Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1263 Fish and Birds

This kind of silence is just like when they said goodbye in Penglai, the two of them passed each other in the starry sky, but this scene is still similar.

Wang Lin's silence was because he didn't know what to say. Whether it was forgetting each other in the world or Li Qianmei's bracelet before leaving, Wang Lin's words had no words anymore.

That bracelet even saved Wang Lin's life in the Colorful World. He wanted to repay this kind of kindness, but this kind of repayment contained no emotion.

His heart was already dead, and the only thing he could hold was Li Muwan... Unless the world was destroyed, unless it was the moment of his death, maybe he would choose a different path.

But now, he can't do it. In other words, Li Qianmei has not really entered his heart. For Li Qianmei, Wang Lin only has appreciation among fellow Taoists. However, the appearance of the bracelet and the twist of fate have made this appreciation a little complicated.

Even Wang Lin felt that Li Qianmei's excellence should not have blossomed to him. He and she only met because of those three questions. Other than that, they were pale.

He and she did not have the years of living in the Demonic Sea, nor the hundreds of years of waiting in the Yuntian Sect, nor the shock of seeing the beauty turn to withered bones in the valley, nor the music of the piano that surrounded Wang Lin for two thousand years of cultivation.

Not to mention that when the messenger came, Wang Lin looked up to the sky and roared, roaring in pain and uttering those words that shook the world.

"If God wants you to die, I will take you back!!!" This is a promise, a promise Wang Lin made to a woman in his life.

Therefore, facing Li Qianmei, Wang Lin remained silent.

Regarding Li Qianmei, Wang Lin's heart is complicated...

Can you sit with me for a while..." Li Qianmei bit her lower lip and whispered softly. She sat on the grass in the courtyard. The moonlight fell, making her beautiful and graceful at this moment.

In silence, Wang Lin sat next to Li Qianmei, looking at the bright stars and the charming moonlight in the dark night sky. The fragrance of Li Qianmei could still be faintly passed through his nose, and his whole body seemed to relax. .

"You have lived a good life in these hundred years... Li Qianmei lowered her head and fiddled with a piece of grass with her jade hands, causing the grass to wrap around her fingers.

fine. "Wang Lin said softly.

Have you seen that picture of Jianghu? "Li Qianmei smiled lightly and raised her head, looking at Wang Lin. There was a beauty contained in her peaceful expression.

Wang Lin's eyes fell on Li Qianmei's face.

He took it back for a moment and said nothing.

"Thank you for your magic weapon. It accompanied me on the crack battlefield for a hundred years of loneliness..." Li Qianmei looked at Wang Lin and said softly.

Wang Lin opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, nothing came out.

I'll be leaving in a few days..." Li Qianmei was still looking at Wang Lin, her eyes seemed to be trembling, but her eyes were firm. She was always looking at Wang Lin, but her fingers wrapped around the grass seemed to be more entangled. , I don’t want to struggle out from the green grass.

I...will send it to you. "Wang Lin was silent and slowly spoke.

A smile appeared on Li Qianmei's face, she blinked and chuckled, "I thought you were mute."

Wang Lin smiled bitterly and shook his head silently.

You said you wanted to send it to me last time, but if I hadn't gone back to look for you on the way, you wouldn't have sent it. "Li Qianmei's eyes seemed to be trembling more violently, but she still looked at Wang Lin.

"This time, I will give it to you." Wang Lin avoided Li Qianmei's gaze, looked at Bing Fang, and said softly.

There was bitterness on Li Qianmei's face. Looking at Wang Lin beside her, a distant feeling filled her heart. The other person was very close to her, but also very far away. It seemed that there was no power in the world that could bring her closer.

Just like the fish swimming in the water and the birds in the sky, the fish looks at the birds, and the tears left behind merge into the water, and the birds cannot see... because what separates them is the world, the water that cannot be broken.

The bird accidentally landed by the river and saw the fish in the water. It may have paused for a moment, but in the end, it spread its wings and flew away. What was left behind was only the wind brought by the spread of its wings, which stirred the water surface. Circles of bitter ripples swayed, shaking the bodies of the birds and fish looking at the bottom of the water. Miaoyin Taoist Master is mighty

This time I leave, it will take a long time to come back...or, I will never come back again... Li Qianmei's soft whisper fell into Wang Lin's ears, making Wang Lin even more silent.

"I am an orphan in Yiwu. Master picked me up and raised me. It was my fate to go to the Demon Sect battlefield... If one day, I never come back... I hope you can remember... Li Qianmei's fingers wrapped around the grass trembled slightly, and she wrapped them tighter.

She did not tell Wang Lin that the figure of the other party in her heart had become clearer and clearer in the past hundred years, nor did she tell Wang Lin that because the golden fairy pen was left behind, she had to risk serious injuries to get it back. She didn't even tell Wang Lin how much pressure she was under to come to Wuji Sect now!

