Renegade Immortal

Chapter 147: Formation of Alchemy (4)

"You, damn it!" Another person in the black mist said sinisterly, at the same time stretched out a miserable green withered hand from the mist, and patted Wei San with a hint of black air.

Wei San's face immediately turned pale, he knelt on the ground, and tremblingly said: "Disciple...everything I say is true, except for his cultivation base, I guessed wrong, disciple..." He was so scared that his words were incoherent.

Those fellow members of the Fighting Evil Sect all around him were expressionless, and a few of them even showed gloating looks. Seeing that, Wei San's heart was even more chilled. Seeing that withered hand was about to fall, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind , Immediately loudly said: "I... I remembered, he asked the guy in the Artifact Refining Pavilion, asking if there is a pill furnace above the fifth grade!"

In fact, Wei San didn't hear these words clearly at all, he was forced to be anxious now, and immediately started talking nonsense in a hurry, as he talked, he himself somewhat believed that the other party might really be buying the alchemy furnace.

Withered hands paused, and the gloomy voice came again: "Danlu? Wei San, do you know the end of lying to me?"

Wei Sanyi gritted his teeth, raised his head and said, "I dare to guarantee my life." He smiled wryly in his heart, and secretly thought that if he didn't say that, he would die now, so it's better to take a gamble. If you do, your life will be saved.

"It doesn't matter what he said is true or not, just go and see." The third elder, who had not spoken all this time, heard a loud voice like a bell.

As soon as these words fell, the three of them no longer hesitated, and immediately took off, flying towards Wang Lin's direction. The disciples behind hurriedly followed closely. Wei San wiped off his cold sweat, cursing inwardly, but also followed.

The elders of the three Douxie sects represented the Douxie sect, and they came to Nandou City to discuss important matters with the heads of the three sects. At this time, the disciples of the three sects were ordered not to obstruct the three of them. So along the way, although there were many people from the Douxie faction, they chased after them like a broken bamboo.

As for Wang Lin. Every time a section of the flight was made, someone would come up to check and check the road signs carefully before letting them go. After a few times, Wang Lin felt impatient. Coupled with the fact that someone was chasing after him, he simply stopped pausing and rushed all the way, rushing out quickly.

Soon, he came to the city gate and rushed out in an instant. It didn't take long. Everyone from the Douxie faction chased after him and passed by in a flash. After they all left. The disciples of the three sects of Nandou City are led by several alchemy monks. Emerge from the city gate.

They just got orders. If the opponent is fighting fiercely in the city. Then drive them out. If the opponent leaves the city by himself. It is neither blocked. Neither help.

Wang Lin left Nandou City. Step on your feet. The body immediately got into the ground. The earth escape technique was launched immediately. Run away in a hurry.

Chase the three alchemy stage monks in Zhongdi.

One of them let out a sigh. Flip the right hand. An ancient mirror appeared in the palm of his hand. He opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of spiritual energy. The aura blew onto the ancient mirror and immediately rolled around. The crystal light in the ancient mirror flickered. It turned into a long rainbow and quickly flew out of the monk's hand. After spinning a few times in mid-air. A ray of light suddenly shot out from the mirror. Pointing to the ground in the distance. And the light moves forward sharply.

The three sneered. Follow the mirror light.

A disciple of the Fighting Evil Sect. They were also very excited. This feeling of chasing and killing prey with the head of the sect. Let them have a deep sense of stimulation.

Wang Lin frowned slightly. I snorted coldly in my heart. The consciousness placed in Wei San's body immediately detonated.

Wei San, who was among the disciples of the Fighting Evil Sect, suddenly let out a miserable snort, spewed blood, fell to the side, and fell from the flying sword. The fellow disciples beside him were all shocked.

Wang Lin's speed remained undiminished, and he continued to flee, but his spiritual consciousness scattered and condensed on one of the enemies. With a thought, another disciple of the Fighting Evil Sect screamed and fell down.

As a result, the chasing Douxie sect disciples involuntarily stopped, not daring to continue. Only the three monks at the alchemy stage didn't care at all, staring at the place pointed by the mirror in the distance, and chased them out.

One of the monks waved his hand, and a huge black seal flew out from his sleeve. After spinning around in the air a few times, it turned into a giant peak. With the monk's sneering finger, the huge peak immediately smashed down.

The moment it fell, Wang Lin who was under the ground immediately turned around and dodged. The monk's smile was even colder, he waved his fingers again and again, and the giant peak slammed down violently. Amidst a series of bangs, a black shadow rushed away from the ground, glanced back at the three of them coldly, and flew away quickly.

"Hand over the magic weapon purchased in the Refining Pavilion, otherwise, you will die!" The cultivator who threw the ancient mirror, his eyes like lightning, shouted in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and an extremely strong sword energy stabbed violently. He was terrified in his heart, and his body moved a few inches to the left abruptly, followed by a pain in his chest, and he felt something. The thing pierced in, and then came out from the back, and a mouthful of blood gushed from the mouth.

"What kind of flying sword is this!!!" His face was pale, revealing a look of lingering fear. If he hadn't dodged quickly just now, he might die here today.

