Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1743 Happiness in Dreams

But now, after everything calmed down, he couldn't help but forget about it.

"It's that day of the year again..." Wang Lin lowered his head bitterly, and Pan Mo sat aside.

At this moment, on the mountain peak, Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord stood there calmly, looking at Wang Lin in reflection.

After sitting down cross-legged, Wang Lin took a deep breath, raised his right hand and grabbed the void, and immediately the ghost-faced sail appeared, completely covering his body.

It seems that he doesn't want anyone to see his posture on this day. He just wants to spend this day alone by himself.

The sky in the fairy world is clear in the blue. The sunshine comes from nowhere, scatters from the sky, and shines on the earth. This light is not hot, but it is also warm.

The mountain peak where Wang Lin was located was very quiet. He raised his head and looked at the sky in the ghostly sail for a long time... for a long time.

"Wan'er... soon, I will go to Xiangang Continent... There, I will definitely have a way to revive you... Believe me, believe me... Just like I promised you back then, even if God wants you Even if you die, I will bring you back!" Wang Lin sat there, feeling lost and longing in his heart because of the silence around him.

Wang Lin had a vague feeling that his time in this cave world was running out. Very soon, he would probably leave here and go to the unfamiliar Xiangang Continent.

Wang Lin has been to many strange places in his life, and loneliness has been with him all his life. But even though he was lonely, Li Muwan's company at the banquet would make his isolation less intense and more bearable.

"Today is a special day...Keng'er, do you still remember..." Wang Lin couldn't remember his age or his birthday, but he remembered today thousands of years ago!

He will never forget this day. Every year on this day, he spends it alone, or he forgets it in the shield killing, or he buries it in his heart while escaping, or, in that In retreat, years pass by in silence.

But more often, he would drink wine alone. The spicy wine entered his throat, like burning, but he couldn't feel it, because in his body and mind, longing, loneliness, and desolation replaced everything. , even the strongest wine in the world can't dissipate it at all!

"Wan'er, I accept Li Muwan, I'm sorry..." Wang Linchen Ying took out a bottle of wine with his right hand in the grimace sail and drank it while looking up to the sky.

"I have no way to repay that kind of kindness..., Wan Xin..., in my life,

I don’t want to be tainted with any love, because your departure has made me realize the love of Daiga... and I can’t bear it. "

On this day more than 2,000 years ago, outside the cultivation world, a voice calling for help came into Wang Lin's mind, which was overwhelmed by revenge. The voice was soft, helpless, and made people feel pitiful...

That voice stopped Wang Lin's progress and made him turn his head, seeing a figure that he didn't know at the time but would remember for the rest of his life.

That figure is his woman...,

Wang Lin felt pain in his heart. He drank all the strong liquor in the flask in one gulp, and then picked up another jug ​​while still standing aside.

Not far away, Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord sat there, looking at Wang Lin's back. The loneliness and loneliness revealed in that back made even him moved by it.

"Wan'er, wait a little longer, wait a little longer for me... It won't take long, I will definitely be able to do it!!" Wang Lin took a big gulp of wine and let the wine overflow from the corner of his mouth, and the moisture fell on Yongshan, and he was shocked With a flick of his sleeve, the sky-shielding coffin suddenly appeared in a dim light and landed in front of him.

Looking at Li Muwan who was sleeping in the coffin, Wang Lin's eyes were soft, but his heart was tingling, as if a needle had penetrated it.

After looking at Li Muwan for a long time, Wang Lin gently opened the lid of the sky-sheltering coffin. With his trembling left hand, he slowly reached into the coffin and gradually touched Li Muwan's face.

With a gentle caress on Li Muwan's face, the pain in Wang Lin's heart turned into sadness like the Xiang River, mercilessly drowning him.

"Wanxin..." Tears shed from Wang Lin's eyes. The tears fell on Li Muwan's body and stained his clothes.

"A ray of your soul is gone...not even in the heavenly tribulation, but no matter where in this world or in whose hands that ray of soul is, I, Wang Lin, will take it back, no matter who it is!!!" "Wang Lin murmured, picked up the wine bottle with his right hand and took another big sip. The wine blended with the tears that flowed from the corner of his eyes and entered his mouth. It was bitter and was swallowed by him!

Putting aside the wine bottle, Wang Lin suddenly raised his right hand to his eyebrows. At the same time, his left hand pressed against Li Muwan's eyebrows, and his eyes closed instantly.

"The ghostly face is in an illusion, a thousand-year dream!" Wang Lin murmured as the ghostly face sail outside his body suddenly twisted. The ghostly face on it seemed to roar silently, and transformed directly from the canvas, directly between Wang Lin's eyebrows, and disappeared without a shadow. , Wang Lin's body was immediately covered by a thick fog, making it difficult to see everything inside.

