Renegade Immortal

Chapter 145: Formation of Alchemy (2)

The three colds merged into one, the elixir has been formed, the next thing that needs to be done is to fuse with the body, if there is no repulsion, then after the impact of spiritual power and spiritual cultivation, the golden elixir will begin to form and enter the alchemy stage.

The impact of spiritual power requires the Tianli Pill to increase the success rate. Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, his body, from the head down, there were a few cracks, and the cracks became bigger and bigger, and soon there was a crackling The clicking sound is densely distributed all over the body.

With the movement of his body, those cracks immediately split more quickly, and gradually a few pieces peeled off. Wang Lin stood up slowly, and his whole body shook violently. .

The clothes on his body also turned into flying ash and dissipated in this peeling off, leaving only the slightly damaged dragon inner armor on his body.

Wang Lin stood quietly on the spot, closed his eyes again, opened them after a long time, a blue cold light flashed in his eyes, and gradually clenched his fists. The combination of the three cores, although he can only be regarded as half a foot into the core formation in terms of realm, but his Huangquan ascending orifice art has already achieved great success.

A mass of blue flame emerged from the dan embryo, flowing along the meridians of his right hand to the fingertips, seeping out soundlessly. At this moment, above three inches of his right hand, a blue glow The flame, burning quietly.

When it burns, what it emits is not heat, but cold air. This blue ice flame is the essence of Huangquan Shengqiaojue, the flame of Huangquan.

As soon as the icy flames of the underworld appeared, a thick layer of blue crystals on the ground under Wang Lin's feet immediately released white air, showing signs of melting. Wang Lin waved his right hand, the ice flame disappeared immediately, the white air gradually dissipated, and the blue crystal on the ground. After the white air dissipated, a concave point was revealed.

Surprised by Bingyan's power, Wang Lin looked around, took out a set of clothes from the storage bag and changed into it. His eyes condensed on those animal bones for a while, and fell into deep thought. After burning an incense stick, he sat down cross-legged and slapped the storage bag, and the dragon's skull flew out immediately.

Staring at the skull, Wang Lin's eyes flickered. Next, he plans to go to Nandou City to exchange for the alchemy furnace, and then let Li Muwan refine the Tianli Pill. Although three years have passed, Wang Lin knows that Li Muwan has not had a trace of connection with his soul blood. any danger.

However, after seeing the countless frozen animal bones around him, Wang Lin's thoughts changed a bit. The key requirement is the reactor.

After the previous failure. He no longer has the skull of the spirit beast in his hand. Back then, he asked Li Muwan to keep the skull of the dragon. It was also intended to refine the reactor, but it was delayed because of the integration of the three pills. In addition, Wang Lin is still psychologically unsure, once he fails. Then it would be too time-consuming and labor-intensive to search for spirit beast skulls for refining.

But now, after he found that the surroundings were full of animal bones,

The idea of ​​making a reaction furnace immediately popped up again. He took a deep breath and recalled in his mind the method of making a reaction furnace on the smelting jade slip. After a while, he took out the jade slip and read it again.

He clapped his hands together, and when he stretched out, the spiritual threads shimmered and gradually appeared between his palms. Wang Lin's face showed a solemn expression, and he threw both hands upwards at the same time, and the spiritual threads flew up immediately.

Without blinking, Wang Lin put his hands together again, and the cycle repeated. Slowly, the spiritual lines in front of him became more and more dense, and finally turned into a spiritual silk, emitting bursts of sparkling light .

After finishing all this, Wang Lin heaved a sigh of relief. The first step of making the reactor was completed. Now it is necessary to test whether the furnace embryo can withstand the smelting of the spirit silk.

He tapped the skull of a flood dragon, and the silk made from spirit silk quickly wrapped around it and stuck to the skull. Wang Lin calmed down and observed closely. He saw that the spirit silk slowly melted into the skull, and the color of the skull gradually faded from purple.

But not long after, the skull suddenly made a crackling sound, and then a crack appeared from the place where the spiritual silk was wrapped, and finally with a bang, the entire skull shattered into pieces and fell to the ground, leaving only the spiritual silk still in the air, scattered out A burst of spiritual power fluctuations.

