Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1053: Too much eternal dew

Latest website: When Li Changsheng left Yushuge, there were two more inheritance jade pieces in his hand.

These are the two top secret methods, namely immovable and bloodthirsty pursuit.

Immovable as a mountain: Top secret method, which greatly enhances defense power, stays still like a mountain, and saves lethal damage.

Bloodthirsty Pursuit: A top secret method that increases the explosive power of the demon pet by several times, but at the cost of the demon pet's loss of reason.

Needless to say, these two top-level secret methods can save the life of the demon pet or save part of the damage at the critical moment.

As for the bloodthirsty pursuit secret method, because it will make the demon pet lose its sense, it can only be activated when it is about to lock the victory, otherwise it will easily put the demon pet in danger.

These two top secret methods can more or less improve Li Changsheng's combat effectiveness and will also enrich his tactics.

Based on the idea of ​​greed and chew, Li Changsheng didn't take any other books or secret methods, and he was going to wait until all of these were digested.

Before long, Li Changsheng returned to the Hurricane Fortress via the teleportation array in the palace.

As soon as he returned to the palace, Li Changsheng shut himself in the bedroom.

He didn't immediately condense the secret technique brand, nor read the batch of books, but took out a table made of gold.

There are a total of five treasure boxes of different sizes and different materials on the table. It is what Li Changsheng obtained from the Royal Inner Treasury of Langya Kingdom. It is only wrapped in a compound prohibition. Once it is forcibly opened by external force, the self-destruction prohibition will be activated. The treasure will be annihilated.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, at least the five treasure boxes contained treasures of heaven and earth, and there may be many wonders in the world.

This book is from [Book Friends Base to receive cash red envelopes!

"I don't know if breaking the ban is useful for compound bans?"

Li Changsheng had no idea. After all, the compound restriction was different from the general restriction. Even if the Breaking Bead was effective, it would consume much more energy than the ordinary restriction.

Before the test, Li Changsheng activated the ban in the bedroom.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng activated the Forbidden Orb and brought the Forbidden Orb into contact with the prohibition of the blue treasure box.

The Forbidden Pearl flickered frantically, and its energy was rapidly declining.

Click~ Click~ Click~

In the process, cracks were formed on the surface of the broken pearl.

After a few breaths, the compound prohibition wrapped in the blue treasure box finally changed, and a small hole began to emerge, and it became larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing my changes like this, Li Changsheng was happy, as long as there is an effect.

When the volume of the small hole slightly exceeded the size of an adult's fist, Li Changsheng suddenly moved, his right hand quickly passed through the small hole, and grabbed the blue treasure box.

At the moment of contact, the blue treasure box disappeared, but he was directly included in the space ring.

The volume of the blue treasure box is obviously larger than that of the small hole. In order to avoid breaking the forbidden beads to consume too quickly, Li Changsheng can only make this move.


At the moment when the blue treasure box disappeared, Li Changsheng had not pulled out his arm, and the compound prohibition was activated instantly, and an explosion suddenly occurred.

The golden lantern of Hunyuan appeared, and the five-color jingluo hung down, covering Li Changsheng with the other four treasure boxes.

It's just that Li Changsheng's right hand is still under compound prohibition and is temporarily out of protection.

The explosion of the compound prohibition was not unforgiving. Li Changsheng felt a tingling from his right hand, followed by a burst of pain in his heart.

Except for the right hand, all the explosions of the compound prohibition were eliminated by the golden lantern.

At this moment, Li Changsheng's right hand was dripping with blood, and jade-colored bones were exposed in many places. If this is the right hand of an ordinary king, the right hand jade bone may be directly blown off.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it is broken, it can be repaired with a regenerating pill of broken fingers, which is why Li Changsheng is willing to take risks.

After taking a healing pill, Li Changsheng's right hand began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just five minutes, the right hand recovered as before.

Li Changsheng didn't check the blue treasure box, and immediately stuck the broken ban bead on the compound ban of a golden treasure box.

Using the same method, Li Changsheng successfully obtained the golden treasure box, that is, his right hand was more guilty, and he was bombed with blood again.

After obtaining the two treasure boxes, most of the energy to break the forbidden beads was also consumed, and there were a lot of cracks on them, giving people a feeling that they might be broken at any time.

Li Changsheng felt it for a while, and found that only less than 20% of the special energy contained in the Forbidden Pearl.

Because of this, he did not continue to try, because if he continued, he would probably fail and destroy the treasures inside.

Li Changsheng took out the two treasure boxes and opened the blue treasure box first.

There are three jade bottles in the treasure box, which are filled with lavender liquid, and there is a jade plate dedicated to this object on the side, almost full of fonts.

Li Changsheng picked up a jade bottle casually, and after opening it, a burst of purple light bloomed slightly, accompanied by a strange fragrance.

Just by smelling it, Li Changsheng felt a sense of comfort.

After refilling the jade bottle, Li Changsheng swept the jade card.

Taishang Changshenglu: A treasure of heaven and earth, which can greatly reduce the growth time of Lingzhi. The effect depends on the level of Lingzhi. Note: The higher the level of Lingzhi, the less the reduction, and vice versa.

When he first saw the name Taishang Changshenglu, Li Changsheng subconsciously thought it was a treasure of longevity, only to discover that it was a treasure of heaven and earth with the same effect as Liuli Water Purification, except that its rank was higher than Liuli Water Purification. The last grade.

To be sure, Taishang Changshenglu has a better growth effect on Lingzhi than Liuli Water.

In fact, if you think about it, you can know that if it is really a treasure of life extension, it has long been taken by the night king, how can it be placed in the royal inner treasury.

But Too Shang Changsheng Dew is a good thing for Li Changsheng, after all, he has several top spiritual roots.

It’s just that Li Changsheng has no idea of ​​using it for the time being. He is going to wait for the seed to take root and germinate, and then use too much eternal dew on that seed. Maybe he will get a top spiritual root that is one grade higher than the tree of life. ,

This is something to look forward to!

The seed has been handed over to Xiaoguai by Li Changsheng and asked her to plant it on that piece of nine-day-breathing soil, and water it with the essence of life every short period of time, and occasionally give a rain curse. As long as there is no accident, I believe it can be cultivated .

After receiving the three Taishang Changsheng Dew, Li Changsheng opened the golden jade box.

As soon as the golden jade box was opened, a line of jade blossoms rushed out of the treasure box and hit the light curtain formed by the forbidden formation, causing ripples.


Li Changsheng was surprised, but his movements were not slow, using the imprisoning power of the forbidden formation to instantly confine the treasure, and then he began to look at the treasure.

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