Renegade Immortal

Chapter 144: Formation of Alchemy (1)

Zuqiao, Qihai, and Dantian each have a cold elixir, and the combination of the three elixirs breaks the balance of the three organs, causing the three ancestral orifice cold elixirs to sink and merge with the Qihai cold elixir. This is the initial fusion.

If this step is achieved, the next step is to sink to the dantian and blend with the last cold elixir. The three elixir are combined into one, and there is a certain chance that it can break through to the elixir formation stage and form a real golden elixir.

Wang Lin sat quietly in the tunnel of the stone room. In this small space, there was a thick cloudy air at this time. His eyes were closed tightly, his consciousness returned to his body, and his mind was immersed in the ancestral orifice in his body.

The first step he had to do was to destroy the ancestral orifice in his body, causing the cold pill to sink.

The difficulty of returning the three elixirs to one is very difficult. Wang Lin was only aware of this before, but at this time he has deeply realized that if the word "very big" is used to describe its difficulty, it is an understatement. In fact, The difficulty should be unimaginably huge.

Just breaking the ancestral aperture alone, Wang Lin has been sitting quietly for a month. During this month, he has been sprinting almost all the time. There is an invisible obstacle around the ancestral aperture. No matter how he strikes, he can't shake it.

The requirement for practicing Huangquan Shengqiao Jue is that the three points of Zuqiao, Qihai and Dantian must be broken and erected three times to form a cold pill, and the difficulty increases accordingly. The first time can only be said to be difficult, but the second time is very difficult. As for the three times, it is extremely difficult. What Wang Lin has to do now, in terms of actual calculation, is equivalent to making Zu Qiao ** the first time. Shattered four times. This difficulty can be imagined. After repeated attacks to no avail, Wang Lin changed his strategy. Instead of attacking, he slowly wore away. Slowly, the invisible barrier gradually became thinner with the passage of time.

However, the pain caused by the continuous friction of the spiritual energy in the body is far beyond what people can imagine, and it is difficult to describe it even with pen and ink. Every time there was friction, Wang Lin's body trembled violently. Beads of sweat were pouring down like rain, and the clothes on his body had never been done since the moment he sat down.

Three pills in one. If there is no great perseverance, it is impossible to complete, but Wang Lin is the most lacking. It is perseverance, when I participated in the Hengyue faction test. His perseverance is quite moving, on the stone steps of Mount Hengyue. Two bloodstains were left behind.

If it weren't for the lack of qualifications, relying on the perseverance at the time. It can definitely be favored by the Hengyue faction and focus on training, what a pity. All of this has long since disappeared with the destruction of the Hengyue Sect, gone forever.

Wang Lin's perseverance is amazing. He endured unimaginable pain, and finally, after three months of friction, his ancestral orifice was broken and shattered.

The fist-sized blue cold pill slowly sank from the position of the ancestral orifice, and as it sank, traces of fine flakes spread from it, like thin threads, extending into Wang Lin's body.

Every time the cold pill sinks,

There was just a little more of those thin lines, and finally the cold pill fell outside the sea of ​​​​qi, only one day away from the second cold pill inside. Wang Lin took a deep breath and started the second friction without hesitation.

Another three months passed, and the sea of ​​​​qi finally dissipated in a burst of crackling sounds. At the same time, the two cold pills collided violently. Wang Lin only felt a "boom" in his body, and a terrifying Power was generated immediately from the place where the cold pill hit, and it exploded in his body crazily.

Wang Lin's complexion was immediately pale and bloodless, and after a few movements of his throat, he sprayed out a mouthful of blood mist. As soon as this blood mist appeared, it immediately turned into frost, hanging on the surrounding cave walls, forming Pieces of red ice crystals.

After the blood mist was sprayed, Wang Lin shook his body, and immediately eight low-grade spirit stones flew out of the storage bag. These eight spirit stones appeared and collided together, turning into spirit powder and falling outside his body according to a certain trajectory, forming a Weird symbols.

The symbol flickered, then disappeared. At the same time, a black flying sword flew out of the storage bag, and after circling Wang Lin, it floated quietly in the air. The flying sword appeared with a leap.

It first glanced at Wang Lin, with a hesitant and struggling look on his face, but soon, Wang Lin's consciousness hidden in his body took effect, and the devil suddenly couldn't get the slightest bit of backlash. Be on guard all around.