Wang Lin sighed secretly, but then his eyes showed unwillingness. He swept his eyes, jumped up, grabbed the spirit silk in mid-air, and quickly came to a huge animal bone, and slammed down according to. This animal bone is about five to six hundred feet long, and the bones are gray in color. Its skull is also huge, almost comparable to the destroyed dragon bone just now.

The moment the spirit silk melted into it, it immediately passed through the animal bone. Wang Lin was stunned and tried again. The spirit silk passed through the animal bone without any hindrance.

Wang Lin stared at the animal bone, his eyes flickering. The surface of the animal bone was covered with a layer of blue ice crystals, which looked like crystal. He grabbed it with his right hand and pinched it on the bone. sound, but did not break.

Wang Lin pondered for a while, and with a wave of his hand, the icy flame of Huangquan flew out from the palm of his hand. As soon as the icy flame approached the animal bone, waves of white air immediately burst out from the animal bone. The closer the icy flame got, the air wave More and more, the blue crystals covering it quickly dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally all disappeared, revealing the gray-white animal bones below.

Without hesitation, Wang Lin grabbed the spirit silk and pressed it down. This time, the spirit silk was directly wrapped around the skull.

But after half a stick of incense, the color of the animal bone changed three times, and suddenly, it shattered into ashes. The spiritual silk floated out, the silk thread was much less, and the spiritual power was slightly weaker.

Wang Lin frowned. The difficulty of making this reaction furnace was far beyond his imagination. Presumably, the reason why few people mastered the art of refining in the Temple of War had a lot to do with this reaction furnace.

It is a great opportunity for others to get even a spirit beast skull, but the requirement for making a reactor is to use the skull of a spirit beast that has just died, and the skull of a powerful spirit beast is the best. If the spirit beast dies for a long time, the chance of using its skull will be much lower.

Of course, if you can get the skull of a desolate beast, no matter whether it has just died or not, the chance will increase several times.

As a result, the difficulty naturally increased greatly. When Jiaolong had just died, Wang Lin thought that if he refined it immediately, the success rate might be higher, but at that time, he didn't think about refining the weapon at all, and all he wanted was to do it as soon as possible Form a pill.

Wang Lin snorted lightly. Looking at the boundless sea of ​​bones all around him, he couldn't calculate how many bones of spirit beasts there were.

"I don't believe that there are so many spirit beast bones. I can't make a reactor!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he pulled out the spirit silk with his palms together. After adding it to the spirit silk, he grabbed the spirit silk. Press on another animal bone again.

After a stick of incense, the animal bones shattered again.

Wang Lin didn't know how many animal bones were broken one after another. He only knew that he had replenished the spirit silk hundreds of times.

His brows became tighter and tighter. In the end, Wang Lin jumped up, stood in mid-air, looked around coldly, then grabbed the spirit silk and flung it away from his body. The spirit silk immediately turned into circles of ripples, spinning outside Wang Lin's body.

His hands kept clasping and pulling apart, and every time he did this, some spiritual threads appeared. Integrate into the spirit silk. Gradually, as Wang Lin's speed became faster and faster. The spiritual silk melted into it like rain, the size of the spiritual silk. Gradually grow up.

The spiritual ripples around his body also grew bigger. Wang Lin didn't stop, and turned all the spiritual energy in his body into spiritual silk in one breath, and then immediately drank a few mouthfuls of spiritual energy liquid, and transformed it again.

As time passed, the ripples of the spiritual silk outside his body became bigger and bigger, and they had already spread hundreds of feet away.

"It's still not enough!" Wang Lin checked the range of the sea of ​​bones with his eyes, and said silently in his heart, then drank the spiritual liquid again, and continued to transform. Slowly, the ripples became bigger again, and when they finally turned into thousands of feet in size, Wang Lin took a deep breath and drank With a sound, both hands were raised, and the spiritual sense jumped out to control the ripples of the spirit silk and pressed down hard. At the same time, Bingyan came out.

