Renegade Immortal

Chapter 160: Cultivating Alchemy

The doubts in his heart became more and more serious, he pondered for a while, moved his body, disappeared on the spot, passed through Huofen Nation at a very fast speed, and entered one of the neighboring countries of Huo Fen Nation - Tianmao from another border.

His goal is the center of Tian Maoguo, a Tongtian Tower. The person in the tower is the high-ranking envoy of Tianmao Kingdom.

Not all three-level cultivation countries have Tongtian Pagoda, such as Huofen Kingdom and Xuanwu Kingdom, which do not. This is why Huofen Kingdom chose to invade Xuanwu instead of Tianmao.

Wang Lin meditated and retreated in the Tianni space, time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a hundred days had passed outside.

On this day, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes from his breath, and the huge blood color on his head gradually became lighter and lighter, and finally completely lost its blood color and turned gray-white.

Layers of invisible fluctuations appeared in the surroundings, and as they were pushed away, the long strips of light in the Tianni space originally emitted a soft dim light, but at this moment, they brightened up rapidly one by one. As the fluctuations spread, more and more light bodies in the sky-defying space became brighter in color. This phenomenon continued to expand, and eventually all the light bodies lit up wherever the eyes could see.

Wang Lin stared blankly at the scene in front of him, shocked in his heart. \\//\\

Immediately afterwards, the top of his head slowly shrank, and a huge fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly appeared in the sky-inverting space. As the fluctuation became more and more intense, it gradually became round and round, and appeared in the void.

On top of the round pill, strands of fluffy branches made of flames slowly spread out and fluttered slowly. Wang Lin took a deep breath, grabbed it with his right hand, and the round pill immediately fell and stopped an inch above Wang Lin's palm.

Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness swept away, and the spiritual power contained in this pill fluctuated. It happened to be the sum of the whole body of a monk in the middle stage of alchemy. Li Muwan had explained to him the details of the Wanmo Baili Killing Order that day. Inside the storage bag.

This cultivation pill, Wang Lin planned to take it when he conceived a baby in the future. In this way, presumably the success rate will be higher, the success rate of conceiving a baby. It is countless times smaller than forming an alchemy. Wang Lin knows that the greatest effect of his success in forming an alchemy is still due to the Huangquan Shengqiao Jue. The second is Li Muwan's Tianli Pill.

Without one of these two, it is unknown whether it will be successful. Knowing that it is possible to stop in this life and the later stage of foundation establishment, although the alchemy is successful now, there is still a more difficult threshold in the future, that is the Nascent Soul Stage. \\

The difficulty of conceiving a baby is too great, Wang Lin thinks that even with the aptitude of Ma Liang's body. If you want to conceive a baby, there is no hope at all, unless you can find some legendary pills that can increase the chance of conceiving babies that Li Muwan once said, but almost all of those pills are held in cultivation countries above level five, and they are rarely revealed.

"Bringing a baby... having a baby... even if there is a sky-defying space.

Without one for hundreds of years, I'm afraid I won't be able to succeed... The most important thing now is to choose a cultivation method. The Huangquan Ascension Technique has reached its limit, and Situ Nan is still not awake. All of this depends on myself. "Wang Lin murmured to himself, the cultivation technique in the alchemy stage is his current choice.

But the choice of this exercise is actually somewhat difficult, the exercise that Wang Lin has in hand now. Most of them are obtained after killing. Among them, there are not many methods that can be cultivated during the alchemy period, but these methods are varied. It's hard to choose which one is better.

These are not the main point, the point is that Wang Lin intends to choose a technique that can increase the chance of conceiving babies. Thinking of this, his eyes flickered a few times. According to Ma Liang's memory, the divine way technique of the Temple of War seems to have this effect .

However, Wang Lin was a little puzzled. If the Temple of the God of War really had such supernatural powers, then apart from the greedy cultivators of their own country, even the fourth-level and fifth-level cultivation countries would not let it go. \\

But now according to Ma Liang's memory, the divine way technique of the God of War Temple has never attracted the attention of the superior cultivation country, which makes Wang Lin a little puzzled.

But the only clue at the moment is this divine way technique. Wang Lin secretly made up his mind to get this divine way technique. The divine way technique in Ma Liang's memory is a counterfeit version that has been modified by later generations. What Wang Lin wanted was the oldest primitive Shinto technique.

Everything Wang Lin did was to ensure the success of conceiving a baby in the future. Only by making all preparations in advance can the success rate be maximized!

It's just a practice method, Wang Lin is still a little unsafe in his heart. Conceiving a baby is no different than others. To know whether a second-level comprehension country can become a third-level, it depends on whether any of its own people have successfully conceived a baby. This shows how difficult it is How big is it.

Wang Lin sighed secretly, closed his eyes and meditated again, and after several days of breathing in the Tianni space, he was about to leave.

Before leaving, he went to the place where Situ Nan and his parents were, and after standing silently for a long time, his gaze became firmer, and with a shake of his body, he left the sky-defying space. \\///

Somewhere in the depths of the ground, seven-color light spots flickered, and the phantom gradually solidified. The moment Wang Lin appeared, he immediately fled to the distance.

