Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1054: 5 rows of exquisite orbs

Latest website: This is a spherical treasure, about the size of a football, exuding five colors.

The most important thing is that from the feedback of mental power, the energy fluctuations emitted by the spherical treasures have reached the low-grade world wonders level.

It was also the first time that Li Changsheng saw this kind of treasure, and even the treasure king, the first principal and other kings' inheritance did not have information about this treasure.

Except for the first principals, the memories of King Treasure King and other double-character kings and kings always have a lot of omissions. The absence of information about this treasure does not mean that they did not know them before their death.

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However, like the blue treasure box, there is also a jade piece inscribed in the open golden treasure box.

Li Changsheng picked up the jade piece, and after reading the above, he was surprised.

Five Elements Exquisite Orb: A wonder of the world, combined with the Yin and Yang Exquisite Orb, can allow the demon pets that dominate the following races to enter the bloodline transformation state, and greatly enhance the dominating race demon pets into the bloodline transformation state. Note: It must be combined with the Yin-Yang Exquisite Orb to be absorbed. Otherwise, non-divine beasts and non-monarch-level demon pets will explode and die if swallowed.

Seeing such content, Li Changsheng felt quite dumbfounded.

To put it simply, the Five Elements Exquisite Orb + Yin Yang Exquisite Orb can completely evolve the demon pets that dominate the following races, and can also greatly evolve the demon pets that dominate the race into a divine beast. The effect is not ordinary perversion.

Unfortunately, without the Yin-Yang Exquisite Orb, the Five Elements Exquisite Orb has no soft effect, it is only used as a chemical weapon.

From the perspective of the ranks of the Five Elements Exquisite Orb, the Yin Yang Exquisite Orb must also be a world wonder, and there are probably not a few in the entire world. This may be the reason why there are Five Elements Exquisite Orbs in the Royal Inner Library.

To put it simply, before the yin and yang exquisite orbs were gathered, this was a chicken rib in a chicken rib. There were no wonders of the world and other ranks, but it could only intimidate the demon king and demon saint-level demon pet.

The reactions of the Demon King and Demon Saint-level demon pets are so keen. Ordinary means can't allow them to swallow the exquisite Five Elements Orbs, and they can only force them in.

Well, it should work either way.

Li Changsheng shook his head and put away the five-element exquisite orb. If nothing else, this five-element exquisite orb would be dusty for a long time, and it might be possible for a lifetime.

At this moment, Li Changsheng's thoughts moved, and the spatial ripples rose, and he stepped into the secret realm in an instant and appeared in front of Yuankunkun.

Yuan Gungun has just received training, and is now making full use of his free time, lying on the ground and sleeping, unlike other monster pets to communicate and play.

From the perspective of work and rest time, the chubby life is very monotonous, with nothing but eating, sleeping and training.

However, this is also a chubby nature, even if you want to correct it, it is as difficult as the sky. It is thank good to be able to take time to train for a few hours a day.

Feeling Li Changsheng's breath, Chuankuang reluctantly rubbed his eye sockets with his big stubby hands, yawned, and squinted his eyes in a daze, looking at Li Changsheng sleepily.

Without any nonsense, Li Changsheng weighed the Yuancha Xuepajing in his hand and threw it high.

Although Yuancha Xuepajing can be used to forge ice-type semi-artifacts or ice-type exotic treasures, Li Changsheng is obviously more inclined to increase the combat power of the monster pet.

Chuankuang stood up subconsciously, opened his big mouth in a diving attitude, and accurately swallowed the Yuancha Snow Soul Crystal.


When the chubby fell on the ground, the nearby ground vibrated violently, and a chubby crater appeared.

Rolling closed his eyes and began to concentrate on absorbing the Yuancha Xuepajing.

During this process, a stream of cold, centered on a rolling stream, spread rapidly around it, causing the temperature in the vicinity to drop extremely.

After a few breaths, the temperature dropped from room temperature to below zero.

A large number of crystal snowflakes fell, countless ice crystals were born, and soon formed a scene of northern scenery and thousands of miles of ice.

Of course, Qianli is an exaggeration.

It was not long after the secret realm was born, most of the place was still barren, and there were basically only some weeds. Li Changsheng didn't feel distressed.

Li Changsheng didn't go to the Central Medicine Garden. Although the area was small, it was the most important place in the entire secret realm.

Well, it's more important than Longxue.

At this moment, Xiaoguai was sitting on a rock, and staring at the open space in front of him with his chin supported.

This vacant lot is made up of nine-day breathing soil, and the seeds from Shida are being buried here.

And on the edge of the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, there is still a trembling grass growing.

Naturally, this is not an ordinary grass. Last year, Li Changsheng ransacked the secret realm of the Liu family in Langya and obtained a dying seed from it.

Even on the verge of death, this seed still exudes the energy fluctuations of the essence of heaven and earth. If it is not unexpected, as long as it is cultivated and matured, at least it is a treasure of heaven and earth, and even top spiritual plants have a certain possibility.

As a result, Li Changsheng was planted in the nine-day soil, and under the careful care of Xiaoguai, he finally successfully took root and sprouted.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, even if it is far from mature, the energy fluctuations it emits have reached the level of the rare earth.

As for its accurate information, Li Changsheng has no way of knowing it before it grows up, and he has no idea of ​​using Liuli water to induce birth.

However, after getting Shida's seeds, this grass is destined to move, even if it is really the top spiritual root, it cannot be compared with the seeds from Shida.

Before long, Li Changsheng returned to Chuan Chuan.

In the process of absorbing, Kuan Kumun did not change his expression, and after a quarter of an hour, the absorption was completed smoothly.

[Fairy name]: Fiend raccoon (growth period. Comprehend the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skill; Protect the profound meaning: exempt part of the damage, mainly depending on the opponent's realm. Comprehend the Seven Treasure Xumi Divine Light, can reduce certain damage. Absorb Yuansha Snow soul crystal, the profound meaning of ice is more condensed, greatly improving the freezing ability.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King 8

[Fairy Race]: Medium Domination

[Fairy Quality]: Epic

[Fairy bloodline]: Filipino bloodline (majestic, formed by the fusion of the wind raccoon and the scarlet bloodline)

[Fairy Attributes]: Ice + Wind

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

In addition to the changes on the interface In addition, the light spot representing the roundness has also risen a little bit, although it is very small, but as long as it persists, it may not be able to make its quality further.

However, this requires a large number of chubby treasures, and it also needs to reach the heaven and earth rare level, because Li Changsheng has tried, the heaven and earth essence level treasures can no longer help the epic monster pet.

Of course, these heaven and earth essence-level treasures do not include wood spirit grass, which can directly improve the quality of heaven and earth treasure.

"After half a month, Round Billow should be in time!"

Li Changsheng muttered to himself, half a month later, it means that his protection period is about to end. At that time, he must be diligent, otherwise how to deal with the night king or the guy who spy on him secretly.

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