Hearing the continuous booming sound, within a thousand feet he pressed, the animal bones were like a huge wave rising, setting off layers of ashes, and the endless waves of ashes, no bones could resist where they passed, one after another It turned into fly ash and joined the bone wave.

Among them, there are still countless white air, which is extremely spectacular when viewed from a distance. After the white air dissipated, there was nothing within a thousand feet. As soon as Wang Lin gritted his teeth, he used the psychic liquid to transform into a thousand-foot spiritual silk again, and pressed it in another direction.

The bone waves rolled, and the pupils of Wang Lin's eyes suddenly closed after the white smoke passed, and he saw the skeleton of a small animal the size of a normal person, all alone in the empty ground thousands of feet away.

Wang Lin's face showed joy, his body sank, and he immediately flew away. He looked at the little beast's bone carefully.

The bone was slightly white in color, slightly slender, and looked extremely ordinary. Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and he pointed to the sky with his right hand. The spirit silk was immediately grabbed by an invisible big hand, and pressed towards the skull of the little beast.

The color of the skull changed immediately, one time, two times, three times... After changing nine times in a row, with a click sound, the skull broke away from the spine and slowly floated up from the ground.

The spiritual silk has been completely integrated into it, and after nine times of color changes, the shape of the skull gradually changes, and finally becomes a bowl shape, with bursts of spiritual power radiating from it.

Wang Lin held it in his hand and checked it.

The Artifact Refining Art of the Temple of War God has an unpredictable origin. It is rumored that it was discovered by the ancestors of the Temple of War God at the same time as the Art of Heaven. The reaction furnace in the refining technique is divided into ten grades.

The higher the grade, the better the effect. The method of distinguishing grades is also very simple. The moment the reaction furnace is produced, the color changes a few times, which represents the grade.

"Ninth grade!" Wang Lin muttered to himself, feeling a little regretful in his heart. After spending so much effort and using the mysterious sea of ​​bones at will, he still didn't develop a tenth grade reaction furnace.

However, rank nine is better than no rank, so Wang Lin took out the refining jade slip and checked it carefully again.

Wang Lin didn't know, and the jade slip didn't introduce it in detail. Even the master of the Artifact Refining Hall of the God of War Temple, the Nascent Soul cultivator, only had a sixth-grade reactor, and there were not many others. Most of the reaction furnaces are all below the third grade.

The reason why Wang Lin's is rank nine is directly related to that seemingly ordinary animal bone. This animal bone is an extremely rare wild animal bone in this sea of ​​bones!

After the desolate beast died, its bones were not much different from other spirit beasts. If there were no researchers, it would be impossible to distinguish them easily.

Wang Lin withdrew his mind from the jade slips, and he contemplated for a while. The art of refining weapons in the Temple of War God pays attention to three processes. They are: tone, fusion, and combination. The tune is more civilized, it melts like a rock, and it fits like a corner.

Wang Lin concentrated his energy and did not blink. He dug out some materials from the storage bag and threw them into the skull reactor one by one. These materials were some refining materials recorded in the jade slips, which Wang Lin memorized at the beginning. I also found some in my storage bag.

Chicken blood stone can generate high temperature after being catalyzed by spiritual power.

Purple moon vine, as a kind of vegetation, can decompose after being catalyzed by Tiangang wood.

Tiangang wood is a kind of wood attribute material. Its effect is corrosion.

These three kinds of materials are all in Wang Lin's storage bag. Although there are not many of them, the refiner should be enough. I don't know him, but now, at least he is familiar with the materials of the refining equipment. I understand more or less.

Place the purple moon vine in the reactor. Every time he puts in a section, he smashes it with animal bones. At the same time, spiritual power penetrated. melt into it. As more and more purple moon vines were put in, a viscous purple liquid appeared. Gradually accumulate in the reactor.

Staring at the reactor, Wang Lin muttered to himself. As if he was calculating something, his eyes flashed after a while, and he poured a drop of his own blood into the furnace!

