Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1744 Looking for the 3rd Soul!

Looking at the moon in the night, the breeze blew in, blowing up a few strands of Wang Lin's white hair, as if they wanted to fly away to the sky. The wind was very soft, like Wan'er's hand caressing Wang Lin's face that had gone through years of vicissitudes.

Just like a thousand years.

This night, the moon and stars were sparse, and it was hard to sleep. This night, with Li Muwan by his side, Wang Lin felt calm and not lonely.

The wind blew by, and while lifting Wang Lin's hair, it also blew on the sky-sheltering coffin, blowing the blue hair of Li Muwan who was sleeping inside, dancing softly.

The green silk in the coffin wrapped around the inner wall of the coffin, as if it was about to rise to the sky, but in the end, it lost its power and fell softly.

As the moonlight grew darker, Wang Lin saw an old figure in the moonlight on the distant mountain peaks. The figure was filled with blue. Next to him, there was a woman.

That woman is Li Qianmei.

The father and daughter seemed to have been here a long time ago, seeing Wang Lin sleeping and his tears falling on Li Muwan. When Wang Lin looked around, the figure of the woman and her father turned around, and they gradually walked away in the moonlight.

It's just that the back figure is also lonely, especially the figure of the woman.

Wang Lin closed his eyes and said no words. This night belonged to him and Li Muwan, no one else.

On the moonlit night, after a long time, the curtain of the early sun was lifted up from the sky and dispersed, causing the earth to faintly have a second kind of light besides the moonlight. At this moment, Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the sky-shielding coffin. Li Muwan, one look, a thousand years.

"Wan'er, wait for me..." Wang Lin murmured, raised his right hand and waved forward gently. The sky-shielding coffin turned into a dim light and disappeared in front of it. After Wang Lin took it away carefully, he greeted him. Looking at the sky, the moon and the sun alternately appeared together, and took a deep breath.

"It's time to look for the third soul. Now the Qicai Taoist, as well as the old ghost Zhan and others, should have found some clues about each other..." Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he murmured.

In the starry sky outside the fairy world, just as Wang Lin expected, the four generals did not give up looking for the third soul after experiencing the dangers of heaven. At this moment, the four of them formed a formation with each other in the sea of ​​clouds star field, which floated above their heads. The huge gourd spewed out a large amount of mist.

The mist was like a guide, and after dissipating, it continued to squirm, leading the four people forward slowly. They passed by patches of starry sky and floating continents, moving towards Luotian in this sea of ​​clouds.

behind them,

Old Ghost Zhan had a gloomy face and followed silently. The two of them seemed to have maintained a certain balance and did not interfere with each other.

After a long time, the mist erupted from the gourd floating above the four war generals suddenly increased. The mist roared out, rolling in all directions, and formed a huge figure.

This figure is not human, but a ferocious beast like a dog. This ferocious beast looks like a unicorn, but it is different. Its whole body is composed of mist. It is standing in the starry sky at the moment, its nose is twitching as its head shakes, as if it is sniffing. Some kind of breath.

After a moment, the ferocious beast raised its head fiercely, its eyes flashed with ferocious light, and with one leap, it flew up from the top of the four generals and headed straight ahead.

Under the reverberating roar, all the four war generals cheered up and hurriedly followed. The old ghost Zhan behind them flashed his eyes, unable to hide the look of anticipation, and took a step forward.

The huge ferocious beast kept sniffing as it moved forward. Finally, outside an abandoned floating continent ahead, the ferocious beast stopped and roared toward the continent.

The Four Great Wars were approaching suddenly, and he quickly stepped onto the continent. His consciousness quickly spread out, completely covering the continent, and he began to search carefully.

The old ghost Zhan also stepped on the continent, his consciousness sweeping across, but he soon frowned.

This continent has been abandoned and is full of ruins. It is obvious that a long time ago, there were living beings here, and a large number of mortals lived here.

But now, everything has disappeared in the years. There is no living thing in the continent. It is dead and silent. Only a few ferocious beasts live here.

The four war generals flashed their eyes, looked at each other, and clasped their hands at the same time. Immediately, a ripple of destruction spread from the bodies of the four people, turning into a storm and covering the continent. In an instant, bursts of shrill screams swirled around. , this storm spreads, destroying all life on this continent at this moment.

After the destruction, bursts of smoke-like aura drifted out from the continent and poured into the huge beast's mouth. After being absorbed by it, it shook its head and left here, flying forward.

"Oh, it's not like this here either..."

"Although this is not the place, it can allow the Immortal Lord's real name, the Mist Beast, to stay and suck. Obviously, over the years, the third soul of the Immortal Lord has been reincarnated here..."

"The more the mist beast absorbs the reincarnation breath of the third soul, the better it can determine where the third soul is. It has devoured it several times along the way, so it should be fast."

The four generals looked at each other, stood up and turned into four rainbows to leave the dead continent. Following the fog beast, they gradually approached the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, where the road leading to Luo Tian

Old Ghost Zhan followed, staring at the fog beast in front of him with twinkling eyes.