After Wang Lin finished doing this, he tilted his head and fell to the ground. He only had time to set up a defensive formation before he fell unconscious.

Speaking of this formation, Wang Lin made a lot of instant-type simple formations a few days ago for emergency use. While wandering around, the demon boss peeked at the fallen Wang Lin, struggling again in his heart, and thought to himself, "Should I fight him? Well...he shouldn't be's hard to say, this guy is too So cunning... Sigh, do I want to fight him? But if I don't, the consequences..." The devil couldn't help shivering, and quickly put this thought behind him.

A day later, the thought that he had left behind slowly came back. His eyes flickered, he looked at Wang Lin, and struggled again in his heart: "Fight him? This is the best time. If you miss it, I will I'm afraid there will be no more chances in the future... No, this Wang Lin is very cunning, how could he not be on guard against me, and let me out when he passed out, it doesn't make sense." The devil shook his head fiercely, staring at me. Wang Lin continued to think viciously: "I'm not going to be fooled, just keep pretending."

The idea of ​​going up and fighting was once again thrown behind his head.

Another day later, the devil looked at Wang Lin eagerly, and his heart was about to move again. He let out a low growl, and said in his heart: "If you fight, you will die. I don't think this guy is pretending. Fight, fight!" ,Fight!"

His eyes were red, and he jumped out quickly, toward Wang Lin. The defensive formation had no effect on him, and he was directly pierced by the devil, and landed on Wang Lin.

But immediately after, the devil screamed again and again, with blue smoke coming out of his body, showing signs of dissipating. He retreated quickly and howled miserably: "I knew this guy was cunning, how could he not worry about my backlash?" Let me out so easily, God damn it, when did the consciousness stay in my body, I... how will I live in the future..." The demon beat his chest and groaned endlessly.

After experiencing this incident, the devil crouched obediently in the corner as if resigned to his fate, staring blankly at the opposite wall, filled with grief and indignation.

On the third day, Wang Lin woke up. He sat up, smiled wryly and remained silent. He knew that he still underestimated the difficulty of combining the three pills into one. The destructive cold air produced when the two cold pills fuse is the key to the fusion.

This cold air cannot let it vent out of the body, otherwise the fusion will fail. But if not cathartic. His body would not be able to bear it. Wang Lin's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he remained silent.

The root cause was that his body couldn't bear the cold. But Wang Lin was very puzzled, the senior who practiced Huangquan Shengqiao Jue before him. How is the three dans united into one? Let's not talk about it, just talk about Situ Nan. He also practiced Huangquan Ascension Aperture Art, how did he succeed?

Wang Lin couldn't figure it out. And Situ Nan never mentioned this.

"How can I make my body withstand the cold air?" Wang Lin muttered to himself. After a long time, he sighed secretly, and cast his eyes on the devil in the corner.

After Wang Lin regained consciousness, the devil. He kept peeking at him cautiously. Seeing Wang Lin's eyes sweeping over him, his body trembled immediately, and he said quickly, "I've been protecting the Dharma, and I haven't let up in the slightest." Wang Lin stretched out his big hand, grabbed the devil's head and threw it into the flying sword , got up and jumped out of the passage, and left the stone room.

Outside Li Muwan's room, Wang Lin looked in. Li Muwan was half lying on the stone table next to the alchemy stove, breathing evenly, sleeping soundly. The silk-like hair was casually pinned on her head, and a few strands fell around her ears, her pretty face was slightly rosy, with a color like morning glow reflecting snow without applying makeup.

Wearing purple clothes and skirts on her body, she looks as bright as the creamy girl in the painting, which makes people's hearts flutter. At this moment, a trace of white gas came out from the alchemy furnace on the side, and this scene suddenly had a kind of fairy appearance, as if it was like a painting.

Coupled with the careful attire of the woman Li Muwan in the stone room, and the surrounding cave walls are covered with some green vine branches that she got from somewhere, the feeling of painting is even stronger.

A scent of medicine came faintly, Wang Lin took a deep breath, and his mind immediately became clearer.

After looking at it for a long time, he slowly withdrew his eyes and turned to look at the next stone room. A large number of herbs were planted in half of the stone room, and some non-alchemy materials were placed in the other half. in it.

Jiaolong's bones are too long, especially the skull is huge, it would be a waste to use all of them to arrange the Jiuli corpse array, so this skull, Wang Lin came out once before and asked Li Muwan to keep some.

