Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1751 Gathering of People

Outside the cultivation star where Wang Lin of the Luotian Star Territory is located, at this moment, the starry sky is rolling with fog, roaring and whirling, and the pieces of stone are whizzing in. In an instant, several pieces rush out of the fog, and they are condensed together, not fused. , but vaguely formed an outline.

The outline was still incomplete and it was difficult to see what it was exactly, but the aura and earth-shattering pressure emanating from it made Wang Lin's heart roar as soon as he took one look at it.

He understood what it was, and even though his heart was shaken, his expression remained the same, without any change. He just stood there and looked calmly.

Soon, several more stone slabs roared out from the mist and joined the incomplete outline. Gradually, as more and more stone slabs came, the outline slowly became complete.

What appeared in Wang Lin's eyes was a huge door!

This door is not the door to Xiangang Continent, but the entrance door to the core of the cave here. Open this door and you can step into the core of the cave!

Although Wang Lin saw this door for the first time, he was no stranger to it. On one of the stone slabs that made up this door, Wang Lin felt the atmosphere of the battlefield outside the Suzaku Star Territory!

He had been there before, and he had used all his consciousness to see that shocking scene! That was the moment the door shattered open!

Now, the cave door that was knocked open by the way of heaven has condensed out again, triggering a shocking change in the entire cave world!

The door, standing in the starry sky, is endless in size. From a distance, it looks extremely bright. But at this moment, although it is mostly complete, there are still some interconnected places, and there are many gaps and cracks, but soon, it will A large number of tiny gravels flew out from the surrounding fog.

These rubbles are exactly part of what was dissipated in the starry sky when this gate collapsed!

At this moment, it was re-condensed, and at the moment of rapid arrival, the many cracks that entered the door were filled one by one. At the same time, as all the rubble was filled, and as the door was completely complete, a sensation immediately emitted from it. The momentum of the entire starry sky!

This momentum turned into a storm, rolling up directly from the door. The storm roared, and there was a powerful driving force that suddenly spread outward.

In the starry sky in the distance, the fog was roaring and distorted. Under the distortion, the fog in this area immediately became much thinner. However, a colorful light flashed in the fog, and the colorful Taoist walked out in one step!

He looked gloomy. After he appeared, he saw the huge door at a glance, and also saw Wang Lin in the cultivation star outside the door! !

"It turns out it's you!!" Taoist Qicai's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

My heart felt relieved at the same time. Qi, compared to the third soul being obtained by Old Ghost Zhan, he would rather it be Wang Lin.

"As long as it's not Old Ghost Zhan, everything can still be reversed!" Taoist Qicai flicked his sleeves and took a step forward, heading towards the Cultivation Star outside the gate!

But as soon as he lifted his steps, the moment the storm arose at the gate, the vertebral force of the storm dispersed crazily, causing the colorful Taoist body to stop stepping forward in distortion, and his expression changed as he was struck by the strange The storm pushed his body back again and again.

At the same time, in another direction, the old ghost Zhan swayed out. The moment he appeared, he roared and whirled, and the fog around him immediately exploded and rolled back. The old ghost Zhan stood there, with his gray hair floating, and his body The cloak rolled up the blurry figure all over his body, and his eyes showed a strange light, staring at the cultivation star outside the front door.

As one of the three colorful souls, at this moment, just like the colorful Taoist, he breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time revealed his murderous intent.

"It's him! Even if he has the way of heaven, since he has obtained the third soul, he is seeking death. He will definitely die!!" The old ghost Zhan under the blurry shadow had a ferocious expression and clenched his fist fiercely. , but instead of moving forward immediately, he flicked his sleeves and fought against the force of the storm at the moment it came.

With a bang, the old ghost Zhan and the shadow outside his body retreated continuously, but the strange light in his eyes became brighter and brighter!

The appearance of these two people did not surprise Wang Lin at all. The third soul awakened and the gate at the core of the cave abode condensed, so people would naturally notice it.

Without looking at the two people retreating from both directions of the starry sky gate, Wang Lin lowered his head and glanced at Xie Qing's motionless body kneeling there, the sadness in his eyes became even stronger.

"If you like this Valley Qiulan, then sleep here forever, accompanied by Qiulan, and wait for me to wake you up..." Wang Lin murmured, raising his right hand and pointing forward.

Immediately, the valley roared, and the autumn orchids on the ground rolled up, slowly covering Xie Qing's body, and finally disappeared in front of Wang Lin, turning into a grave full of autumn orchids.

Sighing, Wang Lin pulled down a bunch of autumn orchid, put it in front of him and took a look. He took a step forward with his right foot. With this step, he left the valley and appeared in the sky.

Taking another step, Wang Lin's figure in the sky disappeared and went to the starry sky. Only the bunch of autumn orchids slowly fell from the sky, swaying in the wind, but did not change direction, but slowly fell into the valley. , fell on the grave bag

The autumn orchid was very beautiful, and seemed to be full of vitality. After falling, bursts of dim light suddenly emitted from it. Under the dim light, the bunch of autumn orchid turned into pieces.

