Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1022: Principal Xu promoted to the king

In the information passed to Luo Yuanjun, in addition to the completion of the human palace assessment, there is also news that the rules of fire have crystallized.

The dissemination of information in the Wanwang Palace was extremely fast, and Luo Yuanjun, who was thousands of miles away from Li Changsheng, received the news in an instant.

Luo Yuanjun didn't expect that in just a few days, Li Changsheng killed the two demon leaders independently. If the time spent on the temporary pass was counted, it would take less than two days to count.

Such fast efficiency is really unheard of.

Even the double-character king may not be able to do it. After all, the demon leader is not a fool. As long as he finds the double-character king, he must turn around and flee. In the face of the demon leader who wants to escape, the ordinary double-character king may not succeed.

When Luo Yuanjun saw the next message, the turbulent thoughts in his heart were immediately thrown away, and his thoughts appeared in the Hall of Kings under the movement of his thoughts.

At the moment, there are only Li Changsheng and Luo Yuanjun in the Hall of Kings, so there is no need to be afraid of being overheard.

As soon as Luo Yuanjun appeared, he asked impatiently: "Under the crown of the king, are you really willing to take the rules of fire to trade with this seat?"

It's no wonder that Luo Yuanjun would say that. If ordinary kings get the crystallization of the rules, they will naturally cling to them, hoping to use them again when they become the queen of double characters one day, how can they directly seek a deal like Li Changsheng.

What Luo Yuanjun didn't understand was that Li Changsheng had become the king at such a young age, and he would definitely become the double-character king in the future. He could completely cover the crystallization of this fire rule. When he became the double-character queen, why would he seek a deal? Why did you choose him?

"Under the crown of King Aoki, this matter is absolutely true. First, thanks to your care during this time, and second, I intend to use it to exchange you for some treasures that can enhance your combat power."

Seeing Li Changsheng’s admission, Luo Yuanjun became more excited. He already has three Demon Emperor level demon pets. If he obtains the crystallization of the rule of fire, then it is highly possible to obtain the fourth Demon Emperor level demon pet. Achieve the top double-character king, and there is a greater possibility of becoming the emperor in the future.

In the entire fairy world, the number of top double-character kings can be more than the number of hands, and it is also a symbol of status.

In the entire human palace, only the leader of the human palace meets the requirements.

If Luo Yuanjun becomes the top double-character king, he can also seek greater rights in order to reap more benefits, and can even contend with the commanding chamber.

"Plant good causes, make good destinies, and get good fruits!"

Luo Yuanjun pretended to sigh with emotion, but he knew very well that the reason why he cared about Li Changsheng so much was not for profit.

However, as long as this transaction is completed, Li Changsheng is truly in his camp, and he will take more care of Li Changsheng. This is a foreseeable thing.

"Since the entire king's crown has completed the assessment of the imperial palace, then go to the imperial palace today, and I can make arrangements."

In his excitement, Luo Yuanjun stopped claiming to be his seat, and completely regarded Li Changsheng as his own.

"I still have an unrelenting request. I hope I can trade in public."

Li Changsheng briefly recounted what happened in the Huguo Imperial Palace. Only when the rules of fire were traded to Luo Yuanjun in public, could he reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble and avoid being worried about all the time.

"This is what it should be, now!"

Luo Yuanjun's expression remained unchanged. Although doing so would make him look too high-profile, as long as he immediately digested the rules of fire, there would not be any trouble. After all, the identity of the deputy commander of the Imperial Palace was there. Maybe trouble him.

From beginning to end, Li Changsheng didn't mention what he needed, because he knew very well that if the transaction value was completely unequal, Luo Yuanjun would definitely lose face before his hands. How could he do such a thing.

Besides, Li Changsheng also said his general requirements, I believe Luo Yuanjun will also make a choice.

After the exchange was over, the consciousness of the two disappeared in the Hall of Kings.

Li Changsheng was ready to set off immediately. Now the demon army in the natural fortress is almost wiped out, and the demon leader has been killed. There will be no new demon leader in a short time, so he can leave for a while without worry.

At this time, Li Changsheng slightly observed the gate of light and darkness, and found that the glass bottle was still resisting, but there was not much magic energy left.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before the magic energy in the glass bottle will be lost, and I don't know how much abyss consciousness it has.

Li Changsheng rode Aish away from the natural fortress and flew towards the Mu Cang Empire located in the center of the mainland. It was also a kingdom formed by the emperor. It has been around 10,000 years since its founding, and it is also the oldest kingdom today.

Just as Li Changsheng was about to leave the country, suddenly, the sky fell in disorder, the golden lotus rushed from the ground, and the void echoed with the bells of celebration.

The creatures within a radius of thousands of miles couldn't help showing joy, and some were lucky enough to absorb the golden lotus and smallpox, many of which benefited and broke through the existing realm.

This is a celestial phenomenon that only someone who is promoted to the king will have. Li Changsheng's gaze can't help but fall to the northwest of Daiguo, and he can sense the general direction.

"Principal Xu also broke through!"

With a smile on Li Changsheng’s Wenhua is a top pseudo-king, and his mental power has already reached the breaking point. A few days ago, after he funded two Profound Crystals, it was not considered a king. accident.

Now that Xu Wenhua is promoted to the king, he will be more confident in dealing with the night king. The key is that if the night king comes, there is a high probability that he can only play part of his combat power.

Langya Kingdom, Le Fortress.

When Xu Wenhua broke through, the dark night king Dou Cangqiang couldn’t help but look at Dai Guo. His face was very ugly. Although he didn’t know who broke through, Dai Guo is now Li Changsheng’s home court. This new king must be with Li Changsheng. related.

"Xu Wenhua? Or is it Ning Bizhen?"

Dou Cangqiong frowned, no matter who broke through, the situation would be against him.

Now he can't wait to go to kill Li Changsheng on behalf of the country immediately, but just think about it.

Firstly, before the March deadline, Dou Cangqiong feared Li Changsheng’s'temporary amulet'; secondly, the backlash caused by the failure to curse Li Changsheng not long ago has not yet fully recovered; thirdly, the situation in Langya country has not yet stabilized, after all, the country’s lord has fallen. The king, the palace was turned into ruins, and even the leaders of Li Changsheng and Yuanling Academy were gone, severely shaking the country's foundation.

As Li Changsheng became a king, many people in Langya country felt sorry for this, and were even more dissatisfied with the original decision of the royal family. After all, Li Changsheng had a great contribution to Langya country. Such treatment naturally chilled the people of the country.

Dou Cangqiong seriously underestimated Li Changsheng's influence and prestige. Under the various awards, Li Changsheng can completely serve as a role model for the younger generation of Langya, and many people regard it as a goal.

For this reason, the imperial family's rule in Langya is inevitably shaken.


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