After giving this order, he began to combine the three pills into one. Looking at the small half of the skull, Wang Lin pondered. The color of the skull was purple. It didn't look like a bone, but rather some kind of crystal. It must be formed by the special structure in the dragon's body.

Wang Lin was observing, when suddenly his mind moved slightly and he turned around. Not long after, he saw Li Muwan yawning sleepily, walking outside the stone room, she gave Wang Lin a surprised look, and her drowsiness disappeared.

During these days, Li Muwan's state of mind was slowly changing. She began to think wildly, fearing that Wang Lin would be cruel to her. After all, people who practice the death spell are usually good at replenishing vital yin.

But later, she discovered that Wang Lin was in seclusion almost every day. Before that, Li Muwan always thought that her brother Li Qiqing was extremely diligent in cultivation, but after seeing Wang Lin, the word "diligence" immediately shifted to his heart. body.

In her opinion, Wang Lin is already a fake alchemy cultivation base of the Great Consummation Foundation, and the next step is the alchemy stage, but how can this alchemy stage be so easy to pass? From Li Muwan's knowledge, the fire burned the country for thousands of years The monk who came to form the alchemy the fastest, established the foundation at the age of seventeen, but it took thirty years to reach the alchemy stage. This person is the ancestor of Huofen Nation, the first Nascent Soul cultivator, who raised the whole Huofen Nation from the second level to the third level.

But looking at Wang Lin's appearance, she was at most twenty years old. It is simply impossible to form a pill in a short time. What Wang Lin told her back then, after forming the alchemy, she would send her away, she smiled wryly for a long time, and sighed to herself, waiting for the other party to form the alchemy, I am afraid that there will be no one who can succeed in dozens or hundreds of years. In the bottom of my heart, there was even a hint of sarcasm towards Wang Lin, and secretly thought that if he wanted to keep someone, he should just say so, so why bother playing tricks.

"You... have you reached a bottleneck in your practice?" Li Muwan hesitated for a moment, looking into Wang Lin's eyes, and asked softly. Her soul blood is in the hands of the other party, if the other party puts any excessive demands on her, she doesn't know how to choose, this question has been pondered in her mind for a long time. Today, seeing the other party's brows frowning, she couldn't help but think of the need to absorb three qi frequently to practice the death spell, otherwise the skill will stagnate and bottlenecks will easily appear. She calculated in her heart. The other party has been in seclusion for several months since he came back, and has not touched a woman in these months. No one was killed, and now it is very likely that there is a bottleneck in the death spell.

Wang Lin didn't know what Li Muwan was thinking, so he glanced at him. nodded.

Li Muwan's heart skipped a beat, she took a few steps back, her face turned pale again. She struggled a little, and finally gritted her teeth secretly. He smiled miserably and said: "You... I only promise to make alchemy for you, if... I... I will die." His voice was humming. Such as resentment, such as admiration, such as weeping, such as complaining.

Wang Lin glanced at Li Muwan in surprise. Turning around to look at the skull, he asked plainly: "This dragon skull. Why is it such a color?"

"Jiaolong's body is full of poison, and this bone has turned purple. It's not surprising." She pursed her red lips and said in a low voice.

"The whole body is poisonous?" Wang Lin was startled, and looked at the skull carefully.

"The poison in the dragon's body is very poisonous. Once it dies, the toxin can change the body into a treasure. The ancient book Zeng said that the body of the dragon is poisonous, and the body of the dragon is the treasure. The most poisonous thing in the dragon is its bone marrow, but when it dies, the most precious thing is also It's also the bone marrow." Li Muwan's voice became colder and her expression became calmer.

Wang Lin stared at the dragon's skull, said nothing, his face was cloudy, he meditated, and he muttered to himself: "It's all poisonous... This dragon's body contains very poison, why is it not affected by itself..." There was a glint of light Flashed through his mind, the light came and went quickly, Wang Lin just caught a clue but was immediately confused.

Li Muwan glanced at Wang Lin indifferently, and saw that his brows were getting tighter and tighter, showing a look of bitter thought, and couldn't help but said: "This dragon was full of toxins in his body, flesh, bones, internal organs, and even saliva. Poison, naturally it will not be affected by it..."