At this moment, a few bubbles popped out of the reaction furnace. Wang Lin calmly dispersed his consciousness, gathered it on the reaction furnace, and his spiritual power flowed in smoothly.

The function of the reaction furnace was introduced in detail in the Jade Slip of Artifact Refining. In the introduction, it was said that this method of refining is a slant. It uses the reaction furnace as a carrier. Through it, the artisan can control other The material inside is changed.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. After hesitating for a while, he quickly took out the Tiangang wood, crushed it lightly and sprinkled it into the reaction furnace. \\//\\

Bubbles burst out of the purple liquid immediately, exuding a pungent smell. Then, Wang Lin took out the only bloodstone and threw it in.

After doing this, he showed a dignified expression, made a formula with both hands, and quickly shot a few bursts of spiritual light. Gradually, the liquid in the reaction furnace condensed together, forming a purple ball.

Wang Lin pondered for a while, and with a wave of his right hand, the ball split into two, one of which floated up, and the other sank into the reaction furnace.

Under Wang Lin's control, the floating ball rose slowly. Wang Lin pondered for a moment, pressed his hands on the center of his eyebrows and his chest respectively, exerted a little force, and suddenly a mouthful of Purple Mansion Spiritual Qi was forced out of his body, and he spit it out. As soon as the spiritual energy came out, it immediately penetrated into the ball.

The first step of the alchemy technique of the God of War Temple, Tune, is considered complete here, and the next step is the second step, Rong.

This fusion needs weapon embryos. Wang Lin slapped the storage bag, and flying swords, large and small, flew out quickly. A total of thirty-five swords were taken out, and they were thrown into the air one by one.

Wang Lin pointed to one of the flying swords, and the flying sword shot out immediately, piercing the ball, and slowly, the tip of the sword melted, and finally the whole flying sword melted into it.

Next, under Wang Lindi's control, the remaining thirty-four flying swords were integrated into the ball, and finally, seven-colored lights flashed in the ball, bright and dazzling.

The whole process from putting in the first purple moon vine to the present has lasted for nearly two hours. Wang Lin has been concentrating on it for two hours. Take out the black flying sword from the storage bag.

This flying sword can be said to have shared weal and woe with Wang Lin. From the initial acquisition, he accompanied him to kill Master Zhang Hu, then drank the blood of Vine Li, and finally fought with him in the Judgment Valley, until his body was shattered and his consciousness was taken away by Situ Nan. , the flying sword was shattered due to the sword embryo, and only a trace of the sword spirit was fused with Wang Lin's blood and survived because it was blended in the divine consciousness.

Afterwards, Wang Lin searched for an embryo body for it several times, but all of them were ineffective. At this time, the new embryo body, this black flying sword, had already become concave after several teleportation attacks. Embarrassed.

Wang Lin grasped the flying sword with his right hand, touched it lightly with his palm, and immediately a sword sound came from the flying sword, followed by an illusory sword shadow, which slowly floated up from the flying sword and hung in front of Wang Lin. At the same time, the devil also escaped from the flying sword, and floated far away, looking around blankly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Wang Lin took a deep breath, grabbed it with his big hand, and the ball immediately flew into it. He gritted his teeth, and with a thought, the phantom of the flying sword rushed into the ball without a moment's pause.

Wang Lin's consciousness instantly spread out, tightly wrapping the ball, the last step of the Art of War God Temple, close. And so on.

Time passed slowly, the ball was slowly elongated, and gradually solidified, and I don't know how long it has passed. Hearing a dragon chant emanating from it, a crystal flying sword with flowing light slowly transformed in front of Wang Lin.

This flying sword appeared. A vortex of spiritual power suddenly appeared, and after turning around Wang Lin for a few times, it suddenly merged into the flying sword. Wang Lin looked at the crystal flying sword, and after a long time he opened his mouth, and the flying sword turned into a ray of crystal light. Fly into his mouth.

The devil was stunned, rubbed his hands, and forced a smile: " swallow it, where will I live in the future?"

Wang Lin looked up at it. With a wave of his right hand, the dragon tendon flew out from the storage bag. He stretched out his hand to scrape the reaction furnace, and the ball that had sunk in it floated out. Wang Lin's eyes flashed. The dragon tendons immediately flew into the ball.

