Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1021: Blue Flame Stone, Black Lotus

If a five-color dragon is measured by combat power, a red dragon is equivalent to 1.4 blue dragons, 1.6 green dragons, 1.8 black dragons, or 2.5 white dragons.

The reason why there is such a big gap, in addition to his own strength, also considers Bai Long's poor brain capacity...

Forget the bottom of the strength, the key is stupid, this is the main reason why the title of shame of the dragon clan is assigned to the white dragon.

After taking back the demon pets and the dragons, Li Changsheng returned to the natural fortress and temporarily lived in the most magnificent palace. Needless to say, the service was done according to the emperor's specifications.

Before long, Li Changsheng came to the bedroom and couldn't wait to open the dimension bag to check the collection of the demon leader.

As before, most of them are produced by magic stones and abysses.

There are also some items from other planes, but there is no output of the fairy world. After all, this demon leader also entered the fairy world for the first time, and was killed by Li Changsheng before he had time to clean up.

Among them, there are a dozen of heaven and earth essences and one heaven and earth treasure.

These items are mainly fire-attribute treasures, many of which are the output of the burnt plane.

"This should be the blue flamestone that burned the plane."

Among the dozens of treasures of the essence of heaven and earth, Li Changsheng picked up a blue ore. The surface temperature of this ore was higher than boiling water. However, Li Changsheng was not affected in any way, let alone this temperature, even if It will be fine if it is several times higher.

The Blue Flame Stone is the most famous specialty of the Burning Plane. This is the information that Li Changsheng learned from the memory of the Treasure King.

In order to get the information of the abyss, some kings and even double-word kings will always choose to enter the abyss, collect some information from all levels, and then feedback the information, so that more powerful people can understand the abyss better and avoid too much information. Have suffered.

There is a record of blue flamestone in this information. This is a top-notch quintessential fire-type material. As long as you add a certain weight to the refining of fire-attributed treasures and treasures, you can strengthen their power, depending on the level It depends on the location.

Except that the blue flame stone is still useful, the other essences of heaven and earth either don't know or are useless to Li Changsheng, they can only be used as gifts or trades.

At this time, Li Changsheng picked up the only treasure of heaven and earth.

This is a pocket-sized black lotus platform with five layers, faintly shining with black lights, and Li Changsheng could feel the strong magic energy contained in the black lotus platform.

After experimenting, Li Changsheng discovered that this black lotus is similar to the Xinggong lotus platform and the sunflower black lotus, except that its energy is composed of demonic energy.

Obviously, this black lotus is a treasure unique to the abyss, and it is not how the demon leader got it.

Because of the devilish energy, even if Li Changsheng could use the black lotus, it would be difficult for him to exert its power.

For Li Changsheng, this black lotus is useless, and there is not much transaction value.

Although it has reached the top heaven and earth rare level, no one can use it. Only the devil can meet the conditions.

To put it simply, Hei Lian is of equal rank, but not much transaction value.

"If the devilish energy is removed, what changes will happen?"

Li Changsheng was silent for a while, with this thought in his heart, ready to send this treasure with a lot of devilish energy into the gate of light and darkness.

After Heilian was thrown into the Gate of Light and Darkness, the Gate of Heaven immediately started operating, and countless milky white brilliance instantly enveloped Heilian.

Under the purification of the energy of the light element, the black lotus trembled violently, showing a strong devilish energy, trying to counter the energy of the light element.

It is a pity that the Gate of Light and Darkness is a rare treasure of the Purple Mansion, and it is essentially different from the Black Lotus, which is only Rank 5, plus no one is controlled. It just resists the moment and declares failure.

Under the purification of the energy of the special light element, the devil qi of the black lotus was quickly purified.


Unexpectedly, during the deep purification, Li Changsheng used the Gate of Light and Darkness to feel the abyss consciousness in the core area of ​​the black lotus, which seemed to be quite a lot.

Click~ Click~

At the next moment, the fifth-rank black lotus was broken into two pieces, and because the devilish energy was completely purified, the original black became white.

In addition, there is a sense of abyss the size of a fist.

Compared with the abyss consciousness leaking from the abyss gate, Li Changsheng found that this group of abyss consciousness was easier to purify.

From a quantitative point of view, this group of abyss consciousness is roughly equivalent to the output of the abyss gate for half a month, but it may not take a day to complete the purification.

This is definitely an unexpected surprise. In these hundreds of years of war against the abyss, many powerful men must have seized similar treasures. Just because of the relationship between the devilish energy and the abyss consciousness, this kind of treasure is useless to them, and it may not be as important as a heaven and earth essence.

Since it is easier to refine the abyss consciousness inside the treasure, Li Changsheng feels that he can use this to collect a large number of similar treasures in order to gain the power of the world and the mysterious yellow energy of merit.

At this time, as Li Chang's business thoughts, the split black lotus flew out of the door of light and darkness, and fell into Li Changsheng's At first glance, Li Changsheng found that there was no energy response. After checking, , He discovered that the purified black lotus was equivalent to a rare-earth material, and it also possessed some characteristics of black lotus.

From the point of view of value, the value of the different treasures far exceeds the materials of the same level, but since the black lotus can only be triggered by the devil, the value of the purified materials is higher.

Of course, if you go to the abyss, the value of Black Lotus can also be withdrawn.

"By the way, I almost forgot this treasure!"

Li Changsheng seemed to think of something. He took out a glass bottle from the space ring. This glass bottle was the spoils he had seized from the assassin of the demon commander level. The rank reached the low-rank world wonders level, and it has the function of collecting and storing souls. The efficacy is unknown.

Similar to the black lotus, the glass bottle also contains a lot of magic energy, and the quality and quantity have to be better.

If nothing else, there must be more abyss consciousness in the core of the glass bottle.

Since obtaining the colored glass bottle, Li Changsheng has tried to study it, but he has not gained much. After all, he is not a demon, and there is no devilish energy to induce the colored glass bottle.

It is also because of this that although the colored glass bottle is a low-grade world wonder, it is useless to Li Changsheng. It is better to use it for purification, which is more in his interest.

After throwing the glass bottle into the gate of light and darkness, the gate of heaven divided part of its power and began to purify the magic energy of the glass bottle.

The grade of the colored glass bottle is higher than that of the black lotus, but it is still in the purifying range of the gate of light and dark, but because of the more pure amount of demon energy, the purification speed is more than slow.

In the process of waiting, Li Changsheng's consciousness entered the Hall of Kings and transmitted a message to the throne where the Qingmu King Luo Yuanjun was.


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