Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1759 The 7 colors are coming!

Stupid Dao looked at the sky, and black air surrounded the surroundings, turning into a storm whirlpool and roaring, seeming to be connected to the sky and the earth. From a distance, the storm seemed to be coiled like a black dragon, which was extremely shocking.

The knife in Wang Lin's hand did not shake at all, as if it was fixed in the void. In this way, Wang Lin's body formed a sharp contrast with the black dragon storm outside.

Under this blend of stillness and movement, Wang Lin couldn't help but emit a pressure that was enough to shock his mind. This pressure was transmitted to General White Tiger, and the body transformed by his spiritual consciousness was swallowed, because he used his blood to generate energy. The oath he made made the white tiger general's body suddenly tremble.

The pressure was like a mountain pressing down, forcing General White Tiger to surrender. Trembling, he lowered his head.

The five-planet middle-aged monk opposite was even more unbearable. Although he did not have a bloodline oath, the body transformed by his spiritual consciousness was also swallowed by Wang Lin. At this moment, under this pressure, he received the pull of the spiritual consciousness and immediately felt his heart. A flood of awe.

Wang Lin had no time to pay attention to these two people. At this moment, all his mind was in the knife, and he slowly closed his eyes. He no longer looked at the sky, but put everything in the knife.

The moment he closed his eyes, Wang Lin couldn't hear any sounds. The only thing he could feel was the sword. This sword would replace his eyes and his consciousness. Under the condensed cultivation, he formed a A shocking blow!

In the star field of this world, in a vast sea of ​​​​stars in the west, there was a sudden roar and swirl, and a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared. The whirlpool almost showed its outline and was not fully formed. Suddenly, it trembled violently and roared. Collapse, looking at it from a distance, it looked like someone was tearing it apart.

The moment the roaring echoes of the collapse dispersed, colorful rays of light immediately dazzled the eyes. Within that light, the colorful Taoist took a big step forward and stepped directly into the remnant world.

The moment he entered, the colorful Taoist immediately clearly felt Wang Lin's aura. His eyes showed murderous intent and a cold light, and he even laughed.

"Wang Lin, I have found you. This time, let me see how you escape!"

At this moment, on the third cultivation star in this world, Wang Lin's eyes suddenly opened, and the sword raised in his hand burst out with a faint light. With a low roar from Wang Lin, he jumped up, He swung the most powerful sword towards the sky!

With the sword swung out, Wang Lin quickly retreated.

In a flash of sword light, a huge sword light appeared out of thin air in the sky, with an earth-shattering roar, absorbing the storm outside Wang Lin's body, absorbing the armor all over his body, and even turning the chessboard below. All the soldiers were absorbed into it, causing the sword light to directly break the white tiger's rules!

The white tiger spurts out blood,

His expression immediately became depressed.

The sword light soared into the sky and disappeared in an instant. When it appeared, it was in the vast star field, where the Qicai Taoist was. Everything happened too fast. Almost at the moment when the Qicai Taoist came to this world, Wang Lin slashed Got this knife.

The sword light burst out of the void, expanding in the starry sky. From a distance, it almost reached a length of ten thousand feet. It seemed that it was no longer an illusion, but had substance. It roared and slashed down towards the colorful Taoist!

This sword light was transformed by the rules of this place. After integrating all of Wang Lin's cultivation levels, its power increased. This sword kills people, which is equivalent to merging the remaining world and killing with the power of one world!

It's impossible to describe how amazing this sword is, the sword is bright and colorful!

The pupils of Qicai Taoist's eyes suddenly shrank. With his cultivation level, he actually felt a crisis at this moment. This kind of thing is extremely rare for him, only three times in his life!

But in two of these three times, Wang Lin appeared when he was chasing him. The last time was in the crack of the sea of ​​clouds, and this time, it was in the remnant world!

"Using the rules here to create this sword...Wang Lin was able to think of such a method in a short period of time. His intelligence is so high that it is rare! But the more this happens, the more likely this person is to die! There will be no chance for him to survive!" Qicai The Taoist's mind was spinning with thoughts. There was Old Ghost Zhan. He didn't want to get hurt here. He swung his big sleeve, and the seven-color light suddenly condensed and shimmered in front of him, and suddenly turned into a seven-color lotus. This lotus had seven petals. , seven different colors blossomed in front of this colorful Taoist.

"Colorful Taoist Lotus, Lotus Condensation Soldier Cultivation!" The moment the Qicai Taoist's words came out, he stepped into the lotus and sat cross-legged. The seven petals of the lotus immediately shrank and wrapped his entire body in it.

Looking at it from a distance, it was not a lotus flower, as if it had not yet bloomed. It was just a flower bone. The long knife whizzed towards it, and in an instant it was stuck on the huge colorful lotus flower bone.

The roar shook the sky at this moment, shaking the starry sky, causing the starry sky to be torn apart in a large area. As the layers were rolled back, the sword light collapsed and turned into countless fragments.

At the same time, the colorful lotus flower trembled, with seven colors flashing alternately, and petals of two colors directly collapsed and shattered.

