Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1002: Temporary pass

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After three days, King Aoki finally sent someone to deliver the pass.

I don't know that it was King Aoki who valued himself too much, and he actually sent a king to present the pass.

This king has a childlike face, kind eyebrows and a kind eye, holding a whisk in his hand, quite a kind of fairy style.

This king's name calls the King of Mercy, just like his first impression.

Li Changsheng has also heard of his name. It is rumored that the King of Mercy took compassion before he became a king, and he did not know how to save countless people in his life. Only then will he be bestowed the title of King of Mercy.

In terms of age, King Ci is already more than two hundred years old. Even if there are treasures of heaven and earth that increase lifespan, as long as they are not heavenly treasures such as flat peaches and ginseng fruits, they can live for decades at most. Only by becoming the King of Double Characters can his lifespan soar.

After seeing Li Changsheng, King Ci smiled kindly and said flatly: "The whole king is really young and promising. It is the blessing of the world. The future may be on par with those nine."

The whole king is the title of Li Changsheng's king. This title was not given by other kings for Li Changsheng, but was bestowed by heaven according to the characteristics of the king.

As for why Heavenly Dao bestowed the title of Quan King, it may be that Li Changsheng was too comprehensive, with almost no weaknesses at all, and he did a series of shocking things before becoming the king.

Although the titles of kings are all bestowed by the Dao of Heaven, these titles also have upper, middle and lower points. Among them, all kings rank among the top ranks in the titles of kings as numerous as stars.

Of course, the name is the question of whether it is loud or not. No matter how good the name is, it cannot increase Li Changsheng's combat power, and there is no substantive benefit.

As for Ning Bizhen's name, since she has not yet entered the Hall of Kings, even if the all-knowing and almighty God knows that Ning Bizhen has been promoted to the king, he still has not awarded her a name, so she will not be exposed.

"King Ci, please here!"

Li Changsheng introduced King Ci to the palace where he was staying temporarily. The place was well organized, and the specifications and treatment were not inferior to the bitter King Zhao Yuanqing.

In these three days, Zhao Yuanqing naturally announced to Dai Guo that he and Li Changsheng were in charge of the country.

As soon as the news came out, the people of the country whose morale had been sluggish were all cheered up because it was a dawn for them.

Even if the demon leader of the hurricane fortress has been eliminated, there is no shortage of demon leader in the abyss, I am afraid that one will be sent over after a period of time.

In addition, the second gate of the abyss is likely to be opened within a month, and Zhao Yuanqing's life is near, no matter what, the people of the country will feel like a catastrophe.

It's better now, now there is another king in the country, and Li Changsheng is still the stunned mainland.

In their opinion, Li Changsheng could independently kill the demon leader and the king before he became the king. After becoming the king, his absolute strength greatly increased. Even if Zhao Yuanqing died, he might be able to suppress the two abyss gates with his own power.

In the palace, Li Changsheng and King Ci talked at will, mainly based on various experiences on the mainland.

Soon after receiving the news, Zhao Yuanqing also rushed over, and after meeting the Ci Wang, joined the small chat.

As the topic continued to deepen, the astonishment in King Ci's heart became more intense.

King Ci didn't expect that Li Changsheng was not only powerful, but also well-informed. He knew everything at his fingertips and had deep insights. In this respect, he would even outweigh him.

King Ci couldn't help sighing in his heart that there was such a evil in the world, he even suspected that Li Changsheng was possessed by an old monster, otherwise, how could he have such a profound insight.

Only after observing for a while, King Ci had to abandon this unrealistic idea.

If Li Changsheng were to be taken away by others, some flaws would definitely be revealed. After all, even if taking away the home and the soul fit the body, it is impossible to fit 100%, but any experienced king can easily judge it.

The spiritual power of the king is solidified, and the quality is far higher than that of the non-king, and the observation ability is naturally much stronger.

After talking for a while, King Ci finally said: "This time, King Aoki specially explained the old man, let him give you this temporary pass."

With a wave of King Ci, a piece of Yugui lightly fell on the coffee table in front of Li Changsheng.

This is a piece of green jade, about the length of a ruler, and it is vaguely visible that a large number of silver seal scripts are carved in the jade.

The temporary pass is only valid for one year. Since Li Changsheng has not passed the test of the Imperial Palace, he can only use the temporary pass for the time being.

As long as you hold a temporary pass, you can enter and exit other countries at will. Although the helms of these countries will get some information when entering, they cannot sense the specific reversal.

As a temporary pass to the imperial palace, with the exception of those empires, the helms of small and medium-sized countries will give a lot of face. As long as they don't anger their countries, they will basically turn a blind eye.

"Quan Wang, the old man still has things to do, so I won't stay here any longer. Before leaving, I wish Quan Wang a victory in advance!!"

King Ci did not stay here for a long time. His position in the Imperial Palace was a messenger, which was arguably one of the busiest positions.

"Thank you Ci Wang Jiyan!"

Li Changsheng personally sent King Ci out of the palace, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye when he watched him leave lightly with a cloud of auspicious clouds.

The king has the ability to soar through the clouds and ride the fog, but the speed is inevitably slower than the flying demon pet.

"Quan Wang, the old man will go back first."

Zhao Yuanqing didn't ask about Li Changsheng's specific whereabouts, and went straight back to his palace.

Li Changsheng carefully studied the gates of the abyss in nearby countries and formulated three standards for this.

The first criterion is that the country where the other members of the Royal Palace are located is safer and easier to establish friendship with these kings.

The second criterion is to choose a small country with only one or two kings, so as not to threaten his existence.

The third criterion is to send charcoal in the snow as much as Specially select the small country that is similar to the state of the country. No matter how you look at it, sending charcoal in the snow is better than the icing on the cake, and there may be some extras. reward.

Not only that, but also a wave of prestige.

Based on these three criteria, Li Changsheng easily determined his goal. His first stop was Hu Guo.

Hu Guo and Dai Guo are not far apart. The people of this country are now in a state of collapse, because they have only one king, but they have two abyss gates.

It looks similar to Daiguo, but the problem is that the two abyss gates of Huguo have been opened. Unlike Daiguo, the second abyss door has not yet been opened. The problem is naturally going to be more serious. It can be described as being charcoal. .

PS: I also considered the King of War, Star King, Dragon King, etc., but I feel that these titles are in many novels, so I decided to make the whole king.

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