"It looks like the third soul is in Luotian. I spend the most time in Luotian. If it is really in Luotian, then will the third soul be a human or an animal..."

In the other direction of Luotian Star Territory, there is Kunxu. In Kunxu, a piece of colorful light rolls like clouds and mist. In front of the colorful clouds and mist, the colorful Taoist frowned and stared at a drop of crystal blood in the palm of his hand.

Except for the five planets, he searched for almost the entire Kunxu star field, not missing every inch of the starry sky, every cultivation star, and even every particle of dust. But in the end, there was still no clue or discovery in this Kunxu.

In silence, Taoist Qicai raised his head, with thoughts in his eyes.

He remembered that in the crack in the sea of ​​clouds, in the illusion within the illusion, he saw the third soul flying towards Kunxu, but he could not tell whether the other party stayed in Kunxu or penetrated through it.

Because at the most critical moment, Wang Lin interrupted his illusion and was forcibly summoned.

Thinking of this, Taoist Qicai's expression became even more gloomy, and his inner hatred for Wang Lin deepened.

"Even without that illusion, with the blood of all living beings condensed from these several battles inside and outside the world, I can still find the third soul Kunxu. Then I will go to the four major star areas of Zhaohe to search for them all, and then I will I don’t believe that this third soul can leave this cave world." Taoist Qicai had a gloomy face and walked straight towards the Zhaohe Star Territory.

As he walked forward, he kept staring at the blood in his hand. There was no change in the blood along the way, but the colorful Taoist understood that this thing contained the blood of all living beings. If he encountered the reincarnated beings in the cave world, it would not change at all, but once When encountering the reincarnation of creatures that are not from the cave world, a dazzling red light will immediately emit.

It's just that the scope of this object is not large, and only this drop is left, which requires a lot of time from Qicai Taoist, but he has been waiting for eternity, and this little time does not matter to him at the moment.

At this moment, Taoist Qicai came directly to Zhaohe and began a rigorous search.

Under such a search, the third soul cannot hide at all. It won't be long before the biggest secret in the cave world will be revealed.

Also looking for this third soul is Wang Lin.

Wang Lin sat cross-legged on the mountain peak. His consciousness suddenly spread out and enveloped the fairy world. He found clear water in a wooden attic in a valley in the northwest.

Hongdie is also here, and in this valley with Qingshui, the father and daughter live peacefully.

At the moment, Qingshui was looking at Hongdie with a smile, pointing out some of the inadequacies in his cultivation. Hongdie was already very talented and had learned a lot after hearing what he said.

"A cultivator should focus on meaning, focus, everything is ideal...and..." Qingshui was talking when his eyes suddenly froze and he looked up at the sky outside the house. Complexity flashed in his eyes. After a moment, he stood up. .

"Die'er, you can practice on your own, as your father has some things to deal with." As he said that, Qing Shui took a step forward, and his whole body turned into a shadow and disappeared into the room.

Hongdie looked at the direction where her father disappeared, with a hint of worry in her eyes. She was silent for a moment, then closed her eyes with a sigh, and meditated calmly.

On the mountain peak where Wang Lin was, the ripples were swirling, and Qingshui's figure transformed and walked out.

"Senior Brother Qingshui, help me find Yihun." Wang Lin stood up and raised his fist towards Qingshui.

Qing Shui was silent and came to Wang Lin's side, with a complex look on his face. After a long time, he said softly: "You know my identity..."

Wang Lin looked at Qing Shui and nodded.

"Back then in the Colorful World, you didn't ask me if I had found the answer. In fact, I found it, and I knew that I was just a soul... Forgive me for not telling you this... I couldn't speak, I I don’t want to admit it myself.” Qing Shui closed her eyes and sat cross-legged in front of Wang Lin.

"Go ahead, I don't know what method you will use, but I will do my best to help you," Qing Shui murmured.

"I only know that Senior Brother Qingshui is among the Seven Souls. I can't guess who the other six are... But don't worry, Senior Brother, no matter what, I will not allow the three souls to unite to swallow the Seven Souls.

If I find the third soul, I will kill it and take the soul to seal it." Wang Lin raised his right hand and touched the center of his eyebrows. The ghostly face that had been integrated into his eyebrows suddenly appeared. It expanded rapidly outwards and immediately transformed. He made a huge grimace about dozens of feet in size and floated above the two of them.

The ghost's face was ferocious, and with a silent roar, it went straight towards Wang Lin and Qing Shui, opened its big mouth, and swallowed them up in an instant.

At the moment when the two of them were swallowed up, Wang Lin and Qing Shui's minds roared at the same time, like thunder roaring and exploding, rolling their consciousness, entering the moment when the three souls and seven souls of the Seven Colorful Immortal Lord split apart eons ago.

Looking for the third soul

In the third update, I owe a total of more than 2 chapters. I will try my best to make up for them in the near future.

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