Xuan Luo was silent, with a complicated look on his face. He could vaguely see something clearly. At this moment, he gently raised his right hand towards the mist that enveloped the forest, and his consciousness suddenly separated and merged into the mist.

"Wang Lin, I'm not here to beat you, but I want to know everything about you, because the person I chose the ax is my only disciple, and the most important person who protects my reincarnation and my ancient Taoist lineage! !" Xuan Luo murmured and closed his eyes.

The moment his eyes closed, his mind immediately merged into the dream world where Wang Lin was at this moment, and he even felt the sadness from this world!

The sky was dark, and monstrous firelight could be seen in the sky, illuminating the entire sky. There was also the faint roar of the collision of shields and monks' spells.

Wang Lin stood in the sky, the confusion in his eyes gradually dissipated. He turned around, looked in the direction of the sea, and waited slowly.

For a long time, in Wang Lin's eyes, two rainbows whizzed past, one for a man and one for a woman. The woman in front had a confused expression, her face was pale, and her body was even more shaky. This woman's willow eyebrows are like smoke, shining like red flowers, like a lotus fairy, soft and elegant, she is Li Muwan.

The man behind him had oily hair and a pink face, and a lustful look on his face as he chased the woman in front of him without any hurry or slowness.

"Little lady, the thirteen members of your team have been killed by me one by one. You can still run to Nali." As he spoke, the man raised his right hand and pushed it forward. With a bite, Li Muwan's permanent Most of his shirt was torn open, exposing his skin.

In Li Muwan's exclamation, the man put his right hand in front of his face and smelled it, the lust in his eyes getting stronger.

At this moment, Li Muwan saw Wang Lin at a glance. She was full of heart at the moment, facing humiliation and crisis. When she saw Wang Lin, she immediately realized that he seemed familiar.

"It's you! Senior brother, save me!!" As she spoke, she immediately changed direction and arrived at Wang Lin's side in an instant, with a look of anxiety and pleading on her face. She bit her silver teeth, pursed her red lips, and said quickly: " This person is the elder of the Dual Cultivation Sect of Xuanwuyuan. He knew from somewhere that I had a Tianli Dan, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself..." She is a smart person, and the Tianli Dan was revealed in her words. Wang Lin came to the rescue.

However, before she could finish her words, she was suddenly stunned for a moment, because Wang Lin was looking at her tenderly with a soft smile. His gaze was like looking at his lover for thousands of years. Li Muwan's heart trembled for some reason.

"You..." Li Muwan was about to speak when a smile appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth. He naturally saw Wang Lin, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. At this moment, he raised his right hand and pointed forward, and eight Feixi transformed out of his body, spinning like a whirlwind and heading straight towards Wang Lin.

Wang Lin looked at Li Muwan and raised his right hand to hug him naturally. At that moment when Li Muwan opened his eyes with a look of shame and anger, Wang Lin raised his head and glanced at the eight approaching Feixi and the Feixi queen. The evil young man.

At this glance, the eight Feixi weapons immediately twisted and collapsed, as well as the young man. As soon as this man and Wang Lin looked at each other, their hearts roared and blood spurted out. The fear in their eyes just rose. His body was suddenly swept by an invisible force, and it was torn apart in front of Wang Lin with a bang.

Everything quieted down in an instant. Li Muwan stared at it all blankly, even forgetting to be embarrassed. She was held in Wang Lin's arms and looked at with Wang Lin's longing eyes.

"Senior...Senior" It took a long time for Li Muwan to react, her face immediately turned pale, and she looked at Wang Lin with fear and timidity.

Seeing Li Muwan's gaze like this, Wang Lin's heart stung and he gently opened his hands.

"My name is Wang Lin." As Wang Lin murmured, Li Muwan immediately backed away until he flew hundreds of feet away. After Lin bowed and thanked him, he turned around and left quickly.

Looking at Li Muwan's obviously frightened figure, Wang Lin slowly showed a happy smile on his face, but others could not see the bitterness and longing under that smile.

Until now, Xuanluo Heavenly Lord was looking at all of this with reflection. His heart seemed to be aching at this moment. He looked at Wang Lin and saw the smile on Wang Lin's face, and he was still there.

"What kind of longing and sorrow is this that makes people look for happiness in dreams." Xuan Luo sighed.

Wang Lin stood there with a smile until Li Liwan's figure disappeared. He slowly closed his eyes. Everything around him collapsed silently. When he opened his eyes again, he was in the fairy world. , on that mountain peak, looking at Li Muwan sleeping in the coffin.

The sky was no longer blue, but turned into a night sky. There was a dreamlike full moon in the night sky. She stood there, and there seemed to be two figures in it slowly moving towards each other.

The figures are a man and a woman.

With this chapter, I wish everyone a happy Chinese Valentine's Day and that my body has recovered a lot. It seems that my body needs more exercise...

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