Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1760 Scheming!

The three hundred remnant realms may be less than three hundred. After all, in these long years, one realm may have perished on its own, or it may have been destroyed in the early stages.

At this moment, in one of the realms, the starry sky vortex had just risen, and a long rainbow rushed out without waiting for the vortex to be completely formed, regardless of the obstacles. The figure wearing white clothes with a calm expression was none other than Wang Lin.

The moment he walked out of the whirlpool, Wang Lin turned around fiercely and raised his right hand. The power of Ye Mo's right arm gathered together and turned into a sky-tearing technique, suddenly tearing it into the void behind him.

The sound of rattling whirled harshly, and a huge crack was torn open in the void behind Wang Lin. This crack even split the vortex, causing it to collapse.

All this happened in an instant. Wang Lin stepped forward without thinking, stepped directly into the crack that appeared under the sky-tearing technique, and disappeared in a flash.

At the same time as it disappeared, a cold snort came from the starry sky, and when the roar suddenly started, the figure of the colorful Taoist was seen walking out of the collapsing vortex.

There was a cold light in his eyes, and his expression was extremely gloomy. If Wang Lin hadn't reacted very quickly and used the Sky-Destroying Vortex Traces, and even slightly blocked Qicai's footsteps in the vortex, I am afraid that Wang Lin would not have had the chance to leave calmly again, but would have been there now. The moment he reaches his body, he will be overtaken by Qicai.

The pursuit continued. Wang Lin relied on his various magical powers to pierce through this realm. The colorful people behind him were like bone marrow, chasing him continuously. As long as Wang Lin stopped in one of his actions, he would be overtaken immediately.

Even during this time of shuttle, it attracted the attention of the rest of the people in the three hundred remnants of the world at this moment. Slowly, spiritual consciousness came out one after another, gathered together, and followed the colorful people behind them. pursuit.

"We need to get rid of him as soon as possible, otherwise if we travel through the world like this, we will attract more people's attention. Once we attract Old Ghost Zhan and are chased by the two of them, it will be even harder to get rid of him!" Wang Lin's body flashed, and another residual world appeared in the whirlpool.

Just as he was about to leave, his expression suddenly changed. This world was different from the ordinary world. There was a looming and shocking aura. This aura should be emanating from some ferocious beast.

The reason why it is looming is because this ferocious beast is probably sleeping.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed, as if thunder flashed across his mind, but he did not stay in this world, but remembered the location here, and left immediately. After he left, Qicai appeared out of thin air, his expression became even more gloomy, he He also noticed the aura of the ferocious beast here. Even he was a little frightened by this aura. When he noticed the aura, he thought that Wang Lin would use this to stimulate the beast to wake up and cause chaos to escape, but Wang Lin did not do so.

For a moment, Qicai didn't have time to think too much.

He took one step forward and disappeared, continuing to pursue him.

Wang Lin is extremely fast. Although he is constantly traveling through one realm and has now passed through dozens of realms, he is walking in the same direction. The starry sky is like many mirrors, and Wang Lin is only in one of them. The mirror penetrates back and forth inside and outside. Although it is a different world after each pass, the position remains the same!

Forced penetration again and again, with colorful Taoists following behind. As a result, even the most powerful barrier will slowly show signs of collapse.

Wang Lin understands these three hundred residual worlds. The reason why these three hundred residual worlds can exist for a long time is the huge yellow flower he saw at the beginning. The three hundred residual worlds absorb the nutrients in the flowers, and this is how they can exist. have long-lasting and immortal qualifications.

And that flower is a rare treasure obtained by the Seven Color Immortal in the fairy world. This treasure has no offensive power, but it is full of amazing vitality. It can be used to heal wounds and get twice the result with half the effort.

If it weren't for Lian Daofei's sudden arrival, Qicai Immortal Lord would never be in such a mess.

However, the Qicai Taoist who has no memory does not know all this. Even the Fairy Concubine and the four generals do not know much about this matter, they only know about the Three Hundred Remaining Realms.

Under Wang Lin's continuous penetration, the barrier between the realms soon became more and more unstable, roaring and whirling, and the sound after each pass through would be earth-shattering.

This kind of Si Qi immediately attracted the attention of Taoist Qicai. A cold light condensed in his eyes and he sneered.

"You dare to use this kind of trick in front of me. This Wang Lin is just trying to cause collapse during the shuttle to block my pursuit. He even wants to use the power of this collapse to hurt me. I!

It was indeed a good idea, but now that I saw it, he had no chance of succeeding. "Colorful eyes flashed, and he raised his right hand during pursuit. A colorful light filled the air, but it began to consolidate the barrier between the worlds.

With his cultivation, the effect of consolidating before it completely collapsed at this moment was excellent. However, Qicai Taoist was gloomy, and his consolidation was in the dark, not revealed, and the seven-colored light disappeared in just a flash.

