Renegade Immortal

Volume 11 Ancient Mysteries Chapter 1,770 The Puppet of Sisi

In the ancient cemetery, Wang Lin was falling rapidly in the mist. The mist roared loudly in his ears, and seemed to turn into lines swimming around him in front of his eyes. His expression was calm, and his consciousness spread around cautiously. All around.

There are many strange changes in the mist. Wang Lin understands this. Even Wang Lin has seen most of the ferocious beasts in it. At this moment, he is falling fast and slowly, avoiding groups of approaching ferocious beasts. , heading towards the depths of this place, the penultimate floor. The penultimate floor was where Wang Lin felt the terrifying aura before. Wang Lin was terrified of this aura back then, but now the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this aura was exactly the Seven-Colored Immortal Lord in the memory of the third soul. The most powerful killing move! The puppet of Si Si!

After Wang Lin entered the core of this mansion, every time he killed someone, he would sacrifice the soul according to the method left in the third soul of the Seven Color Immortal Lord. After each sacrifice, he and the puppet of Si Si would have an extra connection out of thin air. There are a lot of people killing people nowadays. With that strange connection, Wang Lin is 80% sure that the terrifying aura in the penultimate floor here is none other than Ji Si!

"The existence of the ancient cemetery is very likely that the Seven-color Immortal Lord was formed in order to nourish the puppet of Si. This thing was refined by the Seven-Color Immortal Lord throughout his life, and it was the puppet that he made after killing Ye Mo. Great success." Wang Lin's eyes flashed, and combined with the memory of the third soul, he made a guess about this puppet. As he moved forward, the mist gradually became thinner. According to the memory of the entrance to the next level, Wang Lin walked in the mist, gradually getting closer and closer. It didn't take long, and with only a trace of mist left around him, Yi Ran couldn't do it. When the line of sight was blocked, a black bus appeared below Wang Lin.

This piece of land is boundless, covered with black algae vegetation. As they sway, they release traces of black air into the sky. From a distance, this scene is quite strange.

There is no sunlight here, but there is the faint light flickering in the algae vegetation. With this light, Wang Lin can see everything around him clearly.

There was silence. There was no sound here. With Wang Lin's arrival, the vegetation on the ground was still swaying and emitting black air without any change.

His eyes swept over the vegetation below, and Wang Lin was alert. He was very aware of the dangers of this ancient cemetery. At this moment, his consciousness surrounded the surroundings, and he flew straight ahead cautiously.

In his memory, on the map back then, the entrance to the next level was not far ahead.

After half a stick of incense, as Wang Lin moved forward, slowly, the front he was looking at immediately changed. However, he saw that thousands of feet away, the land was empty and there was no vegetation. , in the flickering light, there is an ancient teleportation array.

This array has been in existence for an unknown number of years. It is still operating at this moment, but it is silent. Only the light on it is constantly flashing, exuding a sense of pressure.

Seeing this teleportation array,

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. The moment he approached, an earth-shattering roar suddenly penetrated from the teleportation array. This roar carried an extremely terrifying aura and spread into Wang Lin's mind. Wang Lin was immediately stunned. Lin's footsteps paused, his mind pounding. The moment the roar came out, the algae vegetation on the surrounding ground immediately began to shake violently, and a large amount of black air seemed to be emitted and continued to rise into the sky. The ground trembled even more, undulating like a sea gill. After a long time, the sound of abandonment slowly dissipated. Wang Lin's face turned pale and he stood silently outside the array for a long time. He raised his head and saw a look of determination in his eyes.

"If my analysis is correct, the crisis this time will not be too big. On the contrary, it is very likely that it will be a blessing for me! I have become the puppet..." Wang Lin did not hesitate at all. Once he made a decision, he would not hesitate. Take a step forward and step directly into this ancient teleportation array. At the moment when the formation was formed, the formation roared into action, and the dim light flickered, penetrating from all directions, piercing into the mist of the sky, and filling the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.

In the mist, the third concubine was moving forward quickly. She didn't know the specific location, but she had a vague idea of ​​the location. She was looking for it when she suddenly paused and saw Youbu coming through the mist in front of her. With a flash of her eyes, the third concubine immediately moved cautiously towards the place where the dim light came.

After a stick of incense, the third concubine saw the ancient teleportation array on the ground. At this moment, Wang Lin had already disappeared inside the array. The third concubine hesitated for a long time outside the array, and then Yin Ya Bite and step into the formation.

In the second-to-last floor of the ancient cemetery, the fog here is much thinner, not as dense and diffuse as on the previous floor. Wang Lin's figure is walking around on this floor. He is very cautious. There is light here, but it is a red glow. It seems Like a bloody hell. In the surrounding mist, there were screams and screams from time to time, and a pair of red eyes appeared, staring at Wang Lin. However, when Wang Lin's Taoist aura dispersed, these ferocious beasts could not be seen. Dare to transform it. After all, the Wang Lin of today is no longer the same as before. Under his caution, there was no danger for the moment.

