Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1742 Special Day

Didn't see it, sorry

"You still recognize me!" A calm voice came from the blurry figure, which fell in the ears of the old man surnamed Ma, causing his mind to shake again and he stepped back continuously.

The teeth of the old man surnamed Ma were trembling. He looked at the blurry figure and could clearly recognize at this moment that this blur was not caused by magical powers, but by a kind of coercion unique to Jiuyang!

In Xiangang Continent, the legendary Jiuyang, unless they are of the same race or clan, few outsiders can know their appearance. The huge difference in cultivation level, coupled with the strange aura of the Great Heavenly Lord, It can make Jiuyang's figure blurred. If you don't want people to see it clearly, it will be difficult for people who are both Jiuyang to see each other's true appearance.

Not to mention that he is as fragile as an ant in Xuan Luo's eyes!

The moment his words came out, Xuan Luo squeezed his right hand gently and whirled around the world with a bang. The body of the old man who had lost his armor suddenly collapsed and turned into a piece of flesh and blood and dissipated in Xuan Luo's hands.

Killing one person so casually, Xuan Luo flicked his right hand as if to shake off the aura of death on it, and turned around to scan the rest of the people here.

As his gaze swept across, everyone who was still conscious trembled. Except for the old man surnamed Ma and Yun Yifeng, the rest of the people's legs weakened and they all knelt on the ground and trembled.

The old man surnamed Ma gritted his teeth and forced himself to stand firm, but the trembling of his legs made him reach the limit of what he could bear.

The color of Yun Yi's cover was pale, and big beads of sweat kept coming out, soaking his clothes in an instant. As Xuan Luo's eyes swept over him, Yun Yi's heart was pounding, as if the whole day was pressed against his body. , so that he had to kneel down to worship, but the pride in his heart did not allow him to kneel down!

At this moment, he was trembling, and his body made a banging sound, as if all the flesh and bones in his body were being squeezed.

"You're not bad, little baby!" Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord stood in the sky with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept over and then focused on Yun Yifeng again.

"It's rare to be able to persevere under my pressure. Unfortunately, you are not my Daogu Yi... but..." Xuan Luo sighed softly. The moment he looked away from Yun Yifeng, Yun Yi Feng spurted out a mouthful of blood, unable to bear it anymore, and knelt on the ground with a thud.

The old man surnamed Ma persisted for a few more breaths, with a pale face and a wry smile, and gave up resistance. He knew that if he continued to resist, he would definitely die. His expression was gloomy, and he knelt there motionless.

"Please also ask the Great Heavenly Lord, for the sake of the great elder of Guiyi Sect,

Let us leave... We will leave this cave world immediately and promise never to set foot on anyone..."

Xuan Luo Tianzun raised his right hand and suddenly grabbed the first floor of the tower into the void. The first floor collapsed with a bang, revealing the complete scenery inside!

The black armor flickered under the first layer of rubble, emitting a strange light.

"I will take this armor away. When you, Guiyi Sect, think you are qualified to take it, you can ask me to take it in person!" In the calm words of Xuanluo Heavenly Lord, the armor seemed to be caught by a force of five elements and flew directly. He approached Xuan Luo, and after disappearing in front of him, Xuan Luo snorted coldly, turned around and walked toward the sky, slowly disappearing.

"It's not time for you to leave yet, do what you should do!" Xuan Luo's voice circled around the five planets after he left, reaching everyone's hearts and minds.

It wasn't until Xuan Luo left for a long time that the old man surnamed Ma stood up with a complicated expression. The others stood up one after another. Yun Yifeng gritted his teeth and looked up at the sky where Xuan Luo left, with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Sooner or later, I will become the Great Heavenly Lord and the tenth sun!!" Yun Yifeng clenched his fists.

There was silence all around. For a long time, the old man surnamed Ma sighed and looked back at his surroundings, his expression extremely gloomy.

"That's all, the plan I've been planning so far here has no chance of success... Even if we are sure of victory, with him here... we can't finish him..." The old man surnamed Ma spoke slowly.

"Wang Lin was with him, but from the fact that they didn't appear at the same time, and from Wang Lin's expression just now, it seemed that he didn't know the existence of Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord...

In this way, the purpose of Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord not letting us leave is already obvious. Yun Yifeng said in a deep voice. He could become a core disciple of the Gui Yi Sect, and even a sedan chair of the Gui Yi Sect. Even Xuan Luo admired him, and his mind was naturally extremely high, almost the same as Wang Lin.

Now, with simple clues, we can deduce ten percent of the facts.

"Feng'er is right. This should be the case. The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo is obviously conducting some tests on Wang Lin. He came here from Xiangang Continent for Wang Lin!" The old man surnamed Ma looked at him. A flash.

