Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1750 The Cave is Opened!

The entire ancient stars outside the world, at this moment, there were loud rumbling sounds in the void. The sound became louder and louder, and finally formed a roaring sound wave. The starry sky was filled with a mist. The mist rolled, as if it existed inside. Like countless ferocious beasts.

The entire outside world, every inch of starry sky, every inch of nothingness, is all like this. A coercion spreads from the distant world, covering the entire cave world.

Under this pressure, all the monks in the ancient stars outside the world trembled violently. They were at a loss to know what happened.

But the roar in the starry sky was like the end of the world, creating an extremely strong pressure on everyone who heard it. Under this pressure, they seemed to feel suffocated.

Countless ferocious beasts are like this. No matter how powerful the ferocious beast is, at this moment, all of them are trembling. Some of the memories are dissipated in the inheritance, but are still buried deep in the soul. At this moment, some ferocious beasts slowly emerged from their minds.

This memory is a kind of fear of heaven and earth, left by their ancestors. It should never surface, but at this moment, they can't help it!

With the drastic changes in the entire ancient stars, the fog in the starry sky became thicker and thicker. In the end, it almost blocked all eyes and sights, and occupied the entire starry sky outside the boundary.

The mist came so suddenly that there was no chance for anyone to react.

At this moment, somewhere in the ancient stars outside the world, the starry sky shook, and huge fragments suddenly appeared out of thin air from all directions. These fragments looked like stones. They quickly condensed together and suddenly turned into a huge... The stone slab is irregular, as if it is a part of something that collapsed.

They transformed from nothingness and condensed out of dust. On this huge stone slab, a breath of vicissitudes of life was exuded. The stone slab condensed into shape and immediately went straight into the world with a roaring sound!

At this moment, the master of the ancient stars outside the world suddenly opened his eyes from his hall, his eyes showing horror. He stood up quickly, took a step forward, and in an instant he appeared in the starry sky filled with mist.

He looked into the distance, and slowly the horror in his eyes was replaced by shock!

"The third soul awakens!! The core of the cave is reopened!!" The palm master looked pale, but without hesitation, he swung his body and ran straight into the world.

At the same time, the remaining immortal concubines in various areas outside the boundary, including the one who had become acquainted with Wang Lin in the Ancient Tomb State, all woke up from meditation. They all suddenly looked at the starry sky one by one, with different expressions. Excited, complicated, and even more frightening.

"The core of the cave,

It's on! ! "A moment later, from several places in the ancient stars outside the realm, the fairy concubines turned into rainbows one by one and rushed into the realm!

At the same time, the four major star regions in the world, the Kunxu Star Region, and the place where the Suzaku Star is located, are also surrounded by constant roars, and the mist rolls in all directions and covers everything. At this moment, under the mist, there is a dim light flickering, but the starry sky outside the Suzaku Star is seen. There was a twist, and a huge crack was torn open silently!

From the torn crack, there was an aura of silence from the battlefield outside the territory. Then, fragments flew out one by one. Suddenly, they were outside the Suzaku Star. These fragments condensed together and turned into another huge stone slab. !

This stone slab is like a small continent. After it appears, it suddenly roars straight to Luotian!

Not only is this the case in Kunxu, but also in the other three star regions, there are such fragments condensed into stone slabs. The number of these stone slabs is unknown, and they go straight from the entire cave world to Luotian!

As the stone slabs whizzed forward, the expression of the colorful Taoist who was looking for the third soul in the Luotian Star Territory changed drastically. His body trembled violently, and he raised his head and stared straight ahead. His expression immediately became ferocious, revealing A burst of anger that reached heaven!

"The third soul has been found!!! The core of the cave has been opened! Who, who found the third soul of Gu first!!" Taoist Qicai took a step forward as if he was crazy, and ran straight ahead.

There are also the four generals, they are also in the Luotian Star Territory. At this moment, the huge fog beast in front of them whimpered, and its body was trembling and did not dare to move forward. Then, the roar and fog of the starry sky suddenly appeared, and the core of the cave opened. The aura is clearly revealed in every starry sky in this cave world!

The expressions of the four war generals suddenly changed. They could hardly believe it. They thought they were looking for the right speed, but at this moment they were shocked to find that someone had found the third soul in advance!

"The cave is open!!"

"Who found the third soul? It's the Qicai Taoist!" The four of them did not hesitate and galloped forward crazily, heading straight to the place where the aura of the cave opened!

There was another figure that was faster than these four people. Almost at the moment they were moving forward, this figure turned into a rainbow and passed directly through the four of them.

The person inside the Changhong is none other than Old Ghost Zhan. At this moment, Old Ghost Zhan’s expression is extremely gloomy, and there is even a hidden fear. If he does not find the third soul first, then if he is found by the colorful Taoist, what awaits him will be a tragic devouring with death.

