Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1746 3 Souls Return!

"The fifth soul, its color is green, green is the root of trees, and trees have the meaning of spreading branches and leaves. This soul is transformed by the instinct of the Seven-Colored Immortal. The person born with this soul in reincarnation, if he is a mortal, will have many descendants. , if you are a monk, your cultivation may not be too high, but you must be as good at the art of cloning as a big tree can cut paper!

This soul was filled with green light, not conspicuous, and weakly dissipated in the starry sky, but Wang Lin could still see the blurry figure that appeared in it at the moment it dissipated.

"Master Sanling... it's him..." Wang Lin murmured, the shock in his heart seemed to have accumulated over the past two thousand years.

The sixth soul, this soul is blue, and the blue light reveals two different feelings, one is as gentle as water, and the other is as cold as ice!

This blue sixth soul was transformed from the lifelong love of Qicai Immortal. In Qicai's life, although he had many concubines, his only Taoist companion was Fan Shanmeng.

This sixth soul made of emotions contains the complex emotions of the Seven Color Immortal Lord. He loves Fan Shanmeng, but he also hates this woman. In this intertwining of love and hate, this sixth soul is also different. .

This sixth soul is not a man, but a woman!

The aura coming from this woman's body made Wang Lin's heart pound. He raised his head and stared away with a look of disbelief in his eyes. He never expected that even she was possessed by the soul of the Seven-Colored Immortal. change! !

As the sixth soul dissipated, the vague figure inside was revealed. This figure contained indifference and tenderness, intertwined in complexity. In the end, the indifference covered up the tenderness and buried it deeply, giving people the feeling that It's cold!

"Mu Bingmei..." Wang Lin's face turned pale. He recognized who the vague figure was. He couldn't believe it was true!

Mu Bingmei is a woman who is intertwined in tenderness and coldness. This has been the case in her life, or in her reincarnations! For example, the relationship between her and Wang Lin is complicated, but still complicated!

The "seven souls are separated" and become independent individuals. Although there are still some connections between them, they are very weak and almost undetectable. If the three souls are not fused, the seven souls will never dissipate and will only be like ordinary people. A thousand years of reincarnation.

"Seventh Soul" is purple, purple represents madness, and is the ultimate color. This purple seventh soul carries the anger and madness of the Seven Color Immortal Lord's life before his collapse, as well as the deep unwillingness!

He hates heaven and earth, and even more hates the woman he loves deeply. His life may be glorious, but he is a pathetic person. Even when he collapses, the anger and madness cannot dissipate, and merge into this seventh soul! !

This spirit,

It was the first one to dissipate, and the well inside was turbid, filled with the anger and madness of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord. Wang Lin could not see clearly who the seventh reincarnated person was inside!

But he had a vague feeling that he had seen this seventh-reincarnation person before!

The process of discovering who belongs to the seven souls besides the three souls seemed slow, but in fact it was just an instant. At this moment, the seven souls dissipated one by one, and Wang Lin was as shocked as finding the real third soul.

With the collapse of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord, the three souls suddenly appeared after the seven souls dispersed. They rushed towards three directions. As soon as one of the souls appeared, seven-colored light flashed out. The direction it went was faintly visible. It's outside the bounds of eternity!

There, it transformed into a colorful Taoist, carrying the magical power of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord throughout his life!

The second soul roared in the opposite direction and entered reincarnation. After reincarnation again and again, one day, its reincarnation became an extremely common ferocious beast in the Luotian Star Territory.

Its memory slowly woke up. One day after it fully woke up, an old man who was seriously injured and on the verge of death fell from mid-air onto the cultivation star where he was.

This old man is none other than Old Ghost Zhan!

He failed to cross the mysterious tribulation, his whole body rotted, his soul collapsed, and he was already in the dying state. While laughing miserably, he saw a ferocious beast with a strange light in its eyes, rushing toward him.

This is the immortal fate of Zhan Laogui! !

Wang Lin saw all this!

He reached the third soul, which flew the farthest. It roared out of the core of the cave and headed straight for the end of the starry sky. Wang Lin didn't hesitate at all, and immediately launched all speeds and pursued it with a bang.

This is his second pursuit. This time, there are no colorful Taoists, and no one will bother him. He must find out who this third soul is!

Wang Lin could feel that the identity and location of the third soul was about to be revealed! !

As the third soul roared, it passed by the Zhao River and arrived at the Kunxu Star Territory. In the Kunxu Star Territory, its speed slowly stopped, as if it was vaguely looking for a place to rest in reincarnation.

Wang Lin followed behind. He used almost all his speed before reluctantly following up. He stared at the third soul. This soul was turbid inside and there was no shadow inside it. It was obviously competing with Po and the other two souls. Different, before there is reincarnation, it cannot appear!