While he was galloping, the surrounding fog suddenly rolled around crazily. At the same time, a low roar that seemed to be right next to his ears boomed out from the front. This roar shook all directions, and the layer almost collapsed and shook violently.

Wang Lin's body suddenly paused, as if a powerful force roared from the front and hit his face, causing Wang Lin's body to involuntarily retreat a hundred feet backwards. It was not until the roar dissipated that he stopped and turned pale, and Wang Lin's eyes showed light. , that roar just now shocked his mind, almost hurting him.

"Such a strong aura... If this thing is really my puppet, if it can be used by me..." Wang Lin was silent for a moment, and then walked forward again. Gradually, as Wang Lin got closer to the source of the roar, he saw a mountain!

The mountain was not high, but it was filled with red mist. The moment Wang Lin approached and saw the mountain, the red mist outside the mountain suddenly began to squirm, and suddenly turned into a huge head.

This head had no hair and was bald. It looked blurry and could not be seen clearly, but its mouth opened and let out that shocking roar!

The moment the roar just started, Wang Lin immediately made a seal with both hands and waved it in front of him. Surrounded by the origin of his body, the power of Taoism filled his whole body to resist the power of the roar.

At this moment, he was still tens of thousands of feet away from the mountain, but even at such a distance, the roar was like a strong wind, directly hitting Wang Lin. The banging sound outside his body reverberated, and the protection formed by the origin was immediately swept into the body. Wang Lin was even more With a pale complexion, his body quickly retreated, until blood spilled from the corner of his mouth a thousand feet away. The roar dissipated, and the mist, as if his head melted, turned into red mist again and filled the mountain peaks.

"It's Jisi!!" Wang Lin stared at the misty mountain peak, relying on what he knew in his heart! With the slightest contact, he was extremely sure at the moment!

"It's a pity that even though I killed many people to sacrifice their souls, it's still not enough... If you want to control this thing, you need to kill a monk with great supernatural powers!" Wang Lin frowned and looked at the mountain in front of him, deep in thought. , suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. "It's her..." Wang Lin swayed and disappeared, hiding.

Not long after, I saw a huge golden door floating in the distance between heaven and earth in a flash of golden light. Behind that door, the third concubine was sitting cross-legged. Her face was pale and there was blood at the corner of her mouth. She looked at it. On the mountain peak in front of her, her eyes were full of fear. She never expected that there would be such a terrifying existence on this level of the ancient cemetery.

Gritting her teeth and coming here, the third concubine stood up. Taking advantage of the gap where the mist on the mountain peak did not roar again, she immediately spread her voice to the surroundings.

"Wang Lin, I know you are here! I have no ill intentions. I hope that with my cultivation and magical power, I can help you. Please show up!" There was silence all around, except for the mist rolling on the distant mountain peaks. , making a muffled sound.

The third concubine's voice echoed here. After a moment, she saw no reaction from the surroundings. The third concubine's expression turned dim. She shook her head and controlled the golden door in front of her, then slowly backed away. She was ready to go in another direction to look for Wang Lin.

But at this moment, the mist on the mountain peak suddenly rolled up again, and the bald figure faintly appeared, and another roar shook the sky.

Under that roar, the color of the world changed, layers of invisible ripples rolled around, sweeping around, the earth trembled, the sky twisted, the third concubine's complexion changed, she bit the tip of her tongue and spurted out a stream of blood under the hand seal. The arrow landed on the golden door in front of him.

The golden door suddenly rose up. The moment it confronted the roar, it roared and whirled, and the golden door collapsed directly. The third concubine immediately stepped back with a pale complexion. She made the seal with her hands again, and the golden light flashed continuously in front of her. Four golden gates appeared.

The roaring sound echoed, and the golden gates of the Dao were shattered one by one. With the help of this resistance, the third concubine had already withdrawn a thousand feet away, and was about to use her magical power again to fight against the aftermath of the roar, but at this moment , an indifferent voice came from this world.

"What are you looking for Wang?" As the voice appeared, Wang Lin's figure appeared out of thin air in front of the woman. He raised his right hand and swung it back. With a bang, the aftermath of the roar was blocked by Wang Lin's body. Wang Lin's body was strong enough to resist the aftermath.

"Wang Lin!" The third concubine was stunned, but her eyes immediately showed joy, but it was quickly covered up by her. " helped me in this ancient tomb. This time I want to help you..." "No, this place is dangerous. You must not stay here." Wang Lin looked at the third concubine coldly. With one glance, he turned around and left to find a monk with great supernatural powers to retrieve the soul for sacrifice.

"I...I can help you!" The third concubine bit her lower lip and raised her right hand as she spoke, only to see a string of golden beads on her wrist, which emitted a soft light.

"This thing is a gift from my master. It can turn into seven-faced golden doors and come out together. If you want to enter the mountain peak, this thing can help you."

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