Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1003: In the dark

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Ashe turned into a golden rainbow, flying towards Hu Country at an extremely exaggerated speed.

In less than an hour, Ashe entered the territory of Hu Country.

Huguo is a huge island country, just like its name, it is shaped like a kettle.

In addition to the main islands, Hu State has a lot of islands. If the area of ​​all the islands is added up, Hu State is probably not much larger than Langya Elementary School.

Unfortunately, most of the islands have not been effectively developed and are sparsely populated, making them a paradise for wild goblins.

Perhaps because of the wide area, the Hu State has given birth to two gates of the abyss.

Huguo's mineral resources can be said to be extremely rich. It has a super-large copper mine, as well as several large gold and silver mines. Before the start of the evil disaster, it can be said to be the richest small country in the Southeast.

Hu Guo can be said to be quite unlucky. There were originally two kings sitting in town, but just before the birth of the second gate of the abyss, one of the kings died.

Half a year ago, the second gate of the abyss was born on an undeveloped deserted island in Huguo. It was only more than two hundred miles away from the main island of Huguo. By the time Huguo discovered it, it was too late and fell directly into it. In the disaster.

That's it. Originally, with the huge financial resources and resources of the Hu State, the king could definitely be paid at the price, but the dark night king Dou Cangqiong was a hindrance from it, making the Hu State not able to invite the idle king at all, causing the evil disaster to intensify.

A long time ago, the Night King focused on the Hu Country. Apart from the similarity of the two countries, it was mainly for the resources of the Hu Country.

After the devastation appears in the Hu Nation, the Night King naturally hopes that the devastation will further expand. It is best to kill the only king in the Hu Nation. Then he will appear as a **** from the sky and win the love of the people of the U.S. Let a king break away from Langya kingdom and become the master of the pot nation, achieving the purpose of secretly controlling the pot nation.

The main reason why the Night King did this was that he had enough strength to suppress two ordinary gates of the abyss.

The demon leader is equivalent to the top Demon Saint-level demon pet. The Night King possesses one Demon Emperor-level demon pet and nearly ten Demon Saint-level demon pets. Naturally, they can simultaneously suppress the three gates of the abyss by dividing their forces.

It's just that, the Night King will be incapable of being cloned, and accidents may occur.

As for why the Night King dared to risk the world, the main reason was that he wanted to go a step further and become a figure at the top of the pyramid.

But how difficult it is to become an emperor and an emperor. Only one Xuan Empress has appeared in the past thousand years, and even the King Yum, who is known as the number one double-character king, has fallen into the sand.

But even if there was only a glimmer of hope, the Night King had to seize it, maybe he was the lucky one of this era.

However, the prerequisite for everything is that massive resources are required, especially the treasures that can make the demon pet advance to the demon emperor rank, and the Langya country alone cannot support it.

The resources of Hu Nation are no worse than Langya Nation. In particular, the King of Night also heard a secret. The imperial family of Hu Nation hides a top treasure that can increase the probability of demon pets being promoted to Demon Emperor level. However, Hu Nation has never produced a double-character king. This has been kept.

The Night King had sent people to inquire several times. Although the Hu State royal family kept the news tight, it was finally confirmed by the Night King that there was such a treasure.

So after the second gate of the abyss appeared in the country of Hu, the Night King began to stalk it in secret, resulting in the country of Hu being not receiving strong assistance, and was deeply trapped in the mire of evil.

However, just when the night king felt that the time was about to come, as if there was a certain day in the dark, Li Changsheng happened to choose the country of Hu.

When the dark night king Dou Cangqiong received the news, Li Changsheng had already entered the Hu Country.

Huguo Peng Island, which is the largest island in Huguo, has almost a state, and the capital of Huguo is naturally placed here.

At this moment, the Hu State is already in panic, and the devastation has lasted for several months. Even if the will of the world has greatly suppressed the power of the demons, the Hu State is still in a precarious state.

Even so, many cities in Hu Country have already been ransacked by demons, and news that a certain city has been captured by a demon army is spread almost every day.

Since the devastation occurred, the vast majority of the powerful and powerful in the Hu State secretly transferred their property and chose strategic transfer. Today, only the royal family and some depressed little nobles are still trying to maintain it.

Of course, there are still a large number of people.

They didn't want to go, or they couldn't go. After all, the ships in Hu Nation were limited, and most of them were requisitioned by the rich and powerful who had left, and they never returned after leaving.

Like the imperial family of the Republic of China, it is impossible to give up the country until the last moment. The royal family of the Hu country can only choose to stay behind and try to contact the idle king, even if it pays a huge price.

Because of the concern about the night king, those idle kings didn't dare to accept it at all. This caused the evil disaster to become more and more serious, and now it is even more difficult to deal with.

On the way to the capital of Hu State, Li Changsheng happened to pass by a small city that had just been captured by an army of demons. People's panic, screams, and mad laughter of demons came from all over the city.

Li Changsheng did not continue to the capital of Hu Guo. Under his command, Ashe rushed straight to the demon army crowded at the city gate.

During this process, a mysterious shadow appeared above Li Changsheng's head, a huge entrance opened, and more than fifty adult dragons rushed out of it.

The giant dragons acted in accordance with Li Changsheng's will, and while swooping down, the demon army smashing their heads and covering their faces poured various dragon breaths.

Except for a handful of high-level demons and great demons, the other demons blocking the gate of the city had no time to react, and were covered by the crazily pouring dragon's breath and vanished in smoke.

It was just one collective dragon's breath exhalation, and at least thousands of demons were eliminated, including several high-level demons.

Because of the suppression of the will of heaven, the more powerful the devil is, the greater the suppression. These few fallen high-level demons are like this, otherwise there will be no chance of escape.

"Leave the great devil to me, and you will leave the rest to you. The dragon that killed the most demons, I will individually reward it with a treasure mountain!"

Encouraged by Li Changsheng, the grown-up dragons slaughtered the demons frantically like a chicken blood.

After all, this is a small city, the number of demon army is only thousands, and there are only two big demons.

Even so, the guards of this small city are powerless to resist, the key point is that many strong have already left early.

When Ashe was chasing a big demon, Li Changsheng suddenly disappeared from Ashe, and appeared in front of another big demon like a ghost.

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