Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1261 The Killing Tribulation from Shenzong

But "This mountain is called Lu Su. It is said that in the early years, when the world first opened, a sword from the outside world fell, pierced this place, and eventually turned into a mountain peak!" The leader of the Wuji Sect noticed the change in Wang Lin's expression and laughed.

"What a good name! I wonder who gave this name?" The shock in Wang Lin's heart at this moment was definitely not what his appearance showed. It was already causing a storm. What shocked him was not the sword intent of this mountain peak, but the fact that within this mountain peak, I found a trace of the memory of that year, when I saw Tu Si refining the trident and throwing it away casually, it turned into a mountain and condensed his soul.

The moment he approached the peak of the Wuji Sect, he faintly felt the ancient god star point rotating rapidly in the center of Yin Jitun's eyebrows.

The name of this mountain was given by Zhou Yunsong, the first generation leader of Wuji Sect. He spent his later years on this mountain peak and attained enlightenment in a dream. In his dream, he saw a huge sword falling down and turning into a mountain peak. A mighty voice echoed in his dream and said the word Lu Su! "The one who explained Wang Lin was the Supreme Elder. When he said this, there was deep respect in his eyes. "Lu Su... Lu Su... Compilation rate! "The strange light in Wang Lin's eyes gradually subsided, but the shock in his heart was ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times more intense than before!

The word "Zi Li" can easily be mistaken for Lu Su! But in the language of the ancient gods, the meaning of this word is completely different! If it is Zhiwu's charm, it is a sword forged with stars!

Suppressing the shock in his mind, the closer Wang Lin got to the mountain peak, the more clearly he felt the deeply hidden aura of the ancient god within it. If he hadn't been an ancient god of the royal family, it would have been impossible to detect the slightest bit of this aura! This aura is surprisingly emanating from an ancient god of the royal family!

The existence of this aura has reached an incredible level, and it seems to be even longer than Tu Si! What shocked Wang Lin even more was that the aura of this mountain peak seemed to be getting weaker and weaker over the years. Now, unless one was as close as he was to comprehend it, one could detect it. Once the distance was a little further away, there was no sign at all. In fact, this is indeed the case. Tuo Sen also came to the sea of ​​​​clouds, but he didn't notice anything.

The moment Quilin's feet stepped on the mountain peak, he even felt that the mountain was shaking, as if there was a soul that was slowly awakened by his arrival. This soul is desolate, as if it has been buried here for too long... a long time...

Taking a deep breath, Wang Lin barely suppressed the shock in his heart, and went to a towering attic on the top of the mountain with the leader of the Wuji Sect and the Supreme Elder.

In the attic, the awakened soul of this mountain became more and more intense. However, except for Wang Lin, no one could detect the slightest bit of this soul. They could only feel that the powerlessness and immortal energy around them were getting stronger.

With the aura transformed by this soul, the ancient god's star in the center of Wang Lin's eyebrows rotated faster. The sixth star that was shattered in the colorful world actually showed faint signs of condensation! This discovery made Wang Lin immediately lower his head, hiding the huge change in his expression.

Fortunately, the leader of the Wuji Sect and the Supreme Elder did not pay too much attention. After all, Wang Lin's cultivation level has been recognized by them, and he is already the same as his peers. After they sat down separately, some Wuji Sect disciples brought tea and left respectfully.

"!} The Wuji Sect does have some of the extremely Yin souls that fellow Taoist just mentioned, but most of them are scattered and let several branch sects absorb and cultivate them. This thing is not something from our Wuji Sect, but from Shen Sect. The gift was not only given to me by the Wuji Sect, but also from other sects in the eighth-level star field. The purpose is to let us train them on our behalf." The leader of the Wuji Sect pondered for a while and said slowly.

Wang Lin picked up the tea cup and took a sip to hide the shock in his heart. He clearly felt that the longer he stayed here, the greater the benefits to him. But similarly, once the time was too long, it was inevitable that Someone saw the clues. He clearly felt that the slowly awakening atmosphere here seemed to be getting more intense, like boiling water. I am afraid it won't be long before even outsiders will notice the signs of this place!

Especially after the cultivator has reached the tribulation of the decline of heaven and man, he is more aware of the changes in the world. If the aura of the mountain is usually sleeping, it would be fine, but if the aura of the ancient god in the mountain is constantly strong, he will naturally be suspicious.

"What kind of sword is hidden under this mountain peak? It's an ancient god from a several-star royal family, and he didn't even hesitate to waste his own ancient god's star to refine a sword!!" Wang Lin put down his teacup. , Shen remained silent.

"The Extreme Yin Soul that Fellow Daoist Lu wants is indeed useful for healing, but..." Seeing Wang Lin's serious appearance, the leader of the Wuji Sect looked at the Supreme Elder next to him. The Supreme Elder hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice. Said: "Since Fellow Daoist Lu needs it for healing, I think we can be accommodating..."

The two of them did not doubt Wang Lin's purpose of asking for this extremely yin soul, but both extremely yin and extremely yang souls have healing effects, and Wang Lin was indeed injured. This was natural for both of them. clear. In this way, even if they are suspicious, they are not too strong. Moreover, they have seen Wang Lin use his magical powers, and they have a more inscrutable feeling about Wang Lin. Such a character may have injuries that cannot be cured by ordinary elixirs. .