A thought flashed through Wang Lin's mind like lightning. This thought became clearer and clearer. His eyes became brighter and his brows gradually relaxed. Finally, he, who hadn't smiled for a long time, suddenly burst into laughter. With his big hand, the dragon's skull Store immediately in storage bag.

"Since my body can't bear the cold, let my body become completely cold, so that I can naturally bear it." Wang Lin took a deep breath, turned around to look at Li Muwan, and strode towards her.

Li Muwan's face became paler and paler, she retreated to the wall, her body trembled slightly, and she smiled miserably, just as she was about to cut off her heart, Wang Lin suddenly said: "The day I form the alchemy will definitely be when I send you back to Luohe Gate !"

After speaking, without turning his head, he turned around and walked out of the cave, jumped out of the formation, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Li Muwan was completely stunned, her mind was in chaos, all kinds of thoughts surged like spring water, and finally she sat on the ground along the wall.

Wang Lin's earth escape technique was fully deployed, and the target was directed at the valley of corpses. Li Muwan's words just now cleared the clouds for him, but this time, he is fully sure that the three pills will merge.

He was very fast, and three days later, he arrived outside the Corpse Valley, and flew in with his figure as if he was familiar with it. He flew all the way from the first valley to the Thirteenth Valley. Outside the Thirteenth Valley, he took a deep breath and stepped in resolutely.

Inside the Fourteenth Valley, there was a layer of blue frost on the ground. Wang Lin stepped on it, and a trace of cold air came from under his feet and penetrated into his body. Wang Lin hesitated for a while, and suddenly stepped on his right foot lightly, under the effect of the earth escape technique, his body sank little by little.

As he sank, the yin and cold air became thicker and thicker. After sinking about a hundred feet, Wang Lin had to stop. His body was already frozen. If you can sink down here, if you go further down, not only the body, but also the soul and consciousness will be frozen into pieces in an instant.

As for the depth of the Fourteen Valleys and the mystery of the bottom layer, Wang Lin had no time to guess. He tried his best to keep his heart beating, and slowly moved his body into a cross-legged position.

"If the three pills don't fuse together, I swear they won't come out of the valley!" Wang Lin said silently in his heart, and closed his eyes deeply.

Spring goes and autumn comes, time flies, and three years pass by in a flash.

In the disaster of fire beasts in the fire country, the four-level comprehension country sent people. In the end, three masters at the transformation stage took nine days to completely subdue all the fire beasts. They combined these fire beast sacrifices together to refine a A mid-level spirit-level fire beast, brought back to the fourth-level cultivation country.

The ranks among spirit beasts are strictly divided into four ranks: strange, spirit, wild, and immortal, and each rank is divided into upper, middle and lower ranks.

The fire spirit absorbed by the Tianni beads is a sub-desolate beast with half a foot on the barren stage. If it is ranked by stage, it should be the pinnacle of the high-grade spirit class. Its descendants are all lower-rank spiritual ranks. It can be seen from this how big the gap is between the upper, middle and lower ranks. If it weren't for the fact that the fire spirit was in a weak stage, it would have been impossible to be easily swallowed.

You must know a peak of the top-rank spiritual level. It is equivalent to the Great Perfection of Transforming God. The middle and lower grades correspond to the monk Yuanying Dzogchen and Dandan Dzogchen respectively.

That dead dragon. It is a middle-grade spirit beast.

Although the disaster of the fire beast has been eliminated, the Huofen Kingdom really cannot afford to clean up the dry and hot aura in the territory, so it can only wait for time to pass. In this way, slowly neutralize the hot aura.

The battle with Xuanwu Kingdom has been going on, but battles with more than a hundred people seldom happen. Most of them are small-scale fights between dozens of people. Gradually, the Huo Fen League gained a firm footing. After about a third of the separatist regime, there was really no energy left to move on. So it stabilized.

As for the fight between the monks of the two countries, it was also a life-and-death fight from the beginning. In the end, it evolved into a trial ground for the disciples of the two countries to gain combat experience, which was in development for those who had previously opened up. For the disciples of both sides who died on the battlefield, this is a rather helpless irony.

Let's talk about Wang Lin. After sinking into the fourteen valleys, he fell into silence like an old monk meditating, his heartbeat slowed down, and what followed was endless extreme yin energy, which flowed from every part of his body. It penetrated into the position and spread into the flesh and blood.

