Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1769 Return to the Ancient Tomb!

"A stinging pain shot through Wang Lin's left arm, and cold sweat broke off Wang Lin's forehead in an instant." However, his expression did not change at all. He slowly raised his right hand and looked at the streaks. "The breath like tobacco" came out from the ice hole and crazily penetrated into his left arm.

The tobacco seemed to have no end, and it kept pouring out and into his arm. Gradually, Wang Lin's left hand became rough, and there were even complex rune marks looming on his arm.

After burning the incense, when the last wisp of tobacco came out from the ice cave and merged with Wang Lin's left arm, a feeling like when he got Ye Mo's right hand, the feeling that could tear the world apart suddenly appeared in Wang Lin's mind. .

He slowly moved the five fingers of his left hand, and bursts of clicking sounds echoed. After a long time, Wang Lin clenched his fist, stood up and took a step towards the void. His whole body appeared in the mid-air of the ice pond.

Raising his hands, a powerful feeling reverberated in Wang Lin's mind. After merging with Ye Mo's left arm, Wang Lin's eyebrows and the stars of the three ancient tribes in his eyes suddenly changed drastically!

This change is a precursor to the emergence of the ninth star. There is a faint star swirl!

He closed his eyes and felt the ancient power in his body and the strength of the fluffy hair in his arms. After a moment, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes and looked down at the ice pool below. A glimmer of light appeared in his eyes. Both hands were raised at the same time, towards the ice pool below, across the void, and violently tore it apart!

"Tear the sky!" Wang Lin roared, holding onto the void with both hands at the same time. "As it tore apart the sky to both sides, the sky and the earth roared." The ice pool below immediately shook violently. "Suddenly," a huge crack appeared. , suddenly appeared in the ice pond.

As soon as the crack appeared, it immediately made a loud noise, but it collapsed suddenly. Under the disintegration of layers, countless ice cubes rolled back and exploded, and the entire ice pool completely collapsed!

The ground trembled, and after the ice pool collapsed, a huge crack also appeared. The roaring sound echoed, and the crack spread rapidly like an earth dragon. The booming sound became more violent, and the earth collapsed." The crack extends deeper.

"The core of the mansion" was surrounded by black energy, and the huge cauldron was originally filled with faces. Anyone who entered the cauldron would have faces appear on it.

But at this moment, most of these faces have disappeared, and even the faces of the colorful Taoists have completely disappeared from the blur. On the contrary," on the front and back of the cauldron, Wang Lin's face is the same as that of the old ghost Zhan. "The face" is extremely clear, emitting bursts of black light, which attracts the black energy outside the cauldron.

"At this moment" in the space where the second flower of the five flowers and eight doors in the cauldron is located, this frozen flower,

However, a huge crack suddenly appeared from its root. This crack was continuously torn open and finally penetrated completely.

The moment he used the technique of tearing the sky with both hands to tear apart the earth, Wang Lin raised his head and glanced at the frozen world in the distance. Without any hesitation, he took a step towards the crack in the earth below and disappeared.

"Colorful colors are no longer something to be afraid of." What we have to deal with now is the old ghost Zhan... This personality is cautious and suspicious, and it is difficult to design. When Wang Lin appeared, it was the third space among the five flowers and eight doors. That is where the third huā is.

It was all gray here, without any vitality, only a sense of death. Even the third flower in front of Wang Lin seemed to have lost its water and withered.

The leaves are withered, the flowers are broken, and they are dead.

Looking at the third huā, Wang Lin knew that he did not need to enter. The five huā, eight door baskets and three huā had obviously been destroyed many years ago.

Wang Lin stared at the flower for a long time, his eyes flickering, but he finally gave up the plan of setting up an ambush here. This kind of ambush can only be carried out once. If it is carried out a second time, Old Ghost Zhan will not be fooled.

With a secret sigh, Wang Lin took a step forward, disappeared without a trace outside the third huā of death, and went to the fourth space of five huā and eight doors here!

As Wang Lin's figure transformed into the fourth space, the flower displayed in front of him was "all black" and looked shocking, with bursts of black liquid dripping from the flower and falling to the ground. "I don't know how many years it has been dripping," covering the earth into a black sea.

The sea water was calm, there was no wind at all, only this flower emerging from the sea was blooming magically.

Looking at the black flowers, Wang Lin smelled the smell of blood. This smell had obviously existed for a long time, but now he smelled it, full of a sense of decay.

This blood comes from the black Dead Sea below.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lin knew that time was running out. After a moment of hesitation, he made up his mind and stepped forward, heading straight for the black flowers. At the moment when he was approaching the flowers, he was about to blend into them." Wang Lin suddenly stepped forward. Suddenly, he faintly seemed to hear a roar coming from the flower.

Wang Lin is familiar with this roaring sound!

"Tosen" Wang Lin was stunned, his eyes were solemn, and he took a careful look at the huge flower in front of him, which was enough to cover half of the day. In a flash, Wang Lin stepped directly on a piece of flower petals, and his whole body was covered with black light. In a flash, it disappeared without a trace.

