Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1766 Donglin Sect

With a lunatic as a counterattack, Wang Lin was behind the lunatic's body. When the destructive power was introduced into his body, it had been weakened by most of it, reaching a level that Wang Lin's Taoist heritage could resist.

At the moment when the lunatic fell asleep again, Wang Lin galloped backwards, heading straight for the nine fish in the distance.

Wang Lin was very fast, carrying the sleeping lunatic, and arrived next to the nine-entry fish in an instant. At a glance, his eyes shrank.

He saw that the nine fish that existed here before had suddenly turned into four!

The remaining five are missing!

With no time to think about it, Wang Lin flicked his sleeves, and immediately three submerged fish were taken away by him. When he was about to catch the fourth one, the fish suddenly disappeared in front of Wang Lin's eyes.

Wang Lin's scalp felt numb, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the place where the fish disappeared. The Huali was empty, with only the roar of the collapse of the three hundred realms echoing.

Xuan Luo stood there, looking at Wang Lin who looked cautious and surprised, with a proud smile on his face. He was the one who took away the fourth fish. Seeing Wang Lin's look, his smile became even brighter.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed slightly, and he knew a secret about the fish. This secret was discovered by the Seven Color Immortal Lord when he took the fish and raised it in the Three Hundred Remnant Realm. In the memory of the third soul, Wang Lin found it. Lin knows.

A flatfish, its name remains the same, but if two males and females are together, they are also called flatfish. There will be a breath connection between them. Even if they are put into the storage space, even if they are forcibly blocked, there will still be a trace of them. Contact, barring death!

Wang Lin's thoughts came together and without any hesitation, he turned around and retreated quickly.

At this moment, Old Ghost Zhan, who had woken up a long time ago and had never appeared in the mist of ghost faces, suddenly stepped out of the mist with a sway of his body.

After walking out of the ghostly mist, Old Ghost Zhan now had two choices before him, either to chase Wang Lin to get the third soul, or to chase the escaping Qicai and take advantage of his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be seriously injured and kill him. Fusion soul! !

Although this fused soul cannot be complete because it does not have the third soul. It is just a fusion, not a fusion, but it can be regretted. After merging it, even if the cultivation level is still the same, no one will compete with me for the third soul!

Each of these two options has a great temptation for Old Ghost Zhan. If he chases Wang Lin first to get the third soul, Old Ghost Zhan is afraid of blocking the opponent's Li Guanggong. He doesn't know how much power the opponent still has. And once time is wasted, the gain outweighs the loss when the Qicai Taoist's cultivation is restored!

But if Wang Lin is let go,

This old ghost is still unwilling to give up! What he wants more is to get it done once and for all, leaving both of them here!

This thought of hesitation may sound slow, but it is actually what ran into Ran's mind the moment Old Ghost Zhan walked out of the mist. At this moment, Wang Lin's words were hoarse, and in the three hundred realms that were collapsing, Reverberated.

Old ghost Zhan, how much power do you think I have left? "Wang Lin said darkly as he retreated, holding the madman in his hand. A whirlpool appeared behind him. He took a step towards the whirlpool until his figure disappeared, still staring at Old Ghost Zhan coldly.

Old Ghost Zhan also looked at Wang Lin. The illusory cloak outside his body was blurry, staring at Wang Lin, but did not chase him away. He couldn't be sure how much power Wang Lin still had with a bow, and he was cautious in nature, so he didn't want to take the gamble!

The reason why Wang Lin chose to seriously injure Qicai instead of Zhan Laogui was precisely because in his analysis, Qicai Taoist was more obsessed with obsession. After all, his soul only possessed magical powers, unlike Zhan Laogui, who had obtained the origin of artistic conception. In comparison, Old Ghost Zhan will be more rational.

For the same thing, if it were the Qicai Taoist, Wang Lin would not be able to accurately judge his choice, but with Zhan Laogui, Wang Lin is 80% sure!

This was the most satisfactory result of his seven-volume killing game. Wang Lin was not arrogant enough to think he could kill the colorful Taoist, but he could take advantage of the situation!

Created various unfavorable situations for Taoist Qicai, and when he was injured, he provoked Old Ghost Zhan to take action. On the one hand, he beat Old Ghost Zhan through a battle with Qicai, so that he would not dare to take action against him at will. On the other hand, it was also regarded as I gave Old Ghost Zhan a big gift!

All this depends on whether Old Ghost Zhan can accept it or not.

In fact, although Wang Lin's plan still had flaws, it succeeded in making Old Ghost Zhan hesitate even more. Until Wang Lin's figure disappeared, Old Ghost Zhan's eyes flashed and he turned sharply to stare in the direction of colorful escape. A flash of greed flashed and he walked away.

The palm master witnessed all this from a distance, his eyes flashed, and he vaguely saw the clues. He was dissatisfied and did not remind Old Ghost Zhan. Instead, he had thoughts and plans in his heart.

The moment Wang Lin walked into the whirlpool, the three hundred residual realms here completely collapsed. Under the shattering of the realms, in the big cauldron at the core of the cave, everyone stepped in and saw the big yellow flower. Three hundred dews on it suddenly vaporized, and disappeared together with this big flower. This flower quickly withered and slowly fell.

Wang Lin didn't know whether the rest of them were alive or dead. He disappeared behind the whirlpool, and when he appeared, he had already left the First Flower 300 Realm at the core of the cave and appeared in another world.

As soon as he appeared, blood flowed from the corner of Wang Lin's mouth. His face was pale and he immediately took away the madman who was still sleeping soundly. He had no time to cross his knees to heal his wounds and immediately looked around.