Slowly, the extreme yin energy accumulated more and more, and half a year later, the flesh and blood of his limbs had turned blue, showing signs of crystallization. In the past six months, his heart beat a total of 9,837,543 times. His body sank to one hundred and eighty feet.

After another half a year, all the viscera and six internal organs of his torso were invaded by extreme Yin Qi, the flesh and blood of his limbs crystallized, and his hands and feet even completely turned into blue crystals, as if they would be shattered into pieces if they were slightly knocked. . In the past six months, his heart rate dropped to 487,659 beats. His body sank to seven hundred and thirty feet.

Another half a year later, the crystals spread to his limbs. Looking around, his arms and legs were all blue crystals, and even the bones inside could be clearly seen. His torso also began to show signs of crystallization. Heartbeat, 3865 beats in half a year. The body sank to 1460 feet.

In the past six months, his body, except for his head, has become blue crystal, and his heart has been frozen and stopped beating. At this time, his position is 3,672 feet from the ground.

Two years passed, and in the middle of the third year, Wang Lin's head slowly turned into blue crystal. At this moment, Wang Lin had no breath of life, and he had truly met the requirements of the Acupoints of the Underworld - the Realm of the Underworld.

His body sank to seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine feet, and appeared in a dark blue space. Around him, there were countless huge bones of spirit beasts. On the ground, the physical body still disappeared, leaving only a dense sea of ​​bones.

In the sea of ​​bones, without exception, the color of every bone is the color of blue crystal.

Wang Lin sat quietly in the sea of ​​bones for half a year. During this half year, it took him one month to recover his heartbeat, two months to recover his consciousness, and three months to sense Three cold pills.

Afterwards, the Zuqiao Cold Pill and the Qi Sea Cold Pill slowly collided together, and the destructive cold air reappeared, but this cold air was slightly insignificant compared to the extreme Yin Qi that was currently filling Wang Lin's body.

Easily, the two cold pills merged together, inseparable, and gradually condensed into one.

Immediately afterwards, the fused cold pill continued to sink, and came to the dantian cave. The invisible barrier outside the dantian cave only blocked the time for half a stick of incense, and then immediately disintegrated layer by layer and completely shattered. The cold pill sank and collided with the Dantian cold pill. After more than ten times the cold air just now, it immediately emerged. The concentration of this cold air was extremely high, but it was still a little worse than the extremely yin air in Wang Lin's body. Slowly, the three cold pills, Blending is done, blending together.

It's just that its color is not golden, but a lifeless gray.

Wang Lin didn't know that the Huangquan Ascension Aperture Art he practiced was a little different because of the Heavenly Defying Bead and the creation of the Extreme Realm.

The reason why Huangquan Shengqiao Jue is called the fastest alchemy speed is precisely because it takes a shortcut, first fusing cold pills to form a pill embryo, then impacting it with spiritual energy, and finally turning it into a golden pill, entering the alchemy stage.

He has already completed more than half of it now, only the final spiritual energy impact is missing, but the alchemy stage is not so easy to achieve, this final impact is not guaranteed, it has a certain failure rate.

Once it fails, the pill will be shattered immediately, and it has to start all over again.

Please take a look at the following -

The next one is here, and the next series of plots have been conceived, please wait and see. Recently, my body is not in good condition. After sitting for a long time, my waist hurts. Sometimes when I stand up, I have to hold on to the wall for a while before I can move. cT, the doctor said it was a herniated lumbar intervertebral disc, belonging to the lumbar 5 sacral 1 disc. Alas, I'm only 30 years old.

This has nothing to do with writing a book, it is the root cause of my illness that I got rid of before, but now writing a book every day, sitting for seven or eight hours at a time, is really unbearable, I really can’t do 9000 words a day, really.

I can only guarantee that I will write 6,000 words a day, not less. If my physical therapy is effective during this period, I will write more, and I will definitely.

I didn't expect this book to remain in the top ten new books in the end. Even if it entered, I think it would fall down in the end, especially now that the next three books are only 30 votes away from catching up. I was quite reconciled before, but the subscription to this book is okay, it is dozens of times of my current monthly ticket, but I have been asking for tickets for more than half a month, but the effect is very small, and my heart is also weak, just drop it, presumably fate It is doomed that there is no fate in the top ten of Xianni. Since the fate is like this, I also admit it. I can change Wang Lin's fate, but I can't change my own fate. After all, I am still a mortal.

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