Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1767 The Remaining God Desires to Seize

"Wang Lin was silent. He sat cross-legged not far from the woman, his voice echoing in his ears. These things he did not obtain in the third soul. After all, he was not completely integrated with the third soul.

Looking around, this place is endlessly frozen." It is indeed what the woman said.

After a moment, Wang Lin was about to speak when his expression suddenly changed. He raised his head and looked into the distance. He saw waves of vague ripples looming in the frozen world. This was caused by someone else stepping into this place.

"You are the first one to enter here." You are the master of this place. If you wish for other entrants, this place will become a restricted formation, preventing everyone from moving forward.

It's just that if the intruder's cultivation is too high, he won't be able to stop him for too long." The woman also noticed the ripples in the world and spoke quietly.

After saying that, the woman looked at Wang Lin. After seeing Wang Lin nodded slightly, she raised her right hand and waved to the side. Immediately, the sound of clicking continued, but she saw pieces of ice appearing out of thin air, with this place as the center, moving to the surrounding areas. Sweeping away, the sky and the earth roared. Under the earth-shattering sound of ice condensing, Wang Lin immediately saw that the entire area here was completely frozen.

This kind of ice scraping has no gaps at all, as if the world has turned into a huge ice cube, and there is a translucent darkness in the cold air.

The few people who had just stepped into this place in the distance were immediately sealed by the sudden appearance of ice and became motionless.

Only the land where Wang Lin and the woman were located was one of the few ice-free places in this huge ice layer.

"The freezing time will not last long. Some of them have advanced cultivation and some have master's aura." The ancient female god looked at Wang Lin as she spoke. She raised her right hand to the center of her eyebrows, and immediately a vortex appeared between her eyebrows. "Slowly, as the red light flashed, a drop of blood condensed from the vortex and fell on the woman's fingertips.

After the blood coagulated from her body, the woman immediately felt weak.

"Absorb the blood of this Yemo Yuan Shen and your injuries will be restored." She said, flicking her finger forward and immediately the blood turned into a rainbow and went straight to Wang Lin, stopping seven inches in front of Wang Lin. "Floating there, emanating Brilliant red light.

Wang Lin glanced at the drop of blood. "There was a familiar aura of Ye Mo within it. This drop of blood should be the last drop of Ye Mo's soul blood. If Wang Lin absorbed it, it would be slightly complete.

But he didn't take the blood immediately." Instead, he looked at the weakened ancient goddess and frowned.

"Why do you want to help me?" Wang Lin said slowly.

"Because you are the master." The ancient female god smiled slightly, but her words were interrupted by Wang Lin.

"Why!" Wang Lin stared at the woman and spoke again.

The ancient female goddess was silent for a while, her eyes filled with a trace of despair." After a moment, her voice was long and lingering.

"I am the master who was transformed from the blood of Ning Yemo to guard the Donglin Sect, and was given the position of God Elder... However, too much time has passed now, and the two elders of the demon have died in their deep sleep and frozen in ice, and the rest of them have Without the vitality and nourishment of the master, they will slowly die one after another.

Since you are able to come here from the core of the mansion with the soul of the master, you must have broken into the Five Flowers and Eight Gates Formation. You want to find the location of the true gate. If you want to leave this mansion, if you open the gate of the mansion, Please help me get out of here. "The woman said, lowered her head and bowed to Wang Lin. Her black hair was scattered like a waterfall during this bow, and she looked very beautiful.

Wang Lin was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

"I can help you!" Wang Lin raised his right hand and pinched the blood in front of him. In fact, he used this time during the conversation with the woman to quickly heal his wounds and at the same time, he used his consciousness to carefully examine the blood. clues, until he felt that there was nothing disadvantageous to him, and then he nodded. Grabbing the blood, Wang Lin suddenly slapped it between his eyebrows. At the moment when the blood entered his eyebrows, "Wang Lin's heart was thundering, but a part of his consciousness was always surrounding the outside of his body." If the woman made the slightest move "He will kill immediately.

The blood of Yemo Yuan Shen blended into the center of his eyebrows, and immediately spread out in his [body] and merged with his body. This was indeed Yemo's blood, and there was no trace of it after entering Wang Lin's [body]. Instead of rejecting it, it quickly and closely integrated with its body.

As the majestic vitality in Ye Mo's blood spread, a soft thumping sound suddenly came from Wang Lin's body. The points between his eyebrows and the eyes of gods and demons simultaneously transformed, rotating around each other, and immediately absorbed all the power in the blood. . In the frozen world in the distance, Xuan Luo looked at this scene with a smile on his lips. He looked past Wang Lin and towards the ice in the distance.

"This place is just a blessing for him." I took action to help him get enough time. "Xuan Luo raised his right hand" and pointed towards the ice layer beside him. Immediately, the ice layer here silently merged with a breath belonging to Xuan Luo. In this breath, the ice layer here suddenly condensed a hundred times a thousand times a thousand times. Get real.

