Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1748 Variables!

The wind in the fairy world blows on your face with the fairy spirit that goes deep into your heart. If you are in a happy mood, you will feel the coolness in your heart, which is very comfortable.

But if the mood is complicated, even the erratic fairy wind cannot make people feel that kind of clarity.

Qing Shui stood up and looked back at Wang Lin. After a moment of silence, he did not speak, but walked away with a sigh. Naturally, he also knew the identity of the third soul, and he also knew the current reincarnation of the third soul. , the relationship with Wang Lin, he understands Wang Lin’s struggle.

After Qing Shui left, Wang Lin was still sitting on the mountain peak, looking at the sky in the fairy world. The struggle in his expression did not dissipate.

If this third soul is someone who has nothing to do with Wang Lin, then Wang Lin will not hesitate to use all means to prevent the fate of the seven souls being sucked after the three souls merge, whether it is to take action, seal it, or destroy it.

But at this moment, this third soul turned out to be Xie Qing, his disciple of Wang Lin. If he let him kill his disciple with his own hands, Wang Lin's heart ached.

After a long time, Wang Lin sighed, and when night fell, he withdrew his eyes from staring at the sky. He still couldn't decide what to do, but faintly, he already had the answer in his heart.

However, in addition to the identity of the third soul, there were two other questions that troubled Wang Lin, making him suddenly feel that the truth that should have been clear had become blurry again.

"Tianyunzi is part of the way of heaven. In the previous battle with Tianyunzi, I entered his reincarnation and saw that before the beginning of the years, he swallowed the seventh soul of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord!

But when the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord collapsed and the three souls and seven souls were just separated, I saw the seventh soul again..." Wang Lin closed his eyes, covering up the light of contemplation in his pupils.

"I saw seven souls enter reincarnation and dissipate. Perhaps, this seventh soul did reincarnate once, just like the third soul reincarnated many times. When it died and searched for the place of reincarnation again, it was split by the way of heaven. Devoured by Destiny.

This seventh soul is purple, representing the colorful anger and madness. He was caused by Tianyunzi... It should have been integrated into one body, but I had a vague feeling in the Nether Beast after swallowing Tianyunzi. , there is no seventh soul of the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord in it! "Wang Lin opened his eyes suddenly, and a cold light flashed inside them.

"It's fine if my feeling is wrong, but if my feeling is correct, there is no seventh soul in the heaven, so where is this seventh soul! And who could it be!!" Wang Lin frowned.

"Before, when the law of heaven could not swallow the four generals and the old ghost Zhan, I suspected that the law of heaven was still incomplete. Now if my guess is true, then it can also be proved that the law of heaven is indeed incomplete!

There's still one missing... maybe this missing portion,

It’s the seventh soul! Could it be that Tianyunzi still has a clone that is still alive? "Wang Lin's pupils suddenly shrank.

"I almost forgot about a gray-clad Destiny!!" Wang Lin took a deep breath.

"Maybe it's not him..."

On that mountain peak, Wang Lin was silent for a long time. This first question was puzzling and he had no answer. But compared with the second question, it was obvious that the second question that troubled Wang Lin caused more confusion in his mind.

"I know six of the seven souls, Qing Shui, Situ, Tanlang, Qingshuang, Mu Bingmei, Master Sanling... Among them, Qing Shui and Situ are seven-color souls. I am not surprised because of their fate. The soul did not appear in the cycle of heavenly tribulation!

But the souls of destiny of the other four people still exist in the reincarnation of that day... This is my method of judging the colorful souls, but at this moment, it is contradictory! "Wang Lin rubbed his eyebrows, he couldn't understand.

"There is a soul of destiny in the cycle of calamity, which means that it is the bull that breeds in this cave world. If this is the case, how can these four people become the colorful ones... There is a problem here!"

Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the night in the fairy world, his eyes showing deep contemplation. He raised his right hand between his eyebrows, as if he was tapping the mustard beast inside his body.

"I can't figure it out..., but I have a vague feeling that this matter is very important, and it may even be the final solution to the fusion of the seven-colored three souls...

If all the sheep I see in the illusion are not real, then there is no way to explain...

If what I see is true, the four Qingshuangs are indeed among the seven souls, so the fate of the soul in the cycle of calamity cannot be solved..." Bloodshot eyes slowly condensed in Wang Lin's eyes, and he seemed to have entered a dead knot. I can't figure it out and can't get out.

Not far behind Wang Lin, the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo opened his eyes. He had been observing Wang Lin. Whether it was dreaming back to Suzaku or searching for the third soul just now, he participated in it and saw everything.

"He entered a cycle of thoughts and couldn't figure it out in a short time. In fact, this matter is very simple... Xuan Luo raised his right hand and pointed towards Wang Lin suddenly.