Her weak body could not bear the pressure. The only ones who can leave on the battlefield of the Demon Sect are the dead..., and she, under the pressure of the Potian Sect and the exhaustion of the Demon Sect's overwhelming lion heart after hundreds of years of fighting, still chooses to leave Zi Tuzhong, stare. All, just to see the heart in front of me that is far, far away from me...,

She also did not tell Wang Lin that precisely because of her departure, the Potian Sect had different voices and even dissatisfied with her. Even the Demon Sect condemned her for leaving...

She also did not tell Wang Lin that if she left the battlefield this time, she would miss the opportunity to truly enter the Demon Sect and be recognized by the Demon Sect to preach.

Wang Lin wouldn't know all this if she didn't tell her...

When I was a child, I discovered that I was different from others. My hair was blue. No one in the whole sea of ​​​​clouds had such a color... I still remember that when I was a child, my playmates all laughed at me... ..." Li Qianmei said softly, with the bitterness in her eyes filled with childhood memories.

"I practice very hard. Master also refined a lot of elixirs for me. With the help of these elixirs, I have achieved the cultivation level I have today... My cultivation level was given by Master, and it is broken. Tianzong gave it to, I want to go to the battlefield, this is my destiny."

Li Qianmei's hand wrapped around the grass did not let go. Instead, she pulled up the grass with a crisp sound, so that the grass was still entangled in her hand.

She stood up, smoothed her blue hair, looked at Wang Lin with her eyes, and said softly: If one day, I am gone, you will remember that there was a woman named Li Qianmei in your life. But...”

Hearing these words, Wang Lin's heart felt a twinge of pain. He looked slightly pale, looked up at Li Qianmei, and nodded gently after a long time.

"Will do……"

A smile appeared on Li Qianmei's face, but this smile revealed a hint of sadness. She looked at Wang Lin, as if she wanted to completely leave him in her memory with this look, or..., completely It's completely forgotten in my memory...

There is a kind of distance in this world, which is the same as leaving and forgetting. It is also immeasurable and equally far away. Just like the fish at the bottom of the water, when the bird left, it struggled to jump out of the water, wanting to stop looking at the bird through the water, but in the end, just a glance, it returned to the bottom of the water and fell...

Wang Lin looked at Li Qianmei, and the bitterness in his heart became even stronger... Vaguely, he vaguely remembered the scene in his mind when he stepped into the Tianni Gate after opening it, as if he had seen scenes from his previous life, and the last scene. , he saw himself becoming a bird flying in the sky and earth.

In the blur, he seemed to see that the flying bird was once over a river, and was attracted by a colorful fish in the river under the sun. It landed on the river and took a closer look at the fish...

At that moment, the fish was also at the bottom of the water, looking towards him.

Accompanied by the moonlight, Li Qianmei's sigh, like the gentle wind, filled the quiet courtyard, gradually walking away with her figure.

Xie Sun..." Wang Lin said softly, looking at Li Qianmei's back under the moonlight.

Why thank me. "Li Qianmei paused and turned to look at Wang Lin, her expression still calm.

Wang Lin was silent for a moment, then turned his right hand and a bracelet appeared in his hand.

"It saved me once like...\

,"The moment she saw the bracelet, Li Qianmei's face, which concealed her tranquility, suddenly collapsed. She stared at the bracelet in a daze, and a smile gradually appeared on her face. The smile became stronger and stronger, making her have at this moment, Stunningly beautiful.

"I remembered the seeds..., I threw them away..." Li Qianmei blinked and said softly.

"I accidentally picked it up later..." Wang Lin looked a little strange. Even if he said these words himself, he would not believe it.

Well, it turns out you picked it up accidentally.

"Li Qianmei nodded with a smile in her eyes.

Back to you. "Wang Lin knew that Li Qianmei had misunderstood, but it was difficult to explain the misunderstanding. Wang Lin stood up and took the bracelet to return to Li Qianmei.

"You picked it up. If you return it to me, I will still throw it away." The smile in Li Qianmei's eyes grew stronger, she pursed her lower lip, looked at Wang Lin carefully, and turned to leave.

Remember you promised me that you would send me away this time. "Li Qianmei's words came softly, and as her body gradually disappeared into the moonlight, she returned to her room in the courtyard.

Holding the bracelet, Wang Lin sighed to himself. After a long time, he put it away and looked outside the courtyard.

There, stood another woman. This woman had an extraordinary appearance. She was also looking at Wang Lin with a complicated look on her face, looking desolate. Under the moonlight, this desolation turned into loneliness, and she looked at Wang Lin silently.

At this glance, it was like returning to the Suzaku Star and the Hengyue Sect. The woman with the water spirit root named Liu Mei stood in the Hengyue Sect and looked at the young Wang Lin in the crowd for the first time.

This chapter is very tiring to write. It seems that Ergen really doesn’t know how to write articles in this area. After reading it, give Zhang a monthly ticket to encourage me. I will have Mu Bingmei tomorrow... I have a headache.

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