Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1754 Established Rules

Without further ado, the four generals and the disciples of the Seven Dao Sect stepped into this place one after another, as well as the immortal concubines. The expressions on everyone's faces were complicated the moment they entered this place.

One of the immortals from the ancient immortal realm outside the world sighed secretly and swayed forward without causing any changes in the restrictions here. As he moved forward, he slowly approached the cauldron.

Behind him, all the people who came in looked at the ruins below. Several of them immediately stared and stopped immediately.

But there were still a few people, like the ancient immortals before, who didn't notice it and stepped into the ruins. But the moment they stepped into the sky above the ruins below, his expression suddenly changed, and a red filament appeared in front of him, erupting with a dazzling red light, directly covering all these people.

The roaring sound immediately roared away, and blood streaks continued to appear over the ruins, forming a dense obstruction. Several people in the blood streaks quickly retreated while screaming in agony.

This sudden change immediately stunned the ancient immortal who had safely passed this place. He turned around and saw the large bloodshot eyes behind him that almost blocked his sight. There was lingering fear in his eyes. He hesitated for a moment and immediately turned around and stepped into the cauldron. Inside.

The palm master who was hiding in the dark flashed his eyes at this moment and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Let’s not talk about the things here for the moment. The ancient immortal who was lucky enough to survive the ruins and merge into the cauldron is an old man and a disciple of the Seven Dao Sect. His cultivation level is not too high. At present, in the dim world inside the cauldron, he is displayed in What was in front of him was the three hundred huge flowers with dew.

The Lan Meng and three people who entered here before him have disappeared at this moment. The Seven Dao Sect disciples stood there and hesitated for a moment. They looked cautiously outside the flower for a long time, chose a drop of dew, and slowly blended in.

At the moment when the old man melted into the dew, Wang Lin, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Come here, this is the first one! It's a pity that the cultivation level is not high... If you want to come here to fish in troubled waters with this kind of cultivation level, and ignore my previous warning, you are seeking death! Use him to test the rules I have established here. It's gone." Wang Lin's eyes flashed with cold light, and his consciousness spread out to stare at the starry sky, the sudden appearance of the vortex.

The vortex continued to rotate, and a vague figure slowly appeared in it. The figure quickly condensed out. At the moment when it was completely clear, the vortex suddenly disappeared.

That figure was none other than the old man from the Seven Paths Sect who had been relatively lucky before. As soon as he appeared, his eyes immediately showed vigilance, and his consciousness spread across the area. However, with his cultivation level, he was unable to detect the presence of Wang Lin.

He frowned,

The old man hesitated for a moment, stood in the starry sky, took a step forward, and was about to gallop away. But the moment he took this step, his expression suddenly changed. He actually missed his kick, and his body suddenly It fell rapidly downward.

This sudden change left the old man completely stunned, and then he looked horrified. His body seemed to have lost all power of flight. Even if his cultivation level exploded, he could not stop his body from falling straight down!

When the Cultivation Star reached the top of the mountain, Wang Lin's eyes flashed brightly.

"It really works! The remnant world here is quite interesting! Unfortunately, I tried many rules, and only the rule prohibiting flying can be completely condensed. Unfortunately, it cannot affect the magic weapon, and as the cultivation level changes, the time of the physical body's influence is also different. ." Wang Lin raised his right hand and waved outward. Immediately there was a flash of blood, but he saw the blood sword coming out quickly, disappearing into the sky in an instant, rushing into the star field, heading straight for the old man.

With the speed of the blood sword, coupled with the integration of Wang Lin's magical power, and reaching the point of shrinking to an inch, it flickered at this moment, and after a few breaths, it suddenly appeared far away from the rapidly sinking old man.

The old man looked panicked. The speed of his sinking in this short period of time actually formed a soapy wind-like existence in the starry sky, which went straight towards his body, causing a loud banging sound to be heard from the old man's body.

He suppressed the panic that he had never felt before in his life. He raised his right hand and waved, and a whisk appeared immediately. The whisk fell directly under his feet and lifted his body up.

The old man's face was pale. He still couldn't imagine why he had lost the power to fly, but he didn't have the chance to think quickly. He only saw a flash of blood in the distance. Almost at the moment when the old man was held by the fly whisk, from the center of his eyebrows In a flash!

The old man spurted out a mouthful of blood, and a large amount of blood mist erupted from the center of his brow. As soon as he swayed, his physical body immediately collapsed. Even his soul was directly shattered by the blood sword and died on the spot!

At the moment of his death, Wang Lin made a seal with his hands, raised it and stretched it toward the sky. The third soul flew out of his body and integrated the seal of his hands into it.

"Sacrifice this flesh and blood soul, and melt it into Si Si's body!"

The moment his words came out, a dark arm suddenly appeared next to the old man who collapsed and died in the star field. This arm was surrounded by a large amount of black energy. With a grasp of the void, it shattered the old man's flesh and blood. The spirit and soul were all grasped in his hands and disappeared into the starry sky.

