Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1745 The Seven Souls Belong to!

Similar to the time when people entered the illusion of colorful Taoism, this time the illusion mirror was guided by clear water. Wang Lin used the ghost-face sail to cast it, and then integrated himself into it, pursuing the truth hidden in the ancient times.

In this fantasy chair, the sky is blood-colored, and the earth is also brown, as if it is soaked in blood, exuding bursts of pungent smell of blood. Perhaps the blood is too strong. As soon as he appears here, Wang Lin immediately I felt a sense of depression lingering in my chest, as if my whole body was pressed by a big stone and I couldn't breathe.

Looking around, Wang Lin saw a field of fragmented corpses. On the ground, there were corpses all over the place, one by one, few of them were complete, most of them were broken arms and pieces of glue.

The eyes in Yibang's still intact head still contained the fear of life, and a vague figure reflected in the eyes of death.

It should be said that this is a palace that killed the emperor in the mortal world. It was supposed to be the palace of Ling Bihui, but at this moment it was stained with blood and guarded by death.

A loud roar came from the place, and a large amount of dust and mist rolled around. Wang Lin saw a palace collapse and collapse. In the collapse, a man in blood was beating a man in royal robes with his right hand. The old man's face showed a crazy murderous intention in the ice bath.

"The troubles your clan brought to my family back then, today, the clean water is returned in full!" The man squeezed his right hand, and with a bang, the whole body of the old man in royal robes exploded, and the blood spread everywhere, staining the man's body. body and face.

At the same time, hundreds of long rainbows suddenly appeared at the end of the sky. They were hundreds of ancient monks coming in the evening. The roaring sound was earth-shattering, and they were approaching the palace in an instant.

But at the moment they arrived, the man raised his head in a condescending manner, and a strange red light appeared in his eyes. In a flash, the red light flew directly out of the man's eyes and turned into a red lightning. It roared through the sky and penetrated directly into the bodies of the monks.

In just an instant, the red lightning and thunder roared, and the hundreds of monks suddenly trembled and collapsed suddenly.

"Extreme Realm...Wang Lin murmured. He looked around, looking at the bloody man, with understanding in his eyes.

"This is just the first illusion, in the Jingshui Kingdom back then... Wang Lin raised his feet, stepped on the sticky blood on the ground, and walked towards the man.

Step by step, the blood dyed the earth red. The bloody smell carried the hatred of the water, and the richness could not be lost at all.

"If the sky stops me, I will destroy the sky. If the immortals stop me, I will kill the immortal!!" Qing Shui had a murderous look on his face. He looked up at the crumbling sky of the bully monk. On his body, the sky was filled with killing and killing. Boom.

"I want the blood of this world to flow and guard the river, and I want all the sentient beings who are responsible for this to be reincarnated and killed!!" Qing Shui's voice echoed in this world, revealing the madness in his mind.

As Wang Lin approached, he looked at the bloody back of Qing Shui, as if he saw himself in the Teng family. That back figure was extremely bleak and lonely. Although the great revenge was avenged, there was no happiness at all. Instead, there was only sadness and sorrow, and there was a sense of boredom and hatred towards heaven, earth, and all living things!

"Teacher's heart... Wang Lin opened softly..."

The moment his words came out, Shui Zheng turned around, his bloodshot eyes filled with ferocity, staring at Wang Lin. He was stared at by his eyes, coupled with the smell of blood and blood all around him. This endless killing would kill everyone except Wang Lin, and they would be trembling and retreating after just one glance.

But Wang Lin was not talented and asked for water to kill Yi Tian. Wang Lin's killing was equally astonishing. In the final analysis, they are the same kind of people!

The reason why they can have such deep feelings and determination to fight to the death for each other is precisely because of this!

Qing Shui's eyes full of killing could not deter Wang Lin. What Wang Lin saw in Qing Shui's eyes was not just killing. In those eyes, Wang Lin saw pain, sadness, and... To miss.

Just like myself when I got revenge for my great revenge.

"This is the illusion chair. It is real and it is fake, but this is not our end. Brother Shiqi, sit down and let us enter the second level of illusion... Wang Lin spoke softly and walked towards to ask for water calmly.

The water settled, until Wang Lin came to his side. He closed his eyes timidly, but only two lines of tears fell. The tears washed out two lines of blood on his face, turning them into stick turbidity from the crystal. , along the cheek, the moisture fell on the ground, blending with the blood.

"Sit down, okay?" Wang Lin stood in front of Qing Shui, put his hands on Qing Shui's shoulders, and spoke softly. .

After a long while, Qing Shui nodded, with bitterness and timidity, Pan Mo sat down, took a deep breath, and opened his eyes.

"Wang Lin, is this just the first stage of the illusion chair...

"Yes, it's just the first level." Wang Lin also sat down and looked at Qing Shui.

"A very real illusion... I asked Shuizhi to feed me, looked around, and finally my eyes fell on a locust tree in the palace that had just been destroyed. The locust tree had existed for a long time. The years are living in a dry and ferocious way.

Looking at that one, the killing in Qing Shui's eyes slowly dissipated, and finally he sighed softly.