But the dispersion of the sword light and the shattering of the two petals formed a devastating impact. This impact was centered on the colorful Taoist platform and pushed crazily towards the surroundings.

Loud rumbling noises raged across the starry sky. Visible to the naked eye, under the impact, it was like a piece of silk that had been piled up into folds. It even collapsed inch by inch, as if it had been forcibly torn apart.

The starry sky trembled and collapsed continuously. During its impact and sweep, they were all shattered. Even the nine cultivation stars were destroyed. The moment the impact force swept across, seven of them exploded and were destroyed. A huge black hole vortex is formed in it, swallowing everything.

This world will never exist!

On the third cultivation star, this star roared, huge grooves appeared on the ground, and the dark sky changed even more. As the ground shook, the star began to collapse.

The ground rolled and rubble floated into the sky, looking like the end of the world!

Blood spilled from the corner of Wang Lin's mouth and helplessness appeared in his eyes. The colorful Taoist is too strong! He didn't hesitate at all. As he retreated, a vortex immediately appeared out of thin air. In a flash, he stepped into the vortex. Just as he was about to leave, the starry sky suddenly roared and swirled, and a low roar spread in all directions.

The lotus flower with two broken petals immediately appeared on the third collapsing cultivation star as the colorful light penetrated the sky. At the same time, the petals bloomed, revealing the colorful lotus inside!

"Colorful Taoist Lotus, lotus blooms!" The colorful Taoist sitting on the lotus platform suddenly raised his right hand and pointed at Wang Lin who was about to leave in the whirlpool in the distance.

Although the seven colors seemed to be normal, his heart was filled with gloom at this moment. Wang Lin's sword was so powerful that it exceeded his imagination. In his feeling, it was not like Wang Lin could use this sword at all, but the entire cruelty. The world seemed to be attacking him.

Even he was frightened by this kind of bombardment by the power of one realm! Especially the colorful lotus platform actually broke into two petals under that knife, which made the colorful Taoist feel pain in his heart. At this moment, when he pointed his right hand, murderous intent filled the air!

As the Qicai Taoist's fingertips touched down, the remaining five petals on the lotus platform under his body immediately fell off, and they rushed towards Wang Lin in five colors. It looked like he was going to block him!

The colorful Taoist jumped up, followed the five colors, and rushed towards Wang Lin at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, Wang Lin's body merged with the whirlpool, and he was about to leave, but the action of the colorful Taoist turned into a force of his Sky Tribulation cultivation when the third cultivation star collapsed, and on the colorful lotus The moment the valve approached, a life-and-death crisis directly filled Wang Lin's mind.

But since Wang Lin dared to stay here and make that shocking blow, he had naturally been prepared for it. Although he sometimes acted impulsively, he mostly acted based on his plan. At this moment, when the colorful petals were approaching, Wang Lin He raised his left hand to grab the void, and a sea of ​​fire immediately filled his body, turning into a huge flame umbrella in an instant.

Burning World Fire Umbrella!

This umbrella appeared, not covering the sky, but the size of an ordinary umbrella, and was held in Wang Lin's hand. The technique of Burning the World Ancient Umbrella requires prohibition of transformation. It will waste some time to prepare and is not suitable for use in times of crisis.

But Wang Lin had already thought of a way out when the sword was condensed. He secretly made a seal with his left hand behind his back and transformed the umbrella first. Although it would consume more vitality, it was worth it!

The umbrella was in his left hand at the moment. It was lifted by Wang Lin and then opened suddenly. With a soft sound, the umbrella opened to cover himself!

The moment the umbrella opened, flames roared out. The colorful lotus petals approached, and were suddenly blocked by the umbrella. The roaring sound echoed. Every petal on the umbrella would make Wang Lin feel shocked, but Similarly, with the force of the impact, his body took three steps back in succession.

After three steps, his body completely merged into the whirlpool behind him. At that moment when the flames filled the air and obscured his sight, Wang Lin disappeared and left this world!

The moment it disappeared, Wang Bang heard a roar in his ears, but the Qicai Taoist followed Wucai and suddenly rushed into the whirlpool where Wang Lin was. He raised his right hand into a palm, and the colorful light flashed dazzlingly, turning into a ball. The colorful palm print came with a roar, penetrated the whirlpool, and grabbed Wang Lin fiercely!

But this arrest was a feast, and Wang Lin left!

"Even if you run to the ends of the earth, you can't escape my pursuit!!" The gloomy roar swirled around, and the colorful Taoist didn't even look at General White Tiger and the middle-aged warrior of the Five Planets. He swayed and rushed into the whirlpool to chase after them. go.

After Wang Lin and Qicai Taoist left, the third cultivation star completely collapsed under the roar. As the world was destroyed together, General White Tiger raised his head fiercely, with a complicated look in his eyes. His oath had taken effect. Wang Lin even had a message before he left. Time dictates from the mind.

At this moment, he couldn't help but be disrespectful. He stood up with a struggle and walked straight towards the pale Five Planets cultivator.

"Capture him, I will be of great use!" This was the first order Wang Lin gave to Bai Hu before leaving.

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