Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1,765 The Way Is Not Appearing!

The moment the second arrow came out of the bow, the golden light condensed by the immortal blood in Wang Lin's eyes suddenly collapsed and was about to disappear in Wang Lin's eyes. However, at the moment when it was about to dissipate, it was forcibly condensed and retained by Wang Lin again. A trace.

This trace is the last power of his immortal bloodline.

Worried about being seen, Wang Lin closed his eyes the moment the second bow fired the arrow.

Wang Lin understood that he still had the power to make one more bow, but it was his last one.

As soon as the arrow came out, the starry sky roared, rolling up layers like silk cloth, about to destroy and collapse, the colorful Taoist screamed and shook the sky, and the eight fish opened their eyes, which originally frightened him, but at this moment, there was a king Lin's second arrow, this colorful one, was even more shocking, and he unleashed all his power of cultivation.

Under a colorful light, seven layers of light curtains of different colors suddenly appeared outside the body of the colorful Taoist. Countless rune marks appeared in this light curtain. The moment they appeared, eight fishes roared over.

Looking from a distance, the bodies of these eight fishes shrank rapidly as they approached. In just an instant, they suddenly turned into eight arrows in the flash of black light.

These eight arrows are exactly the same as the Li Guang arrow shot by Wang Lin. There is no difference at all. Even the breaths are the same. This scene not only made Qicai Taoist stunned, but also the palm master, the three generals, all The monks who saw this scene were all stunned.

"Could this be the rumored magical power that the fish possesses after it opens its eyes?" When the old man surnamed Ma from the Five Planets saw this scene from a distance, he immediately opened his eyes wide and stared intently.

The Great Heavenly Lord Xuanluo, who was also in the starry sky here, looked calm, and his eyes swept over the eight fish. He was the only person here who knew the magical power of the fish.

"Once the eyes of this beast are opened, it can transform into any object and possess some of the power of this object... However, it is difficult for this beast to open its eyes. There are very few of them in this cave..." Xuan Luo's eyes flashed and he was already interested.

The nine Li Guang arrows intertwined with each other, and it was no longer possible to distinguish between true and false. At this moment, they whizzed straight towards the colorful Taoist. The expression of the colorful Taoist changed rapidly, and the seven-colored light curtain around him was distorted, and the roar suddenly started.

The color light curtain collapsed in an instant, and the eight Li Guang arrows collapsed together. However, they did not completely dissipate. Instead, they spun around after the collapse and turned into eight fish again. They were the same as those that were rolled out after the collapse of the cultivation star. The first one was not far away, and all nine fish were dying.

This collapse caused an impact, turning into a huge mass that covered the sight and consciousness, sweeping towards the surroundings. The ninth Li Guang arrow penetrated all the barriers and went straight to the colorful Taoist.

A shrill groan came from the impact,

The roar continued, and the impact was slightly scattered, but the colorful Taoist was seen spitting out a mouthful of blood, and a hole the size of a fist was exposed in his chest. The blood kept spraying out, but it was under Li Guang's arrow that he was seriously injured.

With a roar that shook the sky, the Taoist Qicai swung forward crazily. Regardless of his injuries, he strode straight towards Wang Lin with a murderous look on his face and a look of madness.

"I would rather lose the third soul than kill you." The colorful voice roared, and as the moment approached, under its hands, nine dazzling suns immediately appeared outside the body.

These nine suns are the most powerful attacking powers of this colorful Taoist. At this moment, he used them without hesitation and vowed to kill Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's face was pale. He was as weak as a lamp at the moment. But he gritted his teeth and held Li Guanggong in his left hand. He suddenly pulled away Li Guanggong with his right hand. Li Guanggong was pulled away by him for the third time in this world. Wang Lin knew that , this may be the last time he fires his bow

The bowstring was pulled, and Li Guang's arrow appeared again. The tip of the arrow was still stained with blood. As Wang Lin released the bowstring with his right hand, the arrow roared out for the third time.

The moment the third arrow flew out, Wang Lin immediately closed his eyes, hiding the golden light that completely collapsed and dissipated in the pupils under his eyelids.

The Qicai Taoist's chest was filled with blood. At the moment when the third arrow was approaching, he suddenly waved his hands forward with a hand gesture. His expression was full of madness. In his life, he had never been injured like this, especially when the person who hurt him was actually Wang Lin, whose cultivation level is far inferior to him

What made him extremely depressed was the Li Guanggong that hurt him. It was exactly what he asked the master to give back. He originally planned to let Wang Lin use the bow to lure Lian Daofei. Originally, he wanted Wang Lin to use the bow to lure Lian Daofei. After getting into a grudge with Zhan Laogui, he used his bow to hurt Zhan Laogui.

After all, neither he nor Zhan Laogui can use this bow, they are incomplete.

But he didn't expect that it was this Li Guanggong that seriously injured him. The feeling in his heart that he was going crazy made him desperate to kill Wang Lin.

As the marks on his hands changed, the nine suns outside his body burst out with thousands of rays of light, flying directly out of his body and heading straight for the third arrow.

