure of bloodline metamorphosis. It has reached the rare level of heaven and earth, and can be effective against demon pets below the demigod.

It is precisely because of the effect of the Xumi Jewel that the value of the Xumi Luo Net is greatly enhanced, which is enough to compare with some tasteless Zifu treasures.

"As expected of Bi Zhen!"

After learning about the effects of Xumi Luo Net and Xumi Jewels, Li Changsheng couldn't help but sigh, and had to sigh Ning Bizhen's luck.

"No, I have better luck!"

Li Changsheng thought of the magical effects of his enlightenment, the gate of light and darkness, and for the first time found that his luck was better than Ning Bizhen.

After both opened up the secret realm, the two rode on Ashe to return to the country of Tu.

Before landing, Ning Bizhen escaped into Li Changsheng's secret realm.

Because Ning Bizhen did not enter the Wanwang Palace, no one except Li Changsheng knew that she had become a king and could be used as a trump card, which might have miraculous effects at critical moments.

Ashe did not stay, and left Tu country straight away and flew in the direction of Daiguo.

After the two became kings, they also initially possessed the ability to protect themselves, but they were not very safe. After all, it was not just the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang, and it was difficult to guarantee that there would be no other strong man secretly planning Li Changsheng.

The most important thing at the moment is naturally to join the Human Emperor’s Mansion as soon as possible, relying on the big tree to enjoy the shade, and with the Human Emperor’s Mansion as the backstage, even if other emperors or emperors want to plan Li Changsheng, they must also worry about the Human Emperor. Needless to say other strong people.

Of course, you need to be **** your own, and you can't pin your hopes on others. The most important thing is to strengthen your own strength as soon as possible.

When Li Changsheng entered the realm of Daiguo, Zhao Yuanqing, the bitter king who was far away in the Hurricane Fortress, was moved in his heart and immediately learned that a king had broken into Daiguo.

This is a special ability possessed by the ruler of a country, as long as there is an existence above the king into the ruler's country, the other's existence can be sensed.

However, it is not so much a special ability, as it is an early warning from the Dao of Heaven, after all, every king is the target of the Dao of Heaven, which is why there will be a vision of heaven and earth when someone is promoted to the king or when the king falls.

After sensing that there was a king entering the kingdom, Zhao Yuanqing, the bitter king, followed his special abilities, and briefly'seeed' Li Changsheng, who was nearly a thousand miles away.

After discovering that it was Li Changsheng, Zhao Yuanqing was not surprised, nor did he prevent Li Changsheng from entering the dynasty. Instead, he ordered his servants to prepare for the arrival of Li Changsheng.

After entering the Dai Kingdom, Li Changsheng immediately drove Ashe to the Hurricane Fortress.

At this moment, the Hurricane Fortress was lit up with lights, and when Li Changsheng entered the Hurricane Fortress, gongs and drums were being beaten everywhere, and brilliant fireworks filled the sky.

The bitter king Zhao Yuanqing took the initiative to greet him with the high-levels of Hurricane Fortress. This treatment made Li Changsheng a little flattered.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Li became the king so quickly, it can be said that the history of the entire continent has been rewritten. It is really gratifying!"

In fact, Zhao Yuanqing already knew the news when Li Changsheng stepped into the Hall of Kings, but there were too many kings around Li Changsheng at that time, and he didn't join in the excitement, so he had a soy sauce.

"Bitter King Absurd!"

Li Changsheng was humbled, and then under the guidance of Zhao Yuanqing, the two entered the palace together.

Zhao Yuanqing naturally prepared a banquet. During the period of ambition, countless high-level hurricane fortresses took the initiative to deal with Li Changsheng, wanting to leave a good impression.

No way, Zhao Yuanqing's life will be exhausted, and their biggest backer is about to fall, so naturally they want to prepare a way out.

Today's Li Changsheng can be said to be thriving, such as the more independent beheading of the king, the more independent beheading of the demon leader, the youngest king in history, and other deeds, these alone are enough to make these hurricane fortress leaders actively promote him and flatter him.

How could Zhao Yuanqing know about the thoughts of his, but he looked open, and his mood did not change. After all, this is also human nature, not to mention that he has been in charge with Li Changsheng for a long time. The idea of ​​the country is not only to avoid being overwhelmed by the country, but also to preserve his family.

If the king’s asylum is absent, the dynasty will fall into a disaster again, and the only way left to the dynasty royal family is to migrate to other countries.

At that time, the imperial family is afraid that it will be finished. After all, it is the imperial family from other countries, plus there is no king's shelter. In the eyes of other countries, this is not a sweet pastry and what can be.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yuanqing is willing to hand over the country to Li Changsheng. Of course, the main reason is to value Li Changsheng’s potential and make investments in advance. As long as Li Changsheng is committed, the royal family can continue to thrive even if they lose the king. As long as Li Changsheng continues to improve, Maybe it will be stronger than it is now.

PS: The titles of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen are up to you, and it is best to match the characteristics of the two.

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