"This guy is slippery. If he knows that I have discovered his plan, I will definitely change it and cause some unnecessary trouble. I will simply use his plan to catch him at the moment he thinks he has succeeded!" A smile appeared at the corner of Qicai's mouth, Keep chasing without any delay!

During the pursuit of the two men, Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord was always paying attention to all this. He also thought about helping Wang Lin solve all these problems, but this idea disappeared in just a flash.

"This son still needs to rely on himself for training. If he can discover my existence, I will take action. This is my last test for him!

Wang Lin, don’t let me down. "While Xuan Luo was deep in thought, he naturally saw the behavior of Wang Lin and the colorful Taoist. After thinking for a moment, he could see what they were thinking.

"If the barrier of this world collapses, he can indeed escape, but now his plan has been seen. Let's see how he responds... Xuan Luo walked slowly and followed behind.

Wang Lin shuttled through the world, faintly passing through every resistance, and realized that the barrier connecting the worlds was about to collapse. His eyes shone with light, and his expression was calm. At the moment when the figure disappeared into the whirlpool. , took out the Ghostface Canvas without anyone noticing.

In a blink of an eye, ghostly faces filled his body, and after another one appeared, the ghostly faces disappeared without a trace. All these actions were completed by him in the blink of an eye, and no one noticed him.

The colorful Taoist focused all his energy on the wall that was about to collapse. He thought that after seeing through Wang Lin's thoughts, Wang Lin would never be able to escape!

Following the lock on Wang Lin, the route pursued by the colorful Taoist was almost exactly the same as where Wang Lin had walked.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a stick of incense passed through the edge nearly a hundred times. In one of them, Wang Lin's figure just walked out of the starry sky vortex in this world and immediately galloped forward. This was him After being chased, for the first time, he did not shuttle, but flew in this world.

His speed was so fast that he flew thousands of miles away in an instant, hugging himself into a ball. A faint light flashed outside his body, and the starry sky slowly distorted. An instant later, an illusory scene appeared outside Wang Lin's body, a distance away. Look, Wang Lin has disappeared, replaced by a very ordinary cultivation star. At the moment when he turned into a cultivation star, the dissipating vortex where he appeared before in this star field was filled with colorful light, and the colorful Taoist figure walked out. He did not pause at all. After appearing, he immediately turned around and entered that place. Within the vortex.

All this was seen by the Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo, and his pupils shrank suddenly. He glanced at Wang Lin's Cultivation Star with a profound look, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes.

"With such scheming,...this boy...should be like a human dragon!" Xuan Luo was silent for a moment, his eyes showing appreciation and admiration that he had never seen before.

After the colorful Taoist left, several more people chased after him. They also did not pause and left immediately after appearing. Until half an hour later, the cultivation star that Wang Mo transformed still showed no change at all. Not long after, Old Ghost Zhan appeared at the place where the whirlpool disappeared. His body showed no breath, as if he were dead. With a sneer on his lips, he stepped forward and disappeared into this world.

Until this moment, the cultivation star transformed by Wang Lin suddenly moved and quickly dissipated, revealing Wang Lin inside. Wang Lin glanced at the position where everyone left, his expression did not change at all. In a flash, a vortex appeared beside him, Step inside.

The location he went to was exactly the opposite of where everyone was going at this moment. Coupled with Wang Lin's caution, no one noticed that after traveling through the four remaining realms, Wang Lin stopped in the third remaining realm.

This place was the place he had discovered before, with the aura of ferocious beasts. As he moved forward cautiously, Wang Lin came to a cultivation star in this world. This star was a desert with no unevenness, and naturally there were no peaks or basins. , all are yellow sand plains.

Sitting here cross-legged, Wang Lin took a deep breath, with murderous intent in his eyes!

"Now, it's time for my first counterattack... Even if the three-life technique is used here once, it will teach these pursuers an unforgettable lesson!"

"It should be some time before the colorful Taoist discovers the clues, enough for me to ambush him!" Wang Lin made a secret gesture with his hands and suddenly pressed the ground on both sides.

Wang Lin's intelligence is so high that ordinary people cannot match it. When he entered the Three Hundred Remnants Realm, he had already thought about how to escape from being hunted, and finally he came up with this plan!

The barrier connecting the worlds was the first plan. Wang Lin judged that this plan would not be able to deceive Qicai or Old Ghost Zhan, and what he wanted was to be discovered by them.

Once they really discovered this plan, they fell into Wang Lin's second plan invisibly. Using the ghost face illusion, people were confident that they had seen through Wang Lin's plan, and the moment they relaxed a little, they formed a cycle. During the pursuit, he sank into the illusion.

The key point here is not the collapse of the barrier or the illusion, but the fact that Wang Lin repeated his behavior nearly a hundred times and shuttled back and forth in the mirror-like vortex nearly a hundred times, which made the pursuers often have subconscious habits and habits. consciousness……

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