While the third soul roared, it stopped briefly outside a wild cultivation star, but in the end, for some unknown reason, it did not choose to stay here, but flickered past.

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Lin followed him all the time. He saw that the third soul, after walking around Kunxu, suddenly became faster, and with a bang, left Kunxu and went to Kunxu. Sea of ​​clouds! !

Wang Lin's eyes were shining brightly. He estimated the time and vaguely guessed that the Qicai Taoist back then had followed the third soul. He definitely did not see it going to the sea of ​​clouds. Instead, when the third soul of Kunxu was wandering, he was caught by himself. Interrupt and wake it up!

But the more he thought about it, the more Wang Lin suddenly felt a chill in his heart. This chill came from a sudden thought.

"This third soul is wandering around this Kunxu. It is looking for something."... Or maybe it secretly feels that after eons, the colorful Taoist can find it in this way. , so I am wandering around in Kunxu to delay time..." Wang Lin shook his head and suppressed this idea. He himself felt that this idea was too unbelievable.

The third soul roared to the sea of ​​clouds in the future, and disappeared in a flash on a wild star in the sea of ​​clouds! Wang Lin followed him here, staring at the cultivation star with bright eyes.

As time went by, in a certain year, the cultivation star collapsed and turned into a large number of fragments scattered across the continent. Waves of mist emitted from the collapsed cultivation star and filled the surrounding area. On one of the fragments, a python died. Finally, a wisp of white light rose into the sky and headed straight for the star field.

Wang Lin's expression was shocked, and he locked on the white light at full speed and pursued it again. He had already found traces of the reincarnation of the third soul. What he was looking for was the third soul's reincarnation now after those endless years. who!

Is it a mortal, a monk, a flower or a tree, or maybe it is still a ferocious beast!

As he pursued, Wang Lin didn't know how much time had passed in these four star regions. He saw the reincarnation of the third soul again and again. In that reincarnation, he became a mortal scholar.

This scholar seemed to be an idiot who only knew how to read, and finally gained fame. He lit candles in the bridal chamber until the moment he died of old age, and white light emitted from his old forehead, entering the next reincarnation.

There are men and women among them...

At that time, the third soul reincarnated and became a towering tree. During those thousand years, it slowly grew from a seedling to withering and finally dying.

At that time, he reincarnated and became a monk. This monk's cultivation level was not high. He stopped at forming pills in his life, and his longevity was cut off and he died.

Years passed until this third soul chose a cultivation star in the Kunxu Star Territory during a reincarnation. Wang Lin was familiar with that place, and he was shocked to find that there was the Suzaku Star!

The moment he saw this place, Wang Lin's mind was shaken. He didn't know if this was the end, but the moment he saw the Suzaku Star, he vaguely seemed to have guessed something.

This third soul turned into a mortal on Suzaku Star. This mortal never practiced Taoism in his life, but his life was extremely shining. He became a great Confucian in the Zhao Kingdom!

His name is Su Dao! !

Wang Lin didn't see himself inside, but the shock in his mind was like a huge wave! He didn't know why the other party existed in Meng Dao Ran, and he didn't know why the other party would accept him as a disciple in Meng Dao Ran.

Imitation of ancient times, there is a cause and effect of reincarnation between him and him! However, Wang Lin could not find the cause, he only saw the effect.

His cause and effect had been achieved, but the moment he saw the third soul reincarnated into Su Dao, he became confused.

In this confusion, he saw Su Dao who liked catkins and died of old age with a smile on his face. After his death, the white light of the third soul floated up and changed its direction again in the starry sky. This time, where it was The destination is Luotian Star Territory!

Wang Lin was shocked. Judging from the time, the last reincarnation was getting closer and closer!

He followed the third soul. In the Luotian Star Territory, he saw that this soul entered a cultivation star deep in the Luotian and reincarnated into a fish in the river. This cultivation star is called Qingling Star!

This fish slowly grew up from a fry in the water, swimming around playfully, as if it had spent its whole life wandering like this until it died.

But what made Wang Lin concentrate was that this death was very different from the past. This third soul did not leave the cultivation star, but reincarnated into another fish in the river.

Reincarnation after reincarnation, it always chooses to be in the same river! Seems to be waiting for something. This strange phenomenon made Wang Lin look at the familiar cultivation star and make a vague guess in his heart.

After hundreds of reincarnations, Wang Lin saw with his own eyes that the third soul passed through hundreds of reincarnations in the same river. Especially in the last time, he saw a fisherman fishing on the river. The fish in the reincarnation of the soul bit the hook and was pulled up by the fisherman's laughter.

It seems that it has been reincarnated for hundreds of times, and it is this fisherman it is waiting for, and it is this bite of bait it is waiting for! !

"My wife is about to give birth. I will only catch this one today and then go home."

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