Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1755 Zixia

"It's her. One by one, Wang Lin had a sneer on his lips, murderous intent filling his eyes.

The vortex showed signs of dissipating after a moment, and the blurry figure inside it became clear. This person was a woman. She was wearing a purple dress, and her hair was fluttering. She looked extremely beautiful. If a mortal saw it, she would definitely be amazed. of obsession.

Even monks are often tempted by lust and have the idea of ​​using this girl as a cauldron.

This woman is none other than Zhaohe Zixia, the seventh concubine of the Colorful Immortal Lord! Unlike her other Immortal Concubine sisters, this woman was extremely loyal to the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord. She even scolded Wang Lin back then. If Li Guanggong hadn't been concerned about Wang Lin, she would have had murderous intentions after realizing that Wang Lin was inconsistent with his thoughts.

This woman's cultivation is not weak. Before Wang Lin realized the origin of the ban, he had a hard time fighting it. But with Li Guanggong in his hand, this woman was also extremely afraid of him. But now that the origin of his ban exists, the Taoist inheritance is much better than before. It is also much stronger, and it has Ye Mo's right hand. In line with the rules of this place, it is unexpected, but the world is reversed. Even without using Li Guanggong, Wang Lin still has the power to kill this concubine!

"Senior Qingshuang once said that the Heaven-avoiding Coffin belonged to this woman back then... This girl is a fairy concubine, so she must know some things about this place..." Wang Lin narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand and waved forward, Immediately, the blood sword whizzed away, and Wang Lin's body disappeared in a flash.

Uncharacteristically, the blood sword was no longer silent, but roared earth-shatteringly with a shrill and harsh sound. It flew thousands of miles out of the air in an instant, heading straight for the figure that gradually became clearer inside after the vortex dissipated.

This violent roar can arouse the mind and make people subconsciously choose to take a few steps back!

But Zixia didn't retreat. Almost as soon as her vision became clear, she immediately felt a monstrous murderous intention approaching crazily. There was a roar in her ears. She saw the whistling bloody sword in front of her at a glance. .

As soon as his expression changed, he became filled with evil aura!

"So he is here!!" His body remained motionless, standing there. When he raised his right hand, a purple cloud suddenly appeared. The cloud squirmed and immediately turned into a purple phoenix, which screamed and went straight to the blood. Go away with the sword.

At the moment when the purple phoenix and the blood sword touched, a roar suddenly started, and the sky swirled, causing the starry sky to vibrate, and even collapse occurred. Large cracks were directly torn open and appeared in the star field.

The purple phoenix collapsed, but the blood sword was also unable to move forward. During the rewinding rotation, the dissipated vortex behind Zixia immediately reappeared. She knew that Wang Lin's Li Guanggong had been used several times, but she did not know that the other party was still there. Do you have any energy left? When hesitating at this moment, when he raised his right hand, a jade slip appeared immediately. He was about to choose to leave and send a message to attract people here.

She was also aware of Wang Lin's Immobilization Technique, so before taking out the jade slip, she chose to leave first, causing the vortex to appear. With the existence of this vortex leading to another residual world, the effect of the Immobilization Technique was hindered, and she He has high cultivation and can resist!

This woman is very scheming and extremely cautious, and will not take risks easily.

But just when she was about to crush the jade slip, Wang Lin's figure appeared in the distance, and his voice echoed in the starry sky.

"As expected of the Seven Colorful Immortal Lord's favorite seventh concubine..." Wang Lin appeared and drove slowly. , whose words were very abrupt, but Zixia understood them.

Wang Lin had never taken a step when he saw the other party before. He stood there motionless the whole time. This was a very strange behavior, which showed that this woman not only knew about the Three Hundred Remnants Realm, but also understood that there were changes in the rules here!

But all the rules will not apply to her as long as she does not take a step. But once she takes this step, she will be completely integrated into this world and enveloped by the rules.

Wang Lin naturally understands this.

Zixia also knew the same, and even knew more than the other concubines, so she went to more than ten residual worlds, and remained motionless after entering them, and her spiritual consciousness swept them and attracted people to come.

"Since you want to leave, Wang will not send you away!" Wang Lin glanced at Zixia who was holding the jade slip, turned around and walked back, but his heart became gloomy. The disciple of the Seven Dao Sect took out the incense stick and wanted to Li Liang, Zixia is now taking out a jade calculation. It is obvious that these people have reached some kind of agreement when they entered here.

As a result, this matter is a bit difficult to handle!

"This Zixia is too cautious. If she chooses to leave, I won't be able to keep her for a short time due to her cultivation... However, let's not say whether this jade slip is given to Qicai or Zhan Laogui. Her words seemed to be very loyal to the Seven Colored Immortal Lord, and she was related to the four generals of the Great War... In this case, she might also be transmitting messages to the four generals of the Great War!

