Renegade Immortal

Chapter 146: Formation of Alchemy (3)

Before Wang Lin entered. Already very early, he took out a black robe from the storage bag to cover his head and face. Scanned around after entering. The magic weapon on the first floor is mainly flying swords. Most of them are not vanilla. It is exquisitely placed in a brocade box. There are seals on both sides of the brocade box. Prevent the sword energy from leaking out.

besides. In the middle of the first floor. There is also a cylindrical crystal wall. There are three flying swords in the finished font. The sword tip was floating downwards.

The three flying swords flickered on and off. Sometimes it shines brightly.

Wang Lin was staring at the crystal wall. A guy came from the side. This guy is in his twenties. A clever look on his face. He had already sized Wang Lin up as he walked. Cover your head and face. This is a very common thing. There are often some customers who don't like to be seen by others. will be dressed like this. He has a set of methods passed down by the Artifact Refining Sect to identify the opponent's cultivation base. But the more you look at him, the weirder you feel. He is checking with secret technique. The opponent's cultivation is suddenly at the alchemy stage. Suddenly, it was the foundation building Dzogchen.

Although the guy was surprised. But on the surface, nothing abnormal can be seen. He was respectful. Said: "Senior, do you fancy these flying swords?"

Wang Lin looked away. look at buddy. One can tell at a glance that his cultivation base is that of the first layer of the Qi Condensation Period. He looked flat. He said softly: "Is there an alchemy furnace for sale in your pavilion?"

The guy nodded with a smile. Said: "Senior, look at this South Dou City. If you talk about the alchemy furnace, I am afraid that only my Refining Sect can sell it. This kind of item is not very affordable. If senior needs it, please follow me to the second floor."

Wang Lin looked calm. Lift your feet and walk up the stairs. Dude go a few steps. Follow the guide. The moment you set foot on the stairs. Wang Lin glanced sideways. I took a look at a monk who was bargaining on the first floor. He pondered a little. Step up the stairs.

After going up to the second floor. The guy went straight to a middle-aged man sitting on a wicker chair on the right side of the room. Whisper a few words beside him. Turned around and went downstairs.

Middle-aged people are pale and needless. The light in the eyes flashed from time to time. He stood up and clasped his fists and said, "What quality alchemy furnace do fellow Taoists want. Please tell me clearly."

Wang Lin glanced at the other party. This middle-aged man's cultivation base is the same as his. They are all foundation building Dzogchen. He was slightly surprised. The Dark Path Refining Pavilion is divided into three floors. The first layer is the condensation period. The second layer is the foundation period. Then the third floor upstairs. Isn't there a period of alchemy to sit in town?

He looked calm. He said flatly: "Can you take some out and let me have a look."

The middle-aged man laughed. Pointing to the table and chairs aside. Said: "Fellow Taoist, sit down first. I'll fetch it for you right now." Finished speaking. He made a cup of tea first. After putting it on the table. Turn around and walk to the side wall. Reach out and clap. The entire wall immediately sparkled. Slowly unreal.

Then three beautiful girls.

Wearing palace gauze. Miaoman walked out of it. Everyone holds a white jade tray in both hands. Three two-foot-square mahogany boxes were placed on the plate.

The three wooden boxes are the same size. But some of the patterns depicted above are different. besides. There are more or less seals on the three wooden boxes.

The three girls walked half a foot in front of Wang Lin one by one. His eyes flicked to him. He kept looking at his black robe.

The middle-aged man took out a wooden box. Put it on the table. Said: "Fellow Daoist. This is the fusion of Qinggang Rock and Xuanwu Crystal in the depths of the Demon Cultivation Sea. The Qingxuan Pill Furnace that was refined in July, July, Forty-Nine Months. The quality is third grade." Finished. He slapped the wooden box. The box immediately opens from the middle. A fist-sized exquisite furnace was revealed inside.

Wang Lin looked calm. Back then when Li Muwan mentioned the alchemy furnace to him. once said. She only has the second grade of portable furnace. Only if it reaches the fourth grade or above. Only in this way can we ensure that there will be no major changes in Tianli Pill.

After a glance. Wang Lin didn't speak. Instead look away.

Young and middle-aged laugh. With a wave of his right hand. The wooden box on the table disappeared immediately. It returned to the white jade tray in the girl's hand. He passed the second woman directly. He reached out and picked up the jade box from the third woman's hand. Place lightly on the table. He said with a smile: "Fellow Daoists must be refining rare medicine pills. This is a spirit stove of hundreds of beasts made by fusing together ninety-nine low-grade spirit beast inner pills in Xiumo Sea. Use it to refine pills Medicine. There will be a great chance of absorbing spirit beast pill energy. It will increase the quality of pill medicine." He said. He patted the wooden box with his right hand. The wooden box quickly opened to both sides. within it. There is a blood-red alchemy furnace on the side. If you look carefully. But now outside the alchemy furnace. Ninety-nine ferocious-looking spirit beasts were imprinted.

These spirit beasts are lifelike. A trace of weak fluctuations of spiritual power emanated from it. This is still the spiritual energy seeping out in the sealed state. If you open the seal. I'm afraid that the spiritual energy will soar into the sky immediately.

This spirit stove of beasts. Even Wang Lin. Can't help but thump. Only on the surface. There was no change in his demeanor.

The middle-aged man touched the wooden box. Said: "Fellow daoists should know. Low-grade spirit beasts. That is equivalent to a monk at the alchemy stage. Our sect also spent a lot of energy. It took several years. Only then did the refining succeed. This beast spirit furnace. The quality has already reached the fifth grade."