It's a pity that the cave world is in chaos at the moment. Even he can't see too far away with his consciousness, let alone know who has obtained the third soul. It's possible for Wang Lin, Qicai Taoist, but he doesn't know who it is!

But it is precisely because of this unknown that the feeling of fear becomes more intense. In this fear, he rushes forward like crazy. At this moment, he cannot choose to escape. Even if the colorful Taoist obtains the third soul, he will immediately Go forward, take advantage of the opponent's absorption, devouring and digestion process, and fight back with all your might!

As the old ghost Zhan moves forward, you can clearly see a huge phantom appearing outside the rainbow formed by his body. This phantom uses fog as a cloak to cover its eyes, only revealing its gloomy eyes. There was a green head dancing, its body was so huge that it vaguely covered a large area of ​​the starry sky.

This phantom is outside the body of the old ghost Zhan. He is one of the three souls that carries the enlightenment of the Seven Color Immortal!

It was at this moment that the cave world trembled and all sentient beings were panicked as a drastic change of this magnitude had never occurred in the cave world in the endless years!

At the same time, this force was in the ancient stars outside the world, tearing open the ancient fairyland outside the world that was sealed by Wang Lin and Li Guanggong. Although most of the ancient fairyland outside the world collapsed, some disciples of the Seven Ways Sect still survived. .

At the moment when it was torn apart, these Seven Dao Sect disciples suddenly rushed out. They were so shocked that they went straight to Luo Tian without thinking!

There is also the woman who is in the world and has not gone to the fairy world. She is currently on a cultivation star in Zhaohe. This woman is none other than Zhaohe Zixia. This person is also one of the fairy concubines. She was silent for a moment, Yin Ya One bite and step towards the starry sky.

Under the great changes that affected the entire cave world, at the moment when countless fragments of condensed stone slabs rushed towards Luo Tian, ​​on the five hidden planets in the Kunxu Star Territory, the old man surnamed Ma was... After a brief hesitation, the group of people sighed secretly and took off into the sky, rushing towards Luo Tian!

Yun Yifeng followed the old man named Ma and looked in the direction of Luo Tian, ​​with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Wang Lin, you and I haven't decided the winner in the previous battle. Maybe in the core of the cave, we can decide the winner!"

In this cave world, there is a violent roar and the mist moves like a sea. If you stand at another height and look at the entire cave world, you can see that this place seems to have turned into a sea of ​​fog, but only the area where Luo Tianwang Lin is located is empty. In this way, that position is like a guiding light!

At this moment, in the fairy world, Qing Shui stood outside his house, looking at the turbid sky in the fairy world. There seemed to be calls coming from his mind. This call made him feel extremely irritable.

Also in the fairy world, Situ Nan also woke up from meditation, with a gloomy look on his face, silently looking ahead, not knowing what he was thinking of writing.

At this moment, a majestic voice suddenly arose in the minds of Zhi Shui and Situ Nan. This voice belonged to Taoist Lan Meng!

"I promised Wang Lin that I would help him... The strange place is now open. I don't have the bloodline of Xiangang, so I can't enter. I want to lend you two souls... You two agree!"

Clouds and mist from all directions and broken boards from all directions surged in from the cave world, condensing into the sky!

At this moment, Wang Lin stood in the Qiulan Valley in the Cultivation Star of the Luotian Star Territory. His eyes contained sadness and anger. He watched helplessly as his disciple Xie Qing shouted the last word of "Master" with a smile!

He was angry that this was God's will to make people suffer!

If God's will does not respect my thoughts, then I will destroy the sky and annihilate the sky, so what's the problem! Wang Lin raised his head and looked at the dark rolling sky. In his hand, he held the third soul!

Wang Lin had already connected with this third soul the moment it emerged from Xie Qing's body. He understood that the core of the cave had been opened!

He even knew that in the starry sky at this moment, people from all sides were coming, and their target was the third soul in his hand! But now, this third soul looked different to Wang Lin. This soul was not the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord, but his disciple Xie Qing!

"That will definitely not be the last call you make, Master, I won't allow it!" Wang Lin's eyes flashed coldly. He looked at the sky and suddenly burst into laughter. This laughter was full of violence!

"With my teacher here, you will surely condense into a soul again and your memory will wake up one day. When you wake up, you will still be my disciple, Wang Lin!" Wang Lin closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the third soul in his hand was It integrates into the body.

At this moment, the dark sky suddenly rolled with a roar. Under the violent rolling, the mist in the starry sky thickened like crazy. The rolling mist roared like an angry wave. As it continued to approach, Wang Lin saw A piece of stone slab like a continent rumbled out of the mist and floated in the starry sky!

At the same time, a second piece of stone roared out from the fog sea in another direction!

The third film!

The fourth piece!

The fifth film...

There is a typhoon in the evening. I feel sorry for my ears. I have something to go out at night...

There are so few recommendation votes, my ears are so pitiful, it’s been two days since I asked...

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