"That's all. This extremely Yin soul was given to me by Shenzong back then, but I never took it from the future. I also accumulated a lot of it. I must have given some to Fellow Daoist Lu, and Shenzong won't know about it." The leader of the Wuji Sect calmed down for a moment and said slowly.

The purpose of his words was to let Wang Lin know that what he was asking for was anything but simple. The Wuji Sect had actually given him Lu Zihao a tribute equivalent to the Shenzong. Although the matter is not as serious as what the leader of Wuji Sect said, it is still true.

Wang Lin's expression showed emotion, he looked at the two people in front of him, clasped his fists and said sincerely: "For Lu Mou's injury, let the Wuji Sect bring out the tribute of the Shenzong. This matter made Lu Mou feel very political. This eighth-level competition "Lu will definitely go all out!"

As he spoke, the aura of the ancient god in the mountain crazily flowed into his body along his feet and emerged between his eyebrows, causing the shattered sixth star to condense at an extremely fast speed.

The leader of the Wuji Sect looked at Wang Lin, nodded with a smile, grabbed his right hand in the air, and found a jade slip in his hand. He engraved his spiritual thoughts into it and threw it outward. The jade slip immediately burned and flew quickly outside the attic. "Friend Lu, please wait here for a moment. I have already asked someone to bring some extremely Yin souls.

Wang Lin nodded when he heard this, picked up the tea cup and took another sip. He was waiting for the other party to say something funny. If the other party asked him to leave now, he would try his best to stay here for a while longer.

In just this short period of time, the shattered sixth star hidden in his eyebrows had already turned into a whirlpool. As the aura of the ancient god merged crazily, Wang Lin could clearly feel that this mountain peak The sword sacrificed by the inner ancient god star point contained a power that even he felt frightened and frightened.

"My ancient god's star point showed signs of recovery in just a moment. The ancient god who used the star point to forge the sword, could it be... could it be from the Nine-Star Royal Family!!" Wang Lin put down his teacup and calmed down his thoughts again. of shock.

On another cultivation star, under the responsibility of Feng Hai and other elders, the tens of thousands of monks were dispersed after the division competition and returned to their respective places of residence. As for the Guiyuan Sect, Feng Hai personally sent him off and moved from that remote residence into the courtyard prepared for the seventh-level sect.

At the same time, a mighty formation was opened on this cultivation star. If you don't have a token, you are not allowed to go out, but there is no problem in entering this cultivation star.

Li Qianmei followed the Guiyuan Sect and his party and also moved into the courtyard. Now she was standing in the courtyard as the sky gradually darkened, looking at the night sky, waiting for Wang Lin's return.

Mu Bingmei was alone, standing silently a thousand feet away from the courtyard of Guiyuan Sect. The blurry figure on the ground illuminated by the moonlight showed her loneliness. She looked very bleak in the night. She bit her lower lip, just like Li Qianmei, While waiting for Wang Lin's return, she had something to say to Wang Lin, and she had to say something in retribution...

Similarly, at this moment, far outside the eighth-order star field, in the center of the ninth-order star field where the star mist is thickest, on a huge cultivation star, in a palace that exudes a forest-like aura, a boy sits cross-legged.

This boy has a ruddy complexion, but his hair is gray. When the sun opens and closes, there is a compelling light shining. In front of him, there are seven jade slips floating, with names engraved on them. The third jade slip among them is The person engraved on the slip is named Lu Zihao!

The boy raised his right hand and moved over the seven jade slips one by one, finally stopping on the jade slip with Lu Zihao's name engraved on it.

"Since the master's aura was released, I used the power of Shenzong to search the sea of ​​clouds for all suspicious people, and finally found these seven people! Among these seven people, after excluding them one by one, only this Lu Zihao..." The white-haired boy There was a flash of murderous intent in his eyes!

At this moment, he suddenly frowned and grabbed the air with his left hand. A ball of flame immediately appeared in his hand. While the flame was burning, a jade slip appeared inside. This jade slip was from the Wuji Sect. , something given by Wang Shanshan in a special way.

The boy grabbed it with his left hand, and the flame immediately merged into his hand strangely. In his mind, the scenes of Wang Lin in the Wuji Sect appeared clearly!

The boy was originally sitting cross-legged, but after seeing the picture in his mind, he suddenly stood up. The moment he stood up, the seven jade slips with names engraved on them in front of him, except for Lu Zihao's one, "all collapsed!"

A powerful aura that originated from Luo Tianxingyu's master suddenly burst out from the boy's body, sweeping the heaven and earth, and even caused the star mist outside the cultivation star to surge violently! "That's him! If you kill a thousand people by mistake, you will never let a suspicious person go!"

Ever since entering the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory, Ergen has been brewing the largest series of events in the Sea of ​​Clouds, or perhaps the largest event so far! The clues were revealed today. Regarding this **, I am confident that I can write it well and make it unforgettable for you!

Again, don't be anxious, Rong Ergen said slowly.

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