Renegade Immortal

Chapter 159 The Old Man in the Green Shirt

The old man in green shirt sat on it, looked up at the sky, slapped the gourd expressionlessly, and was about to fly up, when suddenly his expression changed, and the fingers of his right hand pinched in front of his eyes, and he saw a crystal light caught in his hand, He sneered, but soon, the smile stagnated

The crystal light between his two fingers slowly dissipated, it was an afterimage.

At this moment, the old man flicked his head quickly, and the crystal light flashed across his cheek, and disappeared after a few flashes in mid-air.

The old man didn't stop him, but looked gloomy. He touched a wound on his cheek, put the blood sticking on his hand at the corner of his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and closed his eyes.

"This little guy is very courageous!" After a long time, he opened his eyes, slapped the gourd, and the gourd shrank immediately, and finally became the size of a palm. He held it in his hand, opened the stopper, and took a big gulp , a scent of wine suddenly spread around.

Although the fire burning country and the disaster of fire beasts are still eliminated by the fourth-level cultivation country, the fire attribute aura here is so violent that it cannot be breathed in. In addition, the temperature on the ground is too high, and countless flaming fluids are converging into streams. , Continuous volcanic eruptions caused the mortal kingdom on the ground to become a land of ruins.

The former mortal imperial city is now completely covered by flames, with no buildings and no living beings. The entire Huo Fen Nation is like a dead place of silence.

Wang Lin and Li Muwan passed quickly all the way, and they were both silent about the scenes on the ground. If Wang Lin hadn't absorbed the fire spirit that day, he might have been swallowed by the fire spirit at this moment. Death.

All of this can only be said to be a coincidence, and it has nothing to do with right or wrong. Even if he knew the consequences at the beginning, if he could choose, Wang Lin would still choose to save himself.

The two are like a long rainbow, crossing the sky. Soon passing by the place where they met for the first time, Li Muwan glanced at Wang Lin without saying a word.

As for Wang Lin, what he was thinking about at this moment was the pursuers behind him, so he had no time to worry about it. During the flight, Wang Lin felt something. Stretching out his right hand, the Crystal Light Flying Sword landed in his hand.

Suddenly, Wang Lin suddenly stopped. He stared at a trace of blood on the edge of the flying sword, scraped it up with his hands, and looked at it for a while. His complexion was cloudy and uncertain. From this trace of blood, he sensed dense fluctuations of spiritual power. This person possesses such spiritual power with just a drop of blood. Then how far is his cultivation?

Pull out the jade bottle. After putting the blood into the storage bag, Wang Lin's heart felt like a mountain. He looked up at the big "Zhu" on his head, sneered in his heart, and grabbed Li Muwan without saying a word. /\\Flying fast.

The border of the Huofen Kingdom passed quickly, and it could be seen from a distance that the Huofen League first occupied the mountain peak. At this time, on the mountain peak, the signs of the four major sects of the Huofen League were hung high.

It shows that this place is occupied by the Burning Alliance.

When he got here, Wang Lin stopped, remained silent for a while, and said, "No!"

Li Muwan bit her lower lip, looked at the direction behind her, and said softly: "Why don't you and I go back to Luohe Gate to hide?"

Wang Lin looked as usual. He said flatly, "No need!" He hesitated for a moment, and glanced at Li Muwan. As soon as the right hand patted between the eyebrows, Li Muwan's soul blood flew out immediately.

Wang Lin didn't return it directly, but the extreme spiritual consciousness immediately scattered, leaving a trace in his soul blood, and then sent out the soul blood.

"Four years, thank you! In this soul blood, I have left a trace of consciousness, below the Nascent Soul stage, no one can hurt you from now on." Wang Lin said in a calm voice.

Li Muwan's complexion showed on her face, she said in a low voice: "In the future...will we meet again?"

Wang Lin was silent, sighed lightly, did not answer this question, but took out something from the storage bag and handed it to Li Muwan. This object is exactly the valuable Spiritual Stove of Hundred Beasts, which was taken back by Wang Lin after killing Kunsang that day. /\\

Li Muwan finished the Spiritual Stove of Hundred Beasts. After looking at it for a while, she raised her head and said softly, "These are the pills I have refined over the years. The specific effects are introduced on this jade slip." She took out ten pills as she spoke. Many small bottles and a jade slip.

After Wang Lin took it, he put it back into the storage bag, clasped his fists at Li Muwan, and said in a deep voice, "Four years ago, I promised to keep you safe, and now I have done it. From now on, you and I will owe each other nothing, so farewell! "

As she said that, Wang Lin moved and was about to leave when Li Muwan suddenly shouted: "Senior brother, this is for you!" As she spoke, she took out a white sword light from her storage bag and flew towards Huo Fen League.

Wang Lin caught the jade slip and scanned it intently. Immediately, Li Muwan's inward words echoed in his ears...

"Senior brother, Wan'er doesn't know your name, and you haven't said it in the past four years, so you probably don't know mine either...In the past four years, Wan'er thank you for saving your life several times, and the life in Xiu Mo Hai, Wan'er Er'er will never forget each other in this life...Since parting is inevitable, Wan'er knows that her senior brother often retreats, so she presents a jade charm. Array, slightly modified.

Its formation integrates defense and attack, but compared to attack, defense is the foundation of this formation. I hope that when senior brother retreats, if there is danger, this formation can stop one or two. If so, Wan'er is full of heart..."