Wang Lin looked away. He pondered a little. Said: "What price?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly. Said: "A top-grade spirit stone is one hundred thousand yuan. This is the standard price. Or you can also take out a magic weapon with a similar price."

Hear this price. Although Wang Lin was already mentally prepared. But still my heart sank. This pill furnace is extremely expensive. No wonder the head teacher of the Fighting Evil Sect spent more than half of the sect's spirit stones to buy one.

The middle-aged man kept smiling on his face. He unhurriedly poured himself a cup of tea. After taking a sip. Said: "Fellow Daoist, this Spiritual Stove of Hundred Beasts is expensive. Why don't you change it. The previous Qingxuan Pill Stove. Although the price is also 100,000 spirit stones, it is only a middle-grade spirit stone. It is equivalent to 10,000 top-grade spirit stones." It's just a spirit stone."

Wang Lin glanced at the other party. One shot storage bag. A piece of dragon skin immediately flew out. Lay flat on tabletop.

"Flood dragon leather armor?" The middle-aged man's tone was slightly surprised. After picking it up and watching it intently for a while. set aside. He pondered for a moment. He raised his head and said, "It's the leather armor of the middle-grade spirit beast dragon. How many of these do you have?"

Wang Lin looked calm. no answer. Instead, he asked: "How much can be exchanged for the Spiritual Stove of Hundred Beasts?"

The middle-aged man bowed his head and calculated silently. He raised his head and glanced at Wang Lin. Said: "If the body is more than a thousand feet long, then a whole piece of leather armor can be replaced."

Wang Lin said nothing. One shot storage bag. The dragon skins immediately piled up like a mountain in front of the middle-aged man. Wang Lin didn't even look at it. Grab the mahogany box containing the spirit stove of beasts. Go downstairs.

The middle-aged man has a little shortness of breath. Take a quick look at Jiaopi. It has already been judged in the sweep of consciousness. This is not even a whole sheet. It's definitely not much different.

A whole piece of mid-grade spirit beast dragon skin. You must know that the middle-grade spirit beast is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen. This kind of powerful spirit beast is even inside the Demon Cultivation Sea. It can also be said to be a hegemony. Although middle-aged people are well-informed. But at most, they saw some scattered mid-grade spirit beast leather armor. As for the whole skin. Except for low-grade spirit beasts that he had seen before. Mid-grade spirit beast. This is the first time.

When you look up. Wang Lin has already put the wooden box into the storage bag. Quickly walked down the stairs.

Wealth is not revealed. Wang Lin knew this well. That's why he disguised himself. Cover your head and face. But he was still worried. After all, although he doesn't know Jiaolongpi as well as the other party. But also know it's hard baby. Once the other party becomes greedy. Think of other treasures in Jiaolong's body. That would complicate things.

If it is not absolutely necessary. Wang Lin would not exchange the dragon skin. One is that the price of the alchemy furnace is too high. Except for the aura liquid in his storage bag. There is only Jiaolong Skin.

by contrast. If you take out the aura liquid, which is even more against the sky. I'm afraid the future troubles will be deeper. So he weighs one or two. He decisively took out the dragon skin. Leave quickly after changing.

Out of the Refining Pavilion. Wang Lin looked at the opposite side with cold eyes. When he entered the second floor just now, there were people peeping. So he left a divine consciousness in the opponent's body. After coming out at this time. Immediately noticed that the man was in the opposite inn.

There are many people in the inn. And by the side of the person who left behind his consciousness. There are actually three alchemy stage monks. Wang Lin pondered a little. Did not detonate consciousness. But non-stop. After turning a few corners, he stepped on his foot. The earth escape technique was launched. But there was only a flash of white light. Wang Lin did not sink down. The entire Nandou City was surrounded by a wave of prohibition. Affected the performance of the earth escape technique.

Wang Lin frowned slightly. The body flew up quickly. Fly towards the city gate.

He just flew out not long ago. A dark and thin monk. Appeared when Wang Lin used Earth Escape just now. He stared at the direction Wang Linfei was leaving. Tim Tim mouth. Greedy eyes. This cultivator was exactly when Wang Lin entered the first floor. One of the many bargainers.

This person's name is Wei San. It is a disciple sent by Douxie to Nandou City to buy. When he saw Wang Lin enter the second floor. Immediately my heart moved. Pretending to glance casually. After leaving the attic, I kept staring at it from a distance. And the sound transmission was sent to several fellows who purchased in Nandou City. After waiting for a long time. Only then did Wang Lin come down. He counts time. It is expected that the other party must have exchanged for some precious magic weapons. Can't help but feel malicious.

It's just that he can't see through the opponent's cultivation base. It is estimated that it should be a monk of alchemy. This made him retreat involuntarily. But when his classmates came. He saw that three elders of the sect also came. Can't help but be overjoyed. Hastily explained the matter in detail.

by his side. 6 More than a dozen people appeared one after another. These people have different levels of cultivation. Most of them are foundation building period. But among these people. However, there were three bodies shrouded in black mist from top to bottom.

these three people. It was the alchemy cultivator who made Wang Lin quite scrupulous just now.

"Elder. I didn't expect the three of you to be in Nandou City. I'm sure. The other party must have a treasure." Wei San turned around. said humbly.

"Wei San. You're exaggerating. I really thought it was a monk in the alchemy period. Hmph. It's just a fake alchemy monk. What kind of treasure can I have? Waiting for so long. It's a waste of time." A hoarse voice came from a person in the black mist the sound of. The tone was annoyed.

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