At the same time, all his consciousness was dispersed, and he was closely observing the movement around him. It was late at night outside, and there was complete silence. Wang Lin pondered for a while, and fled towards the peak of the Huo Fen League.

But before he escaped far, a sense of extreme danger came from his consciousness. Without thinking, he immediately sank down. He used the earth escape technique to the extreme, and he sank from thirty feet to the bottom in an instant. Baizhang, the speed does not decrease, and it is still going on.

"The old man has been waiting for you for ninety-seven days, little brat!" An old voice slowly came from Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness.

Wang Lin's scalp was numb, and his hairs suddenly appeared. His face was gloomy, and without saying a word, he fled downward. One hundred feet, two hundred feet, three hundred feet, four hundred feet... until one thousand feet, Wang Lin sank in a straight line , as he sank, a huge resistance came out from the depths of the ground. As soon as Wang Lin sensed the resistance, he immediately changed direction and continued to escape diagonally.

"Hey, fortunately, the old man went to find someone to borrow an earth boat, otherwise, you escaped to the periphery of the earth, and it would be quite difficult to catch it under the resistance." The voice in the spiritual sense was still unsettled It came quickly.

Wang Lin didn't say a word, and suddenly changed direction again while walking. This time, he went up in a straight line, rising from a thousand feet to a hundred feet in an instant, and then immediately emerged from the ground.

At the moment of appearance, Wang Lin rushed directly to the mountain peak, and a light curtain immediately appeared on the giant peak. The moment Wang Lin's body touched the light curtain, he took out a piece of identity jade slip from the storage bag, without any hindrance. Then he rushed in, and after entering, he stood still and looked back.

At this time, the ground swelled up, and a triangular black wooden boat jumped out from the ground. The old man in green shirt stood on it, looked at Wang Lin through the light curtain, nodded and said: "Yes, the spiritual sense is very strange, although the physical body It has been matched, but there are still some inconsistencies, presumably it came from taking home, little guy, come with me, I can't keep you here."

Wang Lin's expression was gloomy, and he sneered silently.

The corner of the old man's mouth moved, revealing a strange smile. With a light press of his right hand, the light curtain immediately made a crackling sound, and it shattered into pieces in a blink of an eye. The entire mountain was shaken, causing countless dust

The Nascent Soul stage monks of the Fire Burning League flew out in panic one by one. As soon as Kong closed it, he turned around and sank into the ground, before fleeing again.

The old man in the green shirt sneered, and was about to chase out, when in mid-air, a cultivator of the first Yuanying Stage of the Evil Demon Sect bit the bullet and shouted: "Fellow Daoist, why did you destroy my mountain protection formation!"

These days, the other party has stayed nearby for three consecutive months, usually quiet, just sweeping back and forth with the consciousness, as if looking for something, the other party's consciousness is extremely strong, even the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Huo Burning League is in the other party's mind I was surprised by it.

In the dark, the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Huo Burning League were watching each other's movements closely all the time. Although they saw a disciple of the League rushing into the formation today, they were stunned when they saw the mountain guard formation before they had time to check it. Under, broken.

If he ignores it, Huo Fen League loses all face. Today is the day when the Evil Demon Sect is protecting the mountain, so that Nascent Soul cultivator has to ask. According to his thinking, no matter whether the other party answers or not, he finally made it clear first. , if he is willing to answer, then he will answer, and if he does not answer, he will not go after her either.

The old man in blue stared at the monks of the Huo Fen League, and said a word: "Get lost!"

With the sound of rolling words, the exit turned into a torrential wave, which spread violently, and the surrounding air was immediately beaten by the huge wave, ripples appeared, and violently rushed out in circles.

In addition, there are countless echoes, continuously exploding in the ears of those monks, with layers of ups and downs.

After the noise passed, the old man in the green shirt disappeared without a trace. After watching, some of them were bleeding from their mouths and noses, and they were speechless.

But soon, the old man in blue came back again. His face was gloomy like water, staring at the mountain peak, his eyes were slightly closed and then opened suddenly, a huge spiritual consciousness immediately emerged, sweeping away all the people on the entire mountain peak. However, even within a thousand feet underground, his frown became tighter and tighter, and finally his body swayed, from one to two, and then two to four.

The four identical old men spread out to the surroundings, and their spiritual consciousness kept cross-searching, but in the end they found nothing. The old man stomped his feet, and together with the three avatars, he teleported out, searched for a place in the four directions of Xuanwu Kingdom, southeast, northwest, and sat down cross-legged. Immediately afterwards, a blockade of spiritual consciousness was formed between them.

"There are only three years left, little guy, in these three years, I, Baji Demon Lord, will find you even if I refine this Xuanwu Kingdom... It's not that there is a level in that place that must be passed with the death spell However, the old man would not go through so much trouble to capture you alive!"

There are still two basic changes, and a total of three changes, continue

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