But it doesn't matter even if it's Qicai or Zhan Laogui. We might encounter them here, and I'm prepared for them. It's just that Zixia is so cautious. If she can't kill her this time, she will be more vigilant in the future and it will be harder to kill... As for Li Guanggong, now is not the time to use it. "Wang Lin's heart moved. The figure from behind when he left looked a little hasty, but it was hidden by him in just a moment.

He even raised his right hand and waved it back. Immediately, the bloody sword silently approached him and then disappeared.

Seeing that Wang Lin was already far away, and his figure was about to disappear, Zixia in the whirlpool hesitated again. She held the jade slip, wondering whether she should send the message.

"This Wang Lin has Li Guanggong, but he clearly saw my sound transmission jade slip, but still did not choose to take it out, but left immediately... His figure was a little hasty... Could it be that before me, he had been with someone The fight resulted in injuries...

Moreover, he just attacked with a flying sword and never made a move. The most important thing is that the whistling sound of the sword was too loud. It seemed that the deterrent was stronger than the attack... It was more like scaring people away.

Could it be that he was seriously injured and weak at the moment and could not use Li Guanggong, so my departure just fell into his calculation! If I use the jade slip to transmit the message, things are really as I guessed. After the four wars, I will steal the third soul for nothing, and I will not be willing to accept it!

It's just that this person is very cunning. Is he really injured or is he fake..." Zixia's expression changed and she couldn't make up her mind. Seeing that Wang Lin's figure was about to disappear, the trace of haste that was quickly hidden appeared again, as if A subconscious body reaction when an injury is suppressed.

"If he is really injured, now is a rare opportunity! If I can kill him and obtain the third soul, whether it is dedicated to Qicai Taoist or Zhan Laogui, it will be a great achievement, and there will be others in Xiangang Continent in the future. Shelter... Zixia gritted her silver teeth, and was about to give up and choose to chase after him, but hesitated again. She raised her right hand and waved forward suddenly. Immediately, the purple mist filled the air, and she saw a purple... The flying sword immediately appeared out of thin air and headed straight for Wang Lin ahead with a buzzing sound.

"Try again! If he makes it too obvious, there must be a scam!" Zixia's eyes flickered and she stared straight ahead.

The purple flying sword was extremely fast, whizzing straight towards Wang Lin. In an instant, it was less than a hundred feet behind Wang Lin. Wang Lin turned around fiercely, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and when he raised his right hand, he quickly raised his index finger, with a hint of Kongxuan cultivation. The moment the purple flying sword approached, a finger pointed on the tip of the flying sword.

At the moment when he clicked on the tip of the sword, Wang Lin's mind was racing with thoughts. He gave up the posture of showing his injury, and instead the cultivation power in his body suddenly burst out. In addition to the seventh forbidden source, the other six sources came out and surrounded his body. All around, this violent explosion merged into the index finger of his right hand, forming a violent roar.

Under this loud noise, the flying sword trembled and collapsed, turning into purple mist and rolling back. Wang Lin's body swayed, but he did not take a step back. He stared at Zixia who was looking at him in the distance, with murderous intent in his eyes.

His six origins surrounded his body, and his momentum was like a rainbow. It seemed that there was no sign of injury. Staring at the purple clouds and counting his breaths, Wang Lin sneered and turned around to leave.

Zixia in the whirlpool has bright eyes.

"He is injured!! And it is definitely not a minor injury. Otherwise, if he is cheating, he will definitely show an even weaker look to lure me out!

But he didn't. Instead, he showed off his entire body. He clearly wanted to cover up the truth about his injury and try to deceive him. Only people who were really injured and worried about being noticed would do this! "

Especially when she saw a whirlpool faintly appearing around Wang Lin's departing figure in the distance, which was obviously a move to leave this world, she felt certain!

"You can't be wrong! Wang Lin, you can't escape this time! They say you are as cunning as a fox, but you still have clues this time!" Zixia put away the jade slip and stopped transmitting messages, with a greedy look in her eyes. , Worried that Wang Lin would escape if he was too slow, he swayed and stepped out of the vortex without thinking!

As she stepped forward, the vortex dissipated, but she completely gave up and left!

But the moment she took this step, her body suddenly fell downwards. This sudden change made Zixia's complexion change drastically!

"not good!!"

At this moment, Wang Lin in the distance suddenly turned around, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his body immediately breathed out, and a wave of blood rose into the sky, turning into a rainbow and heading straight for Zixia!

All this happened in an instant, giving Zixia, who had left the whirlpool, no chance to react. She didn't even have time to take out the jade slip again, and the blood sword was directly between her eyebrows!

In her pupils, Wang Lin's figure occupies all!

A blood arrow sprayed out from Zixia's chest, staining her purple dress. It didn't look red, but black! Under the torn clothes, there is even a hint of skin that makes people feel dissatisfied!

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