Roaring and whirling, the third arrow was earth-shattering. The roar collided with the Nine Suns. In the roaring sound, the Nine Suns collapsed one after another, but the third arrow also showed signs of disintegration. In the end, the dazzling light enveloped all directions. exploded with a bang

Nine Suns exploded, and a force that destroyed the world burst out from it. This force was so strong that it was indescribable. The Qinglong Warlord was a little closer, and when he was hit by this force, his whole body collapsed immediately, and he died immediately.

The starry sky in this world is even more shattered by the force of war and power, and the whole world is destroyed.

But everything is not over yet. This destructive force is the explosion of Qicai Taoist's entire cultivation. Under this power, the three hundred residual worlds are simply unable to resist. With the destruction of this world, the three hundred residual worlds are impacting there. Down, one after another collapsed and shattered.

General Xuanwu's face was full of horror. He screamed and he and General Suzaku retreated crazily, trying to escape. The palm master also turned into a rainbow and rolled away with his face pale.

In the distance, the third concubine, Taoist Lan Meng and the five planets all retreated with their expressions changing, about to leave the Three Hundred World of the First Flower that is full of destructive power.

The Qicai Taoist who was at the core of this destructive force roared in his chest, and the three arrows exploded upon contact with Jiuyang, but the remaining force rushed into the Qicai Taoist's body, causing his injuries to become more serious, and blood spurted out. seriously injured.

But his eyes were still crazy.

"Under this power of destruction, you are so close. With your cultivation, I will see how you can resist."

Wang Lin was indeed the closest. At this moment, the power of destruction came with a roar. The starry sky collapsed and the world was shattered. This force, even Wang Lin's ancient Taoist inheritance body, could not resist, as long as the body was touched. , he will immediately be destroyed physically and mentally

But since Wang Lin dared to set up an ambush, he was naturally prepared for it. He had already expected that this destructive impact would eventually occur. He had already made complete preparations, and the destructive force was almost approaching him. At that moment, Wang Lin made a hand seal and raised his right hand to grab the air.

"Offended" Wang Lin sighed secretly.

Immediately, golden light rose up in the sky, and a snoring madman wearing a sloppy gown appeared directly in front of him, grabbed by Wang Lin with both hands.

The madman has a complete immortal body, and his body will not be hurt when the starry sky collapses.

The lunatic was still sleeping and had never woken up. At this moment, he was probably feeling a little uncomfortable being held by Wang Lin's shoulders. After twisting a few times, he continued to sleep soundly.

But at this moment, an impact containing destructive power came and rolled up on the madman. The madman's body suddenly flashed with golden light. Under the devastating impact, he was unscathed.

But the madman paused and opened his sparse eyes, revealing confusion and subconscious anger. He was still half-asleep and half-awake, and roared angrily at the colorful people in front of him.

"Who is it? Who is it that disturbs me from my sleep? You are too much of a bully. I want to tell my brother that you are going too far." The madman roared loudly at Qicai, not even noticing that his shoulders were being lifted by Wang Lin. Wang Lin withstood the impact of a huge portion of the destructive force.

"You are going too far. You actually tickled me while I was sleeping." As the lunatic was talking, he snored again, tilted his head, and fell asleep again, as if The previous words were just words in a dream.

But his appearance and his words brought about a huge change and chaos in the surrounding area. Qicai Taoist was already seriously injured. When he saw Lian Daofei, his expression suddenly changed. He immediately paused as he moved forward, and his mind suddenly cleared. Come here, he can't guess how much bow power Wang Lin still has, but if Lian Daofei takes action, plus Wang Lin's Li Guanggong, he is afraid that he will really die here this time, and now he is seriously injured, gritting his teeth His body suddenly retreated, but it was the first time in his battle with Wang Lin that he chose to escape.

In the distance, the old ghost Zhan, who was wrapped in the mist with a ghostly face, had already opened his eyes, but he did not choose to step out of the mist, but witnessed all this inside. His eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking of writing.

The palm master who was escaping in the distance shuddered and almost fell down at the madman's words.


There were also the two generals Xuanwu and Suzaku who fled in a hurry. They turned around suddenly, with overwhelming shock in their eyes. They stared blankly at the madman who was being held up by Wang Lin's shoulders, their expressions full of fear.

"Lian Daofei"

Not only were the three of them shocked, but the third concubine in the distance also immediately turned pale, and her expression became dull for a moment.

The five planets headed by the old man surnamed Ma trembled even more, especially the old man surnamed Ma, who looked at the madman with indescribable fear.

"He...he's actually here." The old man surnamed Ma obviously didn't know about Lian Daofei's coming here. After seeing it now, his mind went blank.

Xuanluo Great Heavenly Lord was walking towards the nine fishes at this moment. After taking away the fifth fish, his eyes suddenly froze and he stopped there. He looked at the madman carefully, his eyes showing a strange light.

"Lian Daofei...Lian Daozhen's younger brother actually came here too.

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