Wang Lin secretly sighed what a pity, he summoned his right hand, and the crystal flying sword appeared in his hand in a blink of an eye.

The other two alchemy cultivators all showed shock on their faces, and without saying a word, they fired several defensive magic weapons in a row, and then stared at Wang Lin with twinkling eyes.

"Get out!" Wang Lin's eyes were cold, and after saying a word, he continued to fly forward quickly.

The three alchemy cultivators looked at each other, and finally looked at the flying sword hovering outside Wang Lin's body together. Their eyes showed greed. It can be said that such a sharp flying sword is rare in the world. out.

The injured cultivator threw several defensive magic weapons one after another during the pursuit, and sealed the defense around his body. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, took several pills in succession, and then catalyzed some pills and applied them on the wound.

Then he hesitated for a moment, took out the jade slip, placed it on his forehead for a while and then flung it out. The jade slip disappeared after a few flashes.

Wang Lin swept away his consciousness and found that the three were still chasing after him. He couldn't help but sneer in his heart. These three must have the idea of ​​killing people to seize treasures, and they could be chased by three monks at the alchemy stage. For Wang Lin now, it is commonplace , if there is only one, he would have the strength to fight, but the other three, although they are all in the early stage of alchemy, should not be underestimated.

However, once he succeeded in forming alchemy, killing these three people would be as easy as crushing ants.

Under the pursuit of the three of them, Wang Lin fled for a day and a night. During this period, the opponent swung countless magic weapons. Slowly, Wang Lin felt a little lack of energy. After a sneak attack with the crystal flying sword, the opponent was able to guard against it again, and the effect was not good.

Wang Lin's gaze became colder and colder. He stared at the three of them with his spiritual consciousness, and the extreme realm immediately flashed out. The eyes of the three alchemy cultivators flashed red, and their brains seemed to be hit hard by a huge hammer. As if, his mouth and nose immediately flowed down, and after shaking his body a few times, his eyes showed unprecedented shock and solemnity.

The monk who was injured before spewed a mouthful of blood again, his eyes were red, and his face showed pain. If someone around him didn't grab him, he would definitely fall off the flying sword.

"He is definitely not a simple foundation-building stage, he should be the kind of monk who is only a hair's breadth away from entering the alchemy stage!" He took a deep breath, subdued the giant earthquake's consciousness, and said to the two people around him.

"He must be killed, otherwise with this person's supernatural power, if he succeeds in forming alchemy, the three of us will definitely die!"

"I have already notified the head teacher, and someone should be sent to help soon."

Wang Lin's brows were tightly frowned. Due to the influence of his cultivation, the ultimate spiritual consciousness was originally ineffective for the alchemy stage, but now with the incorporation of the infernal spring in the body, the alchemy embryo appeared, producing a slight effect. But obviously it can only hurt, but not kill.

This injury looks serious, but for a monk in the alchemy stage, he only needs to rest a little to recover.

If there is only one person on the other side, it should be no problem to kill one person with all the strength of the devil, but now, he can only run!

Wang Lin sighed inwardly, and hurried forward.

Eight hours later, the sky was getting darker. Wang Lin had already used his extreme spiritual sense several times, and each time he could only procrastinate a little. While his divine sense was moving, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at the enemy who had been chasing him for two days and one night. .

The three of them were also exhausted, but they had to chase, otherwise, once the other party formed an alchemy in the future, the three of them would die without a place to bury them. Seeing Wang Lin suddenly stop, all three of them were puzzled.

At this moment, Wang Lin's right hand stretched out as if supporting the sky, his eyes flickered with cold light, his head moved with the wind, and the corners of his clothes made the sound of being blown and tapped.

The crystal flying sword was under his feet, flashing a trace of coldness.

Soon, a trace of blue flame appeared on his right hand. As soon as the flame appeared, the surrounding air immediately became cold. This ice flame was Wang Lin's trump card besides the extreme realm. Now that the extreme realm has been used, the ice flame He didn't want to use the flame at first, but after using it many times underground in the Fourteenth Valley, Wang Lin found out that the ice flame was a consumable, and every time he used it, he lost one point, but now that the opponent was approaching step by step, he couldn't tolerate any more scruples.

As soon as the ice flame appeared, the expressions of the three alchemy cultivators changed drastically. Before they could take any action, Wang Lin swung his right hand, and the fist-sized ice flame slowly floated towards them.

It seemed to be slow, but actually it was extremely fast. The wind blowing from the surrounding sky also turned into ice wind at this moment, like knives, quickly condensed into solid bodies, and flung towards the three of them.

The three of them dispersed immediately without any hesitation, but the ice flames suddenly increased, and at an incredible angle, they touched the arm of the monk who had been injured many times. In the blink of an eye, the monk didn't even have time to scream. The blue flames scattered all over his body disappeared in an instant.

The ice flame was weak and continued to drift towards the next monk, but at this moment, there was a sound of wind and thunder in the distance, followed by seven or eight rainbows piercing the sky.

Wang Lin's complexion changed, and when he grabbed it with his right hand, Bing Yan immediately withdrew into his body, turned around and ran away without saying a word, this time, he used all his spiritual power to run away desperately.

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