The blood sword flew back and transformed around Wang Lin, making a buzzing sound. Wang Lin lowered his hands and reintegrated the third soul into his body, his eyes flashed with cold light.

"I can feel the forbidden formation. It only killed three people. Adding this person, it's not enough..." Wang Lin pondered for a moment, slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness filled the starry sky, waiting for the next entrant.

"If no one enters here within seven days, we will have to change to another realm."

At this moment, within the three hundred dews of the first flower in the core of the cave, there are all those who enter this place, the three hundred residual realms. Wang Lin is waiting for the second person to step into the dews realm.

Time passed slowly, and five days passed in the blink of an eye. During these five days, apart from waiting, Wang Lin spent most of his time immersed in his third soul, trying to integrate more memories.

At the same time, he is always vigilant. If the second arrival is Qicai or Zhan Laogui, then he will choose to leave here immediately. This is also the reason why he has established a no-flying rule here. Because of this rule, he has enough The time left calmly.

"It's a pity that we can't set a rule to ban the blood of immortals here. Otherwise, we can still fight! But it is estimated that none of the three hundred residual worlds here can do this... After all, they are just residual worlds." Wang Lin secretly sigh.

Five days later, at noon on the sixth day, Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed. He quickly raised his head and looked at the sky. In the starry sky covered by his consciousness, he could clearly see a vortex appearing in a star field in the east. !

"Here it comes! Who could it be..." Wang Lin swayed, suddenly stood up and took a step forward. His body directly merged into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Although there are rules prohibiting flying here, there is a time limit. Wang Lin has already passed this time limit, so naturally he will not be affected.

Outside the whirlpool, Wang Lin's figure took a step forward. The blood sword in front of him trembled, as if he was thirsty for blood, but he was extremely spiritual and did not make any buzz. Wang Lin's eyes flickered, staring at the whirlpool. He raised his right hand and waved forward, and immediately his body and the blood sword were completely hidden.

Wang Lin was already prepared. Once it was Qicai or Zhan Laogui, he would leave without hesitation.

The whirlpool made a roaring sound, growing rapidly from its slow rotation. In an instant, it was no longer clear, and only three blurry shadows could be seen slowly appearing inside it.

These three phantoms were in the vortex and could not be attacked. Only the moment when the vortex dissipated was the best time to take action. However, Wang Lin was not in a hurry to take action, but focused his eyes and looked carefully.

With the appearance of the three figures, Wang Lin had already judged in his heart that these three people were unlikely to be Qicai Taoist or Zhan Laogui, but Wang Lin was still cautious and did not take action, but waited for the three to become clear.

Soon, the vortex slowly dissipated, and the three people inside became more and more clear. Wang Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he saw these three people clearly!

These three people are all dressed differently from the monks in the cave. The robes are exactly the same as the old man he killed before. Obviously, these three people are from the Seven Dao Sect of the Ancient Immortal Realm!

The immortals in the ancient immortal realm outside the world have different cultivation levels. One of these three people has reached the early stage of Kongnirvana. The remaining two are only around the fifth step of the second step of heavenly beings and have not entered the third step.

Almost at the moment when the vortex dissipated and the three figures were completely clear, Wang Lin took action. The bloody sword in front of him flashed and roared straight ahead. Wang Lin took a step forward, and the moment was approaching.

The timing he mastered was extremely clever. The three of them had almost seen their surroundings clearly. Before their consciousness could disperse, one of the second-step immortals' head was directly separated from the body. In a flash of blood, the blood sword whizzed past. .

The other person was sprayed with blood on his face by his fellow disciples. He was about to retreat in shock, but his eyes were replaced by a white shadow. Wang Lin pointed out, and it suddenly came close to landing on the person's eyebrows. With a roar, Next, the man collapsed and died.

It all happened so fast, three people died and two died in the blink of an eye! The immortal in the early stage of Nakong Nirvana took a step back without thinking. At the same time, he grabbed the air with his right hand and saw a stick of burning incense in his hand. He was about to light it when he stepped back.

But at this moment, he suddenly exclaimed. Before he could light the incense, his body went straight down and fell rapidly. This sudden change made the immortal's face change drastically!

With a flash of blood, Wang Lin waved his sleeves and his handprints appeared, and he went straight to this person and slapped him with his palm!

With a bang, the immortal was first penetrated from the chest by the blood sword, and then was palmed away by Wang Lin. Blood spurted out and his body collapsed.

Kill three people in less than three breaths! Wang Lin swayed and was about to leave, but suddenly his expression changed, with surprise, and he turned around and looked behind him, the murderous intent in his eyes once again revealed.

"Someone is here again!!"

A vortex suddenly appeared in the starry sky outside the envelope of his consciousness, and there was a figure inside. The vague figure did not look like a man, but vaguely looked like a woman.

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