Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1752 Hunting Ground!

At the moment when the third hún appeared, the eyes of everyone around, except Taoist Lan Meng and the third immortal concubine, all stared at Wang Lin's right hand, especially Qicai and Zhan Laogui, and the The eyes of the four generals and others contained either obvious or hidden greed and desire.

"This is a hunt! Either you are a hunter, or I am a hunter... If you kill me, you can get this third hún, but those who enter must be prepared to be killed by me...

You have the bloodline of Immortal Gang, and you think you are immortal... But in this hunting, either you die or I live! I haven't killed many immortals in Xiangang Continent... I hope you can become like this. Now, this cruel game of hunting has begun..." Wang Lin's voice was calm, with a sharp chill, and he looked again He glanced at everyone around him, and a cold smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

With everyone's gaze focused on him, he grasped his right hand fiercely. The moment the third hún in it melted into the [body] and disappeared into the palm of his hand, Wang Lin pointed his right hand towards the door and suddenly flicked his sleeve!

"Open the door to the cave!"

Whoever has the third hún can open the door of the cave. Among the people here, only Wang Lin can do this! He is not worried about the murderous intent of the monks around him, and he has no intention of leaving here. He is going to the core of the cave, where he will carry out Wang Lin's last crazy killing in the ancient years of the cave world!

In this hunt, Wang Lin will pay no attention to the cost!

With a flick of his sleeve, the cave door immediately made a loud rumbling sound in the storm. However, a straight crack appeared in the middle of the door. This crack connected the top and bottom of the door, turning the door into a Split into two!

There was even a moment when the roar echoed and filled the entire cave world." The door moved slowly, as if a pair of invisible hands were pushing the two doors and opened them inward!

As the door slowly opened, the storm intensified. From inside the door that was being opened, an endless wailing sound could be faintly heard. The sound fell into one's mind and was frightening!

This door is opened for the first time since the collapse that year! The roaring sound became more intense, and the sound made everyone's ears buzz. They all retreated.

Even the colorful Taoist and the old ghost Zhan had to retreat during the process of opening the door.

Only Wang Lin stood motionless outside the door.

At this moment, the door is still opening slowly, and it has already opened to a width of nearly a hundred feet, but the distance is only 30% when it is fully opened.

Wang Lin wore that cold smile,

Under the gaze of everyone, he took a step forward, and suddenly stepped into the two huge half-open doors. At the moment he was about to step in, he glanced around, and finally found himself at the colorful Taoist He and the old ghost Zhan stayed for a while.

"I'm waiting for you inside!" Wang Lin replied. With a sway of his body, he stepped directly into the half-open door and disappeared.

The moment Wang Lin disappeared, the storm became more intense, roaring and swirling. The storm seemed to reach its peak at this moment, causing everyone to step back again.

"Seeking death!" The colorful Taoist's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he had already made up his mind to kill Wang Lin while he was retreating!

And the blurry shadow outside the man's body, "Old Ghost Zhan", stared at the door where Wang Lin disappeared as Old Ghost Zhan retreated. "The cold light flashed away!"

The two of them didn't take Wang Lin's words to heart, but the others felt chills in their hearts, especially the four generals and the fairy concubines, who were silent as they retreated.

Time passed slowly. Half an hour after Wang Lin entered the gate, the gate finally opened completely with a roar. The moment it opened, the storm spread wildly outwards, causing everyone to retreat thousands of feet again, but At this moment, suddenly, the storm suddenly dissipated!

As if it had never appeared before, it suddenly dissipated, leaving no blocking force around the gate, making the gate clearly exposed in the eyes of everyone here!

Qicai Taoist was the first one to rush out. With a sway of his body, the colorful light was dazzling and he appeared directly beside the gate and took a step inward!

Following closely behind him was the old ghost Zhan. He would never allow the third hún to be obtained by Qicai Taoist. At this moment, he almost walked in tandem with Qicai Taoist and disappeared into the gate.

The third person to step in was the Master. His whole body turned into an afterimage, and he approached the door in an instant. He hesitated for a moment outside the door, then gritted his teeth and stepped inside.

After the three people, there was Taoist Master Lan Meng. Lan Meng looked calm from beginning to end. At this moment, he slowly came to the door, sighed in his heart, and stepped in.

After a brief period of calm, the rest of the people outside the gate seemed to have made their choice and stepped inside one after another. These people entered here with different purposes.

But most of them didn't think Wang Lin could keep the third hún in Wang Lin's hands. This time they entered the core of the cave, and there was a high chance that a new Qicai would appear between the Qicai Taoist and the old ghost Zhan!

