Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1262 Back...

Wang Lin was galloping alone in the starry sky. His physical body was strong. Even when he encountered space cracks along the way, he often did not avoid them. Once the space cracks touched him, they immediately collapsed and could not cause any harm to him.

Faintly, there is a pale golden light flickering in its body. As it moves forward, it seems that the starry sky shrinks at the level of its feet, and it is endless!

Without the madman following him, Wang Lin's speed has reached its peak. He is far away from the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance, but at this moment, under Wang Lin's steps, he swept across the starry sky in just three steps!

The first step was taken. In a dense cultivation star, a large number of monks from the Kunxu Star Region were setting up formations. No one noticed Wang Lin's appearance!

Most of the time, it feels like there are faint ripples reverberating in the starry sky, and then they immediately dissipate.

Lu Fuzi was surprisingly the only one among this group of monks. There were very few masters of the third step in Kunxu, and even fewer who knew some ancient formations. As a result, Lu Fuzi was invited by Hongshanzi and came to Kunxu to lay out the arrangements for him. Formation

Even for him, he just felt a blur in front of his eyes, as if someone was walking by from a distance, and his expression suddenly froze.

,It seemed like someone had just passed by...a very familiar smell..., ,Rufuzi looked forward, and after a long time he shook his head

,,This aura is very similar to him...It's just that there has been no news from him for decades due to blame. Sigh...Maybe I'm dazzled. Lu Fuzi looked a little downcast.

Wang Lin also saw Master Lu as he was walking forward, but he was pressed for time and took the second step without stopping!

After taking this second step, we have arrived at the center of the Kunxu Star Territory. The place is empty, and countless spatial cracks appear like scars.

It seems that a few years ago, there was a war here! The battle was so fierce that the starry sky collapsed.

It is precisely because of the collapse of the large-scale starry sky here and the countless cracks and tears in space that this place seems to be separated from Kunxu. Even the divine consciousness cannot cover it here.

In addition, this place is surrounded by a faint ripple distortion, which completely blocks the penetration of divine consciousness, making this place a forbidden space!

There is even a faint smell of blood that lingers here for a long time, witnessing the tragedy of this place back then! Wang Lin clearly remembers that when Luo Tian fought with the alliance, he never reached such a large-scale collapse of the starry sky. To what extent, there is only one answer to the drastic changes here right now!

, I don’t know how many years have passed during the days I was in the body of the Nether Beast, and the war outside the world has been carried out several times... Those colorful worlds, logically speaking, should have been found and destroyed...,, Wang Lin silently took another step, but before he could put it down, a cold light flashed in his eyes and he turned to look into the distance.

I saw three rays of light speeding across the starry sky in the distance. Within the current ray of light was a monk within the realm. This man was an old man with a pale complexion. He was constantly spurting out blood as he galloped, but his expression was ferocious and he was flying with gritted teeth.

Behind him, there are two outsider monks with marks on their eyebrows. The marks on their eyebrows are different. One is a monk from the Fire Bird Clan and the other is from the Towering Wolf Clan!

The two men's expressions were gloomy, revealing a sense of cruelty. As they were chasing after each other at high speed, the Fire Bird Clan monk among them sneered, raised his right hand and waved forward, and suddenly there was a burst of flames blasting out from the center of his eyebrows.

,Yan Leizi, you have entered here several times, but you still think this place is within your realm! I let you go several times before, but this time, you should stay! ,,The flames roared, like a sea of ​​​​fire moving crazily towards The old man in front filled the air. This old man was surprisingly the Yan Leizi!

Yan Leizi's eyes showed madness, he let out a low roar as he moved forward, and clapped his hands backwards. Immediately, more than a dozen fragmented continents suddenly transformed, falling behind him layer by layer, and met with the sea of ​​fire.

There was a loud bang, and the impact spread in all directions. Yan Leizi spurted out a mouthful of blood, and with the force of the impact, his body rushed forward crazily.

The fragmented continents behind him were burned by the sea of ​​fire, and three of them immediately collapsed, and the remaining fragments rolled back, following Yan Leizi's speed.

,,If it weren’t for me, the Vice-President of the Ancient Star Council, Master Tianzhao, who made an appointment with you to postpone the war with you, this Kunxu Star Territory would all be the land of my Ancient Stars!,,In the eyes of the monks from the Fengtian Wolf Clan, With a look of contempt, he pointed his right hand forward while chasing, and suddenly there was a startling howl of a wolf behind him, and a green wolf hundreds of feet long transformed into a green wolf and rushed out to devour Yan Leizi.

The cultivation of these two ancient stars are both broken and perfect, which is the same as the cultivation of Yan Leizi at this moment. In this way, it is enough that the two of them can persist in chasing Yan Leizi at the same time and escape here. Its powerful Baidu Xianni Bar The moment the green wolf came, Yan Leizi turned around suddenly, bit the tip of his tongue and spurted out blood, which fell on the more than ten fragments behind him. He looked ferocious and roared,

The roar started again, but more than a dozen fragments exploded at the same time, turning into a huge force of destruction, heading straight for the green wolf. The roaring sound echoed in all directions, and the green wolf let out a shrill scream, and his body suddenly collapse

But at the same time, Yan Leizi's body was shaken violently, his face turned pale, and he staggered back.

