Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 999: The eye of truth

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After a lot of scrambling, Li Changsheng followed Zhao Yuanqing into a secret room, mainly around the discussion of the country.

This time, Li Changsheng did not reject Zhao Yuanqing's kindness, and was willing to take charge of the country with Zhao Yuanqing. When Zhao Yuanqing died, he would come forward to protect the imperial family.

Of course, the dynasty royal family will also abdicate to the virtuous. As for who will be the emperor, Li Changsheng expressed no interest at all.

The imperial throne is of no use to Li Changsheng, just like the emperor of Langya is to the dark night king Dou Cangqiong, his position will be above the throne, so why waste time dealing with vulgar objects.

However, there are not many candidates.

To become an emperor, one must have a certain level of strength. It is best to be a pseudo-king, and the minimum must not be lower than Tier 6, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public to be laughed at by other countries. After all, although the country is small, there are always some six. Powerful and pseudo-king.

This is only a small country such as Daiguo. If it is an empire, the guarantee must be the king. Many empires are enthroned by double-word kings.

After the discussion, Li Changsheng lived in a palace, which will also become his residence in the hurricane fortress.

He didn't go to hunt the demon leader immediately, for one, he didn't have a pass, and second, he didn't have accurate information about the gate of the abyss around him.

These Qingmu Wang Luo Yuanjun will prepare for him, but it will take some time.

During this period, Li Changsheng did not waste time, preparing to refine a special treasure.

At the same time, Kailan also had to prepare for the promotion of Alchemy Master.

In order to be promoted to the master of alchemy, Kailan prepares to refine ten directions of Netherworld Pill.

This is one of the top pill recipes obtained from the Danyang Beppu, which can assist the lord-level demon pet to break through the demon king realm.

If the refining is successful, Kailan has a lot of possibility to advance to the master of alchemy, and at the same time, Li Changsheng will also get a certain number of ten-fang ghost pills.

In the secret room, following Li Changsheng's thoughts, the gate of light and darkness rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Changsheng solemnly took out two dark eyes. As long as he looked at these two eyes, his mind would always be attracted involuntarily.

These are the two eyes of the demon leading the assassination demon, and they have the power to make Li Changsheng feel greedy.

However, as the leader of the demon, there is a strong demon energy in the eyes of the assassin.

"I don't know that after the devil qi is wiped out, I hope this special ability can still exist!"

If you want to completely wipe out the devil qi, naturally you have to use the power of the gate of light and darkness, but Li Changsheng is worried that after the devil qi is wiped out, the special ability of assassinating the devil's eye will also disappear. The possibility is not small.

Li Changsheng still wants to try it. It is natural for everyone to be happy if he succeeds, and there is not much loss if he fails.

The next moment, Li Changsheng threw two assassinating eyes into the gate of hell.

Even the eyeballs of the demon commander were still crushed into powder by the gate of hell, and then burst out a large amount of deep evil black magic energy.

From the quality point of view, the quality of the demon energy led by the demon is more than that of the big demon.

At this time, the gate of **** will pass these demonic energy into the gate of heaven.

Even if the quality of the devil energy is higher this time, it is still within the tolerance of the gate of heaven. The devil energy is easily extinguished, and the remaining matter finally condenses into a small piece of dark red crystal.

Holding this dark red crystal, Li Changsheng could feel that the devilish energy had disappeared. As for whether the special ability of assassinating the devil's eyeballs was retained, he had to wait for it to be refined.

Li Changsheng took out the Wufeng Pan Wang Ding and threw the dark red crystal into it.

Crown Mian Li Huoluan immediately breathed out flames, and the Five Phoenix Pan Wang Ding immediately started to smelt dark red crystals.

In addition, Li Changsheng has put in dozens of complementary materials based on his experience.

Before long, all materials, including the dark red crystals, melted into a puddle of colorful liquid.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng pinched the Yin Jue... The following process is omitted!


After spending more than half an hour, Li Changsheng gave a soft start. The refined liquid condensed into a bead slightly smaller than a baby's fist. Under his deliberate guidance, the bead looked like an eyeball.

After the treasure had condensed, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and his eyes turned into a stream of light, suspended in front of Li Changsheng.

"Success or failure in one fell swoop!"

Li Changsheng squeezed a seal, and a ray of light instantly enveloped the eyeballs. This was a special method he got from the memory of the Treasure King, and it had the function of identifying treasures.

The next moment, a piece of information was received by Li Changsheng.

After reading the information, Li Changsheng couldn't help showing his joyful eyes.

He succeeded!

XX: A treasure of heaven and earth, with the ability to have a dynamic vision. As long as it is within the line of sight, time will assume a slow posture, making it easier to find flaws in battle. Note: Need to continuously consume mental energy.

Dynamic vision is the special ability that assassins relies on most. It is with dynamic vision and vigorous and flexible racial specialties that assassins will become the most assassinated demon race in the abyss.

"Just call you the Eye of Truth!"

Li Changsheng chose a name casually and began to refine the Eye of Truth.

Although the Eye of Truth is only of the Heaven and Earth Treasure level, it is of great help to Li Changsheng. The most important thing is that if Li Changsheng gets an assassin from the Demon Lord or even the Demon Lord level in the future, he can draw a gourd according to the same pattern. The advanced eye of truth.

Soon, the Eye of Truth turned into a stream of light and entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Changsheng began to test the effect of the Eye of Truth. In an instant, a crack appeared on the forehead of both eyes, and then an eyeball appeared, making Li Changsheng seem to have a third eye.

After the Eye of Truth appeared, a faint light appeared on it. When using the Eye of Truth to observe, Li Changsheng could clearly feel that everything in the Eye of Truth had all become slow It seemed like time was slow. A lot.

"Probably twice as slow!"

After experimenting for a while, Li Changsheng made a judgment.

The Eye of Truth is undoubtedly a special kind of treasure with extremely high cost performance. It is not only used for combat, but also can better grasp the fleeting opportunities in things such as refining equipment, alchemy, and refining blood. .

However, the Eye of Truth also has a downside, that is, the consumption of mental power is a bit fast, even if Li Changcheng becomes the king, it can only last for an hour.

One hour seems to be a long time, but if you are in battle, you will consume a lot of mental power whether you transform or use secret methods. If you add the loss of the Eye of Truth, even if you have the Nine Apertures Primal Orb, you can’t Sustained for too long.

But the flaws do not hide the truth, the Eye of Truth can be used to determine the outcome of a battle.

After closing the eyes of truth, Li Changsheng immediately looked at Kailan who was refining ten directions of Nether Pill.

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