"Enter the second illusion."

Wang Lin twitched his hands, and suddenly stretched out to both sides. With a flick of his sleeves, the world in the first illusion immediately became distorted, and then there was a dull roar, and a trace of black energy was seen coming from The blood on the ground spread out from the blood, and began to rotate inwards from the countless broken buttocks.

In the end, everything in the first stage of the illusion chair emitted black energy. The black energy quickly condensed together, and the black energy condensed into a huge grimace in the sky above Wang Lin and Qing Shui.

The ghostly face let out a silent roar and swallowed the two of them.

At the moment of swallowing, Wang Lin and Qing Shui's minds roared up again, and a huge whirlpool seemed to appear, completely pulling their consciousness and souls out, and being sucked into the whirlpool. Thousands of years ago!

When the world first opened, amidst the chaos, this was the core of the Tears Mansion Realm. This was the center of the entire Cave Mansion Realm. Here was the Tears Mansion Gate leading to Immortal Gang!

At this moment, in this core place, in this real Mansion of Tears, the Tianli Dao opened wide, swallowing Lian Daofei, and a loud roar spread throughout the world of Tears. It was at this time that Wang Lin transformed. And out.

This scene is exactly the same as what I saw in the illusion of the colorful Taoist people in Binghai Laizai!

Amidst Lian Daofei's roars and roars, the Tianyi Dao was seriously injured and collapsed, and dissipated in separation. At the same time, the Seven Color Immortal Lord wearing a seven-color Taoist robe had a sad look on his face, and his body collapsed with a bang!

His flesh and body were completely torn into pieces, and all the spirits and souls in his body were intertwined and transformed into three souls and seven souls. At the moment when his body collapsed, they suddenly dispersed in all directions!

This time, it was different from entering the colorful Taoist Illusion Chair. This time, Wang Lin took the initiative to cast it. He was the source of this illusion. Therefore, everything he saw was much clearer than the last time!

The first thing he saw was Qi Po!

The colors of the seven souls are the seven colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and the seven colors of the souls spread out quickly, heading for the place of reincarnation!

One of the souls is red in color. This soul is the master of killing. It contains the shocking killings of the seven-color immortal king in his life. Outside of the red soul, there are no ghosts of the wronged souls spinning around. All of these wronged souls are all colorful. At this moment, the flesh and body collapsed and the souls were torn apart. The souls of these innocent people who were killed and guarded by him were all swallowed up and absorbed by the red soul, turned into dazzling red light, and flew straight into the starry sky.

In this soul, Wang Lin felt the aura of Qing Shui. The moment when the red soul scattered in the starry sky and entered reincarnation, Wang Lin saw that a vague figure condensed in that soul. That figure, It's... Qingshui! !

It is still a soul, this soul is blue, and the green light flashes, containing the quality of the Seven Color Immortal Lord for cultivating immortality. The Seven Color Immortal Lord can cultivate the garrison, and can support the cultivation of Cai Kongjie. Its quality must be astonishing, and it can be called He is a genius!

At this moment, the cyan soul quickly moved away, but on top of it, Wang Lin once again felt an aura that was extremely familiar to him! This breath made Wang Lin's heart pound and he almost took a breath.

At the moment when the cyan soul was dissipated and was about to enter reincarnation, Wang Lin saw the figure appearing in the cyan color. That figure looked exactly like... Situ Nan! !

"No wonder Situ Nan's heavenly treasure is so amazing, and his cultivation is changing all the time. It turns out that he is the soul of the Seven Color Immortal Lord's heavenly treasure!!" Wang Lin murmured, he saw the third soul! !

This third soul is orange. The orange light is soft, but there is a righteousness in it. The flickering at this moment is enough to make all those with evil minds tremble in this orange. That righteousness is the life of the Colorful Immortal. There is more or less good knowledge in the world!

This third soul transformed by Liang Zhi must have been righteous throughout his life. In order to protect someone, something, or an idea that he cares about, he will resist all temptations and be unable to tempt him in the slightest. !

The moment this soul was dispersed in reincarnation, Wang Lin was shocked to see that the blurry figure inside it turned out to be Qinglin! !

Qinglin is the Immortal Emperor of the Rain Realm, and for the Rain Realm, he has endured repeated temptations from the Master. Even more afraid of being seriously injured and dying, he still wants to protect the Rain Realm. This is the righteousness of his heart! All this is because he is the third soul! !

Only the fourth spirit!

This fourth soul is yellow in color, and its light shines, reflecting the starry sky. It can almost compete with the three souls outside the seven souls. The yellow color represents the chance and luck of the Seven Color Immortal Lord's life. , a person with this soul reincarnation must have an indescribable destiny in his life!

Such a person is almost as if he has been blessed by heaven and earth. Wherever he goes, magic weapons will inevitably come to him automatically. The old friends he meets will most likely die suddenly on their own.

In this episode, the fourth soul transformed by colorful luck, at the moment when it was dispersed in the reincarnation, Wang Lin saw the blurry figure of Greedy Wolf inside it...

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