About half an hour after Wang Lin entered the fourth house, the remaining people here arrived one by one. After seeing the dark dead sea on the earth, all of them looked solemn.

But without much hesitation, they stepped into the world where the fourth flower was.

In a dark world, the sky is covered by mist, and the mist rolls and moves endlessly as far as the eye can see. Below, there is even more mist, and there seems to be a faint roar coming from the mist, which shakes the mind.

Even here, there are some floating platforms, which are very different. On some platforms, there are even dried corpses that have become wrecks, as if all the blood has been sucked away, like skeletons.

Wang Lin stood on a stone platform, looking around with a wry smile on his face.

He had to smile bitterly, he was familiar with this place, it was the ancient cemetery where he received the ancient Taoist inheritance! !

"I should have thought of it a long time ago... This is the cemetery arranged by the Seven Color Immortal to bury Ye Mo." How could this Seven Color Immortal form this place for no reason? It turns out that this is the fourth house protected by the five houses and eight gates. "Where...", "Wang Lin's eyes showed complexity, everything here" he was very familiar with.

"No wonder I vaguely heard Tosen's voice before. "Tosen, isn't he in this ancient cemetery?" Wang Lin was silent for a moment. He walked to the edge of the stone platform and looked towards the mist below.

He remembered feeling that there were still several layers under this fog! There was an extremely terrifying aura in it" that made him stop exploring and choose to leave here.

When he received the inheritance of Ye Mo, he felt that there was a heart at the bottom of the ancient cemetery! That was obviously Ye Mo's heart!

"Ye Mo's inheritance" went out of his left eye, and only his heart was left..." Wang Lin has now obtained more parts of Ye Mo's inheritance. He knows that Ye Mo's body has collapsed, but only his heart..." The arms were cut off and only then were they preserved.

If the current inheritance can absorb the heart of Ye Lonely at the bottom, then his inheritance will reach a perfection. Of course, this perfection is still short of the left eye!

But if he can absorb the lonely heart," then even without his left eye, it is very likely that Wang Lin's Ancient God Star Points will reach nine! Even the Ancient Demon Star Points may reach nine!

In this way, Wang Lin will become the Nine-Star Ancient God, and his ancient power will also increase dramatically!

"Nine Star Ancient God... If I spread my body completely, how big would it be..." Wang Lin closed his eyes and thought about the pros and cons.

Also on this stone platform, Xuan Luo stood in another direction, looking at the fog below. After a long time, he sighed softly.

"This is where the child Ye Mo died..."

After a moment, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, with a look of determination in his eyes. He sought wealth and wealth in danger. Wang Lin spent his whole life wandering between death." His current level of cultivation was mostly due to his own struggle and hard work. In exchange.

What's the harm in trying it again now! In addition, the terrifying aura in the penultimate Cen was now combined with Wang Lin's partial memory of Qicai's third soul, and Ran Xin had already made a guess.

"In the ancient cemetery, I didn't dare to go to the next level back then" but now, since I'm here again, "I can never give up!"

Wang Lin made up his mind and took a step directly towards the fog outside the stone platform. His body immediately fell into the sea of ​​fog below. The fog roared around him. Wang Lin's body and head were lowered, like a fish swimming, falling into the depths.

No one knows this place better than him." Wang Lin had already obtained all the maps on this level back then. He no longer needed to upgrade the platform in exchange for maps. Everything existed in his mind, including the entrance to the next level!

If there is one person whose knowledge of this place is second only to Wang Lin, then it is the third concubine of the Tianmen Dao Saint in Xiangang Continent who is still a virgin!

At this moment, "the third concubine was floating in the mist, looking around blankly." For a long time, her eyes showed a complicated look.

"The fourth concubine, it turns out that this is here..." The third concubine also obtained a larger part of the map back then, and it was here that her calm mind was stirred up by an unknown ripple.

Here, she met Wang Lin, and with Wang Lin's help, she was finally sent out of this place, avoiding the end of being trapped. She liked to be quiet all her life and was not good at interacting with others. When she was made the concubine of the Colorful Immortal, she gritted her teeth and agreed because of her sect.

Even in the Immortal Gang Continent, she doesn’t have many friends. Even within Tianmen Dao, she spends most of her time practicing. Now in this mansion, her character makes her always remain alone among the other immortal concubines. Coming and going.

It can be said that Wang Lin was the first person to help her in her life. This feeling that she had never experienced before made the third concubine feel confused and complicated in her heart. She could not explain the reason. .

"He has helped me, and I have to repay him for this. I want to go home...I don't know if the master is still here...and I have a sister, she is better than me." The third concubine was silent, her expression showing longing.

The moment Wang Lin entered the cemetery, either Tuo Sen or Tu Si opened his eyes in the ancient cemetery where Wang Lin inherited the ancient Taoism.

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