Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1747 The third soul is him! !

The fisherman pulled off his bamboo hat, but he was a man in his thirties. This man was not tall, but rather frail, but his expression was free and easy. He didn't look like a fisherman, but more like a scholar. of.

He raised the fish in his hand and glanced at it. The sunlight shone on the belly of the fish, creating bursts of white light. At a vague glance, it seemed extraordinary.

The man smiled slightly, put the fish into the earthenware jar filled with water, and strode away with the earthenware jar in hand.

Wang Lin looked at this scene, and the guessed answer in his heart filled his mind, making his eyes seem to be in a trance. In silence, he followed the man, only to see the man walking for about a stick of incense, on the bank of the river. In the bamboo forest, a very simple house appeared.

The house was surrounded by a courtyard surrounded by bamboo trees. There were some poultry in the courtyard making noises, surrounding a pregnant woman, vying for food.

The woman was wearing plain clothes, but her beautiful face could not be concealed. She was holding a dustpan in her hand, and she picked up the food in the dustpan and spread it out with a smile.

Sometimes when she got tired, the woman would hold the dustpan in one hand and put it on her waist with the other. There was a little sweat on her forehead, and she would raise her head and look out the door, as if waiting for her man to return.

It was already afternoon, and the sunlight was not dazzling. After a while, as footsteps walked closer in the bamboo forest, the smile on the woman's face became even brighter.

"Su'er, I caught a fish for you." The footsteps stopped outside the door, and with a creak, the bamboo door was pushed open, and the man walked in with a smile, carrying an earthen pot.

"I just suddenly wanted to eat fish, and my patience has passed. You..." There was tenderness in the woman's eyes.

The man laughed, stepped forward to support his wife, and walked into the room together.

After a while, the smoke from the kitchen curled up, rising high. Looking from a distance, the smoke was picturesque, but it did not have a pastoral beauty.

Wang Lin's figure floated in the bamboo forest, watching all this, silent. He vaguely understood that this time, it might be the third soul, the latest reincarnation.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds rolled back, thunder roared past, and huge raindrops fell, hitting the bamboos and houses, making a crackling sound.

Heaven and earth seemed to be connected together in this rain curtain, and as the lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, everything in the bamboo forest below was reflected in an instant.

The pregnant woman in the house was lying on the bed, making painful noises and clutching the quilt with both hands.

There is a stable woman next to her.

Outside the room, the man looked calmly, looking at the rain on the moonlit night, but his tightly clenched fists revealed his inner anxiety.

As time passed slowly, the woman's voice of dystocia became weaker and weaker, reaching the man's ears, making his heart ache, but his expression still didn't seem to have changed at all, but his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked up at the heavy rain. Spreading black sky.

"I, Xie Dongming, have been studying since I was a child. I understand principles and know all things. When I was an official, I benefited the people. After I was dismissed from office, I never had any grudges with others. In my thirty-three years of life, I have never done anything to offend my conscience!

God, now that my son is about to be born, why do you bother your wife? ! "The man hit the bamboo wall with his right hand hard. Blood flowed down his fingers and dripped on the ground, turning into a piece of lint and being diluted by the rain.

At the moment when the blood melted into the water, thunder roared in the sky. In the roar, a baby's cry suddenly came from the room. The man's whole body trembled, and his calm expression was immediately replaced by excitement. When he turned around suddenly, the room The door was opened, and Na Wenpo was sweating, but with a kind smile, she walked out holding a baby.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xie, mother and son are safe!"

In excitement, the man stepped forward to take a look at the child, and then immediately walked into the room. Compared to the child, he was more concerned about his wife. On the bed in the room, he saw the woman with a pale face, weak but smiling, looking at Her husband.

"It's a boy." The woman said softly.

"Su'er, please rest more. I've already thought of a name. If it's a boy, he'll be called Xie Qing! I hope that when he grows up, he will be like a green bamboo, standing tall and outstanding, and become a great Confucian!" The man laughed. .

Amid his laughter, the baby held by Po Wen behind him seemed to no longer cry. Instead, he opened his eyes, and a strange light shone out.

The warmth in the room, the thunderstorm outside the house, mixed with the man's laughter, were transmitted to Wang Lin's mind, which was floating outside the house at the moment. Wang Lin's body suddenly shook, and his mind seemed to absorb all the thunder in the world. After entering, there was a roar at the same time, making him tremble and take a few steps back. He stared blankly at the fire in the house with disbelief in his eyes! !

Even though he had a vague guess in his mind before, now that the guess was confirmed, the shock to him was still like a storm.

At this moment, Wang Lin couldn't hear the thunder or the laughter in the house. His vision was even blurry. In his ears, there was only one voice whirling around the world.