"I will give you as long as you want." Xuan Luo smiled slightly and sat cross-legged beside the workman. This time, his eyes were not looking at Wang Lin, but at the ancient female goddess.

"No matter what her origins are, she is the descendant of our Daogu lineage after all. There are very few women among our ancient clan. This girl can be trained a little bit." She is also a suitable concubine to become my only disciple." Xuan Luo I touched my chin, and this thought came to my mind.

The drop of Yemo's blood quickly dispersed in Wang Lin's body. As Wang Lin's mind shook, his cross-legged body immediately swelled with a banging sound, and in the blink of an eye, it became as big as a hundred feet.

The ancient power contained in the blood "is like a great tonic for Wang Lin, especially when he is injured at this moment." This thing is extremely rare. After filling Wang Lin's body, it slowly makes Wang Lin's body stronger!

After his bones were fused with this blood, they suddenly became several times stronger, more tough, and even more difficult to break than before.

"His blood" was fused with this blood, bursting out even more powerful body power, and a terrifying aura spread out from his body as he breathed in and out, covering the surrounding people. In an instant, the ancient female god's eyes immediately froze.

Wang Lin looked calm, but his body was full of rage. The integration of the blood made the blood of Daogu Yemo's soul intact in Wang Lin. In this way, it was equal to Yemo's. The soul is complete within Wang Lin's body!

As Wang Lin sighed, he saw a lonely shadow slowly emerging behind him. This shadow was similar to the shadow that transformed during ordinary battles, but its essence was completely different!

The phantoms formed in ordinary battles are caused by the ancient power of Wang Lin's [Body] being dispersed outside due to incomplete inheritance during the fight.

But the phantom that appears outside his body now is not condensed externally, but formed by Wang Lin's mind." This shadow, to be precise, is Yemo's soul!

Its spirit is condensed by the integrity of the blood." As time passed, the phantom gradually solidified and looked like a real person, floating behind Wang Lin. This scene was quite strange.

At the same time, "from this God of Yemo, who is like a substance, the aura belonging to Yemo emitted." This aura is not earth-shattering, but all the three ancient tribes born from its blood will face this aura. It’s like facing your ancestors!

That kind of dual pressure from the soul and the mind well is enough to make all the three tribes transformed by Yemo's blood tremble and worship!

That female Ancient God, even though she gave away the blood of Yemo Yuan Shen, since she is still an Ancient God, it means that she still has the ordinary blood of Yemo in her body!

At this moment, under this pressure, the ancient female goddess immediately turned pale and slowly crawled to the ground, motionless.

Xuan Luo looked at the lonely god behind Wang Lin with pity in his eyes and sighed softly.

"Ye Mo is a son with a better talent. After his death, he shed his blood and transformed into three clans in this realm. Wang Lin also appeared by chance." Ye Mo has made a contribution! However, if you want to seize the body of She Wang Lin, you...can't do it. "Xuan Luo closed his eyes. If he didn't come here for Wang Lin and just met him, he would definitely help Ye Mo. But now, he already has a choice.

Ye Mo shed blood back then, including a few drops of the blood of the soul. Once the blood of all the souls is condensed together, their souls can appear and seize the body, and the person whose body is taken away must be the descendant of his blood inheritance. , there is no possibility of failure.

But Wang Lin is different. He has obtained the approval of the ancient ancestors and obtained the soul blood. In this way, he is a more noble existence than Ye Mo. Ye Mo cannot succeed! "At this moment," I saw the lonely god behind Wang Lin suddenly move, and immediately turned into seven strands of clouds. The moment it pounced on Wang Lin, it followed its seven orifices and penetrated into Wang Lin's body.

The moment it penetrated, Wang Lin opened his eyes, his eyes were calm. He had already noticed this phenomenon during the fusion before." But he understood that Ye Loneliness could not take away from him.

At this moment, the God of Ye Loneliness merged into Wang Lin's seven orifices, and time passed slowly. Three hours later, Wang Lin took a deep breath, and his body slowly shrank in the dim light, and finally turned into an ordinary body.

His eyes were as deep as the starry sky, and in his [body], the lonely spirit had disappeared." In front of Wang Lin with soul blood, he could not resist, and slowly dissolved, becoming Wang Lin Dao part of ancient heritage.

Wang Lin fully recovered from his injuries. The effect of the soul blood and the condensed divine shadow of Ye Mo had a great effect. Otherwise, Wang Lin would need to heal for several months, or even longer, before he could slowly recover.

At this moment, Wang Lin's Daogu inheritance has been mostly completed. What's left of him is his left eye and the Daogu heart buried in the Ancient Screen!

Or, a left hand.

While Wang Lin was breathing, his eyes glanced at the ice on the side as if at random, where Xuan Luo was.

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