"Combined with the fact that Ye Mo entered the cave world and died, and three thousand blood transformed into the three ancient clans, this Wang Lin must have obtained the inheritance of Ye Mo, thus attracting the attention of Xuan Luo Great Heavenly Lord..." Yun Yifeng's eyes revealed thoughts. Zhimang, spoke softly.

"The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo will not let us leave. If we leave, we will become the sharpening stone to sharpen Wang Lin!" Before he left, he said, let us do what we should do. If we don't understand its meaning, , If you don't do this, I'm afraid you will never be able to leave here... everyone will die here!" Yun Yifeng raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice.

In the starry sky, Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord was strolling away. As he walked forward, he looked back at a place far behind him, in the direction of the five planets, with a hint of appreciation flashing in his eyes.

"This kid has a very high mind, but... he is indeed a member of the immortal clan... I wonder who is better between Wang Lin and him... It should be this guy..." Xuan Luo Shake his head and walk forward.

Let's talk about Wang Lin. He is sitting cross-legged on the back of the Netherworld Beast, his eyes are closed, and his body is rapidly healing. The five planets are in line. His injuries are quite serious, but despite this, everything is average!

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"The people of the Five Planets Gathering One Sect are a powerful force to snatch the third soul. Now I have forced them all out from the darkness... It is time for me to participate in the search for the third soul.

Third soul, who are you? "Wang Lin was silent and slapped his right hand on the back of the Netherworld Beast. The beast immediately sped up, rushed forward, and disappeared into the starry sky with Wang Lin.

When he came out of the view, he was already outside the galaxy formation of the new fairy world.

Wang Lin stood up, and after taking away the Nether Beast, he stood there in silence for a long time. In the starry sky, his figure outside the Milky Way was illuminated by light, but it gave people a feeling of loneliness and desolation. His soul was imitating the ancient times. , in sorrow.

"Today is a special day..." Wang Lin sighed and took a step forward. His figure turned into a rainbow and headed straight for the Milky Way. In an instant, he rushed into the Milky Way and entered the fairy world!

Just after Wang Lin entered the fairy world, Xuan Luo Tianzun in the starry sky slowly walked out, took a look at this place, flicked his sleeves, and followed Wang Lin into the fairy world.

His figure is blurry and invisible. Even if you are in front of him, you will not notice his existence at all.

But the moment he stepped in, Wang Lin, who was looking directly in front of Xuan Luo, suddenly stopped and turned around. His eyes showed a cold light, and his eyes were like lightning, and he stared at him for an instant.

Being stared at by Wang Lin, Xuan Luo couldn't help but be startled!

"You followed Wang, and now you're here, why don't you show up!" Wang Lin's words were cold and contained a murderous intent.

The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo had a strange light in his eyes, and he looked at Wang Lin carefully for a long time, but did not speak or show up.

"Do you really want Wang to force you out?" Wang Lin sneered, raised his right hand and waved forward suddenly, and a strong wind formed by the fusion of seven sources roared away, turning into a storm and sweeping forward.

Amidst the roaring storm, Wang Lin's eyes flickered and he stared closely at the void ahead. After confirming that there was no clue, he suddenly turned around and stepped into the fairy world.

In fact, he did not notice that Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord was following him. It was just that Wang Lin had a cautious personality. It would have been fine at any other time. But just after leaving Five Planets, Wang Lin was worried about the old man surnamed Ma following him secretly. Therefore, at this moment, He suddenly turned around and spoke, taking him by surprise. If someone really followed him, he would probably have defrauded him!

Until Wang Lin disappeared, the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo smiled dumbly, with admiration in his eyes.

"This little guy has a cautious personality! His eyes just now should contain some kind of magical power, which can make everyone who sees his eyes have the illusion that they are being stared at by him...

Although this method is simple and far from clever, it is actually quite practical. Xuan Luo smiled slightly. He was really stunned by Wang Lin's words and actions just now.

"In the Five Elements Formation, I saw his domineering power! In the Nine Turns Heart Chakra, I saw his understanding! Outside the Five Planet Tower, I saw his decisiveness and calculation!

Now here, I see his caution! This Wang Lin is really good! It’s just that the person I choose is based on friendship first! I don’t know if this child has it or not. "Xuan Luo pondered, walked forward, penetrated the galaxy restriction, and came to this beautiful fairyland.

The sky in the fairy world is blue with erratic things like smoke, as if surrounded by fairy energy, and there are even wisps of white clouds intertwined, which looks very pleasing to the eye.

The ground is a green color, with undulating mountains and trickling rivers in the distance. The fragrance of earth blends into the sky and earth, filling your heart with your breath.

Wang Lin took a step back to the fairy world. Except for Taoist Master Lanmeng, no one else noticed Wang Lin's return. He swayed and appeared on the mountain peak where he had previously retreated.

Looking at the sky, Wang Lin's expression slowly dimmed, and his eyes were gradually filled with longing and sadness. Every year on this day, he wanted to make himself forget something, and he usually kept himself busy so that he could not remember it. . (To be continued

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