With this finger, Wang Lin's body suddenly shook. He was not aware of Xuan Luo's existence, but at this moment, there was a bang in his mind, as if thunder ripped through his thoughts and brought him A strange thought came into my mind!

"Variable!! This is a variable!!" Wang Lin took a deep breath, his eyes shining brightly. At this moment, his mind was as clear as ever, as if nothing in this world could escape the rotation of his thoughts.

"Whether it's Qingshuang, Greedy Wolf, Mu Bingmei, or Master Sanling, the four of them may have been the same as Situ and Qingshui in the reincarnation at the very beginning, without the soul of destiny!

But in the reincarnations again and again, due to a strange change, the four people became real individuals, completely different from the Qicai Immortal. Their origins may have been Qicai, but now, under this strange change, He has become a real person in the cave world.

After reincarnations, changes, and fusions, now, they have completely distanced themselves from the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord. They used to be the Seven-Colored Soul, but now, they are not! !

This is the power of creation, this is close to the mysterious way of heaven, the core power! This is a variable, these four people, under these variables, something so confusing happened to me! Wang Lin murmured. This thought came very suddenly, but it cleared away his confusion.

"As for Qing Shui and Situ, they have not completely changed under these changes and become independent individuals... Maybe if tens of thousands of years pass, after they have several more reincarnations of death, they will eventually be in the world. Under this heavenly creation, just like transformation, I am completely separated from the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord!"

Wang Lin took a deep breath. The clarity in his mind made him think about all the problems, and his thoughts came to him like a fountain.

"Since this power that exists within the Heavenly Dao can change the seven souls, it should also be able to change the three souls. If this power can be controlled, the third soul can be independent. Once the third soul is independent, the three souls will no longer be able to appear. Soul fusion thing!

If the three souls cannot be fused, everything will be solved! ! But, what exactly is this power..." Even though Wang Lin's mind was clear, he still couldn't imagine the mysterious core of the Heavenly Dao.

His Dao of Heaven is not yet complete, or in other words, he still does not understand the Dao of today that he controls, why it appears, why it can reproduce all living beings, and how it evolves its rules and laws!

The clarity in his mind slowly faded away from Wang Lin as the night gradually turned white. Xuan Luo, not far behind him, sighed softly.

"It's amazing... not to mention him, even I can't understand the mysteries of this thing. It was only by chance that I became a Great Heavenly Lord, and I understood a little bit... But if you want to see it completely, Unless my cultivation can go further..." Xuan Luo's eyes showed a strange light.

"Jiuyang is looking for a way to go further, but no one can do it so far. They can only think about it when they have to be reincarnated again and again... The way of heaven, this thing first came from the ancient divine realm, that ancient divine realm I don’t know what year or month someone will fully understand... Sigh." Raising his right hand, Xuan Luo’s eyes fell on his index finger. There, there was a black circular mark, like a black hole, slowly The ground was spinning, exuding an aura belonging to heaven.

In the early morning, the light dispersed the dark night. When the first rays of sunlight dispersed from the horizon in the distance, Wang Lin stopped thinking. He took a deep breath, stood up, and looked up, with a complicated look in his eyes. He stood up and took a step forward. His figure was like a long river, running straight into the sky at this moment of dawn.

At this moment, his figure seemed to compete with the brilliance of the early sun. In an instant, he broke through the sky, rushed out of the Milky Way formation, and flashed away towards Luo Tian in the starry sky!

In the reverberation of the ripples, Wang Lin's figure merged into the void and disappeared. When he appeared, he was already standing in the starry sky belonging to the Luotian Star Territory from outside the fairy world.

Change the world in one step!

After appearing, Wang Lin did not let go of his spiritual consciousness, but closed his eyes. Xie Qing was his disciple, and there was a causal connection between him and Xie Qing. With this connection, he could feel it with his ears without the need for spiritual consciousness. the existence of the other party.

After a long time, Wang Lin opened his eyes and turned to look to the east. His eyes were more complex. He felt that Xie Qing, deep in the east of Luotian, in a cultivation star, seemed to be waiting for him...

"Are you really waiting for me..." Wang Lin sighed softly and walked towards the east. Its figure slowly merged into nothingness and then disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, in the Luotian Star Territory, the four war generals roared forward. The huge fog beast in front of them shook its head and kept searching as it stepped. Its eyes showed a bright light, as if it had found a trace of Jiajia.

Old Ghost Zhan followed behind the four generals. The light in his eyes was extremely strong at this moment. He understood the information revealed by the look of the fog beast!

The same place where Luotian Star Territory connects to Zhaohe River, the colorful Taoist stepped in. He searched all over Zhaohe River, but there was no clue. At this moment, he began to search closely in Luotian.

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