"Xie Qing...Xie Qing...Xie Qing!!!"

"The third soul is Xie Qing!!!"

Wang Lin opened his mouth to say something, but he found that he no longer knew how to speak. His mind was in chaos, and a huge wave arose.

Before he pursued the third soul, he also guessed the identity of the third soul. He thought that the other party was a mortal, a monk, or a ferocious beast, but he never thought that this third soul could actually be... It’s Xie Qing! !

He is actually his disciple! !

Wang Lin looked pale and kept retreating. He was the first person to know the identity of the third soul, but this knowledge made him face a difficult choice.

To kill or not to kill! !

The sky and the earth roared, the thunder became more intense, the lightning flashed, the rain seemed to be crazy, and the strong wind swept the water droplets like the dancing of the Milky Way.

Wang Lin will never forget that it was on this Qingling Star that he was confused about the Tao and asked the great scholar here what the Tao was!

He asked everyone he could, and finally asked Xie Qing. It was this person who gave him enlightenment and breakthrough at that time.

He couldn't even forget that on the mountain peak of Qingling Star, he was sitting cross-legged in meditation. Although Xie Qing was old, he still insisted on climbing up with his mortal body, knelt down in front of him, and prayed for the truth!

"In my whole life, I have asked myself to understand the relationship between heaven and earth, understand everything academically, and take it as my responsibility to educate the world. At this time, when I reached the age of knowing my destiny, I suddenly realized that I am just a fish in the water..."

This sentence was the first sentence Xie Qing said when he climbed the mountain peak to seek enlightenment. This sentence was heard by Wang Lin at the time. He only understood the first few sentences, but he did not elaborate on the last sentence. pondering.

At that time, he had no idea of ​​thinking about this last sentence, and even if he did, he would still not have any answer in the end, it would just become ordinary.

But at this moment, while pursuing the reincarnations of the third soul, especially in the river of Qingling Star, after seeing the third soul reincarnating as a fish hundreds of times, and knowing that the third soul is Xie At that moment, Wang Lin's heart roared, thinking about this sentence again, how could he not understand!

"It turns out that I am just a fish in the water..." Wang Lin suddenly raised his head and looked at the house full of warm lights, with a bitter look on his face. Xie Qing's words came to his mind. He understood.

Why did he meet Su Dao in the Dream Dao, and was guided by Su Dao to become a great scholar in the Zhao Kingdom and even on the Suzaku Star? All of this was caused by cause and effect. After Wang Lin thought that he had achieved great success in cause and effect, he still discovered that cause and effect is just a matter of cause and effect. It's there, you can see it, but you can't touch it!

"Back then, I accidentally enlightened Xie Qing and accepted him as my disciple. He was the third soul of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord. Because of this, he and I formed a cause and effect! This is the cause!

It is precisely because of this that Su Dao appeared in my dream...

In reality, he is my disciple, and in the dream world, I am his disciple. This cycle of cause and effect should be regarded as a reincarnation! I should have figured it out earlier..." Wang Lin staggered and took a step back. When he took this step, the sky and the earth roared, and the entire sky was torn apart and turned into fragments. There were huge fluctuations, as if an earth dragon was rolling, and the ground and the bamboo forest were all shattered. Dissipated, the rain vaporized, the thunder suddenly extinguished, and only that one house was left between heaven and earth, glowing with warm and happy fire.

Wang Lin took a second step back. The moment he stepped down, the house in front of him suddenly became distorted, as if endless shadows were shaking, making it difficult to tell whether the house was moving or the body was moving. Then slowly, Blurred, and finally disappeared completely, swallowed by nothingness.

Wang Lin's figure also blurred. When it became clear, he appeared in the first level of illusory realm of Qingshui.

Qing Shui opened his eyes, looked at Wang Lin, and sighed softly.

The bitterness on his face remained, Wang Lin murmured words that only he could hear, and took the third step. The moment he took the third step, this illusion of the past Qingshui Palace, the world dyed red with blood, Collapse.

This collapse shattered the palace, shattered the earth and the sky, and all the brown blood stains on the ground were reduced to pieces, rolling up and forming a huge vortex in the sky. It came faster and faster, and in an instant, it turned into a huge grimace. The grimace made a silent roar and engulfed Wang Lin and Qing Shui.

In an instant, the two of them were swallowed into it and dissipated into nothingness. Everything was dissipated in the years, and the illusion collapsed!

Cave world.


At the top of the mountain, Wang Lin and Qing Shui opened their eyes at the same time. Everything just happened was like a dream, so real that it was difficult to tell the difference between false and false. Wang Lin looked pale, raised his head and looked at the sky, struggling in his eyes.

"The third soul is him..."

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