They walked out of here, and now, after endless years, they are back here again, like a reincarnation, like a starting point!

As most of the monks entered the cave gate one by one, they were the last to enter. It was a few people headed by the old man surnamed Ma from the Five Stars. They had to go. At this moment, they stepped one by one with a secret sigh.

Until everyone disappeared inside the gate, Xuan Luo's figure slowly appeared from the void. He looked at the gate, pondered for a moment, and then followed in calmly.

"This son's investigation should end here."

The stars in the cave world were still looming in the thick fog, but the roar that echoed throughout the world slowly weakened and finally subsided completely.

Here in Luo Tian, ​​the door to the cave world is open, floating in the starry sky like eternity, as if waiting for the qualified person to enter here.

However, only those with the cultivation of the Immortal Gang bloodline can step into the gate of the cave world, and the rest of the people cannot approach it. Well, to enter, you can only choose to borrow hún like Taoist Lan Meng!

The monks in the entire cave world, who noticed this change, fell silent, waiting for the first person to walk out of the door, whether they were outside or within the world.

Some people who know the secrets here, such as Qing Shui and Situ, are also silent in the fairy world, paying attention to this place.

They understood that the first person to come out of it would most likely be the new Seven-Colored Immortal! If it were Wang Lin's words, it meant that everything ended perfectly!

This is a matter that determines the future of the entire cave world. This is a matter of life and death. In other words, this is the destiny of the cave world, either it will continue to become the cave of the new Seven Color Immortal, or there will be a turning point and change.

But no matter what, the mortals in the cave world still live peacefully in the dim sunrise and sunset, as always.

Inside the gate of the cave, in front of Wang Lin, is a blurry world, with ruins faintly visible, witnessing a shocking battle that took place here back then!

Looking around, there is a huge cauldron at the end of the ruins. The cauldron is floating there, surrounded by waves of black energy, surrounding it. The black energy is spreading out, seeming to be connected to the heaven and the earth.

There is a third hún in Wang Lin's body. This third hún was sealed by Xie Qing and cannot be reincarnated again. It can be integrated into Wang Lin's body. Through this third hún, Wang Lin's understanding of the core of the cave is Everyone who enters here is incomparable.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Lin looked at the cauldron with a burning gaze.

"That's where the core of the cave is... and where the door to the Immortal Gang is..." With a flash of his eyes, Wang Lin took a step forward. His speed was extremely fast, and it turned into a long rainbow. Run ahead.

Under his feet, it can be vaguely recognized from the ruins. A long time ago, this should be a fairyland full of birds singing and flowers and fragrance. This is the real cave of the Seven Colorful Immortal. This is also the other place. A place of retreat back then.

In other words, this is the center of the entire Dongfu Boundary Well!

But now, everything here is in ruins. A desolate feeling slowly emerges from Wang Lin's heart. This feeling is filled with memories. Wang Lin knows that this does not belong to him, but comes from the third hún. .

Moving forward silently, he passed by the ruins on the ground. The restrictions here had long since collapsed and no longer existed. But just after Wang Lin walked less than a thousand feet, he suddenly stopped and looked down, his eyes leaking out. Strange light.

"Although the previous restrictions here have been dismantled, there are still some ruins that can be used to create new restrictions..." Wang Lin did not waste any time. After seeing clearly below, he immediately made a hand gesture with both hands without thinking. His eyes were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes.

As its seals changed, invisible restrictions fell on the ruins below. Slowly, bursts of dim light appeared on the large ruins.

After a stick of incense, a dim light flashed here. Under the dim light, Wang Lin's figure was enveloped and blurred. His eyes became more bloodshot. When he finally closed them violently and opened them again, there was a trace of blood in his pupils. All the bloodshot eyes immediately appeared in front of him.

As soon as this blood streak appeared, it immediately expanded and expanded. In the blink of an eye, it continued to spread from Wang Lin's side, completely covering the ruins here.

From a distance, this scene is extremely amazing! After the bloodshot enlarged, it was almost as thick as an arm, and it looked shocking as it permeated the air.

Wang Lin's breathing was slightly rapid. After a moment, he waved his hands violently. In a soundless moment, the bloodshot threads around him disappeared. The forbidden formation was completely arranged.

The dim light on the ground slowly dissipated and returned to normal.

Wang Lin turned his head and looked at the entrance of the back door, with a sneer on his lips. He turned around and headed straight for the cauldron shrouded in black air. In an instant, he was close to the cauldron and disappeared into it.

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