, Disabled cultivators outside the realm, if Mr. Hongshanzi was not trapped, if Mr. Nanyunzi came out of seclusion, if the lord in our realm was not missing, how could you be so arrogant!,

Yan Leizi's voice was shrill, with madness in his eyes. He knew that as long as he escaped from this area, the opponent would not pursue him again. After all, without the Forbidden Sky here, the outer starry sky could shrink into inches and walk away. Even if the opponent pursues him, he will still have scruples

However, this place was still some distance away from the edge of the area. Yan Leizi gritted his teeth and backed away with all his strength.

In the impact of the collapse, the Fire Bird Clan monk and the Fengtian Wolf Clan monk stepped forward, getting closer and closer!

,,It’s extremely ridiculous, let’s not talk about Hongshanzi and Nanyunzi, then what do you think of the title of honor in your mouth? This person was just a fluke back then, and he took his own life. He was obviously dead, but you still insist on going. When he said he was missing, the firebird monk showed hatred in his eyes. He spoke in a cold voice and made a seal with his right hand. Immediately, a black firebird screamed out from behind him.

, Feng Zun is dead. You know this better than us. Otherwise, why didn’t he appear during the second and third wars? Otherwise, when Hongshanzi was trapped, why didn’t he take action? Feng Zun? This is just a false name for you. In my opinion, he is just a doll. The Fengtian Wolf Clan monk spoke sharply and made a hand gesture with his right hand as he moved forward. Suddenly, a large amount of green hair appeared on his entire right arm. Grow out!

Yan Leizi retreated. Although his expression was gloomy, he still laughed wildly. He pointed at the Fire Bird Clan monk and said with a ferocious smile: Is it ridiculous? I will kill you, the ancestor of the Fire Bird Clan. I will kill you as if you were picking something out of a bag. In front of more than 100,000 monks outside the world! Have you ever heard his shrill scream before his death?

The murderous intent shot up in the eyes of the Fire Bird Clan monk, which was a pain for the entire Fire Bird Clan!

, and you, Feng Tianlang Clan, the ancestor of your clan is my honored slave. Although he ran away, you can see that one day he is not afraid? One day he is not scared!

The expression of the Fengtian Wolf Clan monk changed, and the green hair on his right arm spread out like a poisonous poison, eventually covering most of his body. When he raised his hand, his right arm suddenly transformed into a huge wave!

, you go to Huangquan and find your title. The moment the murderous roar came out, the Fengtian Wolf Clan monk swung his right hand, and saw a shocking wolf howl, and his right arm directly connected with it. The body separated and turned into a giant wolf, heading straight for Yan Leizi!

At the same time, the Firebird Tribe monk also roared, and the huge black Firebird behind him screamed and flapped its wings. The sea of ​​​​fire reached the world, rolling in black flames, and rushed towards the giant wolf at an extremely fast speed. Yan Leizi!

All this happened in an instant. Yan Leizi smiled sadly and had already given up the idea of ​​​​escape. There was madness in his eyes, and there was a surge of heroism!

,,I am not afraid of death! Even if it means death, I must die vigorously! ,,He laughed wildly without retreating but moved forward, his whole body seemed to be on fire, in order to exchange for the explosive power of life.

The black firebird rolled up the fire of the sky, and the giant wolf suddenly approached with a ferocious wind. The monks from the Fire Bird Tribe and the Fengtian Wolf Tribe showed cruel looks. They seemed to be able to imagine that the other party would In an instant, both body and soul will be destroyed. Even if it self-destructs, under the joint efforts of the two, it will be of no use in this forbidden space!

But at this moment, something unexpected happened!!

A right hand that looked very ordinary appeared at some point behind Yan Leizi who rushed forward to die. He gently grabbed his body and moved towards the soft area next to him, then removed the burning energy from Yan Leizi's body. The fire went out and he was led aside

Immediately afterwards, a figure in white suddenly appeared there, with a gloomy expression. The moment he reappeared, he suddenly raised his head, and his eyes revealed two rays of golden light!

This golden light was earth-shattering. The moment it appeared, it reflected the entire starry sky like a golden world!

,,Go away, at the moment when the golden light appeared, a voice so cold that it made the scalps of the two outsider monks numb and almost fainted suddenly came out!

This voice is familiar to both of them. This voice is the nightmare in their memories. It is the source of fear that they can never erase from their ears when they were the third wave of monks!

Especially the only luck in their hearts that collapsed when they vaguely saw the figure! Baidu Immortal Rebellion, Fengzun!!,

,Honored!!!!,, a shrill voice distorted by indescribable fear came out from the two of them in extreme horror! The miserable voice was enough to make people's hair stand on end. This kind of voice can only be heard when people are frightened. Only when your mind is broken can it be uttered from the mouth!

, Honored Wang Lin!! The last voice was filled with shock, revealing an unimaginable surprise. It was the confused and disbelieving Yan Leizi!

,I'm back

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