After some sacrifices. The ball became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a dragon tendon again. It's just that the color of the dragon's tendons has turned golden yellow. Wang Lin glanced at the devil, and the devil immediately got into it strangely.

Call with your right hand. The dragon's tendon fell, Wang Lin looked at it intently, put it in the storage bag, looked up at the blue crystal wall above, stretched his right hand, Huangquan ice flame appeared immediately, he kicked his body, and flew away immediately.

Like a broken bamboo, he rushed straight out from the ground thousands of meters below. His speed was too fast, coupled with the destructive power of Huangquan's ice flames, under such a rush, the ground outside the valley of corpses immediately shook, those who were in the valley The monks who were looking for the animal bones all changed their complexions. Without knowing why, they flew away from the valley of corpses one after another, and the vibration on the ground became more and more intense.

A few sharp-eyed monks immediately saw a roar coming from the direction of the Fourteenth Valley, and then a black shadow rushed up, flew into the fog above, and disappeared.

After a long time, these monks looked at Fourteen Valley in bewilderment one by one. All kinds of speculations spread slowly, and finally it even spread that there was a corpse sleeping in the Valley of Corpses for thousands of years. Dramatically, the black shadow that flew out was actually this dead body that had been cultivated into a spirit.

After Wang Lin flew out, he flew towards the south without stopping. According to the information he got from Sangmuya, Nandou City is in the extreme south, about 300,000 miles away from the Valley of Corpse.

Wang Lin knew that it took him some time to refine the weapon, so he was very fast. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, that is to change to the alchemy furnace and refine the Tianli pill!

Two days and two nights later, as far as Wang Lin could see, a huge black city appeared. One's Nandou.

The reason why it is called Nandou is because of the name of the city lord, Nandou, the lord of the city, who has the cultivation base of Yuanying stage, and has countless masters under him, so he can be said to be the overlord of one side.

Basically, in Xiumo Hai, owning a city means a certain status, and the owner of the city has a great reputation. Under the city, there are various sects, large and small. These sects have different strengths, but no matter what, they are not as majestic as the lord of a city.

Fortunately, the lord of Nandou City disappeared five hundred years ago. Within a million miles, he was like a headless dragon, which allowed the development of various sects, such as the Fighting Evil Sect.

Nandou City has become an ownerless city in Xiumo Haiti, and it is jointly controlled by several large sects. However, Nandou City belongs to the remote edge of the Demon Cultivation Sea after all, with poor resources and lack of spiritual veins. Nascent Soul stage monks generally do not stoop to come here. This results in no Nascent Soul stage monks within a million miles. In the Dan period, there are many.

It was once predicted that if a Nascent Soul stage could emerge here, it would naturally become the new Nandou City Lord.

In the past five hundred years, it is not that there is no Nascent Soul Stage who wants to occupy and become the city lord, but every time they can't stay for long, they can't bear the thin aura and barren environment here, and give up one by one.

As time goes by, no Nascent Soul stage monks are willing to come here. After all, there are nearly a thousand cities in the sea of ​​cultivating demons, so there is no need to stay in this shitty Nandou City.

At this time, Nandou City was jointly controlled by the three sects of Zhutian Sect, Miehun Sect, and Tiandao Sect. Although the Douxie Sect was qualified to take over, the alliance of the three sects made it impossible for it to enter.

After all, there is a big difference between the three factions and the four factions, and no one is so short-sighted as to sit and watch the Douxie faction wipe out the other factions and become big, so the attitudes of the three factions are exactly the same on this point.

After paying ten low-grade spirit stones and getting the token to enter, Wang Lin hurried into Nandou City, his goal was the Artifact Refining Pavilion in the east of the city.

The Artifact Refining Pavilion had three floors, and each floor was higher, and the magic weapons inside were several times more expensive. When Wang Lin came here, there were seven or eight monks on the first floor, bargaining with several fellows who followed.

The update is late, but fortunately I caught up, I'm really sorry!

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