Holding the jade slips, listening to the words in his ears, watching Li Muwan who was fading away in his eyes, Wang Lin was silent, he put away the jade talisman, his body suddenly moved, stepped on the ground and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye, after sneaking far away, As soon as he slapped his forehead, his body immediately turned into a spot of light and disappeared into the ground. \\

The whole person entered the Tianni space, and at this moment, he had no breath at all. Wang Lin had made up his mind a long time ago, after sending Li Muwan back, he would enter the Tianni Dimension. The deadline for the execution order was 100 days. To him, it was just a few more days of training in the Tianni Dimension.

This is also the reason why he resolutely killed Qian Kun when he knew that the Hundred Days Killing Order of Ten Thousand Demons was dangerous.

The green-clothed old man who came chasing after Wang Lin in the territory of Huo Fen Kingdom appeared at the place where he disappeared not long after Wang Lin disappeared, with a puzzled expression on his face, he looked down for a while, and immediately sank into the ground, looking for it Finally, the old man emerged from the ground, with a strong expression of surprise on his face, he muttered to himself: "It disappeared...even the sense of soul blood is gone, this little guy seems to have a lot of secrets."

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked expressionlessly at the three long rainbows flying towards the distance. Soon, the three long rainbows landed, revealing a woman, two men and three people. \\

The woman in the middle is wearing a palace dress, elegant and beautiful, and on the left side of her is a man with a dignified appearance and extraordinary appearance. He is wearing a black Tan cloth gown and a square scarf on his head. He looks as elegant as a scholar.

On the right side of the woman is a tall, red-faced old man. The old man's face is very different from ordinary people, his eyes are as big as copper bells, and his pupils are burning like fire.

The old man in green shirt glanced at the three of them, and said flatly, "What's the matter with you three."

That woman is Feng Luan, not to mention the elegant alchemists around her, she is undoubtedly her dual monk Yang Sen, as for the old man, he is one of the ancestors of the Nascent Soul in the God of War Temple, and his cultivation level is comparable to Yang Sen.

Yang Sen looked at the old man apprehensively, he couldn't see through the other party's cultivation, so he clasped his fists and said, "You are from Xuanwu Kingdom, fellow Taoist?"

The old man in the green shirt rolled his eyelids, and said flatly: "Who is your fellow Taoist, get the hell out of here, or else I will take you and other Nascent Soul to make treasures!"

Yang Sen's complexion changed, he sneered a few words, and was about to speak, when the red-faced old man stopped him, his big copper bell-like eyes were fixed on the seven golden plum blossoms above three inches above the bottom of his clothes, his expression changed slightly, and he clasped his fists and said : "Your Excellency is from the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation?"

Yang Sen and Feng Luan looked at each other, and both looked at the plum blossoms at the bottom of the old man's clothes.

The old man in blue frowned, feeling a little impatient, and with a flick of his right hand, the three of them suddenly felt a gust of wind, and were thrown thousands of miles away involuntarily, even the Nascent Soul in their bodies seemed to be separated from their bodies. sign.

After finally stopping their figures, the faces of the three became gloomy, and Yang Sen said in a deep voice, "What cultivation?"

"At least the late Nascent Soul..." the red-faced old man said bitterly.

"Zou Bin, what is that golden plum blossom?" Feng Luan frowned and asked softly.

"Presumably you have also heard that before I entered the Temple of War God three hundred years ago, I used to travel in the Demon Cultivation Sea. With my cultivation level in the early stage of Nascent Soul, as long as I don't enter some dangerous places, it is enough to save my life.

There are a total of 999 cities in Xiumo Sea, of which Inner Sea occupies more than 300. Among the many cities in Inner Sea, there are seven cities, known as the land of seven plums.

These seven cities are intertwined and shaped like plum blossom petals. From a distance, they do have some similarities. There are a total of seven city lords here, and each of them has unfathomable cultivation. According to rumors, they have even reached the stage of transforming gods, but this is just a rumor, and it is not known whether it is true or not. "

"That person just now..." Feng Luanxiu frowned and asked. I'm not wrong, it should be one of the city lords of the city of seven plums! However, the demon cultivators in the sea of ​​cultivators, especially the demon cultivators of the Inner Sea, would not go to sea easily, and he probably wouldn't stay for too long when he came this time. "The red-faced old man said in a deep voice with a serious expression.

The three of them looked at each other, and each of them felt dull in their hearts. They looked at the direction of the old man in green clothes from a distance, walked around from the side, and returned to the peak of Huo Fen League.

The three of them just felt the martial arts, the holy king made the holy king, the king killed the gods at night, the god seal throne, the strongest abandoned young man Zhou The royal family uses martial arts to kill the gods and seal the throne in the night, seeks the devil, proud of the world, and the strongest abandoned young man in the ninth heaven. Infant monk breath, thought it was someone from Xuanwu Kingdom, but unexpectedly, the answer was more distressing than guessing.

After the old man in blue turned around a few times, he snorted softly, and his consciousness suddenly spread out, expanding the search range. This time, he did not miss any subtle signs, and swept across from the ground to the sky. .

The spiritual consciousness of the old man in the green shirt swept around bit by bit. Slowly, his spiritual consciousness became wider and wider, and it had already spread to the Fire Burning League. However, the old man did not stop, but after sweeping around , He took it back again, and so on, after several times, he still didn't find anything.

I tried my best to write today, but there are still four more basic chapters... If you can't finish it, I will continue to do it tomorrow, so don't worry. (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please read more in verse 6,

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