Here, the world is dark, but in front of him, there is a flower of light, emitting waves of cold light. The cold light comes from ice!

This flower is actually a frozen flower!

There are many kinds of things, and the protection center at the core of the Colorful Immortal Cave is named after this! "Wang Lin stared at the frozen flower. Although he didn't know much from the third soul, he did know the name of protection for the Seven Color Immortal Lord's Cave.

The three hundred remnant realms are the first flower, and the current frozen state is the second flower! Maybe some of the remaining flowers will be damaged or even dissipated, but since they haven't been seen yet, it's hard for Wang Lin to analyze.

The so-called eight gates are hidden in the last flower. Wang Lin knows the opening of the last flower through the memory of the third soul. The key point is the memory of the third soul.

Among the eight gates, seven are false and one is true. The true gate is the gate to the Immortal Gang Continent. The reason why it is the last flower is because the fifth flower is actually the seal of the Seven Color Immortal Lord. .

Staring at the frozen second flower in front of him, Wang Lin hesitated for a moment, but soon his eyes showed determination. He swayed forward and directly merged with the frozen flower, slowly disappearing into the ice.

He was seriously injured, but he entered the second flower without any treatment. He was filled with the frozen air, and his body transformed again. The moment he appeared in the world inside the second flower, Wang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood.

As soon as his blood was sprayed, it immediately turned into ice-blood particles, which fell to the ground with a popping sound. He staggered back a few steps. Wang Lin gathered his energy and looked around. At this glance, his whole body was filled with blood. Startled.

This place is a frozen world. The earth, sky, and even the clouds are all frozen. The floating continents are like huge awls hanging in the ice.

Where is this second flower..." Wang Lin looked solemn, and his consciousness slowly spread out and pushed around. In his third soul, he did not get the information about the second flower, and as his consciousness The words dispersed, and Wang Lin's eyes immediately shone.

There is a lot of vitality here, which exists in the frozen world, as if sleeping. Even here, Wang Lin could faintly feel the familiar aura of the ancient gods!

After a moment, Wang Lin's expression suddenly changed, and he stared straight at the world on the left. His consciousness noticed that the aura of the ancient god was extremely strong in that direction.

Silently, Young Master, Wang Lin suppressed the injuries in his body, stepped into the void, and slowly walked towards the place where the ancient god's breath came from on the left. Gradually, behind a stick of incense, Jiang Lin's body stopped in the sky, letting the cold air hit his face. , looking ahead, motionless.

Thousands of miles in front of him, in the same frozen world, there was a cone-shaped stone, on which a long-haired woman sat cross-legged. This woman was facing Wang Lin, who was thousands of miles away. Between her eyebrows, there was The seven ancient god star points rotate slowly, exuding bursts of ancient god aura!

Ancient female goddess! !

Donglinxing crack space! !

The woman's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. There was calmness in her eyes. She looked into the distance, and she seemed to be able to see Wang Lin in the distance. The two people's eyes touched each other even though they were thousands of miles apart.

Welcome to Donglin Sect. "The woman spoke softly, her voice was extremely beautiful, lingering in the frozen world.

Thousands of miles away, Wang Lin was silent. The moment he saw the place, Wang Lin remembered why this ancient divine aura was so familiar. He had felt this aura when he killed the ancestor of the Donglin Xiang family in the Luotian Star Territory.

This is Donglinxing? "Wang Lin took a step forward, with ripples undulating under his feet. One step fell, spanning thousands of miles, and appeared a hundred feet away in front of the ancient female goddess.

The woman looked at Wang Lin, with a strange light hidden in the calmness in her eyes. After hearing Wang Lin's words, she shook her head.

This is Donglin Sect, not Donglin Star. "

We should have been in contact with you. I am Wang Lin, but I don’t know your name. "Wang Lin glanced at the woman, especially the seven star points between her eyebrows, and sat cross-legged aside.

Yun Na, under the command of Immortal Lord, is the elder of Donglin Sect God. The woman spoke softly.

Whether this place is Donglinxing or Donglinzong, why does it appear in the second flower! Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he said slowly.

You are the first person to come in from the core entrance of the cave after being frozen here. I can feel the master's actions in you..." The woman's words were soft, but when they fell on Wang Lin's ears, they were Wang Lin's heart moved.

Zhucan..." Wang Lin did not speak, but looked at Yun Na, waiting for the next step.

This place is the second flower among all kinds of flowers. Everything here is created by the owner, including me, who contains the blood of the lonely heart.

This is the Donglin Sect. It is created exactly according to the owner's memory of his early sect. The creation of the Donglin Sect on Xiangang Continent should be exactly the same.

My master is Qicai Xianzun. He was a disciple of Donglin Sect in his early years, and was expelled from Donglin Sect due to some things. Here, he created this world as a memory.

Everything here is nourished and formed by the master's vitality. If he dies, everything here will lose its vitality and become frozen.

You are the first person to come here, you have the master's soul, and you are the master here. Yun Na raised her head, looked at Wang Lin, and spoke softly.

You are injured... I have Ye Mo's last soul blood in my body. After you are fused, you will be complete and should be able to heal your injuries...

Three hundred is approaching, the alliance leader is shining! Thanks to Yiyi Xiaozhuzhu for joining the ranks of the Immortal Ni Alliance leaders and becoming the leader of the island. With the third step of his powerful body, he followed the Immortal Ni King Lin into the core of the cave. Ergen feels very honored and gives a Suzaku Fire Spirit. May the life of fellow Taoist Xianni be prosperous and the fire will be even more prosperous! !

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