At this moment, the wind blew, and the pieces were blown away by the wind, scattering on the ground outside the valley.

From then on, this nameless cultivation star appeared all over the autumn orchid every autumn, and the fragrance of the autumn orchid filled the air, accompanying the sleeping Xie Qing.

In the starry sky, outside the gate, the storm roared, and the driving force within it prevented everyone except Wang Lin from stepping in. In this storm, Wang Lin was not in any danger!

This storm was emitted when the gate regrouped. This gate was triggered by the awakening of the third soul, and the third soul was in Wang Lin's body! Therefore, in this storm, only Wang Lin was not affected at all.

In front of him was the gate, and behind him was the cultivation star. In his eyes, besides the gate, there were also the colorful Taoist and the old ghost Zhan!

"Wang Lin, if you give me your third soul, I will guarantee the safety of you and the entire Immortal World. I can also open the door to Immortal Gang and let you go to Immortal Gang Continent!!" Old Ghost Zhan forced himself there. After seeing Wang Lin's appearance, Feng Feng felt the presence of the third soul in Wang Lin's body as clearly as ever before, and he immediately heard a sound.

"Wang Lin, if you give me the third soul, I will resurrect your wife for you! I don't want it, and I won't snatch it from you. I don't want this cave world either. I'll give it all to you. I only want the third soul. You can give it to me." After me, I will choose to leave here and never step foot here again!

what do you think! "Qicai Taoist's eyes flashed, followed by a gloomy voice.

His words were more tempting than Old Ghost Zhan. If this matter had not been related to Xie Qing, Qing Shui, and Situ, Wang Lin would definitely be tempted!

But at this moment, Wang Lin seemed not to hear. He stood outside the gate, his eyes slowly closing, as if waiting for something.

Wang Lin's behavior immediately filled the eyes of Old Ghost Zhan and Taoist Qicai with murderous intent. However, they were unable to move forward under this storm, but they both understood that this storm would eventually dissipate!

Not long after, the roar started again in the other direction of the gate, and the four war generals flashed out one by one in the rolling fog in that area. After the four of them appeared, they were immediately swept up by the force of the storm. They leaned back continuously, and after a while they froze each other's retreating bodies. When they looked at each other, the expressions of the four people immediately changed.

They could tell at a glance that the third soul was taken away by Wang Lin! Come out. At this moment, Wang Lin is surrounded by the colorful Taoist and the old ghost Zhan. There is obviously no way out!

The appearance of the four people did not cause any change in Wang Lin's expression. He still stood there with his eyes closed and a calm expression on his face.

After a while, the sound of whistling suddenly started, and the figure of the master appeared outside the gate. His body retreated continuously and came to the side of Qicai Taoist. He stared at Wang Lin's figure in the distance, with a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. color.

Shortly after the palm master arrived, under the roar of the storm, a long rainbow broke out from the mist in the distance and turned into several women. These women were all beautiful in appearance, and they were none other than the fairy concubine from outside the world!

One of the women had a complicated look after seeing Wang Lin. She was the third concubine who had contact with Wang Lin in the Ancient Cemetery!

Appearing together with these immortal concubines, there were also the seven Taoist disciples who came out of the ancient immortal realm outside the world. Their figures surrounded the surroundings and stared at Wang Lin.

Not long after, Zixia, the fairy concubine from Zhaohe, came through the mist and appeared outside the gate. After sweeping her eyes, she finally landed on Wang Lin who was surrounded by everyone, with a trace of murderous intent flashing in her eyes. .

She had long complained about Wang Lin. When Wang Lin refused to join forces with her, she had murderous intentions in her heart. If she hadn't realized that she couldn't win against Wang Lin, she would have taken action long ago. Now that she saw Wang Lin being ganged up on, she immediately sneered inwardly.

After a while, a rainbow roared in the mist of the starry sky, and in a flash of blue light, the figure of Taoist Lanmeng slowly walked out. There was something slightly different about him. The moment he appeared, the colorful Taoist and the old ghost Zhan immediately looked at each other. go.

Taoist Master Lanmeng looked calm and stood there, ignoring the looks of Qicai and Old Ghost Zhan!

The last ones to appear were several people from Five Planets, headed by the old man named Ma. Their appearance immediately shocked everyone here. The moment they looked, Wang Lin next to the gate opened his eyes.

There was calmness in his eyes. As his eyes opened and closed, no one paid attention to the people from the five planets anymore. Instead, they all stared at Wang Lin. The people here were all advanced people, and they were attracted by their gazes. Concentrated, casual people are likely to be shocked.

But Wang Lin looked as usual, and his eyes swept over everyone around him.

"Everything that should come has come... What you want is nothing more than this soul..." Wang Lin raised his right hand, and in his hand, the third soul flickered out!

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